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- 10 dimma(47,10),ob$(16),o1$(16),do(47,4)
- 12 we=0:ev=0:gb=0:mg=0
- 15 print"[147]"
- 25 print" [176][178][201] [201] [201] [176][192][201] [176][192][201] [176][192] [176][192][201]"
- 30 print" [221][221][221] [221] [221] [221][178][203] [221] [221] [171][192] [221][178][203]"
- 35 print" [203] [203] [202][192][203] [203][202] [173][192][203] [173][192] [203][202] "
- 40 print
- 45 print" [176][178][201] [213][192][201] [176][192][201] [213][192][201] [213][178][203] [213][192][201] [176][192][201]"
- 50 print" [221][221][221] [171][192][179] [221] [221] [202][192][201] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221]"
- 55 print" [203] [203] [203] [203] [203] [203] [202][192][203] [213][177][203] [202][192][203] [203] [203]"
- 59 print:print"[155] by elite software systems"
- 60 print:print
- 62 print" [161][161]"
- 63 print" [206][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][205]"
- 65 print"[152] [155] [146]"
- 70 print"[152] [155] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] "
- 75 print" [152] [155] [146]"
- 80 print" [152] [155] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] [146][192] "
- 85 print" [152] [155] [149] [155] "
- 90 print" [152] [155] [149] [155] "
- 92 print" [146] [146]"
- 95 print"[169] [223]"
- 100 print
- 105 print" [169] initializing... [223][146] "
- 108 gosub20000
- 115 print"[147]":printchr$(14):poke53281,12:poke53280,12:print"":lo=27:gosub21100
- 140 onlo goto11000,11020,11040,11060,11080,11100,11120,11140,11160,11180
- 142 onlo-10goto11200,11220,11240,11260,11280,11300,11320,11340,11360,11380
- 144 onlo-20goto11400,11420,11440,11460,11480,11500,11520,11540,11560,11580
- 146 onlo-30goto11600,11620,11640,11660,11680,11700,11720,11740,11760,11780
- 148 onlo-40goto11800,11820,11840,11860,11880,11900,11920
- 165 gosub21000
- 170 print:le$="":ri$=""
- 198 print"[215]hat may [201] do for you, "na$"?"
- 200 lt=25:gosub10000
- 205 kw=0
- 210 ifph$=""thenprint"[145][145]":goto200
- 211 mm=len(ph$)
- 212 ifmm<7thenph$=ph$+" ":goto211
- 213 print
- 215 le$=left$(ph$,3)
- 217 ifle$="n "orle$="s "orle$="e "orle$="w "orle$="u "orle$="d "then1000
- 220 ifle$="hel"thenprint"[201] don't believe in giving away clues.":goto170
- 225 ifle$="qui"then20800
- 226 ifle$="acc"then20700
- 230 nn=1
- 235 ifmid$(ph$,nn,1)=" "thenri$=mid$(ph$,nn+1,3)
- 240 ifmid$(ph$,nn,1)=" "andleft$(ri$,1)<>" "then255
- 242 ifmid$(ph$,nn,1)=" "andleft$(ri$,1)=" "then246
- 245 ifnn<mmthennn=nn+1:goto235
- 246 ifle$="loo"then140
- 247 ifle$="inv"then20600
- 250 print"[194]y itself, "ph$:print"can't be acted on.":goto170
- 255 ifle$="kil"orle$="fig"orle$="kic"orle$="pun"orle$="att"thenkw=1:goto1100
- 260 ifle$="go "orle$="mov"orle$="cli"orle$="run"orle$="wal"thenkw=1:goto1000
- 265 ifle$="tak"orle$="get"orle$="ste"orle$="lif"thenkw=1:goto1200
- 270 ifle$="dro"orle$="put"orle$="thr"thenkw=1:goto1300
- 275 ifle$="rea"thenkw=1:goto1400
- 280 ifle$="exa"orle$="loo"thenkw=1:goto1500
- 285 ifle$="eat"orle$="dri"orle$="swa"thenprint"[212]hat won't taste very good"
- 290 ifle$="eat"orle$="dri"orle$="swa"then170
- 295 ifle$="tes"thenkw=1:goto1600
- 300 ifle$="sho"thenprint"[217]ou have no bullets.":goto170
- 305 ifle$="ope"thenkw=1:goto1700
- 310 ifle$="clo"thenkw=1:goto1800
- 315 ifle$="unl"thenkw=1:goto1900
- 320 ifle$="wea"thenkw=1:goto2000
- 325 ifle$="pla"thenprint"[215]ow. [212]hat was lots of fun!":goto170
- 330 ifle$="dry"thenprint"[207].[203].":goto170
- 340 print"[201]t would not be wise to do that.":goto170
- 1000 ifle$="n "thenel=1
- 1005 ifle$="s "thenel=2
- 1010 ifle$="e "thenel=3
- 1015 ifle$="w "thenel=4
- 1016 ifle$="u "thenel=5
- 1017 ifle$="d "thenel=6
- 1020 ifri$="nor"thenel=1
- 1025 ifri$="sou"thenel=2
- 1030 ifri$="eas"thenel=3
- 1035 ifri$="wes"thenel=4
- 1036 ifri$="up "thenel=5
- 1037 ifri$="dow"thenel=6
- 1040 ifel=0then340
- 1045 gosub2100
- 1046 iflo=1andel=3thengosub21200
- 1047 iflo=7andel=1thengosub21200
- 1050 ifma(lo,el)=0thenprint"[217]ou can't go that way."
- 1052 ifma(lo,el)=0thenel=0:goto170
- 1055 lo=ma(lo,el):el=0:goto140
- 1100 z=int(rnd(1)*4)+1
- 1102 ifz=1thenprint"[201]t's not nice to be violent."
