home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- open =$ffc0
- readst =$ffb7
- setlfs =$ffba
- setnam =$ffbd
- load =$ffd5
- getin =$ffe4
- clrchn =$ffcc
- close =$ffc3 ;a
- chrin =$ffcf
- chkout =$ffc9 ;x
- chkin =$ffc6 ;x
- plot =$fff0
- chrout =$ffd2
- color'pointer =243
- screen'line'pointer =209
- print'number =$bdcd ;x,a
- clear'line =59903
- background =53281
- border =53280
- unlisten =$ffae
- clall =$ffe7
- .org $c000
- .obj "@0:disk $c000
- jmp read
- jmp write;3
- jmp print'file;6
- jmp wipe'marked;9
- jmp mark'file;12
- jmp read'mark;15
- jmp copy'file'buf1;18
- jmp copy'file'buf2;21
- jmp stash'buf1;24
- jmp stash'buf2;27
- jmp change'type;30
- jmp report'marked
- jmp insert'disjointed
- jmp report'type
- wipe'marked ldy #0
- tya
- - sta marked'files,y
- sta marked'files+256,y
- iny
- bne -
- rts
- mark'file stx 251
- sty 252
- lda <marked'files
- clc
- adc 251
- sta 253
- lda >marked'files
- adc 252
- sta 254
- ldy #0
- lda (253),y
- eor #128
- sta (253),y
- rts
- read'mark stx 251
- sty 252
- lda <marked'files
- clc
- adc 251
- sta 253
- lda >marked'files
- adc 252
- sta 254
- ldy #0
- lda (253),y
- sta 780
- rts
- report'type jsr figure'file
- lda file'entry
- sta 780
- rts
- read jsr figure
- ldx #2
- jsr chkin
- ldy #0
- - jsr getin
- jsr rom'out
- sta (253),y
- jsr rom'in
- iny
- bne -
- jsr clrchn
- jsr rom'out
- ldy #0
- lda (253),y
- sta 781
- iny
- lda (253),y
- sta 782
- jsr rom'in
- ldx 781
- ldy 782
- lda 253
- sta eof
- lda 254
- sta eof+1
- inc eof+1
- rts
- write lda $c800
- sta next'track
- lda $c801
- sta next'sector
- lda <$c900
- sta 253
- lda >$c900
- sta 254
- - jsr clrchn
- ldx #15
- jsr chkout
- lda "b"
- jsr chrout
- lda "-"
- jsr chrout
- lda "p"
- jsr chrout
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- lda "2"
- jsr chrout
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- lda "0"
- jsr chrout
- ;lda #2
- ;jsr close
- ;lda #1
- ;ldx <name
- ;ldy >name
- ;jsr setnam
- ;lda #2
- ;ldx 186
- ;ldy #2
- ;jsr setlfs
- ;jsr open
- jsr clrchn
- ldx #2
- jsr chkout
- ldy #0
- - jsr rom'out
- lda (253),y
- jsr rom'in
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- jsr clrchn
- ldx #15
- jsr chkout
- lda "u"
- jsr chrout
- lda "2"
- jsr chrout
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- lda "2"
- jsr chrout
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- lda "0"
- jsr chrout
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- ldx next'track
- lda #0
- jsr $bdcd
- lda " "
- jsr chrout
- ldx next'sector
- lda #0
- jsr $bdcd
- jsr clrchn
- ldy #0
- jsr rom'out
- lda (253),y
- sta next'track
- iny
- lda (253),y
- sta next'sector
- jsr rom'in
- inc 254
- lda next'track
- beq +
- jmp --
- + lda #15
- jsr close
- lda #2
- jsr close
- jmp clrchn
- stx 253
- sty 254
- ldx #2
- jsr chkout
- ldy #0
- - jsr rom'out
- lda (253),y
- jsr rom'in
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- jsr clrchn
- jmp rom'in
- figure sta 252
- lda #0
- sta 251
- lda <$c800
- sta 253
- lda >$c800
- sta 254
- lda 251
- clc
- adc 253
- sta 253
- lda 252
- adc 254
- sta 254
- rts
- figure'file stx 251
- sty 252
- ldy #4
- - asl 251
- rol 252
- dey
- bpl -
- lda <$c900
- sta 253
- lda >$c900
- sta 254
- lda 251
- clc
- adc 253
- sta 253
- lda 252
- adc 254
- sta 254
- jsr rom'out
- ldy #31
- - lda (253),y
- sta file'buffer,y
- dey
- bpl -
- jmp rom'in
- print'file jsr figure'file
- lda file'entry
- jsr print'type
- ldx file'entry+1
- stx temp+1
- lda #0
- jsr print'number
- jsr printsp
- jsr fix'space
- print'sec ldx file'entry+2
- stx temp+1
- lda #0
- jsr print'number
- jsr printsp
- jsr fix'space
- lda #34
- jsr chrout
- ldy #3
- - lda file'entry,y
- cmp #160
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- cpy #19
- bne -
- + lda #34
- jsr chrout
- rts
- rom'out pha
- sei
- lda #$74
- sta 1
- pla
- rts
- rom'in pha
- lda #$77
- sta 1
- cli
- pla
- rts
- print'type sta temp
- and #15
- sta type
- asl
- tay
- lda types,y
- sta 251
- lda types+1,y
- sta 252
- ldy #0
- - lda (251),y
- jsr chrout
- iny
- cpy #3
- bne -
- jsr printsp
- lda temp
- and #$80
- bne +
- lda "*"
- jmp chrout
- + lda temp
- and #$c0
- bne printsp
- lda "<"
- jsr chrout
- printsp lda " "
- jmp chrout
- fix'space lda temp+1
- cmp #10
- bcs +
