home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 clr:rem numerator-denominator 1/20/88
- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 15 a1=1
- 17 c1$="[164][157]" : c2$=" [157]" : c%=0 : i$="" : no% = 0
- 20 dims(9),s$(11),se$(11),nu$(10,3),sh$(4,2)
- 100 gosub4000:printchr$(14)
- 105 gosub10000
- 110 gosub3700
- 120 h=0:v=10:tx$="[196]o you need a lesson? "
- 130 gosub3200
- 140 lo=0:gosub2100:printa$
- 150 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thengosub20000:goto 160
- 151 if a$="n" or a$="[206]" then 160
- 152 goto 120
- 160 gosub5000
- 165 ru=1
- 170 gosub1000
- 172 print chr$ (14):gosub 3700:ifop<>3then191
- 174 gosub3700
- 176 gosub500
- 190 gosub 3700
- 191 h=0:v=10:tx$="[196]o you want to play again? "
- 200 gosub3200
- 210 lo=0:gosub2100:printa$
- 220 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then160
- 221 if a$="n" or a$="[206]" then 230
- 222 goto 191
- 230 clr:poke53269,0:load"menu",8
- 240 stop
- 300 rw=int(rnd(1)*6)+1:rw$=rw$(rw)
- 310 forl=1to4:v=24:h=1:tx$=" ":gosub3200
- 330 tx$=chr$(co(l))+rw$+chr$(5):gosub3000:gosub3200:delay=.5:gosub2000:nextl
- 340 return
- 500 v=10:h=0:tx$="[217]ou got"+str$(np-mi)+" right out of"+str$(np)+" problems"
- 501 print chr$(14)
- 510 gosub3200
- 540 v=12:tx$="for "+str$(int(((np-mi)/np)*100))+"%."
- 545 gosub3200
- 550 delay=7:gosub2000
- 560 return
- 1000 rem *** central routine ***
- 1005 hp=0:mi=0
- 1007 print"[147]"
- 1010 fori=1tonp
- 1030 gosub3600
- 1040 gosub30000
- 1066 v=24:tx$=" <return> to continue, <_> to exit[146]"
- 1067 gosub3000:gosub3200
- 1068 lo=0:gosub2100
- 1069 ifa$="_"then sa=i:i=np
- 1070 next i: if sa<>0 then np=sa
- 1080 return
- 2000 rem *** timer ***
- 2010 ti$="000000"
- 2015 geta$:ifa$<>""then2030
- 2020 ifti/60<delaythen2015
- 2030 return
- 2100 rem *** get character ***
- 2110 geta$:ifa$=""then2110
- 2120 a=val(a$):ifa<loora>hithen2110
- 2130 return
- 2499 rem **** remove leading spaces ****
- 2500 l=len(sp$):ifleft$(sp$,1)<>" "thengoto2520
- 2510 l=l-1:sp$=right$(sp$,l)
- 2520 return
- 3000 rem *** center text ***
- 3010 ln=len(tx$)
- 3020 h=(40-ln)/2
- 3030 return
- 3100 v=24:tx$=" <[210][197][212][213][210][206]> to continue[146]"
- 3110 gosub3000:gosub3200
- 3120 lo=0:gosub2100
- 3130 ifa$<>chr$(13) then 3100
- 3140 return
- 3200 rem *** hor/ver tab ***
- 3210 vt$="":forq=1tov
- 3220 :vt$=vt$+""
- 3230 nextq
- 3240 print"";vt$;
- 3250 printtab(h);tx$;
- 3260 return
- 3500 rem *** line across screen ***
- 3510 print"";
- 3520 forq=1to40
- 3530 :print"[192]";
- 3540 nextq
- 3575 print"";
- 3580 return
- 3600 rem *** print screen header ***
- 3610 print"[147]"
- 3630 tx$="vision software presents:"
- 3640 h=10
- 3650 v=1:gosub3200
- 3660 tx$=t$
- 3665 print"";
- 3670 h=10
- 3680 v=3:gosub3200
- 3685 print"";
- 3690 print:gosub3500:return
- 3700 rem *** print screen header ***
- 3710 print"[147]"
- 3740 h=10:tx$="[214][201][211][201][207][206][160][211][207][198][212][215][193][210][197] presents:"
- 3750 v=1:gosub3200
- 3760 tx$="[206]umerators and [196]enominators"
- 3765 print"";
- 3770 h=10
- 3780 v=3:gosub3200
- 3785 print"";
- 3790 print:gosub3500:return
- 4000 rem *** read data ***
- 4005 readt$
- 4010 fori=1to6
- 4020 :readrw$(i)
- 4030 nexti
- 4040 fori=1to3
- 4050 :readop$(i)
- 4060 nexti
- 4070 for i=1 to 4: read co(i)
- 4071 next i
- 4080 fori=1to9:forj=1to3:readnu$(i,j):nextj:nexti
- 4090 forl=1to4:fory=1to2:readsh$(l,y):nexty:nextl
- 4098 return
- 4100 rem *** program data ***
- 4110 data"numerators and denominators"
- 4120 data"great!","fantastic!","super!"