- 1104 ifz=2thenprint"[217]ou appear to be a dangerous person."
- 1106 ifz=3thenprint"[214]iolence is not going to help solve"
- 1108 ifz=3thenprint"this case."
- 1110 ifz=4thenprint"[206]o! [212]his is a non-violent adventure."
- 1112 goto170
- 1200 fl=0:ob=0
- 1202 ifri$="amp"orri$="bed"orri$="car"thenprint"[201]t is far too heavy.":goto170
- 1204 ifri$="dry"orri$="har"orri$="mea"thenprint"[201]t is far too heavy.":goto170
- 1206 ifri$="pia"orri$="sof"orri$="was"thenprint"[201]t is far too heavy.":goto170
- 1208 ifri$="rod"thenprint"[212]he rodent ran away.":goto170
- 1210 ifri$="boo"then1212
- 1211 goto1220
- 1212 fl=0:forz=7to10
- 1213 ifma(lo,z)=13thenfl=1
- 1214 nextz
- 1215 iflo<>5andfl=0thenprint"[201] don't see it here.":goto170
- 1216 iflo=5andfl=0thenprint"[217]ou shouldn't be reading library books"
- 1217 iflo=5andfl=0thenprint"when on the job.":goto170
- 1220 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1225 ifin(z)<>0thenfl=fl+1
- 1230 nextz
- 1235 iffl=5thenprint"[217]ou are already carrying your maximum"
- 1236 iffl=5thenprint"of five objects.":goto170
- 1244 goto1250
- 1250 ifma(lo,7)=0andma(lo,8)=0andma(lo,9)=0andma(lo,10)=0then1252
- 1251 goto1253
- 1252 print"[217]ou can't take that.":goto170
- 1253 d1$="":d2$="":d3$="":d4$=""
- 1255 d1$=left$(ob$(ma(lo,7)),3)
- 1256 d2$=left$(ob$(ma(lo,8)),3)
- 1257 d3$=left$(ob$(ma(lo,9)),3)
- 1258 d4$=left$(ob$(ma(lo,10)),3)
- 1260 ifri$=d1$thenob=ma(lo,7):ma(lo,7)=0
- 1261 ifri$=d2$thenob=ma(lo,8):ma(lo,8)=0
- 1262 ifri$=d3$thenob=ma(lo,9):ma(lo,9)=0
- 1263 ifri$=d4$thenob=ma(lo,10):ma(lo,10)=0
- 1265 z=1
- 1267 ifin(z)=0thenin(z)=ob:goto1270
- 1268 ifz<5thenz=z+1:goto1267
- 1270 ifob>0thenprint"[217]ou now have the "o1$(ob)".":goto1275
- 1272 print"[217]ou can't take that."
- 1275 goto170
- 1300 fl=0
- 1302 forz=1to5
- 1304 ifin(z)<>0thenfl=1
- 1306 nextz
- 1308 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou are not carrying anything.":goto170
- 1309 iflo=2andri$="raf"thenprint"[212]hat's not a good idea right now.":goto170
- 1310 ifma(lo,7)<>0andma(lo,8)<>0andma(lo,9)<>0andma(lo,10)<>0then1314
- 1312 goto1316
- 1314 print"[212]here isn't enough room in here.":goto170
- 1316 d$="":d=0
- 1318 forz=1to16
- 1320 ifleft$(ob$(z),3)=ri$thend$=ob$(z):d=z
- 1322 nextz
- 1324 ifd$=""thenprint"[217]ou don't have it.":goto170
- 1326 forz=1to5
- 1328 ifin(z)=dthenin(z)=0
- 1330 nextz
- 1350 ifma(lo,7)=0thenma(lo,7)=d:goto1365
- 1352 ifma(lo,8)=0thenma(lo,8)=d:goto1365
- 1354 ifma(lo,9)=0thenma(lo,9)=d:goto1365
- 1355 ifma(lo,10)=0thenma(lo,10)=d
- 1365 ifle$="dro"thenprint"[217]ou have dropped it."
- 1366 ifle$="put"thenprint"[217]ou have put it down."
- 1368 ifle$="thr"thenprint"[215]ith a mighty heave, you throw it away."
- 1369 goto170
- 1400 ifri$="lis"thenob=1:goto1410
- 1402 ifri$="loc"thenob=4:goto1410
- 1404 ifri$="boo"thenob=13:goto1410
- 1406 print"[217]ou don't have anything that can be":print"read.":goto170
- 1410 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1412 ifin(z)=obthenfl=1
- 1414 nextz
- 1416 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have it.":goto170
- 1418 ifob=1thenprint"[212]he list of suspect reads:":print
- 1420 ifob=1thenprint"1. [196]r. [196]avidson"
- 1422 ifob=1thenprint"2. [205]rs. [205]ule"
- 1424 ifob=1thenprint"3. [208]rofessor [208]ate"
- 1426 ifob=1thenprint"4. [211]enator [211]ullivan"
- 1428 ifob=1thenprint"5. [205]r. [205]orton"
- 1430 ifob=1thenprint"6. [195]ommodore [195]ob":goto170
- 1434 ifob=4thenprint"[201]t says:":print
- 1436 ifob=4thenprint"[206]ote: [212]his device does not work on all"
- 1438 ifob=4thenprint"locks.":goto170
- 1440 print"[212]he piano book is filled with popular"
- 1442 print"music. [205]ost songs appear to be in [195]"
- 1444 print"minor.":goto170
- 1500 forz=1to16
- 1502 ifleft$(ob$(z),3)=ri$then1530
- 1504 nextz
- 1506 ifri$="lig"andlo=35thenprint"[212]he ceiling light is out.":goto170
- 1508 ifri$="cei"andlo=35thenprint"[212]he ceiling light is out.":goto170
- 1516 print"[217]ou see nothing special.":goto170
- 1530 d$=ob$(z):d=z
- 1532 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1533 ifin(z)=dthenfl=1
- 1534 nextz:forz=7to10
- 1536 ifma(lo,z)=dthenfl=1
- 1537 nextz
- 1538 iffl=1then1540
- 1539 print"[201] don't see it here.":goto170
- 1540 ifd=1thenprint"[201]t has some writing on it."
