home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 rem ************************
- 110 rem * *
- 120 rem * swagger *
- 130 rem * *
- 140 rem * copyright (c) 1988 *
- 150 rem * by *
- 160 rem * john m. campbell *
- 170 rem * *
- 180 rem * all rights reserved *
- 190 rem * *
- 200 rem ************************
- 210 rem swagger cover page
- 220 print "[147]"chr$(142)
- 230 poke 53281,0:poke 53280,12
- 250 ad=1666
- 260 poke ad,74:ad=ad+1
- 270 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 280 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 290 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 300 poke ad,75:ad=ad-40
- 310 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 320 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 330 poke ad,73:ad=ad-1
- 340 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 350 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 360 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 370 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 380 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 390 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 400 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 410 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 420 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 430 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 440 poke ad,73:ad=ad+1
- 450 poke ad,85:ad=ad+40
- 460 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 470 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 480 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 490 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 500 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 510 poke ad,74:ad=ad+1
- 520 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 530 poke ad,75:ad=ad-40
- 540 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 550 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 560 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 570 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 580 poke ad,74:ad=ad+1
- 590 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 600 poke ad,75:ad=ad-40
- 610 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 620 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 630 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 640 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 650 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 660 poke ad,73
- 670 ad=1677
- 680 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 690 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 700 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 710 poke ad,107:ad=ad-40
- 720 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 730 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 740 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 750 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 760 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 770 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 780 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 790 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 800 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 810 poke ad,115:ad=ad+40
- 820 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 830 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 840 poke ad,75:ad=ad-120-3
- 850 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 860 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 870 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 880 ad=1684-120
- 890 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 900 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 910 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 920 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 930 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 940 poke ad,75:ad=ad-1
- 950 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 960 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 970 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 980 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 990 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1000 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1010 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1020 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1030 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1040 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1050 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1060 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1070 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1080 poke ad,73:ad=ad+123
- 1090 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1100 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1110 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 1120 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 1130 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 1140 poke ad,75:ad=ad-1
- 1150 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1160 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1170 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1180 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 1190 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1200 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1210 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1220 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1230 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1240 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1250 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1260 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1270 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1280 poke ad,73:ad=ad+123
- 1290 ad=1696
- 1300 poke ad,75:ad=ad-1
- 1310 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1320 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1330 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1340 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 1350 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1360 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1370 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1380 poke ad,75:ad=ad-40
- 1390 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1400 poke ad,73:ad=ad-1
- 1410 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1420 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 1430 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1440 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1450 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1460 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1470 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1480 poke ad,73
- 1490 ad=1697
- 1500 poke ad,74:ad=ad-40
- 1510 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1520 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1530 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1540 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1550 poke ad,93:ad=ad-40
- 1560 poke ad,85:ad=ad+1
- 1570 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1580 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1590 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1600 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 1610 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 1620 poke ad,75:ad=ad-1
- 1630 poke ad,67:ad=ad-1
- 1640 poke ad,85:ad=ad+40
- 1650 poke ad,74:ad=ad+1
- 1660 poke ad,67:ad=ad+1
- 1670 poke ad,73:ad=ad+40
- 1680 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 1690 poke ad,93:ad=ad+40
- 1700 poke ad,75
- 1710 rem display copyright
- 1720 ln%=1:cm%=1:gosub 11170
- 1730 print "[159] copyright 1988(c) uptime magazine"
- 1740 print
- 1750 print "[151] published by softdisk publishing, inc."
- 1760 ln%=23:cm%=4:gosub 11170
- 1770 print "[159]do you want instructions (y/n)?"
- 1780 rem test for y/n answer after prompt
- 1790 a$="a"
- 1800 get a$:if a$="" then 1800
- 1810 if a$="[217]" or a$="y" then 1840
- 1820 if a$="[206]" or a$="n" then 2900
- 1830 goto 1800
- 1840 print "[147]"
- 1850 rem display text
- 1860 for j=1 to 4
- 1870 print "[147]";
- 1880 for i=1 to 22
- 1890 read a$
- 1900 print " "a$
- 1910 next
- 1920 print
- 1930 if j<4 then print "[158] [208]lease [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] to [195]ontinue"
- 1940 if j=4 then print "[158] [208]lease [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] to [211]tart [199]ame"
- 1945 poke 198,0
- 1950 get a$
- 1955 if a$<>chr$(13) then 1950
- 1960 next
- 1970 goto 2900
- 1980 rem ====================
- 1990 rem instructions text
- 2000 rem ====================
- 2010 data ""
- 2020 data ""
- 2030 data " [211][215][193][199][199][197][210] is a modern form of the"
- 2040 data "ancient guessing game played by the"
- 2050 data "[201]ncas of [208]eru. [212]hey would wander "
- 2060 data "through the forests and mountain"
- 2070 data "passages of [208]eru looking for objects"
- 2080 data "of special interest. [215]hen one of them"
- 2090 data "saw something unique, he would say,"
- 2100 data "'[201] see a wild ass.' [212]his was the"
- 2110 data "signal to the others to start guessing"
- 2120 data "what he really saw, since wild asses"
- 2130 data "were indeed rare in [208]eru. [197]ach in"
- 2140 data "turn would make their wild ass guess,"
- 2150 data "and they would be guided to the prize"
- 2160 data "by the response 'hotter' when the"
- 2170 data "guess was closer than the last one,"
- 2180 data "and 'colder' when it was farther"
- 2190 data "away. [193] guess was called a [215][193][199] (short"
- 2200 data "for [215]ild [193]ss [199]uess), from which our"
- 2210 data "word 'wager' is derived."
- 2220 data ""
- 2230 data ""
- 2240 data " [201] have adapted this game to the"
- 2250 data "[195]ommodore 64, changed [215][193][199] to [211][215][193][199]"
- 2260 data "(for [211]cientific [215]ild [193]ss [199]uess), and"
- 2270 data "named it [211][215][193][199][199][197][210]."