- jsr printsp
- jsr printsp
- jmp fix'out
- + cmp #100
- bcs fix'out
- jsr printsp
- fix'out rts
- copy'file'buf1 jsr figure'file
- ldy #31
- - lda file'buffer,y
- sta buffer1,y
- dey
- bpl -
- rts
- copy'file'buf2 jsr figure'file
- ldy #31
- - lda file'buffer,y
- sta buffer2,y
- dey
- bpl -
- rts
- stash'buf1 jsr figure'file
- jsr rom'out
- ldy #2
- - lda buffer1,y
- sta (253),y
- iny
- cpy #32
- bne -
- jmp rom'in
- stash'buf2 jsr figure'file
- jsr rom'out
- ldy #2
- - lda buffer2,y
- sta (253),y
- iny
- cpy #32
- bne -
- jmp rom'in
- change'type stx file
- sty file+1
- sta ctype
- jsr figure'file
- ; and #$80
- ;beq +
- lda file'entry
- and #%11111000
- ora ctype
- ora #$80
- sta file'entry
- lda ctype
- bne +
- sta file'entry
- + ldy #31
- - lda file'buffer,y
- sta buffer1,y
- dey
- bpl -
- ldx file
- ldy file+1
- jsr stash'buf1
- ldx file
- ldy file+1
- + jmp print'file
- report'marked ldx <marked'files
- ldy >marked'files
- stx 781
- sty 782
- rts
- insert'disjointed stx insertion'point
- sty insertion'point+1
- sta number'of'blocks
- ldy #0
- sta number'of'files
- sty number'of'files+1
- asl number'of'files
- rol number'of'files+1
- asl number'of'files
- rol number'of'files+1
- asl number'of'files
- rol number'of'files+1
- outer lda #0
- sta current'file
- sta current'file+1
- outer'loop ldx current'file
- ldy current'file+1
- jsr read'mark
- cmp #0
- beq next'outer
- jsr cut'current
- jsr insert'at'ip
- next'outer inc current'file
- bne +
- inc current'file+1
- + lda current'file+1
- cmp number'of'files+1
- bcc outer'loop
- lda current'file
- cmp number'of'files
- bcc outer'loop
- beq outer'loop
- lda #255
- sta 787
- rts
- cut'current ldx current'file
- ldy current'file+1
- jsr copy'file'buf1
- lda current'file
- clc
- adc #1
- sta current'cut
- lda current'file+1
- adc #0
- sta current'cut+1
- cut'loop ldx current'cut
- ldy current'cut+1
- jsr copy'file'buf2
- ldx current'cut
- ldy current'cut+1
- dex
- cpx #255
- bne +
- dey
- + jsr stash'buf2
- move'marks'too lda <marked'files-1
- clc
- adc current'cut
- sta 251
- lda >marked'files-1
- adc current'cut+1
- sta 252
- ldy #1
- lda (251),y
- dey
- sta (251),y
- next'cut inc current'cut
- bne +
- inc current'cut+1
- + lda current'cut+1
- cmp number'of'files+1
- bcc cut'loop
- lda current'cut
- cmp number'of'files
- bcc cut'loop
- beq cut'loop
- lda insertion'point+1
- cmp current'file+1
- bcc +
- lda insertion'point
- cmp current'file
- bcc +
- beq +
- lda insertion'point
- sec
- sbc #1
- sta insertion'point
- lda insertion'point+1
- sbc #0
- sta insertion'point+1
- + rts
- insert'at'ip lda number'of'files
- sec
- sbc #1
- sta current'insert
- lda number'of'files+1
- sbc #0
- sta current'insert+1
- insert'loop ldx current'insert
- ldy current'insert+1
- jsr copy'file'buf2
- ldx current'insert
- ldy current'insert+1
- inx
- bne +
- iny
- + jsr stash'buf2
- move'marks lda <marked'files
- clc
- adc current'insert
- sta 251
- lda >marked'files
- adc current'insert+1
- sta 252
- ldy #0
- lda (251),y
- iny
- sta (251),y
- next'insert lda current'insert
- sec
- sbc #1
- sta current'insert
- lda current'insert+1
- sbc #0
- sta current'insert+1
- cmp #255
- beq +
- lda insertion'point+1
- cmp current'insert+1
- bcc insert'loop
- lda insertion'point
- cmp current'insert
- bcc insert'loop
- beq insert'loop
- + ldx insertion'point
- ldy insertion'point+1
- jsr stash'buf1
- inc insertion'point
- bne +
- inc insertion'point+1
- + lda insertion'point+1
- cmp current'file+1
- bcc +
- lda insertion'point
- cmp current'file
- bcc +
- beq +
- lda current'file
- sec
- sbc #1
- sta current'file
- lda current'file+1
- sbc #0
- sta current'file+1
- + rts
- current'insert .word 0
- current'cut .word 0
- number'of'blocks .byte 0
- number'of'files .word 0
- current'file .word 0
- insertion'point .word 0
- eof .buf 2
- file .buf 2
- ctype .byt 0
- file'buffer .buf 33
- buffer1 .buf 33
- buffer2 .buf 33
- track .byt 0
- sector .byt 0
- next'track .byt 0
- next'sector .byt 0
- name .asc "#"
- device .byt 0
- file'entry =file'buffer+2
- type .byte 0
- types .word del,seq,prg,usr,rel,cbm,dir
- del .asc "del"
- seq .asc "seq"
- prg .asc "prg"
- usr .asc "usr"
- rel .asc "rel"
- cbm .asc "cbm"
- dir .asc "dir"
- temp .byt 0,0,0,0,0
- marked'files .buf 512