- 1541 ifd=2thenprint"[201]t looks very dangerous."
- 1542 ifd=3thenprint"[201]t looks like an ordinary key."
- 1543 ifd=4thenprint"[201]t is a complex device. [217]ou notice"
- 1544 ifd=4thenprint"some writing on it."
- 1545 ifd=5thenprint"[212]he wine glass is soiled."
- 1546 ifd=6thenprint"[201]t looks like an ordinary rubber glove."
- 1547 ifd=7thenprint"[212]he kit seems to have all of its parts."
- 1548 ifd=8thenprint"[201]t is a clear plastic bag."
- 1549 ifd=9thenprint"[201]t has not been used for months."
- 1550 ifd=10thenprint"[212]he aluminum raquet seems to have been"
- 1551 ifd=10thenprint"left out in the rain."
- 1552 ifd=11thenprint"[212]he green hose is about 10 feet long."
- 1553 ifd=12thenprint"[201]t is made of a shiny plastic material."
- 1554 ifd=13thenprint"[212]he book is 184 pages long."
- 1556 ifd=14thenprint"[202]udging by its appearance and pleasant"
- 1557 ifd=14thenprint"scent, the towel has just been washed."
- 1558 ifd=15thenprint"[217]up, it's dirty laundry alright."
- 1559 ifd=16thenprint"[201]t's a strong little raft."
- 1560 goto170
- 1600 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1602 ifin(z)=7thenfl=1
- 1604 nextz
- 1606 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have any testing equipment.":goto170
- 1609 ifri$="gun"andmg=1then1614
- 1610 ifri$="gun"thenob=2:goto1616
- 1612 ifri$="rif"thenob=9:goto1660
- 1613 print"[212]he kit has detected no fingerprints.":goto170
- 1614 gosub20900:print"[212]he kit has detected no fingerprints.":goto170
- 1616 gosub20900:ifgb=1then1626
- 1618 print"[193]s you attempt to test the gun, it"
- 1620 print"drops out of your hands into a mud"
- 1622 print"smear which was brought into the"
- 1623 print"mansion because you forgot to wipe your"
- 1624 print"feet. [206]o fingerprints are found.":mg=1:goto170
- 1626 print"[193]s you attempt to test the gun, it"
- 1628 print"drops out of your hands into a mud"
- 1630 print"smear which was brought into the"
- 1632 print"mansion because you forgot to wipe your"
- 1634 print"feet. [204]uckily, the gun was in the"
- 1636 print"plastic bag. [217]ou pick it up and test"
- 1638 print"it. [212]he kit shows the fingerprints of"
- 1639 ifty=1thenprint"your hand.":goto170
- 1640 ifcr=1thenprint"[196]r. [196]avidson."
- 1642 ifcr=2thenprint"[205]rs. [205]ule."
- 1644 ifcr=3thenprint"[208]rofessor [208]ate."
- 1646 ifcr=4thenprint"[211]enator [211]ullivan."
- 1648 ifcr=5thenprint"[205]r. [205]orton."
- 1650 ifcr=6thenprint"[195]ommodore [195]ob."
- 1652 ev=1
- 1654 goto170
- 1660 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1662 ifin(z)=9thenfl=1
- 1664 nextz
- 1666 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have the rifle.":goto170
- 1668 print"[212]he kit shows the fingerprints of [196]r."
- 1670 print"[196]avidson.":goto170
- 1700 ifri$="doo"then1720
- 1702 ifri$="boo"orri$="dry"orri$="pia"orri$="was"thenprint"[207]kay.":goto170
- 1704 ifri$="car"thenprint"the car is locked.":goto170
- 1706 ifri$="bag"then1750
- 1718 print"[217]ou cannot open that.":goto170
- 1720 fl=0:forz=1to4
- 1722 ifdo(lo,z)<>0thenfl=1
- 1724 nextz
- 1726 iffl=0thenprint"[201] don't see any doors here.":goto170
- 1728 fl=0
- 1730 ifdo(lo,1)=2thenprint"[217]ou open the north door.":do(lo,1)=1:fl=1
- 1732 ifdo(lo,1)=3thenprint"[212]he north door is locked.":fl=1
- 1734 ifdo(lo,2)=2thenprint"[217]ou open the south door.":do(lo,2)=1:fl=1
- 1736 ifdo(lo,2)=3thenprint"[212]he south door is locked.":fl=1
- 1738 ifdo(lo,3)=2thenprint"[217]ou open the east door.":do(lo,3)=1:fl=1
- 1740 ifdo(lo,3)=3thenprint"[212]he east door is locked.":fl=1
- 1742 ifdo(lo,4)=2thenprint"[217]ou open the west door.":do(lo,4)=1:fl=1
- 1744 ifdo(lo,4)=3thenprint"[212]he west door is locked.":fl=1
- 1746 iffl=0thenprint"[201] don't see any closed doors here.":goto170
- 1748 goto170
- 1750 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1752 ifin(z)=8thenfl=1
- 1754 nextz
- 1756 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have the bag.":goto170
- 1758 print"[207]kay. [196]o you want to put something in"
- 1760 print"the bag?":lt=1:gosub10000
- 1762 ifph$="y"then1768
- 1764 ifph$="n"then170
- 1766 print"[145][145][145][145]":goto1758
- 1768 print:print:forz=1to5
- 1770 ifin(z)=0then1774
- 1772 printz")"o1$(in(z))
- 1773 ifin(z)=8thenprint"[145][145]":printtab(16);"_ ([201] don't think so.)"