- 4130 data"you're really going now!","yes! yes! yes!","that's great!"
- 4140 data"[211]ee examples done."
- 4150 data"[196]o problems with help."
- 4160 data"[196]o problems yourself."
- 4170 data 30,28,31,158
- 4180 data" [174] "," [221] "," [177][160]"
- 4190 data"[213][195][201]","[213][195][203]","[173][195][189]"
- 4200 data"[213][195][201]"," [195][179]","[202][195][203]"
- 4210 data"[221] [221]","[173][195][179]"," [221]"
- 4220 data"[176][195][174]","[173][195][201]","[202][195][203]"
- 4230 data"[213][195][201]","[171][195][201]","[202][195][203]"
- 4240 data"[176][195][174]"," [221]"," [221]"
- 4250 data"[213][195][201]","[171][195][179]","[202][195][203]"
- 4260 data"[213][195][201]","[202][195][179]","[202][195][203]"
- 4270 data"[206][205]","[205][206]","[207][208]","[204][186]"
- 4280 data"[206][205]","[204][186]","[186][204]","[208][207]"
- 5000 rem *** setup for math ***
- 5001 ifru=1then5030
- 5005 tx$=" ":v=10:h=0:gosub3200
- 5010 ifru=1then5037
- 5015 tx$=" ":v=10:h=0:gosub3200
- 5020 h=0:v=7:tx$="[215]hat's your first name? ":gosub3200
- 5022 mx%=20:i$="":gosub60000:nf$=i$:ifnf$=""then5020
- 5025 h=0:v=9:tx$="[215]hat's your last name? ":gosub3200
- 5027 mx%=20:i$="":gosub60000:nl$=i$
- 5030 v=12:h=0:tx$="[215]ould you like to: ":gosub3200
- 5040 h=7:v=14:fori=1to3
- 5050 :tx$=str$(i)+". "+op$(i):gosub3200
- 5080 v=v+1:nexti
- 5090 v=18:h=0:tx$="[217]our choice? (1-3) "
- 5100 gosub3200
- 5110 lo=1:hi=3:gosub2100:printa$
- 5120 op=a:hi=20
- 5130 ifop=1thenhi=5
- 5150 v=21:h=0:tx$="[200]ow many problems do you want"
- 5160 gosub3200
- 5170 v=22:tx$="to do? (1 -"+str$(hi)+") [157][157]"
- 5180 gosub3200
- 5190 mx%=2:no%=1:i$="":gosub60000:np=val(i$)
- 5200 ifnp<loornp>hithen np=0 :goto5170
- 5390 return
- 10000 rem *** do spritey things ***
- 10001 for i=704 to 767
- 10002 readx:pokei,x
- 10003 next
- 10004 poke2040,11
- 10005 poke53269,peek(53269)or1
- 10006 poke53287,2:poke53277,255:poke53271,255
- 10007 poke53248,30:poke53249,58
- 10008 return
- 10009 data252,252,252,121,249,248,51,243,240
- 10010 data7,231,224,15,207,192,7,159,128
- 10011 data3,63,0,0,126,0,0,252,0
- 10012 data0,120,0,0,48,0,0,0,0
- 10013 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 14999 return
- 20000 rem *** info info info ***
- 20001 gosub3700:v=6
- 20002 readn
- 20003 fori=1ton
- 20004 :readtx$
- 20005 :iftx$="page"thengosub 3100:gosub 3700:v=6 :goto20009
- 20006 :h=2:ifmid$(tx$,10,1)="[163]"thenv=v+1:gosub3200:goto20008
- 20007 :v=v+2:gosub3200
- 20008 :delay=.5:gosub2000
- 20009 nexti:n=0:return
- 20011 data35
- 20012 data"[204]earn to find the numerator and"
- 20013 data"denominator of common fractions"
- 20014 data"with me!"