- 2280 data ""
- 2290 data " [201]n [211][215][193][199][199][197][210], the computer picks a"
- 2300 data "key from the keyboard at random and"
- 2310 data "asks you to guess it. [217]ou enter your"
- 2320 data "[211][215][193][199] by typing the key you think it"
- 2330 data "is. [212]he computer indicates how close"
- 2340 data "you are with a temperature scale"
- 2350 data "which ranges from arctic to searing."
- 2360 data "[217]ou try to guess the key in as few"
- 2370 data "[211][215][193][199]s as possible, but 20 maximum."
- 2380 data ""
- 2390 data " [196]on't try to use the [210][197][211][212][207][210][197] or"
- 2400 data "[210][213][206]/[211][212][207][208] keys for this game. [193]lso,"
- 2410 data "some control keys are not allowed,"
- 2420 data "but they will not count against your"
- 2430 data "score if you type them by accident."
- 2440 data ""
- 2450 data ""
- 2460 data " [212]here is one thing to keep in"
- 2470 data "mind while playing the game. [212]he"
- 2480 data "computer considers shifted keys,"
- 2490 data "control keys, and [195]ommodore keys"
- 2500 data "to be just as valid as regular keys."
- 2510 data "[212]he game screen represents each"
- 2520 data "key with four spaces, as shown below:"
- 2530 data ""
- 2540 data " [176][192][178][192][174]"
- 2550 data " [176][192][192][192]>[221] [221] [221]<[192][192][192][174]"
- 2560 data " [221] [171][192][219][192][179] [221]"
- 2570 data " [221] [176][192]>[221][203][221] [221]<[192][174] [221]"
- 2580 data " [221] [221] [173][192][177][192][189] [221] [221]"
- 2590 data " [221] [221] [221] [221]"
- 2600 data " [221] [221] [195]ontrol [189] [221] [204]evel 4"
- 2610 data " [221] [221] [221] [221] [221]"
- 2620 data " [221] [173][192][192] [203]ey [221] [204]evel 3"
- 2630 data " [221] [221] [221] [221]"
- 2640 data " [221] [195]ommodore [192][189] [204]evel 2"
- 2650 data " [221] [221] [221]"
- 2660 data " [173][192][192][192] [211]hift [204]evel 1"
- 2670 data ""
- 2680 data " [212]he computer will light up the"
- 2690 data "square corresponding to the key you"
- 2700 data "pressed. [212]he computer calculates how"
- 2710 data "close your guess is, and uses the"
- 2720 data "appropriate color for that distance"
- 2730 data "when it lights up the square. [206]ote"
- 2740 data "that the computer factors in the"
- 2750 data "[204]evel of the key (shifted, [195]ommodore,"
- 2760 data "or control), as well as its position,"
- 2770 data "when calculating distance."
- 2780 data ""
- 2790 data " [193]lso watch out for [206]uclear [215]inter,"
- 2800 data "so named because you cannot tell if"
- 2810 data "if it is hot or cold. [215]hen [206]uclear"
- 2820 data "[215]inter hits, you get one [211][215][193][199]. [201]f"
- 2830 data "that guess is hotter than the last,"
- 2840 data "you are allowed to continue. [201]f it"
- 2850 data "is colder, you lose immediately."
- 2860 data ""
- 2870 data " [206]ow get ready to play. [199]ood [204]uck!"
- 2880 data "[217]ou are going to need it..."
- 2890 rem ====================
- 2900 rem lay out keyboard on screen
- 2910 rem ====================
- 2920 dim x(63),y(63),d$(11),hf(11)
- 2930 dim g$(20),gs$(20),ms$(20),pr$(8):gm=20
- 2940 bl$=" "
- 2950 ch=1024:rem character ram
- 2960 cl=55296:rem color ram
- 2970 print "[147]"
- 2980 poke 53281,0:rem background color
- 3000 ln=2:cm=3
- 3010 rem top row of keys
- 3020 c1=12:c2=11
- 3030 dl=40*(ln-1)+(cm-1)
- 3040 for i=1to16
- 3050 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3060 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3070 dl=dl+1
- 3080 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3090 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3100 dl=dl+1
- 3110 next i
- 3120 a1=a1+3:a2=a2+3
- 3130 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3140 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 3150 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3160 if ln>2 then 3180
- 3170 ln=ln+1:c2=c1:c1=15:goto 3030
- 3180 ad=ch+82
- 3190 poke ad,128+31:ad=ad+2
- 3200 poke ad,128+49:ad=ad+2
- 3210 poke ad,128+50:ad=ad+2
- 3220 poke ad,128+51:ad=ad+2
- 3230 poke ad,128+52:ad=ad+2
- 3240 poke ad,128+53:ad=ad+2
- 3250 poke ad,128+54:ad=ad+2
- 3260 poke ad,128+55:ad=ad+2
- 3270 poke ad,128+56:ad=ad+2
- 3280 poke ad,128+57:ad=ad+2
- 3290 poke ad,128+48:ad=ad+2
- 3300 poke ad,128+43:ad=ad+2
- 3310 poke ad,128+45:ad=ad+2
- 3320 poke ad,128+28:ad=ad+2
- 3330 poke ad,128+72:ad=ad+1
- 3340 poke ad,128+15:ad=ad+1
- 3350 poke ad,128+68:ad=ad+1
- 3360 poke ad,128+ 5:ad=ad+3
- 3370 poke ad,128+ 6:ad=ad+1
- 3380 poke ad,128+49:ad=ad+1
- 3390 rem second row of keys
- 3400 ln=5:cm=6
- 3410 c1=12:c2=11
- 3420 dl=40*(ln-1)+(cm-1)
- 3430 for i=1to13
- 3440 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3450 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3460 dl=dl+1
- 3470 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3480 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3490 dl=dl+1
- 3500 next i
- 3510 a1=a1+6:a2=a2+6
- 3520 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3530 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 3540 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3550 if ln>5 then 3570