- 1774 nextz
- 1776 print
- 1778 print"[197]nter the number of the object:"
- 1780 lt=1:gosub10000
- 1782 ifasc(ph$)<49orasc(ph$)>53thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto1778
- 1784 ifph$="1"thenob=in(1)
- 1785 ifph$="2"thenob=in(2)
- 1786 ifph$="3"thenob=in(3)
- 1787 ifph$="4"thenob=in(4)
- 1788 ifph$="5"thenob=in(5)
- 1790 ifob<>2thenprint"[201]t doesn't seem to fit in the bag.":goto170
- 1792 print"[217]ou put the gun in the plastic bag.":gb=1
- 1794 ifwe=0thenty=1
- 1796 goto170
- 1800 ifri$="doo"then1820
- 1802 ifri$="boo"orri$="dry"orri$="pia"orri$="was"thenprint"[207]kay.":goto170
- 1804 ifri$="car"thenprint"[212]he car door is not open.":goto170
- 1806 ifri$="bag"thenprint"[207]kay.":goto170
- 1818 print"[217]ou cannot close that.":goto170
- 1820 fl=0:forz=1to4
- 1822 ifdo(lo,z)<>0thenfl=1
- 1824 nextz
- 1826 iffl=0thenprint"[201] don't see any doors here.":goto170
- 1828 fl=0
- 1830 ifdo(lo,1)=1thenprint"[217]ou close the north door.":do(lo,1)=2:fl=1
- 1832 ifdo(lo,2)=1thenprint"[217]ou close the south door.":do(lo,2)=2:fl=1
- 1834 ifdo(lo,3)=1thenprint"[217]ou close the east door.":do(lo,3)=2:fl=1
- 1836 ifdo(lo,4)=1thenprint"[217]ou close the west door.":do(lo,4)=2:fl=1
- 1838 iffl=0thenprint"[201] don't see any open doors here.":goto170
- 1840 goto170
- 1900 ifri$="doo"then1920
- 1902 ifri$="car"thenprint"[212]he lock is impossible to pick.":goto170
- 1918 print"[217]ou cannot unlock that.":goto170
- 1920 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 1922 ifin(z)=3thenfl=fl+1
- 1924 ifin(z)=4thenfl=fl+2
- 1926 nextz
- 1927 kw=0
- 1928 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have a key.":goto170
- 1930 iflo=25thenprint"[212]he lock is impossible to pick.":goto170
- 1932 iflo=4andfl=1thenprint"[217]ou unlock the south door.":do(lo,2)=2:kw=1
- 1934 iflo=4andfl=3thenprint"[217]ou unlock the south door.":do(lo,2)=2:kw=1
- 1936 iflo=8andfl=1thenprint"[217]ou unlock the north door.":do(lo,1)=2:kw=1
- 1938 iflo=8andfl=3thenprint"[217]ou unlock the north door.":do(lo,1)=2:kw=1
- 1940 iflo=22andfl=2thenprint"[217]ou unlock the east door.":do(lo,3)=2:kw=1
- 1942 iflo=22andfl=3thenprint"[217]ou unlock the east door.":do(lo,3)=2:kw=1
- 1944 ifkw=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have the necessary item.":goto170
- 1946 goto170
- 2000 ifri$="glo"then2020
- 2018 print"[212]hat won't help solve this case.":goto170
- 2020 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 2022 ifin(z)=6thenfl=1
- 2024 nextz
- 2026 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have the rubber glove":goto170
- 2028 print"[217]ou are now wearing the rubber glove.":we=1:goto170
- 2100 ifel>4thenreturn
- 2102 ifdo(lo,el)=2thenprint"([217]ou open the door and close it behind"
- 2104 ifdo(lo,el)=2thenprint"you.)":return
- 2106 ifdo(lo,el)=3thenprint"[212]here is a locked door in that"
- 2108 ifdo(lo,el)=3thenprint"direction.":goto170
- 2110 return
- 10000 ph$="":uc$="[164]":printuc$:xx=0
- 10005 getyy$:ifyy$=""then10005
- 10010 ifyy$=chr$(13)then10050
- 10015 ifyy$=""oryy$="[145]"oryy$=""oryy$="[157]"thenyy$="":goto10005
- 10020 ifyy$=chr$(19)oryy$=chr$(147)oryy$=chr$(148)thenyy$="":goto10005
- 10025 ifyy$=chr$(20)thenyy$="":goto10060
- 10030 ifxx=ltthen10005
- 10035 ph$=ph$+yy$:xx=xx+1
- 10040 print"[145]"ph$+uc$
- 10045 goto10005
- 10050 z=len(ph$):printtab(z)"[145] "
- 10055 return
- 10060 z=len(ph$):ifz=0then10040
- 10065 printtab(z)"[145] ":xx=xx-1
- 10070 ph$=left$(ph$,z-1):goto10040
- 11000 print"--[194]ack [217]ard--"
- 11002 print"[217]ou are standing on beautifully green"
- 11004 print"grass. [212]he mansion's back entrance is"
- 11006 print"to the south. [212]here is a swimming pool"
- 11008 print"a few feet away to the east. [217]ou also"
- 11010 print"see a tennis court to the west.":goto165
- 11020 print"--[211]wimming [208]ool--"
- 11022 print"[217]ou are now floating in a 10' deep"
- 11024 print"swimming pool. [217]our detective clothes"
- 11026 print"are soaked! [215]hy not wear a swim suit"
- 11028 print"next time? [217]ou see beautifully green"
- 11030 print"grass to the south and west.":goto165
- 11040 print"--[212]ennis [195]ourt--"
- 11042 print"[217]ou are now on a newly finished tennis"
- 11044 print"court. [212]he net has not been put up"
- 11046 print"yet. [212]o the east you see beautifully"
- 11048 print"green grass. [193]nd to the south is some"
- 11050 print"not-so-beautiful grass.":goto165
- 11060 print"--[194]ack [211]tairway--"
- 11062 print"[217]ou are standing at the top of a"
- 11064 print"furnished stairway. [212]he study is to"
- 11066 print"the south. [217]ou may exit the mansion to"
- 11068 print"the north.":goto165
- 11080 print"--[204]ibrary--"
- 11082 print"[208]lease be quiet. [217]ou are in a library."
