home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 print "";
- 110 uptime=32772:de=186
- 120 poke53280,0: poke53281,0
- 130 gosub 530
- 140 gosub 770
- 150 get k$: if k$="" then 150
- 160 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 170 if k$<>chr$(13) then 150
- 180 gosub 850
- 190 get k$: if k$="" then 190
- 200 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 210 if k$<>chr$(13) then 190
- 220 gosub 930
- 230 get k$: if k$="" then 230
- 240 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 250 if k$<>chr$(13) then 230
- 260 gosub 1030
- 270 ml=23: gosub 1790
- 280 n$=t$: if t$="" then n$="an anonymous source"
- 290 gosub 1100
- 300 get k$: if k$="" then 300
- 310 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 320 if k$<>chr$(13) then 300
- 330 e1=0: gosub 1140
- 340 if e1=1 then goto 400
- 350 gosub 1700
- 360 get k$: if k$="" then 360
- 370 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 380 if k$<>chr$(13) then 360
- 390 poke de,8: sys uptime
- 400 gosub 710
- 410 printspc(6)" [150] [212]here is a printer error [155]"
- 420 printspc(6)"[210]echeck all of your printer"
- 430 printspc(5)"connections and the printer's"
- 440 printspc(6)"paper supply and try again."
- 450 get k$: if k$="" then 450
- 460 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 470 if k$<>chr$(13) then 450
- 480 gosub 710
- 490 printspc(16)"[208]rinting"
- 500 printspc(12)"[210]eader's [211]urvey"
- 510 goto 330
- 520 end
- 530 print"[147]";
- 540 tl$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 550 bl$="[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][155]"
- 560 m1$="[221]": m2$=" [146][221]"
- 570 m3$="[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 580 c$="[158]": r$="": printtl$
- 590 for x=1to23
- 600 printm1$;c$;r$;m2$
- 610 if x=5 then x=6: c$="": r$="[146]": printm3$
- 620 if x=18 then x=19: c$="": r$="": printm3$
- 630 next
- 640 printbl$
- 650 printspc(10)" [213]p[212]ime [158] [205]agazine's"
- 660 printspc(12)"[210]eader's [211]urvey"
- 670 for x=1to16: print: next
- 680 printspc(7)"[208]ress [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] to [195]ontinue"
- 690 printspc(4)"[208]ress [198]8 to [197]xit [194]ack to [213]p[212]ime[155]"
- 700 return
- 710 print"";
- 720 for x=1to12
- 730 print"[221] [221]"
- 740 next
- 750 print"[155]";
- 760 return
- 770 gosub 710
- 780 printspc(8)"[213]p[212]ime the [196]isk [205]onthly[155]"
- 790 printspc(2)"is the [159][206]umero 2[155] magazine on a disk"
- 800 printspc(7)"for the [195]ommodore 64/128"
- 810 printspc(5)"[215]e are constantly working to"
- 820 printspc(8)"improve our publication"
- 830 printspc(11)"and [217][207][213][155][160]can help!"
- 840 return
- 850 gosub 710
- 860 printspc(6)"[217]ou can help us stay #2[155] by"
- 870 printspc(9)"providing your input:
- 880 [153][166]6)"sys(NULL)raiselist, printlenriticismlist, openlenommentslist"
- 890 [153][166]4)"atnnything that you feel will help"
- 900 [153][166]7)"us meet your expectations"
- 910 [153][166]14)"with (NULL)p(NULL)imelist"
- 920 [142]
- 930 [141] 710
- 940 [153][166]3)"peeky following the next few prompts"
- 950 [153][166]5)"your printer will print out a"
- 960 [153][166]5)"reader's survey form for you."
- 970 [153][166]4)"(NULL)lease take the time to fill out"
- 980 [153][166]3)"the survey and return it using the"
- 990 [153][166]4)"enclosed business reply envelope."
- 1000 [153][166]4)"(NULL)e will use the results of this"
- 1010 [153][166]5)"survey to determine what it is"
- 1020 [153][166]3)"you've come to expect from (NULL)p(NULL)imelist": [142]
- 1030 [141] 710
- 1040 [153][166]3)"right$f you'd like to include your name"
- 1050 [153][166]10)"enter it now, please."
- 1060 [153][166]2)"(atn [(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)] will make it anonymous)"
- 1070 [153][166]4)"(NULL)ame:tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab("
- 1080 [153][166]8)"onon*cmd";
- 1090 [142]
- 1100 [141] 1950
- 1110 [153][166]11)"(NULL)eady your printer"
- 1120 [153][166]7)"(NULL)ress sys[(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)]list when ready"
- 1130 [142]
- 1140 [159] 4,4,1:[160]4:s[178]st
- 1150 [139] s[179][177]0 [167] e1[178]1: [137] 1690
- 1160 [159] 4,4,7
- 1170 [152]4,[199](10)[199](10)
- 1180 [152]4,""[166]12)"(NULL)p(NULL)ime for the lenommodore 64/128, ";
- 1190 [152]4,"(NULL)olume (NULL)wo (NULL)umber (NULL)ine"
- 1195 [152]4,[199](10)
- 1200 [152]4,""[166]31)"- (NULL)eader's (NULL)urvey -"
- 1205 [152]4,[199](10)
- 1206 nn$[178]" (NULL)his survey is from "[170]n$[170]"."
