home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 a$=""
- 10 goto100
- 11 pokes+4,17
- 12 fort=0to40:next:pokes+4,16:return
- 17
- 18 ***** input routine *****
- 19
- 21 poke 198,0:k$=""
- 22 poke646,int(rnd(.)*15)+1
- 23 print"{CBM-@}";
- 24 get a$:if a$=""then 22
- 27 ls=len(k$)
- 28 ifa$=chr$(13)thena$=k$:print" ":return
- 29 ifa$=chr$(20)andlsthenprint" ";:k$=left$(k$,ls-1):goto22
- 30 ifa$=" "then34
- 31 ifa$>="a"anda$<="z"then34
- 32 ifa$>="0"anda$<="9"then34
- 33 goto22
- 34 if ls>= ln then 22
- 35 gosub11:print""a$;:k$=k$+a$
- 36 goto22
- 47
- 48 ***** error messages *****
- 49
- 55 fl=0:close15:open15,8,15:input#15,a$,er$,a$,a$:ifer$="ok"thenclose15:return
- 56 poke214,z:print:printcl$:print""tab(20-(len(er$)/2))er$:fl=1
- 57 fort=1to5:gosub11:next:close15
- 58 fort=1to1000:next
- 60 print""cl$:printtab(9)"press space to continue":poke198,0
- 62 geta$:ifa$<>" "then62
- 64 gosub11:return
- 70 poke214,21:print:print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$""
- 72 printtab(6)"space - more return - menu":poke198,0
- 74 geta$:ifa$<>" "anda$<>chr$(13)then74
- 75 gosub11:ifa$=chr$(13)thenfl=1
- 76 return
- 97
- 98 ***** set up *****
- 99
- 100 poke53272,19:print"":poke53281,0:poke53280,12
- 105 cl$=" ":cr$=chr$(13)
- 112 md$=" {CBM-H} {CBM-N}"
- 117 os$="oscarparty"
- 120 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 122 printos$
- 125 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 130 poke214,6:print:printcl$:printtab(9)"this will take a while"
- 132 s=54272:fori=stos+24:pokes,0:next
- 133 pokes+1,60:pokes+5,17:pokes+6,17:pokes+24,15
- 134 dimct$(26),na$(125),pl$(26),ch%(26,126),tw$(26),pt$(26),tw%(26),pt%(26)
- 135 dimns%(26),i%(26),cv$(26)
- 136 np=0:nc=0:fl=0:goto140
- 137
- 138 ***** get data *****
- 139
- 140 ip=49152:z=6:open15,8,15:open3,8,3,"player file"
- 143 input#3,np:ifnp=0then147
- 145 fori=1tonp:sysip,12,3:pl$(i)=a$:next
- 147 close3:gosub55:ifflthen140
- 150 ifnp=0then160
- 153 open3,8,3,"score file"
- 155 fori=1tonp:input#3,i%(i):sysip,4,3:pt$(i)=a$:pt%(i)=val(a$)
- 157 sysip,4,3:tw$(i)=a$:tw%(i)=val(a$):next
- 158 close3
- 160 open3,8,3,"categories"
- 165 input#3,nc:fori=1tonc:sysip,18,3:cv$(i)=a$:sysip,26,3:ct$(i)=a$
- 166 next:close3
- 170 open3,8,3,"nominees"
- 175 fori=1tonc*5:sysip,30,3:na$(i)=a$:next:close3
- 180 open3,8,3,"ballots file"
- 182 input#3,nd:ifnd=0then190
- 185 fori=1tond:printcl$"":gosub11:printtab(19)nd+1-i"":forj=1tonc*5
- 186 sysip,3,3:ch%(i,j)=val(a$):next:next
- 190 close3
- 195 goto200
- 197
- 198 ***** menu *****
- 199
- 200 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 210 printos$:poke53269,63
- 220 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 225 print""tp$:fori=1to9:printmd$:next:printbt$
- 230 poke214,7:print:printtab(14)"oscarnight"
- 240 printtab(9)"1. review ballots"
- 242 printtab(9)"2. view scores"
- 244 printtab(9)"3. and the winner is..."
- 246 printtab(9)"4. return to loadstar"
- 265 poke198,0
- 280 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"4"then280
- 290 gosub11:poke53269,0
- 295 onval(a$)goto300,600,400,800
- 297
- 298 ***** review ballots *****
- 299
- 300 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 315 printtab(14)"theplayers"
- 320 fori=1to12
- 325 printtab(3)""i"."tab(7)pl$(i)tab(20)""i+12"."tab(23)pl$(i+12)
- 330 next
- 335 poke214,19:print:print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 340 printtab(10)"review ballot of ";
- 350 ln=2:gosub21:gosub11:cp=val(a$):ifcp>24then335
- 355 ifcp=0then200
- 358 i=0
- 360 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 365 a$=pl$(cp)+"'s ballot":printtab(20-(len(a$)/2))""a$""
- 370 i=i+1:ifi=ncthengosub70:goto200
- 375 printtab(5)""ct$(i)
- 380 forj=1to5
- 385 printtab(8)""ch%(cp,i*5-5+j)tab(10)""na$(i*5-5+j)
- 390 next:ifi/3<>int(i/3)then370
- 392 gosub70:ifflthenfl=0:goto200
- 395 goto360
- 397
- 398 ***** the winner is... *****
- 399
- 400 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 405 printtab(10)"andthewinneris..."