- 11084 print"[212]here are, of course, many books here."
- 11086 print"[212]he only exit is to the south.":goto165
- 11100 print"--[205]ain [194]athroom--"
- 11102 print"[212]his large bathroom is the size of an"
- 11104 print"average living room. [212]he only exit is"
- 11106 print"to the south.":goto165
- 11120 print"--[197]ast [194]ack [217]ard--"
- 11122 print"[217]ou are standing on beautifully green"
- 11124 print"grass. [212]here is a swimming pool to the"
- 11126 print"north, and some not-so-beautiful grass"
- 11128 print"to the south.":goto165
- 11140 print"--[211]tudy--"
- 11142 print"[212]his room is rather small, with only"
- 11144 print"enough room for a handful of people."
- 11146 print"[201]t is decorated with a lovely yellow"
- 11148 print"wallpaper. [212]here is an exit to the"
- 11150 print"north, and the corridor is to the east."
- 11152 print"[206]ear the west wall, you see a few"
- 11154 print"chairs around an expensive mahogany"
- 11156 print"table.":goto165
- 11160 print"--[195]orridor--"
- 11162 print"[217]ou are now in a long east-west"
- 11164 print"corridor. [212]he library is to the north,"
- 11166 print"the billiard room is to the east, and"
- 11168 print"the study is to the west.":goto165
- 11180 print"--[194]illiard [210]oom--"
- 11182 print"[217]ou are in the billiard room. [193]lthough"
- 11184 print"it is usually quite busy, you are now"
- 11186 print"the only person in the room due to the"
- 11188 print"importance of this case. [212]he main"
- 11190 print"bathroom is to the north, the"
- 11192 print"conservatory is to the south, and the"
- 11194 print"corridor is to the west. [212]here is a"
- 11196 print"large billiard table in the middle of"
- 11198 print"the room.":goto165
- 11200 print"--[215]est [217]ard--"
- 11202 print"[217]ou are standing in the yard west of"
- 11204 print"[196]r. [196]avidson's mansion. [212]he grass is"
- 11206 print"not so beautiful here. [212]o the north is"
- 11208 print"a newly finished tennis court. [212]here"
- 11210 print"is a tall fence to the south.":goto165
- 11220 print"--[215]est [211]tairway--"
- 11222 print"[217]ou are standing at the bottom of a"
- 11224 print"twisting stairway. [193]n east exit leads"
- 11226 print"into the ball room.":goto165
- 11240 print"--[196]imly [204]it [195]loset--"
- 11242 print"[217]ou are standing in a dimly lit closet."
- 11244 print"[212]he only exit is south into the lounge.":goto165
- 11260 print"--[194]all [210]oom--"
- 11262 print"[217]ou are now in a large ball room. [217]ou"
- 11264 print"notice elaborate chandeliers suspended"
- 11266 print"from the ceiling, and an unusual floor"
- 11268 print"made of redwood tiles. [212]he west hall"
- 11270 print"is to the south, and the dining room is"
- 11272 print"to the east. [212]he west exit leads to a"
- 11274 print"stairway.":goto165
- 11280 print"--[196]ining [210]oom--"
- 11282 print"[212]he dining room is a large and formally"
- 11284 print"decorated room. [202]udging by the one"
- 11286 print"long table, you estimate that it sits"
- 11288 print"about 50 guests. [212]he south exit leads"
- 11290 print"to the kitchen, and the ball room is to"
- 11292 print"the west.":goto165
- 11300 print"--[195]onservatory--"
- 11302 print"[212]he first thing you notice in this room"
- 11304 print"is the gleaming grand piano. [207]ther"
- 11306 print"[207]bjects include a colossal harp and a"
- 11308 print"dusty amplifier. [212]he billard room is"
- 11310 print"to the north. [193]nother exit leads west.":goto165
- 11320 print"--[197]ast [211]tairway--"
- 11322 print"[217]ou are standing at the bottom of a"
- 11324 print"fancy stairway. [212]he east exit leads to"
- 11326 print"the conservatory.":goto165
- 11340 print"--[197]ast [217]ard--"
- 11342 print"[217]ou are standing in the yard east of"
- 11344 print"[196]r. [196]avidson's mansion. [212]he grass here"
- 11346 print"has been scorched by the sun. [212]here is"
- 11348 print"beautifully green grass to the north."