- 20015 data"[212]here are three ways to use the"
- 20016 data"program:"," 1) [211]ee examples done"
- 20017 data" 2) [196]o problems with help"
- 20018 data" 3) [196]o problems yourself"
- 20019 data"page"
- 20020 data" 1) [211]ee examples done"
- 20021 data" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 20022 data"[201]f you want to see examples done,"
- 20023 data"[201] will show you how to do them,"
- 20024 data"explaining each step as [201] go."
- 20025 data"page"
- 20026 data" 2) [196]o problems with help"
- 20027 data" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 20028 data"[212]o do problems with help, [201] will"
- 20029 data"give you a hint for each step,"
- 20030 data"and help you if you make mistakes."
- 20031 data"page"
- 20032 data" 3) [196]o problems yourself"
- 20033 data" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 20034 data"[212]he third option is to work problems"
- 20035 data"on your own. [198]or this option,"
- 20036 data"you may need pencil and paper."
- 20037 data"page"
- 20038 data" [206]umber of [208]roblems"
- 20039 data" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 20040 data"[204]ast, you decide how many problems"
- 20041 data"to do. [201]f you let the computer do"
- 20042 data"the work, you may only have 5"
- 20043 data"problems; otherwise you may have"
- 20044 data"from 1 to 20 problems."
- 20045 data"page"
- 30000 rem **** see examples done ****
- 30010 cc$=chr$(159):cw$=chr$(5):cr$=chr$(co(int(rnd(1)*4)+1))
- 30020 forl=1to2:i(l)=int(rnd(1)*9)+1:nextl
- 30030 i(3)=i(1):ifi(1)>i(2)theni(3)=i(2)
- 30040 i(4)=i(2):ifi(1)>i(2)theni(4)=i(1)
- 30050 i(5)=int(rnd(1)*4)+1
- 30060 i3$=str$(i(3)):i4$=str$(i(4))
- 30070 printchr$(142):gosub32000
- 30080 gosub32000
- 30100 tx$="look at the fraction:":v=6:h=1:gosub3200
- 30150 forl=1to3:tx$=nu$(i(3),l):v=9+l:h=30:gosub3200:nextl
- 30170 tx$="[162][162][162][162][162]":v=14:h=29:gosub3200
- 30190 forl=1to3:tx$=nu$(i(4),l):v=15+l:h=30:gosub3200:nextl:delay=1:gosub2000
- 30200 rem ****test for 1 set is/are****
- 30210 t1$="are":t2$="shapes":ifi(3)=1thent1$="is":t2$="shape"
- 30230 t3$="are":t4$="parts":ifi(4)=1thent3$="is":t4$="part"
- 30300 vt=9:h=5:forj=1toi(4)
- 30310 v=vt:forl=1to2:tx$=sh$(i(5),l):v=v+1:gosub3200:nextl
- 30320 h=h+5:ifh=20thenvt=vt+3:h=5
- 30330 nextj
- 30400 vt=9:h=5:forj=1toi(3)
- 30410 v=vt:forl=1to2:tx$=cr$+sh$(i(5),l)+cw$:v=v+1:gosub3200:nextl
- 30420 h=h+5:ifh=20thenvt=vt+3:h=5
- 30430 nextj
- 30450 onopgoto30500,31000,31300
- 30500 tx$="there "+t3$+" "+i4$+" "+t4$+" in the whole.":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30510 delay=2:gosub2000
- 30520 tx$=" ":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30530 tx$="the fraction means"+i3$+" of the"+i4$+" "+t4$+".":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30540 delay=2:gosub2000
- 30550 tx$=" ":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30560 tx$="the denominator is"+i4$+".":v=22:h=1:gosub3200:delay=2:gosub2000