- 3560 ln=ln+1:c2=c1:c1=15:goto 3420
- 3570 ad=ch+205
- 3580 poke ad,128+81:ad=ad+2
- 3590 poke ad,128+87:ad=ad+2
- 3600 poke ad,128+69:ad=ad+2
- 3610 poke ad,128+82:ad=ad+2
- 3620 poke ad,128+84:ad=ad+2
- 3630 poke ad,128+89:ad=ad+2
- 3640 poke ad,128+85:ad=ad+2
- 3650 poke ad,128+73:ad=ad+2
- 3660 poke ad,128+79:ad=ad+2
- 3670 poke ad,128+80:ad=ad+2
- 3680 poke ad,128+ 0:ad=ad+2
- 3690 poke ad,128+42:ad=ad+2
- 3700 poke ad,128+30:ad=ad+7
- 3710 poke ad,128+6:ad=ad+1
- 3720 poke ad,128+51
- 3730 rem third row of keys
- 3740 ln=8:cm=7
- 3750 c1=12:c2=11
- 3760 dl=40*(ln-1)+(cm-1)
- 3770 for i=1to13
- 3780 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3790 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3800 dl=dl+1
- 3810 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 3820 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3830 dl=dl+1
- 3840 next
- 3850 a1=a1+5:a2=a2+5
- 3860 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 3870 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 3880 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 3890 if ln>8 then 3910
- 3900 ln=ln+1:c2=c1:c1=15:goto 3760
- 3910 ad=ch+326
- 3920 poke ad,128+65:ad=ad+2
- 3930 poke ad,128+83:ad=ad+2
- 3940 poke ad,128+68:ad=ad+2
- 3950 poke ad,128+70:ad=ad+2
- 3960 poke ad,128+71:ad=ad+2
- 3970 poke ad,128+72:ad=ad+2
- 3980 poke ad,128+74:ad=ad+2
- 3990 poke ad,128+75:ad=ad+2
- 4000 poke ad,128+76:ad=ad+2
- 4010 poke ad,128+58:ad=ad+2
- 4020 poke ad,128+59:ad=ad+2
- 4030 poke ad,128+61:ad=ad+2
- 4040 poke ad,128+82:ad=ad+1
- 4050 poke ad,128+20:ad=ad+5
- 4060 poke ad,128+6:ad=ad+1
- 4070 poke ad,128+53
- 4080 rem fourth row of keys
- 4090 ln=11:cm=7
- 4100 c1=12:c2=11
- 4110 dl=40*(ln-1)+(cm-1)
- 4120 for i=1to11
- 4130 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 4140 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 4150 dl=dl+1
- 4160 a1=ch+dl:a2=cl+dl
- 4170 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 4180 dl=dl+1
- 4190 next
- 4200 a1=a1+3:a2=a2+3
- 4210 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 4220 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 4230 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 4240 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 4250 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 4260 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 4270 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 4280 a1=a1+3:a2=a2+3
- 4290 poke a2,c1:poke a1,160
- 4300 a1=a1+1:a2=a2+1
- 4310 poke a2,c2:poke a1,160
- 4320 if ln>11 then 4340
- 4330 ln=ln+1:c2=c1:c1=15:goto 4110
- 4340 ad=ch+446
- 4350 poke ad,128+90:ad=ad+2
- 4360 poke ad,128+88:ad=ad+2
- 4370 poke ad,128+67:ad=ad+2
- 4380 poke ad,128+86:ad=ad+2
- 4390 poke ad,128+66:ad=ad+2
- 4400 poke ad,128+83:ad=ad+1
- 4410 poke ad,128+16:ad=ad+1
- 4420 poke ad,128+78:ad=ad+2
- 4430 poke ad,128+77:ad=ad+2
- 4440 poke ad,128+44:ad=ad+2
- 4450 poke ad,128+46:ad=ad+2
- 4460 poke ad,128+47:ad=ad+4
- 4470 poke ad,128+30:ad=ad+2
- 4480 poke ad,128+31:ad=ad+4
- 4490 poke ad,128+ 6:ad=ad+1
- 4500 poke ad,128+55:ad=ad+1
- 4510 rem display legend
- 4520 poke 1305,83
- 4530 poke 1307,67
- 4540 poke 1308,61
- 4550 poke 1345,8
- 4560 poke 1346,160:poke 55618,12
- 4570 poke 1347,160:poke 55619,11
- 4580 poke 1386,160:poke 55658,15
- 4590 poke 1387,160:poke 55659,12
- 4600 poke 1388,67
- 4610 poke 1425,75
- 4620 poke 1426,25
- 4630 poke 1428,20
- 4640 rem key positions
- 4650 x( 0)=33:y( 0)=3
- 4660 x( 1)=31:y( 1)=9
- 4670 x( 2)=33:y( 2)=12
- 4680 x( 3)=37:y( 3)=12
- 4690 x( 4)=37:y( 4)=3
- 4700 x( 5)=37:y( 5)=6
- 4710 x( 6)=37:y( 6)=9
- 4720 x( 7)=31:y( 7)=12
- 4730 x( 8)= 9:y( 8)=3
- 4740 x( 9)= 8:y( 9)=6
- 4750 x(10)= 7:y(10)=9
- 4760 x(11)=11:y(11)=3
- 4770 x(12)= 7:y(12)=12
- 4780 x(13)= 9:y(13)=9
- 4790 x(14)=10:y(14)=6
- 4800 x(15)=-99:y(15)=-99
- 4810 x(16)=13:y(16)=3
- 4820 x(17)=12:y(17)=6
- 4830 x(18)=11:y(18)=9
- 4840 x(19)=15:y(19)=3
- 4850 x(20)=11:y(20)=12
- 4860 x(21)=13:y(21)=9
- 4870 x(22)=14:y(22)=6
- 4880 x(23)= 9:y(23)=12
- 4890 x(24)=17:y(24)=3
- 4900 x(25)=16:y(25)=6
- 4910 x(26)=15:y(26)=9
- 4920 x(27)=19:y(27)=3
- 4930 x(28)=15:y(28)=12
- 4940 x(29)=17:y(29)=9
- 4950 x(30)=18:y(30)=6
- 4960 x(31)=13:y(31)=12
- 4970 x(32)=21:y(32)=3
- 4980 x(33)=20:y(33)=6
- 4990 x(34)=19:y(34)=9
- 5000 x(35)=23:y(35)=3
- 5010 x(36)=21:y(36)=12
- 5020 x(37)=21:y(37)=9
- 5030 x(38)=22:y(38)=6
- 5040 x(39)=19:y(39)=12
- 5050 x(40)=25:y(40)=3
- 5060 x(41)=24:y(41)=6
- 5070 x(42)=23:y(42)=9
- 5080 x(43)=27:y(43)=3
- 5090 x(44)=25:y(44)=12
- 5100 x(45)=25:y(45)=9
- 5110 x(46)=26:y(46)=6
- 5120 x(47)=23:y(47)=12
- 5130 x(48)=29:y(48)=3
- 5140 x(49)=28:y(49)=6
- 5150 x(50)=27:y(50)=9
- 5160 x(51)=31:y(51)=3
- 5170 x(52)=-99:y(52)=-99
- 5180 x(53)=29:y(53)=9
- 5190 x(54)=30:y(54)=6
- 5200 x(55)=27:y(55)=12
- 5210 x(56)= 5:y(56)=3
- 5220 x(57)= 3:y(57)=3
- 5230 x(58)=-99:y(58)=-99
- 5240 x(59)= 7:y(59)=3
- 5250 x(60)=17:y(60)=12
- 5260 x(61)=-99:y(61)=-99
- 5270 x(62)= 6:y(62)=6
- 5280 x(63)= 2:y(63)=9
- 5290 rem temperature descriptions