- 11350 print"[212]he driveway is to the west.":goto165
- 11360 print"--[204]ounge--"
- 11362 print"[212]he furniture in this little room is"
- 11364 print"crowded together. [212]here is a"
- 11366 print"modern picture on the west wall. [212]o"
- 11368 print"the north is a closet, and to the east"
- 11370 print"is the west hall.":goto165
- 11380 print"--[215]est [200]all--"
- 11382 print"[217]ou are standing in the west hall. [193]"
- 11384 print"brightly colored [201]ndian rug of some"
- 11386 print"sort catches your eye. [212]he ball room"
- 11388 print"isto the north, and the lounge is to"
- 11390 print"the west. [212]he east hall is to the"
- 11392 print"east. [217]ou may exit the mansion to the"
- 11394 print"south.":goto165
- 11400 print"--[203]itchen--"
- 11402 print"[212]he kitchen is unusually clean at this"
- 11404 print"time. [212]here is a large meat freezer to"
- 11406 print"the east. [212]he dining room is to the"
- 11408 print"north, and the east hall is to the"
- 11410 print"south.":goto165
- 11420 print"--[197]ast [200]all--"
- 11422 print"[217]ou are in the east hall. [217]ou notice"
- 11424 print"several paintings on the wall of"
- 11426 print"breath-taking sceneries. [212]he kithen is"
- 11428 print"to the north, and the west hall is"
- 11430 print"(guess where?) to the west. [212]here are"
- 11432 print"closets on the east and south walls.":goto165
- 11440 print"--[205]eat [198]reezer--"
- 11442 print"[201]t is quite chilly in here. [217]ou"
- 11444 print"realize that it would be a good idea to"
- 11446 print"exit west to the kitchen soon. [212]here"
- 11448 print"are gigantic slabs of frozen meat here.":goto165
- 11460 print"--[196]usty [195]loset--"
- 11462 print"[212]here are piles of dust on the shelves"
- 11464 print"of this closet. [212]he only exit is west"
- 11466 print"to the east hall.":goto165
- 11480 print"--[199]arage--"
- 11482 print"[217]ou are standing in a one-car garage."
- 11484 print"[212]he only exit is south to the driveway."
- 11486 print"[217]ou can't help noticing a shiny white"
- 11488 print"sports car here. [213]nfortunately, it is"
- 11490 print"locked.":goto165
- 11500 print"--[198]ront [217]ard--"
- 11502 print"[217]ou are standing on beautifully green"
- 11504 print"grass, but at the same time are getting"
- 11506 print"sprayed by an in-ground sprinkler"
- 11508 print"system. [212]he front entrance to [196]r."
- 11510 print"[196]avidson's mansion is to the north, and"
- 11512 print"the driveway is to the east. [193] tall"
- 11514 print"fence prevents you from entering the"
- 11516 print"west yard from here. [215]hy don't you get"
- 11518 print"out of the way of the sprinkler so that"
- 11519 print"the grass can get some water?":goto165
- 11520 print"--[196]riveway--"
- 11522 print"[217]ou are standing on an asphalt"
- 11524 print"driveway. [201]t is really hot here"
- 11526 print"standing in the sun! [212]he garage is to"
- 11528 print"the north, the east yard is to the"
- 11530 print"east, and the front yard is to the"
- 11532 print"west.":goto165
- 11540 print"--[195]oat [195]loset--"
- 11542 print"[212]his closet is used to hang the guests'"
- 11544 print"coats. [194]ecause it is the middle of"
- 11546 print"summer, and because the house was"
- 11548 print"cleared for this important case, you"
- 11550 print"just see a bunch of hangers. [212]he east"
- 11552 print"hall is to the north.":goto165
- 11560 print"--[194]athroom--"
- 11562 print"[217]ou are standing in a bathroom. [212]he"
- 11564 print"only exit is east to the master"
- 11566 print"bedroom.":goto165
- 11580 print"--[215]est [211]tairway--"
- 11582 print"[217]ou are standing at the top of a"
- 11584 print"twisting stairway. [193] corridor runs"
- 11586 print"east.":goto165
- 11600 print"--[205]aster [194]edroom--"
- 11602 print"[212]he master bedroom is decorated with"
- 11604 print"rich wood paneling and a beautiful full"
- 11606 print"length mirror. [212]he corridor is to the"
- 11608 print"south. [212]here is a bathroom to the"
- 11610 print"west. [217]ou see a king size bed against"
- 11612 print"the north wall.":goto165
- 11620 print"--[215]est [195]orridor--"
- 11622 print"[217]ou are standing in the west corridor."
- 11624 print"[212]here are bedrooms to the north and"
- 11626 print"south, and a stairway to the west. [212]he"
- 11628 print"the corridor continues east.":goto165
- 11640 print"--[215]est [194]edroom--"
- 11642 print"[212]his is a rather small bedroom with a"
- 11644 print"single bed. [212]he only exit is north to"
- 11646 print"the corridor.":goto165
- 11660 print"--[199]uest [194]edroom--"
- 11662 print"[212]his bedroom is quite large with three"
- 11664 print"single beds. [212]here is a bathroom to"
- 11666 print"the east. [212]he south exit leads to the"
- 11668 print"corridor.":goto165
- 11680 print"--[197]ast [195]orridor--"
- 11682 print"[215]hile standing in the corridor, you"
- 11684 print"notice that one of the large ceiling"
- 11686 print"lights is out. [212]here are bedrooms to"
- 11688 print"the north and south, and a stairway to"
- 11690 print"the east. [212]he corridor continues west.":goto165
- 11700 print"--[194]athroom--"
- 11702 print"[217]ou are standing in an ordinary"
- 11704 print"bathroom. [212]he only exit is east to the"
- 11706 print"bedroom.":goto165
- 11720 print"--[197]ast [194]edroom--"
- 11722 print"[217]ou notice immediately that this is a"
- 11724 print"very unusual bedroom. [212]here are"
- 11726 print"mirrors on all four walls. [212]here is a"
- 11728 print"bathroom to the west. [212]he north exit"
- 11730 print"leads to the corridor.":goto165
- 11740 print"--[199]uest [194]athroom--"
- 11742 print"[212]his is a rather large, but ordinary"
- 11744 print"bathroom. [212]he only exit is west to the"
- 11746 print"bedroom.":goto165
- 11760 print"--[197]ast [211]tairway--"
- 11762 print"[217]ou are standing at the top of a fancy"
- 11764 print"stairway. [212]here is a corridor to the"
- 11766 print"west.":goto165
- 11780 print"--[206]orth [211]tairway--"
- 11782 print"[217]ou are standing at the bottom of a"
- 11784 print"furnished stairway. [212]he laundry room"
- 11786 print"is to the south.":goto165
- 11800 print"--[194]ar--"
- 11802 print"[217]ou are standing in a dimly lit bar."
