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- 10 rem neutron.exe jc hilty 11/88
- 12 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 14 gosub800
- 15 gosub850
- 16 pokev+21,255
- 17 pq=30
- 18 gosub450:gosub300:gosub312:print"[159]"tab(19)pq
- 20 w1=peek(v+30):w2=peek(v+31)
- 30 lp=lp+1:iflp=100thenpoke2044,194:goto200
- 32 iflp=85thenpoke2044,193
- 34 sys(j):ifst=0then38
- 35 ifpeek(3)=4thenpoke50443,255:poke50688,32
- 36 ifpeek(3)=8thenpoke50443,1:poke50688,32
- 37 fb=-((peek(56320)and16)=0):iffb=1then100
- 38 w1=peek(v+30):ifw1and32then200
- 40 ifpeek(v+9)<upthenpoke50442,1:poke50688,16
- 42 ifpeek(v+9)>dothenpoke50442,255:poke50688,16
- 44 ifpeek(v+8)>eathenpoke50441,255:poke50688,16
- 46 ifpeek(v+8)<wethenpoke50441,1:poke50688,16
- 48 poke2046,rr:poke2047,rr:rr=rr+1:ifrr=203thenrr=199
- 50 goto30
- 99 rem fire laser
- 100 tb=int(peek(v+10)/8.3):print""tab(tb);f$
- 104 w2=peek(v+31):ifw2and16then110
- 106 print""tab(tb);a$:goto38
- 110 poke50432,0:print""tab(tb);a$:poke2044,198
- 112 sc=sc+100-lp:print"[159]"tab(8);sc:gosub300:w2=peek(v+31):poke50432,63
- 114 pq=pq-1:print"[159]"tab(20)" ":print""tab(19)pq:ifpq=0then2000
- 115 goto38
- 199 rem neutron-man hit
- 200 poke50432,0:forx=0to24:pokes+x,0:next:pokes+24,15:pokes+5,8:pokes+6,255
- 202 pokes+4,85:f1=100:f2=230:forq=1to80:pokes,f1:poke2045,198:pokes+15,f2
- 204 poke2045,196:f2=f2-2:f1=f1*.99:next:pokes+6,15
- 206 sh=sh-1:print"[159]"tab(34);sh:ifsh=0then400
- 208 goto18
- 299 rem initialize alien craft
- 300 d=int(2*rnd(5)):ifd=0thenpoke50441,1:goto304
- 302 poke50441,255
- 304 d=int(2*rnd(5)):ifd=0thenpoke50442,1:goto308
- 306 poke50442,255
- 308 up=int(65*rnd(5)+70):do=int(65*rnd(6)+106)
- 310 ea=int(84*rnd(4)+148):we=int(84*rnd(6)+64):poke50688,16
- 311 pokev+8,140:pokev+9,120:poke2044,192:lp=0:return
- 312 pokev,30:pokev+1,30:pokev+2,80
- 314 pokev+3,30:pokev+4,170:pokev+5,30:pokev+6,160:pokev+7,30:pokev+10,160
- 315 pokev+11,198:poke50443,0:poke50688,32:poke50432,63
- 316 return
- 399 rem game over
- 400 poke50432,15:print"[159]"tab(11)"g a m e o v e r"
- 402 print:printtab(11)"score ";sc
- 404 forx=0to24:pokes+x,0:next:pokes+24,15
- 406 a=15:q=107:pokes+5,a:pokes+12,a:pokes+19,a:pokes+6,q:pokes+13,q
- 408 pokes+20,q:pokes+14,30:pokes+15,60:pokes+4,33:pokes+11,23
- 410 pokes+18,23:forf1=40to80step1:pokes+1,f1
- 412 forf2=60to31step-5:pokes+8,f2:nextf2:nextf1
- 414 pokes+4,32:pokes+11,32:pokes+18,32:fort=0to2000:next
- 416 printtab(11)"play again--y or n"
- 418 getjk$:ifjk$<>""then418
- 420 getp$:ifp$=""then420
- 422 ifp$="y"then426
- 424 ifp$="n"then10000
- 425 goto420
- 426 poke50432,0:sc=0:sh=5:gosub850:goto17
- 450 forx=0to24:pokes+x,0:next:pokes+24,15:pokes+12,160:pokes+13,252
- 452 pokes+8,80:pokes+7,40:pokes+11,129
- 454 return
- 800 forx=828to848:reada:pokex,a:next
- 805 poke147,0:sys57812"neutron.font",8,1:sys62631:poke53272,31
- 806 poke147,0:sys57812"neutron.sp2",8,1:sys62631
- 808 poke50432,0:sys51104
- 810 poke50433,254:poke50434,1:poke50435,0:poke50436,1:poke50437,2:poke50438,1
- 812 poke50439,0:poke50440,2:poke50441,0:poke50442,0:poke50443,0:poke50444,0
- 813 poke50688,63
- 814 f$="[158][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145][181][157][145]"
- 815 a$=" [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] [157][145] "
- 816 v=53248:s=54272:lp=0:sc=0:sh=5:c=49152:j=828:rr=199
- 818 forx=2040to2043:pokex,197:next:poke2044,192:poke2045,196:poke2046,195
- 820 poke2047,195:forx=39to42:pokev+x,01:next:pokev+23,0
- 822 pokev+43,1:pokev+44,07:pokev+45,1:pokev+46,1:pokev+28,240:pokev+29,255
- 824 pokev+37,1:pokev+38,2:pokev,40:pokev+1,30:pokev+2,80:pokev+16,128
- 825 pokev+3,30:pokev+4,140:pokev+5,30:pokev+6,160:pokev+7,30:pokev+8,140
- 826 pokev+9,120:pokev+10,160:pokev+11,198:pokev+12,30:pokev+13,198
- 827 pokev+14,24:pokev+15,198
- 828 print"[147]":print"[154]neutron-man is flanked on his left and"
- 829 print"right by two alien ships that he has"
- 830 print"captured. thirty alien ships will"
- 831 print"attempt a rescue. you must destroy each"
- 832 print"ship by firing a laser at the ship.":print
- 833 print"you must destry each alien ship before"
- 834 print"it reaches you or you'll lose a unit.":print
- 835 print"use the joystick to move left or right."