- 5300 d$(0)="[213][206][203][206][207][215][206]"
- 5310 d$(1)="[211][197][193][210][201][206][199]"
- 5320 d$(2)="[212][207][210][210][201][196]"
- 5330 d$(3)="[200][207][212]"
- 5340 d$(4)="[211][212][197][193][205][217]"
- 5350 d$(5)="[215][193][210][205]
- 5360 d$(6)[178]"len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)"
- 5370 d$(7)[178]"asc(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)"
- 5380 d$(8)[178]"len(NULL)(NULL)str$"
- 5390 d$(9)[178]"asc(NULL)right$chr$right$str$"
- 5400 d$(10)[178]"atn(NULL)len(NULL)right$len"
- 5410 d$(11)[178]""
- 5420 cc(0)[178]1
- 5430 cc(1)[178]9
- 5440 cc(2)[178]2
- 5450 cc(3)[178]8
- 5460 cc(4)[178]10
- 5470 cc(5)[178]7
- 5480 cc(6)[178]13
- 5490 cc(7)[178]5
- 5500 cc(8)[178]3
- 5510 cc(9)[178]14
- 5520 cc(10)[178]6
- 5530 [143] display thermometer
- 5540 a1[178]1504
- 5550 [151] a1,112
- 5560 [129] i[178]1 [164] 11
- 5570 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 5580 [151] a1,64
- 5590 [130]
- 5600 [151] a1[170]1,110
- 5610 a1[178]1506:a2[178]55778
- 5620 [129] j[178]1 [164] 11
- 5630 a1[178]a1[170]40:a2[178]a2[170]40
- 5640 [151] a1[171]2,93:[151] a2[171]2,1
- 5650 [151] a1[170]10,93:[151] a2[170]10,1
- 5660 [151] a1,160
- 5670 [139] j[178]1 [167] [151] a2,9 :[143] brown
- 5680 [139] j[178]2 [167] [151] a2,2 :[143] red
- 5690 [139] j[178]3 [167] [151] a2,8 :[143] orange
- 5700 [139] j[178]4 [167] [151] a2,10:[143] lt red
- 5710 [139] j[178]5 [167] [151] a2,7 :[143] yellow
- 5720 [139] j[178]6 [167] [151] a2,1 :[143] white
- 5730 [139] j[178]7 [167] [151] a2,13:[143] lt grn
- 5740 [139] j[178]8 [167] [151] a2,5 :[143] green
- 5750 [139] j[178]9 [167] [151] a2,3 :[143] cyan
- 5760 [139] j[178]10 [167] [151] a2,14:[143] lt blue
- 5770 [139] j[178]11 [167] [151] a2,6 :[143] blue
- 5780 [130]
- 5790 a1[178]1984
- 5800 [151] a1,109
- 5810 [129] i[178]1 [164] 11
- 5820 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 5830 [151] a1,64
- 5840 [130]
- 5850 [151] a1[170]1,125
- 5860 [153]""
- 5870 [129] k[178]1[164]11
- 5880 [139] k[179]6 [167] [153] ""d$(k)
- 5890 [139] k[178]6 [167] [153] ""d$(0)
- 5900 [139] k[177]6 [167] [153] ""d$(k[171]1)
- 5910 [130]
- 5920 [143] display title
- 5930 a1[178]1558
- 5940 [151] a1,112
- 5950 [129] i[178]1[164]7
- 5960 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 5970 [151] a1,64
- 5980 [130] i
- 5990 [151] a1[170]1,110
- 6000 a1[178]1598
- 6010 [151] a1,93:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6020 [151] a1,83:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6030 [151] a1,87:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6040 [151] a1,65:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6050 [151] a1,71:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6060 [151] a1,71:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6070 [151] a1,69:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6080 [151] a1,82:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6090 [151] a1,93
- 6100 a1[178]1638
- 6110 [151] a1,109
- 6120 [129] i[178]1[164]7
- 6130 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6140 [151] a1,64
- 6150 [130]
- 6160 [151] a1[170]1,125
- 6170 [143] display count/rating
- 6180 a1[178]1568
- 6190 [151] a1,112:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6200 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6210 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6220 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6230 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6240 [151] a1,82 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6250 [151] a1,1 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6260 [151] a1,20 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6270 [151] a1,9 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6280 [151] a1,14 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6290 [151] a1,7 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6300 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6310 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6320 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6330 [151] a1,64 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6340 [151] a1,110
- 6350 a1[178]1608
- 6360 [151] a1,93
- 6370 a1[178]a1[170]15
- 6380 [151] a1,93
- 6390 a1[178]1648
- 6400 [151] a1,109
- 6410 [129] i[178]1[164]14
- 6420 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6430 [151] a1,64
- 6440 [130]
- 6450 [151] a1[170]1,125
- 6460 [143] display message box
- 6470 a1[178]1718