- 11804 print"[212]here are many fine wines behind the"
- 11806 print"tall counter. [212]here is a small casino"
- 11808 print"to the east, and a weight room to the"
- 11810 print"south.":goto165
- 11820 print"--[195]asino [210]oom--"
- 11822 print"[212]his small casino includes a blackjack"
- 11824 print"table seating seven, a craps table, and"
- 11826 print"roulette wheel. [212]he walls are"
- 11828 print"decorated appropriately with paintings"
- 11830 print"of playing cards. [212]he only exit is"
- 11832 print"west to the bar.":goto165
- 11840 print"--[204]aundry [210]oom--"
- 11842 print"[217]ou are standing in the laundry room."
- 11844 print"[212]here is a big washer and dryer on the"
- 11846 print"west wall. [212]here is a stairway to the"
- 11848 print"north, a storage room to the south, and"
- 11850 print"a weight room to the east.":goto165
- 11860 print"--[215]eight [210]oom--"
- 11862 print"[212]his room is filled with fitness"
- 11864 print"equipment including mostly free"
- 11866 print"weights. [212]here is a bar to the north,"
- 11868 print"an entertainment room to the south, a"
- 11870 print"bathroom to the east, and a laundry"
- 11872 print"room to the west.":goto165
- 11880 print"--[196]ownstairs [194]athroom--"
- 11882 print"[217]ou are standing in an ordinary"
- 11884 print"bathroom. [212]he only exit is west to the"
- 11886 print"weight room.":goto165
- 11900 print"--[211]torage [210]oom--"
- 11902 print"[212]his room contains a lot of old"
- 11904 print"and unused equipment. [217]ou see a rodent"
- 11906 print"run across the back of the room. [212]he"
- 11908 print"only exit is north to the laundry room.":goto165
- 11920 print"--[197]ntertainment [210]oom--"
- 11922 print"[212]his is a brightly decorated room"
- 11924 print"consisting of two large sofas, a big"
- 11926 print"screen [212][214], and an expensive stereo"
- 11928 print"system. [212]he weight room is to the"
- 11930 print"north.":goto165
- 20000 forlo=1to47:fordi=1to6:readma(lo,di):nextdi:nextlo
- 20005 forlo=1to47:fordi=1to4:readdo(lo,di):nextdi:nextlo
- 20010 forz=1to16:readob$(z):nextz
- 20015 forz=1to16:reado1$(z):nextz
- 20020 data0,4,2,3,0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,0,11,1,0,0,0,1,8,0,0,0,40,0,9,0,0,0,0
- 20025 data0,10,0,0,0,0,2,18,0,0,0,0,4,0,9,0,0,0,5,0,10,8,0,0,6,16,0,9,0,0
- 20030 data3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,0,30,0,0,19,0,0,0,0,0,20,15,12,0,0,0,21,0,14,0,0
- 20035 data10,0,0,17,0,0,0,0,16,0,39,0,7,0,0,27,0,0,13,0,20,0,0,0
- 20040 data14,26,22,19,0,0,15,22,23,0,0,0,21,28,24,20,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0
- 20045 data0,0,0,22,0,0,0,27,0,0,0,0,20,0,27,0,0,0,25,0,18,26,0,0,22,0,0,0,0,0
- 20050 data0,0,31,0,0,0,0,0,32,0,0,12,0,32,0,29,0,0,31,33,35,30,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0
- 20055 data0,35,38,0,0,0,34,37,39,32,0,0,0,0,37,0,0,0,35,0,0,36,0,0,0,0,0,34,0,0
- 20060 data0,0,0,35,0,17,0,43,0,0,4,0,0,44,42,0,0,0,0,0,0,41,0,0,40,46,44,0,0,0
- 20065 data41,47,45,43,0,0,0,0,0,44,0,0,43,0,0,0,0,0,44,0,0,0,0,0
- 20068 data0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,2,0
- 20069 data0,0,2,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2
- 20070 data0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,3,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,2,0
- 20071 data0,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,2,0,0,0
- 20072 data0,2,2,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 20073 data0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 20075 data"list","gun","key","lockbuster","glass","glove","kit","bag","rifle"
- 20080 data"raquet","hose","ball","book","towel","laundry","raft"
- 20085 data"list of suspects","shiny gun","bronze key","lockbuster"
- 20090 data"empty wine glass","rubber glove","fingerprint test kit"
- 20095 data"plastic bag","hunting rifle","rusty tennis raquet"
- 20100 data"short garden hose","colorful beach ball","advanced piano book"
- 20105 data"fluffy blue towel","dirty laundry","stirofoam raft"
- 20110 in(1)=1:z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1:ob=2
- 20115 ifz=1thenlo=46
- 20120 ifz=2thenlo=38
- 20125 ifz=3thenlo=8
- 20130 gosub20500:ob=3:lo=1:gosub20500
- 20135 z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1:ob=4
- 20140 ifz=1thenlo=25
- 20145 ifz=2thenlo=23
- 20150 ifz=3thenlo=34
- 20155 gosub20500:ob=5:lo=15:gosub20500
- 20160 z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1:ob=16
- 20165 ifz=1thenlo=13
- 20170 ifz=2thenlo=33
- 20175 ifz=3thenlo=28
