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- by Fender Tucker
- Once again the yoyo of LOADSTAR 128 is on an upswing. All of the
- programs on this issue are useful or entertaining, only one (well, maybe
- two) is a re-run, and there's even a contest where you can win ten back
- issues of LOADSTAR 128 or LOADSTAR 64. As for its going out on schedule,
- who knows? I've learned to stop worrying about schedules. Good programs are
- more important.
- The three Helpware programs, MEMBERSHIP MANAGER, FOOD CALC II and
- POSTAL BARCODER, will help you keep track of a group's members and their
- families, lose weight and stay healthy, and cut a day or two off your snail
- mail's delivery time. The entertainment programs include six solitaire
- games (with mouse, joystick or keyboard control) and a puzzle game with 25
- diabolical levels to solve.
- So is this where the C-128 world is heading? Usefulness and
- entertainment? Yes and no. Most programs by home programmers like David
- Presley, Bob Markland and myself are probably always going to fit into
- these categories, but there's something new on the horizon -- Creative
- Micro Design's Super Accelerator for the 128. The 64 SuperCPU has been out
- for months now and it has added a lot of potential to the 64 mode. Power ML
- programmers are designing slideshows, animations and even games that will
- take advantage of the 20 MHz speed. I've had my SuperCPU for a couple of
- months now and it is truly amazing how it enhances visual displays and
- programs that require a lot of computation.
- The 128 version, which will probably be out in early 1997, ought to be
- even more inspiring. The 80-column screen, which in my opinion is the #1
- advantage of the 128 over the 64, will truly be fun to program at 20 MHz.
- Big programs will also be more fun to work on since the agonizing slowness
- of the BASIC 7.0 editor will be gone. Try changing a line in a large BASIC
- program like MEMBERSHIP MANAGER. It takes 10 seconds. That's so long it
- makes me not want to change lines, even when they're wrong. But with the
- Super CPU...
- There's another aspect of the future you should be aware of -- the
- superiority of the 1581 disk format. Don't panic, but I think you're going
- to HAVE to get a 3.5 inch drive before long. It's getting hard to find 5.25
- inch disks (the ones you buy downtown won't work anymore) and more and more
- programs are going to require more than 664 blocks or 144 files.
- LOADSTAR will continue to support the 1541 format for years to come but
- each year it will be more difficult. There's a lot of excitement in the
- Commodore 8-bit world and if you get LOADSTAR 128 in the 1581 format you
- can read about it on this issue. Jim Brain's C-HACKING #14 magazine is on
- the disk. It's got so much fascinating information about "the state of the
- 8-bit art" that I had to take drastic measures to make our LS 128 Presenter
- handle a dozen extra files. Since I plan to publish C-HACKING on every 1581
- issue from now on, I may have to revise the Presenter.
- So if you subscribe to the 1541 version of LOADSTAR 128 you're getting
- all of the programs that the 1581 subscribers get, but you're missing out
- on the truly exciting news from Jim Brain and the 8-bit folks from the
- Internet and demo groups. There's an interview with Jim Butterfield, super-
- technical articles, even Jeff Jones' latest MENU TOOLBOX. For now, most of
- the excitement and news is about the 64 mode but I have a feeling that when
- the SuperCPU 128 comes out, the 128 mode will get its rightful share of
- coverage.
- Where do we go from here? I can't say for sure, but I bet it'll be at
- 20 Mhz on a disk that holds 3160 blocks. Stay tuned.
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