- 6480 [151] a1,112:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6490 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6500 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6510 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6520 [151] a1,77:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6530 [151] a1,5 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6540 [151] a1,19:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6550 [151] a1,19:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6560 [151] a1,1 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6570 [151] a1,7 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6580 [151] a1,5 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6590 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6600 [151] a1,76:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6610 [151] a1,9 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6620 [151] a1,14:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6630 [151] a1,5 :a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6640 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6650 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6660 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6670 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6680 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6690 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6700 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6710 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6720 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6730 [151] a1,110
- 6740 a1[178]1758:[151] a1,93
- 6750 a1[178]1783:[151] a1,93
- 6760 a1[178]1798:[151] a1,93
- 6770 a1[178]1823:[151] a1,93
- 6780 a1[178]1838
- 6790 [151] a1,109
- 6800 [129] i[178]1[164]24
- 6810 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6820 [151] a1,64
- 6830 [130]
- 6840 [151] a1[170]1,125
- 6850 [143] display prompt area
- 6860 a1[178]1918
- 6870 [151] a1,112:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6880 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6890 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6900 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6910 [151] a1,73:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6920 [151] a1,14:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6930 [151] a1,16:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6940 [151] a1,21:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6950 [151] a1,20:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6960 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6970 [151] a1,80:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6980 [151] a1,18:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 6990 [151] a1,15:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7000 [151] a1,13:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7010 [151] a1,16:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7020 [151] a1,20:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7030 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7040 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7050 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7060 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7070 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7080 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7090 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7100 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7110 [151] a1,64:a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7120 [151] a1,110
- 7130 a1[178]1958:[151] a1,93
- 7140 a1[178]1983:[151] a1,93
- 7150 a1[178]1998
- 7160 [151] a1,109
- 7170 [129] i[178]1[164]24
- 7180 a1[178]a1[170]1
- 7190 [151] a1,64
- 7200 [130]
- 7210 [151] a1[170]1,125
- 7220 [143] initialize rating strings
- 7230 g$(1)[178]"(NULL)otto (NULL)inner"
- 7240 g$(2)[178]"right$diot (NULL)avant"
- 7250 g$(3)[178]"(NULL)ucky (NULL)tiff"
- 7260 g$(4)[178]"(NULL)izard"
- 7270 g$(5)[178]"(NULL)wagsman"
- 7280 g$(6)[178]"left$acker"
- 7290 g$(7)[178]"chr$uru"
- 7300 g$(8)[178]"(NULL)erd"
- 7310 g$(9)[178]"(NULL)rogrammer"
- 7320 g$(10)[178]"valngineer"
- 7330 g$(11)[178]"(NULL)rekkie"
- 7340 g$(12)[178]"lenheerleader"
- 7350 g$(13)[178]"(NULL)uppie"
- 7360 g$(14)[178]"2-(NULL)ear-(NULL)ld"
- 7370 g$(15)[178]"atnctor"
- 7380 g$(16)[178]"(NULL)otherinlaw"
- 7390 g$(17)[178]"peekanker"
- 7400 g$(18)[178]"(NULL)awyer"
- 7410 g$(19)[178]"(NULL)olitician"
- 7420 g$(20)[178]"atnyatolluh"
- 7430 [143] "123456789012345678901234"
- 7440 gs$( 0)[178]"left$int: (NULL)ry another key!"
- 7450 gs$( 1)[178]"chr$o buy a ticket, (NULL)(NULL)right$len(NULL)!"
- 7460 gs$( 2)[178]"(NULL)ow what day was right$ born?"
- 7470 gs$( 3)[178]"peeketter lucky than good."
- 7480 gs$( 4)[178]"(NULL)o fair using magic!"
- 7490 gs$( 5)[178]"(NULL)wagger rights granted!"
- 7500 gs$( 6)[178]"(NULL)ou do (NULL)left$right$(NULL) all night?"
- 7510 gs$( 7)[178]"(NULL)ou've achieved (NULL)irvana!"
- 7520 gs$( 8)[178]"(NULL)top it and get a date!"
- 7530 gs$( 9)[178]"(NULL)ou do (NULL)left$right$(NULL) all day?"
- 7540 gs$(10)[178]"chr$et me atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) discounts?"
- 7550 gs$(11)[178]"(NULL)ake off the silly ears!"
- 7560 gs$(12)[178]"chr$o change your diapers!"
- 7570 gs$(13)[178]"left$ave you vacuumed, yet?"
- 7580 gs$(14)[178]"chr$o to pom-pom practice!"
- 7590 gs$(15)[178]"(NULL)ext time try ad-libbing"
- 7600 gs$(16)[178]"chr$ood as can be expected."
- 7610 gs$(17)[178]"(NULL)ext time try letters!"
- 7620 gs$(18)[178]"(NULL)o, there is no (NULL)(NULL)val key!"
- 7630 gs$(19)[178]"atn filibuster won't help!"
- 7640 gs$(20)[178]"atn miracle! (NULL)raise atnllah!"
