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- nangminek erinalik
- nunarput, utorkarssuangoravit ni
- ar kutuligsimavok kinik!
- kitornatit kivssumiainarpatit,
- tunivdlugit sineriavit pinik!
- akugdlekutaussutut merdlertutut
- ilingne perortugut tamane
- kalatdlinik ingminik taiumavugut
- niarkuvit atarkinartup sane!
- atortittdlugitdlo tamaisa pisit
- ingerdlaniarsusulekaugut
- nutarterdlugitdlo nokitsigissatit
- sujumut, sujumut piumakaugut
- our immemorial land
- under the beacon of gleaming ice
- with glowing snow hair
- around your head!
- you faithful mother,
- who carried us in your embrace,
- while ocean game of your coasts
- you promised us.
- as immature children we have
- sprung from your soil
- and grown up with you
- among your mountains.
- our name is kalatdlit,
- in the deep track of legend
- venerated for the age
- of its white countenance.
- and all the while your wealth
- was used for our good,
- we longed for the new forms
- of the world:
- released from the tight bands
- in the homeland circle
- now advance; forward towards
- distant objects we rush.