- 836 print"press the button to fire a laser. you"
- 837 print"have unlimited energy, but you must"
- 838 print"stop firing to change your direction of":print"flight.":print
- 839 print"the faster you destroy a ship, the"
- 840 print"more points you receive.":print
- 841 print"avoid the deadly gamma beams as they"
- 842 print"will cost you a unit. good luck!":print
- 843 printtab(12)"press firebutton":fort=0to1000:next
- 844 wait56320,16,16
- 845 return
- 849 rem playing screen
- 850 print"[147][156]neutron-man neutron-man neutron-man"
- 852 print"e[146] [159]score";sc;tab(17)"saucers[146] units";sh;tab(38)"[156]e"
- 854 print"u"tab(38)"u":print"t"tab(38)"t":print"r"tab(38)"r"
- 856 print"o"tab(38)"o":print"n"tab(38)"n":print"-"tab(38)"-"
- 858 print"m"tab(38)"m":print"a"tab(38)"a":print"n"tab(38)"n"
- 860 print" "tab(38)" ":print" "tab(38)" ":print"n"tab(38)"n"
- 862 print"e"tab(38)"e":print"u"tab(38)"u":print"t"tab(38)"t"
- 863 print"r"tab(38)"r":print"o"tab(38)"o":print"n"tab(38)"n"
- 864 print"-"tab(38)"-":print"m"tab(38)"m":print"a"tab(38)"a"
- 865 print"[156]neutron-man neutron-man neutron-man"
- 870 return
- 1000 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3:print"[147]"
- 1002 poke53265,27:poke53270,200:poke53272,31:return
- 2000 sys65418:forx=0to2000:next:remifpeek(12278)=251thensys52480
- 2001 forx=0to24:pokes+x,0:next:pokev+21,0:print"[147][154]"tab(14)"good job!"
- 2004 sys49152,"comic2.pic",40960,24576:sys860
- 2005 wait56320,16,16:gosub1000:print"[147]..rocketing back to earth.."
- 2006 sys49152,"comic4.pic",40960,24576:sys860
- 2007 wait56320,16,16:gosub1000:gosub3000
- 2008 poke12280,sh:poke12284,int(sc/100)
- 2012 print"[147][154]approaching the city....[144]"
- 2014 print"[144]load"chr$(34)"neutron.exe4"chr$(34)",8";
- 2018 poke198,4:poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,213:poke634,13
- 2020 new
- 3000 print"[147][154]":print"the next confrontation takes place in"
- 3002 print"the city streets. use the joystick"
- 3004 print"to move left or right. you must "
- 3006 print"smash the falling neutron bolts with "
- 3008 print"your fists. for each bolt that you"
- 3010 print"smash, you receive an additional"
- 3012 print"energy unit, to a maximum of nine,"
- 3014 print"and 100 points for your score."
- 3024 print:printtab(12)"press firebutton":fort=0to1000:next
- 3026 wait56320,16,16
- 3028 print"[147][154]after 25 bolts have fallen, the saucers"
- 3029 print"will launch an assault against the"
- 3030 print"city. use the joystick to move up and"
- 3031 print"down. press the firebutton to fire a"
- 3032 print"neutron ray. fire carefully, as the ray"
- 3033 print"has a limited range.":print:print"you can fire as much as you want,"
- 3034 print"but you must stop firing to move.":print
- 3035 print"avoid colliding with a saucer, as this"
- 3036 print"will cost you an energy unit.":print
- 3037 print"you must hit 20 saucers to progress"
- 3038 print"to the next scenario. good luck!":print
- 3040 printtab(11)"press firebutton":fort=0to1000:next
- 3050 wait56320,16,16
- 3052 print"[147]":poke53272,21:return
- 6690 rem joystick data
- 6700 data 173,0,220,41,31,73,31,133,3,173,1,220,73,255,133,2,5,3,133,144,96
- 10000 sys65418:pokev+21,0:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0
- 10001 poke1023,peek(12278):rem restore the fastboot flag
- 10002 pokev+16,0:poke53272,21
- 10004 print"[147][144]load"chr$(34)"reboot"chr$(34)",8";
- 10006 poke198,4:poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,213:poke634,13
- 10007 remifpeek(12278)=251thensys52480
- 10008 new