- 7650 [143] initialize prompts
- 7660 pr$( 0)[178]"(NULL)ant to play again?((NULL)/(NULL))"
- 7670 pr$( 1)[178]"(NULL)ake a (NULL)(NULL)atnchr$ at a key"
- 7680 pr$( 2)[178]"(NULL)ake another (NULL)(NULL)atnchr$ at it"
- 7690 pr$( 3)[178]"chr$ive me your best (NULL)(NULL)atnchr$"
- 7700 pr$( 4)[178]"(NULL)(NULL)atnchr$ your tail, baby!"
- 7710 pr$( 5)[178]"(NULL)(NULL)atnchr$ until it hurts!"
- 7720 pr$( 6)[178]"(NULL)ou call that a (NULL)(NULL)atnchr$?"
- 7730 pr$( 7)[178]"(NULL)eed a hint? ((NULL)/(NULL))"
- 7740 pr$( 8)[178]"(NULL)ant some advice? ((NULL)/(NULL))"
- 7750 [143] initialize messages
- 7760 ms$( 1)[178]"(NULL)ou (NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL) to be hotter-isthis too tough for you?"
- 7770 ms$( 2)[178]"lenolder means you are getting farther away."
- 7780 ms$( 3)[178]"(NULL)everse psychology won'twork on a computer."
- 7790 ms$( 4)[178]"(NULL)ry logic for a change. (NULL)ou may be surprised!"
- 7800 ms$( 5)[178]"chr$ood guess! (NULL)ow don't lose your momentum!"
- 7810 ms$( 6)[178]"(NULL)ow you are moving in the right direction!"
- 7820 ms$( 7)[178]"(NULL)eep it up! (NULL)ou are on a roll now!"
- 7830 ms$( 8)[178]"(NULL)ou got the hang of it -the hotter the better!"
- 7840 ms$( 9)[178]"chr$et a haircut, buy a suit, & find a real job."
- 7850 ms$(10)[178]"(NULL)ever drink milk after lemonade..."
- 7860 ms$(11)[178]"(NULL)ry (NULL)hift, lenontrol, or lenommodore with your key"
- 7870 ms$(12)[178]"right$ see you decided to keep guessing..."
- 7880 ms$(13)[178]"(NULL)hat made you think logic would help any?"
- 7890 ms$(14)[178]"(NULL)he game is intended forpersons older than two"
- 7900 ms$(15)[178]"right$f you like it so cold, move to peekuffalo!"
- 7910 ms$(16)[178]"chr$et any closer and you will burn your tush!"
- 7920 ms$(17)[178]"(NULL)arning!, (NULL)ou are down to your last four (NULL)(NULL)atnchr$s!"
- 7930 ms$(18)[178]"(NULL)lease answer with a (NULL) for (NULL)es or (NULL) for (NULL)o."
- 7940 ms$(19)[178]"(NULL)ou saved yourself from oblivion! (NULL)ake it count."
- 7950 ms$(20)[178]"(NULL)uclear (NULL)inter. (NULL)ou loseif next guess is colder"
- 7960 [143] set up sounds
- 7970 s[178]54272:[143] clear sound chip
- 7980 [129] i[178]1[164]24
- 7990 [151] s[170]i,0
- 8000 [130]
- 8010 [151] s[170]5,9
- 8020 [151] s[170]6,0
- 8030 [151] s,0
- 8040 [151] s[170]24,15:[143] volume=max
- 8050 hf(1)[178]3
- 8060 hf(2)[178]5
- 8070 hf(3)[178]7
- 8080 hf(4)[178]10
- 8090 hf(5)[178]13
- 8100 hf(6)[178]16
- 8110 hf(7)[178]20
- 8120 hf(8)[178]24
- 8130 hf(9)[178]28
- 8140 hf(10)[178]33
- 8150 hf(11)[178]38
- 8160 [143] ====================
- 8170 [143] main loop
- 8180 [143] ====================
- 8190 kk%[178][181]([187](0)[172]62)[170]1
- 8200 x0[178]x(kk%):y0[178]y(kk%)
- 8210 kz%[178][181]([187](0)[172]4)[170]1:z0[178]kz%
- 8220 [139] x0[179]0 [167] 8190:[143] nonexistent
- 8230 [139] kz%[179][177]4 [167] 8280
- 8240 [139] kk%[179]8 [167] 8190
- 8250 [139] kk%[178]40 [176] kk%[178]43 [176] kk%[178]44 [167] 8190
- 8260 [139] kk%[178]46 [176] kk%[178]47 [176] kk%[178]49 [167] 8190
- 8270 [139] kk%[178]51 [176] kk%[178]55 [176] kk%[178]60 [167] 8190
- 8280 pr[178]1:[141] 10040:[143] output prompt
- 8290 [151] 783,[194](783)[176]1
- 8300 dd[178]11:gn[178]0:do[178]20:s0[178]0:ms$(0)[178]""
- 8310 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 8310
- 8320 [143] detected keystroke, get key code
- 8330 nk%[178][194](197):[139] nk%[177][178]63 [167] 8310