- 30570 tx$="denominator":v=20:h=26:gosub3200
- 30580 tx$=" ":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30610 tx$="there "+t1$+i3$+" colored "+t2$+".":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30620 delay=2:gosub2000
- 30630 tx$=" ":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30640 tx$="the numerator is "+i3$+".":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 30650 tx$=cr$+"numerator"+cw$:v=8:h=27:gosub3200
- 30660 forl=1to3:tx$=cr$+nu$(i(3),l)+cw$:v=9+l:h=30:gosub3200:nextl
- 30700 return
- 31000 rem **** op 2 ****
- 31010 tx$="what is the denominator ?":v=22:h=1:gosub3200:delay=2:gosub2000
- 31030 gosub2100:tx$=a$:h=27:gosub3200:ifa=i(4)thengosub300:goto31100
- 31050 tx$=" ":v=22:h=0:gosub3200
- 31060 tx$="there "+t3$+" "+i4$+" "+t4$+" in the whole.":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 31070 delay=2:gosub2000
- 31080 tx$="denominator":v=20:h=26:gosub3200
- 31100 forv=22to24:tx$=" ":h=0:gosub3200:nextv
- 31110 tx$="what is the numerator ?":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 31120 gosub2100:tx$=a$:h=27:gosub3200:ifa=i(3)thengosub300:return
- 31150 tx$=" ":v=22:h=0:gosub3200
- 31160 goto30610
- 31190 return
- 31300 rem **** op 3 ****
- 31310 tx$="what is the denominator ?":v=22:h=1:gosub3200
- 31320 gosub2100:tx$=a$:a1=a:h=27:gosub3200
- 31330 tx$="what is the numerator ?":v=23:h=1:gosub3200
- 31340 gosub2100:tx$=a$:a2=a:h=27:gosub3200
- 31350 ifa1=i(4)anda2=i(3)thengosub300:return
- 31360 forl=1to3:tx$=" ":v=20+l:h=1:gosub3200:nextl
- 31370 tx$="let me show you this one.":v=21:h=1:gosub3200:delay=2:gosub2000
- 31380 tx$=" ":gosub3200
- 31390 mi=mi+1:goto30500
- 32000 tx$=cc$+"[182][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][181]":v=8:h=2:gosub3200
- 32010 forl=1to10:tx$="[182] [181]":v=v+1:gosub3200:nextl
- 32020 tx$="[182][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][181]"+cw$:v=v+1:gosub3200
- 33000 return
- 60000 :
- 60010 : rem input routine
- 60020 :
- 60030 l%=len(i$) : c%=0
- 60040 print i$; c1$; : poke 198,0
- 60050 :
- 60060 get g$
- 60070 if g$="" then c%=c%+1 : if c%>20 then print c1$; : c%=0 : goto 60060
- 60080 if g$="" then if c%>10 then print c2$; : goto 60060
- 60090 if g$="" then 60060
- 60100 :
- 60110 : rem return key
- 60120 :
- 60125 if g$<>chr$(13) then 60150
- 60130 if no%=1 then no%=0
- 60140 print " " : return
- 60150 :
- 60160 : rem del key
- 60170 :
- 60180 if g$<>chr$(20) then 60230
- 60190 if l%=0 then 60060
- 60200 print"[157] [157][157]";c1$;
- 60210 l% = l%-1 : i$=left$(i$,l%)
- 60220 goto 60060
- 60230 :
- 60240 : rem add a key
- 60250 :
- 60260 if l%>=mx% then 60060
- 60262 if no%=0 then 60270
- 60263 if (g$<"0" or g$>"9") and g$<>"." and g$<>"-" then 60060
- 60264 goto 60290
- 60270 if (g$<" " or g$>"[218]") then 60060
- 60280 if (g$>"_" and g$<"[193]") then 60060
- 60290 i$=i$+g$ : l%=l%+1
- 60300 print g$; c1$; : c%=0
- 60310 goto 60060
- 60320 :