- 410 fori=1to12
- 415 print""i"."tab(4)""cv$(i)tab(20)""i+12"."cv$(i+12)
- 420 next
- 425 poke214,19:print"":printtp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 430 printtab(6)"enter the category number ";
- 435 ln=2:gosub21:gosub11:cp=val(a$):ifcp>24orcp<1then425
- 440 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 445 printtab(10)"and the winner is..."
- 450 printtab(20-(len(ct$(cp))/2))""ct$(cp)
- 455 forj=1to5
- 460 printtab(6)""j"."tab(10)na$(cp*5-5+j)
- 465 next
- 470 poke214,19:print"":printtp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 475 printtab(6)"enter the winner's number {CBM-@}";
- 480 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"5"then480
- 482 gosub11:printa$:wn=val(a$)
- 483 fori=1tonp:ns%(i)=0:next
- 485 fori=1tonp:wv=6-ch%(i,cp*5-5+wn):pt%(i)=pt%(i)+wv:pt$(i)=str$(pt%(i))
- 490 ifwv=5thentw%(i)=tw%(i)+1:tw$(i)=str$(tw%(i)):ns%(i)=1
- 492 iftw%(i)=0thentw$(i)=" 0"
- 495 next
- 500 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 505 printtab(13)"onthenose!!!"
- 510 x=1:fori=1tonp
- 515 ifns%(i)=0then530
- 520 x=x+1:x=xand1:ifxthenprinttab(20)pl$(i):goto530
- 525 printtab(3)pl$(i)""
- 530 next
- 550 forj=1tonp:i%(j)=int(j):next
- 555 forj=npto1step-1
- 560 fork=1toj
- 565 ifpt%(i%(k))>=pt%(i%(k+1))then575
- 570 t=i%(k):i%(k)=i%(k+1):i%(k+1)=t
- 575 next:next
- 580 poke214,19:print"":printtp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 585 printtab(7)"press space to see scores":poke198,0
- 590 geta$:ifa$<>" "then590
- 595 gosub11:goto600
- 597
- 598 ***** standings *****
- 599
- 600 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 605 printtab(13)"thestandings"
- 607 nn=np/2:ifnn<>int(nn)thennn=nn+1
- 610 forj=1tonn
- 615 print" "pl$(i%(j))tab(13)""pt$(i%(j))""tab(17)tw$(i%(j))
- 620 next
- 625 print"":forj=nn+1tonp-1
- 630 print""tab(21)pl$(i%(j))""tab(32)pt$(i%(j))""tab(36)tw$(i%(j))
- 635 next
- 640 poke214,18:print
- 645 print" and, finally... ";pl$(i%(np))" "pt$(i%(np))" "tw$(i%(np))
- 660 z=21:poke214,20:print"":printtp$:printmd$:printbt$""
- 665 printtab(6)"(p)rint (s)ave (m)enu":poke198,0
- 670 geta$:ifa$<>"p"anda$<>"s"anda$<>"m"then670
- 675 gosub11:ifa$="m"then200
- 680 ifa$="p"then700
- 682 printcl$cr$tab(17)"saving"
- 683 open15,8,15,"i0":gosub55
- 685 open3,8,3,"@0:score file,s,w"
- 690 fori=1tonp:print#3,i%(i)
- 692 print#3,pt$(i)
- 694 print#3,tw$(i)
- 695 next:close3:gosub55:goto200
- 697
- 698 ***** print scores *****
- 699
- 700 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 705 printtab(9)"printingthestandings"
- 710 close15:open15,4,15:close15:ifst=0then750
- 715 print""tp$:printmd$:printbt$
- 720 printtab(10)"your printer isn't on"
- 730 fort=1to10:gosub11:next:fort=1to2000:next:gosub60
- 740 open15,4,15:close15:ifst=0then750
- 745 goto200
- 750 open4,4
- 753 print#4,,," !----------------------------!"
- 755 print#4,,," ! o s c a r p a r t y !"
- 757 print#4,,," !----------------------------!"cr$cr$
- 765 print#4,,"player"spc(14)"total points"spc(5)"on the nose"
- 767 print#4,,"------"spc(14)"----- ------"spc(5)"-- --- ----"cr$cr$
- 770 fori=1tonp-1
- 775 print#4,,;pl$(i%(i));spc(24-len(pl$(i%(i))));pt$(i%(i));
- 777 print#4,spc(17-len(pt$(i%(i))));tw$(i%(i)):print#4:next
- 780 print#4,"and, of course,"cr$
- 785 print#4,,;pl$(i%(np));spc(24-len(pl$(i%(i))));pt$(i%(np));
- 787 print#4,spc(17-len(pt$(i%(np))));tw$(i%(np)):print#4
- 790 print#4:close4
- 795 goto200
- 800 poke214,21:print
- 810 printtab(7)"quit? are you sure? (y/n)"
- 820 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then820
- 830 ifa$="n"thenprintcl$:goto265
- 840 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%:close15
- 850 ifer%<>63thenend
- 860 print""tab(8)"heading back to loadstar"
- 870 print"load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
- 880 print"run"
- 890 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3
- 895 poke53272,21:poke2048,0:poke44,8:end
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:oscar night":close15:save"oscar night",8