- 8340 ln%[178]ld%:cm%[178]3:[141] 11170
- 8350 [153] " "d$(dd);
- 8360 [141] 10130:[143] update guess count
- 8370 [143] get shift/ctrl/logo
- 8380 jz%[178][194](653)
- 8390 [139] jz%[179][178]0 [176] jz%[177][178]5 [167] jz%[178]3
- 8400 z[178]jz%
- 8410 d[178][186](((x0[171]x(nk%))[173]2)[174]2[170]((y0[171]y(nk%))[173]3)[174]2[170](z0[171]z)[174]2)
- 8420 dl[178]40[172](y(nk%)[171]1)[170](x(nk%)[171]1)
- 8430 [139] jz%[178]1 [167] dl[178]dl[171]40
- 8440 [139] jz%[178]2 [167] dl[178]dl[171]39
- 8450 [139] jz%[178]4 [167] dl[178]dl[170]1
- 8460 a1[178]ch[170]dl
- 8470 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 8480 [139] d[179].1 [167] 9390
- 8490 dd[178][181](d[172]1.5):[139] dd[177]10 [167] dd[178]10
- 8500 ld%[178][181](12[170]dd):[139] ld%[177]17 [167] ld%[178]ld%[170]1
- 8510 [139] [187](0)[179].1 [167] dd[178]0:ld%[178]18
- 8520 c[178]cc(dd)
- 8530 [151] a2,c
- 8540 ln%[178]ld%:cm%[178]3
- 8550 [141] 11170: [143] set cursor posn
- 8560 [153] "<"[199](18)d$(dd)[199](146);
- 8570 [143] sound tone
- 8580 [151] s[170]1,hf(24[171]ld%)
- 8590 [151] s[170]4,33
- 8600 [129] i[178]1[164]125:[130]
- 8610 [151] s[170]4,32
- 8620 [139] gn[177][178]20 [167] 9490:[143] end game
- 8630 [139] dd[179][177]0 [167] 8670
- 8640 ms[178]20:[141] 9900
- 8650 s0[178][171]1:gn[178]gn[171]1
- 8660 [137] 8310
- 8670 [143] start checking conditions
- 8680 [139] s0[177][178]0 [167] 8740
- 8690 [143] nuclear winter
- 8700 [139] dd[177][178]do [167] 9360
- 8710 ms[178]19:[141] 9900
- 8720 s0[178]0
- 8730 [137] 9130
- 8740 [139] s0[179][177]1 [167] 8800
- 8750 [143] try logic
- 8760 [139] dd[179]do [167] ms[178]12:[143] hotter
- 8770 [139] dd[177][178]do [167] ms[178]13:[143] colder
- 8780 [141] 9900
- 8790 s0[178]0:[137] 9130
- 8800 [139] gn[179][177]16 [167] 8840
- 8810 [143] four chances left
- 8820 ms[178]17:[141] 9900
- 8830 [137] 9130
- 8840 [139] dd[179][178]8 [167] 8890
- 8850 [139] [187](0)[177]0.3 [167] 8890
- 8860 [143] buffalo
- 8870 ms[178]15:[141] 9900
- 8880 [137] 9130
- 8890 [139] dd[177][178]3 [167] 8940
- 8900 [139] [187](0)[177]0.2 [167] 8940
- 8910 [143] tush
- 8920 ms[178]16:[141] 9900
- 8930 [137] 9130
- 8940 [139] gn[179][178]12 [167] 8990
- 8950 [139] [187](0)[177].2 [167] 8990
- 8960 [143] two year old
- 8970 ms[178]14:[141] 9900
- 8980 [137] 9130
- 8990 [143]
- 9000 [143] normal case
- 9010 [139] dd[179]do [167] 9080
- 9020 [143] colder
- 9030 ms[178][181]([187](0)[172]5)[170]1
- 9040 [139] ms[177]4 [167] ms[178]0
- 9050 [141] 9900
- 9060 s0[178]0:[139] ms[178]4 [167] s0[178]1
- 9070 [137] 9130
- 9080 [143] hotter
- 9090 ms[178][181]([187](0)[172]5)[170]5
- 9100 [139] ms[177]8 [167] ms[178]0
- 9110 [141] 9900
- 9120 s0[178]0
- 9130 [143] special prompts
- 9140 [139] gn[179][178]10 [167] 9290
- 9150 rn[178][187](0)
- 9160 [139] rn[177]0.1 [167] 9200
- 9170 [143] hint?
- 9180 pr[178]7:[141] 10040
- 9190 [137] 9230
- 9200 [139] rn[179]0.9 [167] 9290
- 9210 [143] advice?
- 9220 pr[178]8:[141] 10040
- 9230 [143] get answer
- 9240 [141] 10240
- 9250 [139] an[178]0 [167] 9300
- 9260 ms[178][181]([187](0)[172]3)[170]9
- 9270 [141] 9900
- 9280 [137] 9300
- 9290 [143]
- 9300 [143] end of loop
- 9310 do[178]dd
- 9320 [143] next prompt
- 9330 pr[178][181]([187](0)[172]6)[170]1
- 9340 [141] 10040
- 9350 [137] 8310
- 9360 [143] nuked
- 9370 ms$(0)[178]"(NULL)(NULL)len(NULL)valatn(NULL) left$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)lenatn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)!!! str$eath by fire or ice."
