Welcome to Volume Two, Number Seven of UpTime, The Disk Monthly! Among other changes this month, we have a new editor, me! The transition period between the last editor and myself was a long and difficult one, and is the reason for the delay between Volume 2, Number 6 and this issue. We apologize for the delay and assure you that all subscriptions will be filled completely.
As most of you are aware, UpTime for the Commodore uses a fast load program called 'FASTTIME.' In the past, some subscribers have had difficulty booting with FASTTIME either because of a fast-load cartridge they have installed or because they have a machine which operates at PAL frequencies. For these people we have offered a special version of UpTime which contains a disabled version of FASTTIME. Because of this problem, we have updated FASTTIME so its use with UpTime is now optional.
When booting UpTime, you will now be presented with a message asking if you wish to use the fast-booter. You should respond to this prompt by pressing either the 'Y' or 'N' keys. Your selection will stay in effect throughout your UpTime session.
When you are presented with this prompt, you will also notice a counter on the screen. This counter will start at 5 and will count down once every second until it reaches zero. If you allow it to reach zero, UpTime will default to using the FASTTIME module and continue booting. This will save you from having to wait for the prompt to appear and then pressing 'Y' everytime you boot, if you happen to use FASTTIME.
One additional shortcut for those who normally use FASTTIME: Before presenting the prompt, UpTime will check if you are holding down any combination of the CONTROL, SHIFT or C= (Commodore Logo) keys. (Note that this also includes the SHIFT LOCK key.) If UpTime finds any of these keys being held down it will skip the prompt, use FASTTIME and continue booting.
We are interested in hearing your feedback on this change, and urge you to give us your thoughts when you fill-out the Reader's Survey for this issue.
The 'Back Issue Info' database has been updated in this issue so it now contains information on all issues of 'UpTime for the Commodore' up to Volume Two, Number Six. If you are missing any issues of UpTime you may now find them in the database and order them through the handy 'print-an-order-form' option in the Back Issue program.
In the FUN section this month we have three offerings...
In 'Neutron Man' by James Hilty you will try to save the world from invading alien space craft using your miniature flight pack and head band-laser beam. This epic arcade game will confront you with aliens in three different scenarios, allowing you to do battle in space, above the city streets and finally in front of 'The Lady' herself! Along the way you will be treated to several movie-sequences depicting Neutron Man in different settings. Neutron Man is joystick controlled. Plug your joystick into port #2 to play.
Neutron Man uses 25 files on side two of your UpTime disk.
For a visual treat, 'FishBowl,' by Bruce Jaeger, will turn your monitor into an aquarium. Several fish will swim and frolic for your entertainment; and best of all... you don't have to feed them. Just think of all the money you'll save in fish food! 'FishBowl' will also present certain random events, such as 'Jaws' swimming-out and threatening the little fish. Some of these events can also be viewed by pressing certain keys such as 'E' (Eyes), 'S' (Submarine), 'J' (Jaws) and 'M' (Turtle?). Press F8 at any time to return to UpTime.
FISHBOWL (Four Files on Side 1)
For the 128 this month we present 'Night Mirrors' by Don Komaromi. This is a very unique game in which two players take turns rotating mirrors that separate the two sides of the playfield. Strategy and cleverness are needed to create a clear path through the mirrors to fire a neutron ball and attempt to hit your opponent.
NIGHT MIRRORS (3 Files on Side 2)
In the PRODUCTIVITY department this month we offer two useful programs and two GEOS items...
Allow 'Outline Generator' from David Leithauser to help you with school reports or organize step-by-step plans for any project. This time-saving utility will allow you to build an outline of any project and then save it to disk or send it to your printer.
OUTLINE GENERATOR (1 File on Side 1)
'Visual Aids' by Louis Avanzi offers aid to programmers and musicians. Using your 1525, 801, 803 or compatible printer, 'Visual Aids' will create helpful worksheets which programmers may use for designing screen displays, sprites or custom character sets; and for musicians it will generate blank sheet music with treble clef and optional bass clef and melody line, as well as a variable amount of measures on each staff.
VISUAL AIDS (Two Files on Side 1)
For our GEOS users we have two items, both from Jon Perregaux. First, there is a page of Clip Art graphics for use in geoPaint and geoWrite. The graphics are entitled "Rock 'n Roll" and depict the logos of various, popular rock 'n roll bands. Also, Jon has provided us with a new GEOS font, 'DeLorean,' which can also be used in both geoPaint and geoWrite. Both of these items must be accessed through GEOS, and can be found on side 2 of your UpTime disk.
One special note about the "Rock 'N Roll" Clip Art. Jon created this artwork using GEOS128, which has a slightly larger work area on the screen than GEOS for the Commodore 64. As a result, some of the logos in the file may not fit completely on a screen in GEOS64. Users of GEOS64 will have to clip the artwork in two pieces to use it. It will still print whole however.
ROCK 'N ROLL (1 GEOS File on Side 2)
1. Rock 'N' Roll
DELOREAN (One GEOS File on Side 2)
1. DeLorean
In the PROGRAMMING department this month Noel Nyman will teach us all about using Commodore SEQuential files through an interactive tutorial: 'SEQ File Tutor.' Also, Robert Rockefeller continues his helpful column, 'Programming with Machine language.' This month Robert will begin an introduction to the C64 BASIC ROM.
SEQ FILE TUTOR (Two Files on Side 1)
2. SEQ
Ervin Bobo and Jon Perregaux have checked-in this month with software reviews on 'Red Storm Rising,' a World War III submarine simulation based on the popular novel by Tom Clancy and 'Sky Travel,' an update-with-a-new-owner to an old Commodore classic.
In addition, we also have our regular features from Jenny Tesar, 'Tesar On Track,' and Dan Gutman, 'Random Access.'
'We do it all for you!' here at UpTime. Or at least we try to! That's why I urge you to take the time to fill-out the Reader's Survey included with this issue. The Reader's Survey allows us to learn more about YOU, the people who read UpTime, so we can make UpTime better for YOU! Tell us what you like. Tell us what you don't like. Tell us what you would like to see. But most of all, TELL US! We welcome your comments, suggestions and all feedback.
One additional note on the Reader's Survey: if you leave comments on the survey sheet expecting a reply, please include your full name AND ADDRESS on the survey also. This will be a great help to us and will speed our reply to you.
Thank you for being an UpTime user, and enjoy the issue!