- 20180 gosub20500:ob=7:lo=24:gosub20500
- 20185 z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1:ob=8
- 20190 ifz=1thenlo=21
- 20195 ifz=2thenlo=41
- 20200 ifz=3thenlo=25
- 20205 gosub20500:ob=9:lo=31:gosub20500:ob=10:lo=3:gosub20500
- 20207 ob=6:lo=43:gosub20500
- 20210 ob=11:lo=26:gosub20500:ob=12:lo=2:gosub20500:ob=13:lo=16:gosub20500
- 20215 ob=14:lo=29:gosub20500:ob=15:lo=43:gosub20500:cr=int(rnd(1)*6)+1:return
- 20500 fordi=7to10
- 20505 ifma(lo,di)=0thenma(lo,di)=ob:return
- 20510 nextdi:return
- 20600 goto20620
- 20601 print"[217]ou are carrying:"
- 20602 forz=1to5
- 20604 ifin(z)=0then20610
- 20606 ifin(z)=6andwe=1thenprint"rubber glove (actually wearing it)":goto20610
- 20608 printo1$(in(z))
- 20610 nextz
- 20612 goto170
- 20620 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 20622 ifin(z)<>0thenfl=1
- 20624 nextz
- 20626 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou are not carrying anything.":goto170
- 20628 goto20601
- 20700 print"1. [196]r. [196]avidson"
- 20702 print"2. [205]rs. [205]ule"
- 20704 print"3. [208]rofessor [208]ate"
- 20706 print"4. [211]enator [211]ullivan"
- 20708 print"5. [205]r. [205]orton"
- 20710 print"6. [195]ommodore [195]ob"
- 20712 print"[215]ho do you accuse of murdering the"
- 20714 print"butler? (enter the suspect's number)"
- 20716 lt=1:gosub10000
- 20718 ifasc(ph$)<49orasc(ph$)>54thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto20716
- 20720 z=asc(ph$)-48
- 20722 ifev=1andz=crthen20732
- 20724 print"[217]ou have accused an innocent person of"
- 20726 print"committing murder without sufficient"
- 20728 print"evidence! [217]ou are immediately"
- 20730 print"dismissed from the case.":goto20800
- 20732 print"[195][207][206][199][210][193][212][213][204][193][212][201][207][206][211]!! [217]ou have solved the"
- 20734 print"case! [217]ou are a superior detective.":goto20800
- 20800 print"[215]ould you like to play again ([217]/[206])?"
- 20805 getz$:ifz$=""then20805
- 20810 ifz$="y"thenclr:goto10
- 20815 ifz$="n"then20850
- 20820 goto20805
- 20850 print"[207]ne moment, returning to [213]p[212]ime..."
- 20860 load"reboot",8
- 20900 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 20905 ifin(z)=2thenfl=1
- 20910 nextz
- 20915 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou don't have the gun.":goto170
- 20920 return
- 21000 forz=7to10
- 21002 ifma(lo,z)=1thenprint"[217]ou see a list of suspects here."
- 21004 ifma(lo,z)=2thenprint"[212]here is a shiny gun here."
- 21006 ifma(lo,z)=3thenprint"[193] bronze key catches your eye."
- 21008 ifma(lo,z)=4thenprint"[217]ou see a lockbuster here."
- 21010 ifma(lo,z)=5thenprint"[212]here is an empty wine glass here."
- 21012 ifma(lo,z)=6thenprint"[217]ou see a rubber glove here."
- 21014 ifma(lo,z)=7thenprint"[217]ou have found a fingerprint test kit."
- 21016 ifma(lo,z)=8thenprint"[217]ou see a plastic bag here."
- 21018 ifma(lo,z)=9thenprint"[212]here is a hunting rifle here."
- 21020 ifma(lo,z)=10thenprint"[217]ou have found a rusty tennis raquet."
- 21022 ifma(lo,z)=11thenprint"[212]here is a short garden hose here."
- 21024 ifma(lo,z)=12thenprint"[217]ou see a colorful beach ball."
- 21026 ifma(lo,z)=13thenprint"[212]here is an advanced piano book here."
- 21028 ifma(lo,z)=14thenprint"[212]here is a fluffy blue towel here."
- 21030 ifma(lo,z)=15thenprint"[217]ou see some dirty laundry."
- 21031 ifma(lo,z)=16thenprint"[212]here is a stirofoam raft here."
- 21032 nextz:return
- 21100 print"[215]elcome to [205]urder [205]ansion. [217]ou are the"
- 21102 print"chosen detective to solve the case of"
- 21104 print"the murdered butler. [215]ith only a list"
- 21106 print"of suspects, you are left off at [196]r."
- 21108 print"[196]avidson's mansion. [215]ill you solve"
- 21110 print"this case and become a world famous"
- 21112 print"detective?"
- 21114 print"[201]n this text adventure game, you enter"
- 21116 print"two word commands to complete each"
- 21118 print"task. [211]ome examples are 'examine list'"
- 21120 print"and 'open bag'. [201]n some cases you may"
- 21122 print"use one word commands such as"
- 21124 print"'inventory' or 'look'. [215]hen you have"
- 21126 print"sufficient evidence, enter 'accuse' to"
- 21128 print"solve the case."
- 21130 print"[208]lease enter your first name:"
- 21132 lt=15:gosub10000
- 21134 na$=ph$:forz=1to24:print:nextz:return
- 21200 fl=0:forz=1to5
- 21202 ifin(z)=16thenfl=1
- 21204 nextz
- 21206 iffl=0thenprint"[217]ou see the deep water and decide not"
- 21208 iffl=0thenprint"to cross at this time.":goto170
- 21210 return