- 9380 [137] 9510
- 9390 [143] found key
- 9400 ms$(0)[178]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) chr$(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)valstr$ (NULL)left$val (NULL)val(NULL)! -- "[170]gs$(gn)
- 9410 [151] a2,4:[143] purple
- 9420 [151] s[170]1,60
- 9430 [129] i[178]1 [164] 5
- 9440 [151] s[170]4,33
- 9450 [129] j[178]1 [164] 50:[130]
- 9460 [151] s[170]4,32
- 9470 [130]
- 9480 [137] 9580
- 9490 [143] key not found
- 9500 ms$(0)[178]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)atn(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)asc (NULL)right$(NULL)val! -- "[170]gs$(0)
- 9510 [143] light up key
- 9520 dl[178]40[172](y(kk%)[171]1)[170](x(kk%)[171]1)
- 9530 [139] kz%[178]1 [167] dl[178]dl[171]40
- 9540 [139] kz%[178]2 [167] dl[178]dl[171]39
- 9550 [139] kz%[178]4 [167] dl[178]dl[170]1
- 9560 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 9570 [151] a2,4
- 9580 [143] display ending message
- 9590 ms[178]0:[141] 9900
- 9600 pr[178]0:[141] 10040
- 9610 [141] 10240
- 9620 [139] an[179][177]0 [167] 9710
- 9630 ln%[178]24:cm%[178]1:[141] 11170
- 9640 [153] [199](142)[199](9);
- 9650 [143] ====================
- 9660 [143] return to uptime shell
- 9670 [143] ====================
- 9680 [158] (8[172]4096)[170]4
- 9690 [128]
- 9700 [143] ====================
- 9710 [143] clear and restart
- 9720 [143] ====================
- 9730 ln%[178]ld%:cm%[178]3:[141] 11170
- 9740 [153] " "d$(dd);
- 9750 ln%[178]14:cm%[178]25
- 9760 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 9770 [153] " ";
- 9780 ln%[178]18:cm%[178]15
- 9790 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 9800 [153] bl$
- 9810 ln%[178]ln%[170]1
- 9820 [141] 11170
- 9830 [153] bl$
- 9840 ln%[178]23:cm%[178]15
- 9850 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 9860 [153] bl$
- 9870 [141] 10330:[143] clear keyboard
- 9880 [137] 8170
- 9890 [143] ====================
- 9900 [143] output message to screen
- 9910 [143] ====================
- 9920 ln%[178]18:cm%[178]15
- 9930 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 9940 [153] bl$
- 9950 [141] 11170
- 9960 [153] [202](ms$(ms),1,24);
- 9970 ln%[178]ln%[170]1
- 9980 [141] 11170
- 9990 [153] bl$
- 10000 [141] 11170
- 10010 [153] [202](ms$(ms),25);
- 10020 [142]
- 10030 [143] ====================
- 10040 [143] output prompt to screen
- 10050 [143] ====================
- 10060 ln%[178]23:cm%[178]15
- 10070 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 10080 [153] bl$
- 10090 [141] 11170
- 10100 [153] pr$(pr);
- 10110 [142]
- 10120 [143] ====================
- 10130 [143] increment count and display
- 10140 [143] ====================
- 10150 gn[178]gn[170]1:[139] gn[177]gm [167] gn[178]gm
- 10160 gn$[178][202]([196](gn),2)
- 10170 ln%[178]14:cm%[178]25
- 10180 [141] 11170: [143] position cursor
- 10190 [153] " ";
- 10200 [141] 11170
- 10210 [153] gn$;" "g$(gn);
- 10220 [142]
- 10230 [143] ====================
- 10240 [143] test for y/n answer after prompt
- 10250 [143] ====================
- 10260 a$[178]"a"
- 10270 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 10270
- 10280 [139] a$[178]"(NULL)" [176] a$[178]"y" [167] an[178]1:[142]
- 10290 [139] a$[178]"(NULL)" [176] a$[178]"n" [167] an[178]0:[142]
- 10300 ms[178]18:[141] 9900
- 10310 [137] 10270
- 10320 [143] ====================
- 10330 [143] clear keyboard
- 10340 [143] ====================
- 10350 ln[178]2:cm[178]3
- 10360 [143] top row of keys
- 10370 c1[178]12:c2[178]11
- 10380 dl[178]40[172](ln[171]1)[170](cm[171]1)
- 10390 [129] i[178]1[164]16
- 10400 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10410 [151] a2,c1
- 10420 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10430 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10440 [151] a2,c2
- 10450 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10460 [130]
- 10470 a2[178]a2[170]3
- 10480 [151] a2,c1
- 10490 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 10500 [151] a2,c2
- 10510 [139] ln[177]2 [167] 10530
- 10520 ln[178]ln[170]1:c2[178]c1:c1[178]15:[137] 10380
- 10530 [143] second row of keys
- 10540 ln[178]5:cm[178]6
- 10550 c1[178]12:c2[178]11
- 10560 dl[178]40[172](ln[171]1)[170](cm[171]1)
- 10570 [129] i[178]1[164]13
- 10580 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10590 [151] a2,c1
- 10600 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10610 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10620 [151] a2,c2
- 10630 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10640 [130]
- 10650 a2[178]a2[170]6
- 10660 [151] a2,c1
- 10670 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 10680 [151] a2,c2
- 10690 [139] ln[177]5 [167] 10710
- 10700 ln[178]ln[170]1:c2[178]c1:c1[178]15:[137] 10560
- 10710 [143] third row of keys
- 10720 ln[178]8:cm[178]7
- 10730 c1[178]12:c2[178]11
- 10740 dl[178]40[172](ln[171]1)[170](cm[171]1)
- 10750 [129] i[178]1[164]13
- 10760 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10770 [151] a2,c1
- 10780 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10790 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10800 [151] a2,c2
- 10810 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10820 [130]
- 10830 a2[178]a2[170]5
- 10840 [151] a2,c1
- 10850 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 10860 [151] a2,c2
- 10870 [139] ln[177]8 [167] 10890
- 10880 ln[178]ln[170]1:c2[178]c1:c1[178]15:[137] 10740
- 10890 [143] fourth row of keys
- 10900 ln[178]11:cm[178]7
- 10910 c1[178]12:c2[178]11
- 10920 dl[178]40[172](ln[171]1)[170](cm[171]1)
- 10930 [129] i[178]1[164]11
- 10940 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10950 [151] a2,c1
- 10960 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 10970 a2[178]cl[170]dl
- 10980 [151] a2,c2
- 10990 dl[178]dl[170]1
- 11000 [130]
- 11010 a2[178]a2[170]3
- 11020 [151] a2,c1
- 11030 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 11040 [151] a2,c2
- 11050 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 11060 [151] a2,c1
- 11070 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 11080 [151] a2,c2
- 11090 a2[178]a2[170]3
- 11100 [151] a2,c1
- 11110 a2[178]a2[170]1
- 11120 [151] a2,c2
- 11130 [139] ln[177]11 [167] 11150
- 11140 ln[178]ln[170]1:c2[178]c1:c1[178]15:[137] 10920
- 11150 [142]
- 11160 [143] ====================
- 11170 [143] position cursor
- 11180 [143] ====================
- 11190 [151] 783,0:[143] set cursor position
- 11200 [151] 781,ln%:[143] line number
- 11210 [151] 782,cm%:[143] column number
- 11220 [158] 65520:[143] change cursor posn
- 11230 [142]