- 1210 [152]4,""[166][181]((80[171][195](nn$))[173]2));nn$
- 1220 [152]4,""
- 1230 l$[178]"totototototototototototototototo"
- 1240 [139] dw[178]1 [167] l$[178]"................"
- 1250 [152]4," ***********************************";
- 1260 [152]4,"***********************************"
- 1270 bx$[178]"[ ] tototototototototototototototototototototototototototototototototototototo"
- 1280 [139] dw[178]1 [167] bx$[178]"[ ] ....................................."
- 1290 [152]4,""
- 1300 [152]4," (NULL)lease rate the following programs and categories on a"
- 1310 [152]4," scale between 1 and 10 with 10 being the highest."
- 1320 [152]4,[199](10)[199](0)
- 1330 [152]4," (NULL)ombs of str$oom ";bx$
- 1340 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1350 [152]4," peekunny left$op ";bx$
- 1360 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1370 [152]4," (NULL)ustom (NULL)eyboard ";bx$
- 1380 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1390 [152]4," lenalc 64/128 ";bx$
- 1400 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1410 [152]4," (NULL)agic (NULL)quare 64 ";bx$
- 1420 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1430 [152]4," (NULL)aint (NULL)verlay ";bx$
- 1440 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1450 [143] print#4," (NULL)chr$(NULL)ing with (NULL)(NULL) lenol.";bx$
- 1460 [143] print#4,chr$(0)
- 1470 [152]4," (NULL)esar on (NULL)rack ";bx$
- 1480 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1490 [152]4," (NULL)andom atnccess ";bx$
- 1500 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1510 [152]4," (NULL)chr$(NULL)ing with (NULL)(NULL) ";bx$
- 1520 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1530 [152]4," (NULL)ips and (NULL)ricks ";bx$
- 1540 [152]4,[199](0)
- 1550 [152]4," (NULL)oftware (NULL)eviews ";bx$:[152]4,[199](0)
- 1560 [152]4," right$'d rate the issue overall [ ]
- 1570 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1580 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1590 print#4," [193]ny other comments or observations you'd care to make:"
- 1600 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1610 print#4," ";l$;l$;l$;l$
- 1620 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1630 print#4," ";l$;l$;l$;l$
- 1640 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1650 print#4," ";l$;l$;l$;l$
- 1660 print#4,chr$(0)
- 1670 print#4," ";l$;l$;l$;l$
- 1680 print#4,chr$(12)
- 1690 close4: return
- 1700 gosub 710
- 1710 printspc(5)"[212]hank-you for taking the time"
- 1720 printspc(8)"to print out the survey."
- 1730 printspc(3)"[215]e'll be waiting to hear from you."
- 1740 printspc(2)"[208]lease mail the completed survey to"
- 1750 printspc(8)"[213]p[212]ime, the [196]isk [205]onthly[155]"
- 1760 printspc(8)"[208].[207]. [194]ox 30008"
- 1770 printspc(8)"[211]hreveport, [204][193] 71130"
- 1780 return
- 1790 t$="": cs$="*[157]": ct=0
- 1800 get k$: if k$="" then 1800
- 1810 k=asc(k$)
- 1820 if k=140 then 390
- 1830 if k=13 then 1930
- 1840 if k<>20 then 1870
- 1850 if ct=0 then 1800
- 1860 ct=ct-1: print" [157][157] [157]";cs$;: t$=left$(t$,ct): goto 1800
- 1870 if ct=ml then 1800
- 1880 if (k=32) or (k=46) then 1910
- 1890 if (k$>="a") and (k$<="z") then 1910
- 1900 if (k$<"[193]") or (k$>"[218]") then 1800
- 1910 t$=t$+k$: ct=ct+1: printk$;: if ct<>24 then printcs$;
- 1920 goto 1800
- 1930 if t$="" then print"[193]nonymous";
- 1940 print" ": return
- 1950 printspc(9)"[155][195]an your printer print"
- 1960 printspc(5)"[195]ommodore [199]raphic characters?"
- 1970 printspc(15)"[158]< [217] / [206] >[155]": print"[145][145][145]";
- 1980 dw=0
- 1990 get k$: if k$ = "" then 1990
- 2000 if (k$="y") or (k$="[217]") then 2040
- 2010 if k$=chr$(140) then 390
- 2020 if (k$<>"n") and (k$<>"[206]") then 1990
- 2030 dw=1
- 2040 for x=1to3: print" ": next
- 2050 print"[145][145][145][145]";
- 2060 return