Calculator 64/128 is a "pop-up" number cruncher to help you when writing programs, planning your budget, or doing any other task requiring calculations. It works with a "hot key" which, when pressed, causes Calculator 64/128 to "pop-up" and become active on the screen right before your eyes. Whatever program is running when Calculator becomes active will be suspended until you exit Calculator. Calculator's "hot key" is CTRL-F1. Hold down the CTRL key and press F1 to bring Calculator to your rescue.
Included on your UpTime diskette this month is two versions of this helpful utility. One for the Commodore 128, and one for the Commodore 64.
The Commodore 64 version can be found on Side One of your UpTime diskette. To install it, simply LOAD and RUN the file called "CALC64". The actual Calculator program is called "CALC64@49152". The file "CALC64" is just a simple BASIC loader program. To manually install Calculator 64 use the following two commands in BASIC immediate mode:
%cLOAD "CALC64@49152",8,1
%cSYS 49152
Pressing the RUN/STOP-RESTORE keys will disable Calculator 64. To re-start it after disabling just enter "SYS 49152".
Calculator 64 resides at memory address 49152 ($C000) through 50624 ($C5C0). It also utilizes 2k of RAM at address 45056 ($B000) for preserving the screen when it "pops-up." It will not operate together with any other program which competes for this memory area.
The Commodore 128 version of Calculator is found on Side Two of this month's UpTime. To activate it enter the following command in BASIC 7.0 immediate mode:
%cBOOT "CALC128"
Pressing the RUN/STOP-RESTORE keys will disable Calculator 128. To re-start it after disabling just enter "SYS 4864".
Calculator 128 resides at memory address 4864 ($1300) through 6339 ($18C3). It also utilizes 2k of RAM at the top of the BASIC program storage area to preserve the screen when it "pops-up." It will not operate together with any other program which competes for this memory area.
The assembler source code for both the C64 and the C128 versions of Calculator is included on the UpTime diskette. The source code is stored in SEQuential files using Commodore ASCII characters. It is in Commodore Macro Assembler format. It is possible to create a customized version of Calculator if you know 6510 assembler well enough. The source code can easily be converted to other formats used by other machine language assemblers.