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- 0 rem stroop
- 50 poke 45,peek(174):poke 46,peek(175):clr
- 100 dim d(9,20):dimcr(46):dimcr$(46):zq=1:dimcw$(46):dim n$(46)
- 110 poke53269,0:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147]";:sys 949
- 120 print"[156]stroop"
- 130 print" "
- 150 gosub 950
- 160 gosub 830
- 170 aa=1
- 180 poke53265,peek(53265)and239
- 190 print"[147]":gosub 530
- 200 gosub 320
- 210 print"";:for a=1to9
- 220 ifaa=1thenb=int((rnd(1)*26)+65):a$(a)=chr$(b):gosub420:print"[145][145][145]";:goto250
- 230 a$(a)=chr$(a(a)+48)
- 240 gosub 420:print"[145][145][145]";
- 250 if a=3 or a=6 then print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 260 next
- 270 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 280 gosub700:gosub950
- 290 ifaa=1thengosub1520:gosub1320:gosub1000:aa=aa+1:ifaa=2thengosub525:goto 180
- 300 gosub 1590:gosub 1660
- 310 goto 1080
- 320 forx=1to9
- 330 a(x)=int(rnd(1)*9)+1
- 340 for y=1tox-1:ifx=1 then 360
- 350 ifa(y)=a(x)then 330
- 360 next:next
- 370 forx=1to9
- 380 b(x)=int(rnd(1)*6)+1
- 390 z=0:for y=1 to x-1:ifx=1then410
- 400 ifb(y)=b(x)thenz=z+1:ifz=2then380
- 410 next:next:return
- 420 for x=1tob(a)
- 430 c(x)=int(rnd(1)*20)+1
- 440 fory=1tox-1:ifx=1then 460
- 450 if c(y)=c(x) then 430
- 460 d(a,c(x))=c(x):next:next
- 470 forx=1to20
- 480 ifx=6orx=11orx=16then print"[157][157][157][157][157]";
- 490 if d(a,x)=0 then print"[150] ";
- 500 if d(a,x)<>0 then print"[150]";a$(a);
- 510 next
- 520 return
- 525 forx=1to9:fory=1to20:d(x,y)=0:next:next:return
- 530 print"[154] [176][192][192][192][192][192][178][192][192][192][192][192][178][192][192][192][192][192][174]
- 540 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 550 print" [221] [221] [221] [221]
- 560 [153]" (NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL) close(NULL)
- 570 print" [221] [221][160][160][160][160][160][221][160][160][160][160][160][221]
- 580 [153]" -tantantantantan(NULL)tantantantantan(NULL)tantantantantan<
- 590 print" [221] [221] [221] [221]
- 600 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 610 print" [221][160][160][160][160][160][221][160][160][160][160][160][221] [160][221]
- 620 [153]" (NULL) (NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL)
- 630 print" [171][192][192][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][192][192][179]
- 640 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 650 print" [221] [221] [221] [221]
- 660 [153]" (NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL)closecloseclosecloseclose(NULL) close(NULL)
- 670 print" [221] [221][160][160][160][160][160][221][160][160][160][160][160][221]
- 680 [153]" /tantantantantan>tantantantantan>tantantantantanexp
- 690 return
- 700 ti$="000000":x=0
- 710 print"";
- 720 j=peek(56320)
- 730 if j=111 then ta=ti:bb$=ti$:goto 760
- 740 x=x+1:ifx/10=int(x/10)then print"[156] [146]";:goto 720
- 750 goto 720
- 760 print:print
- 770 tb=ta/60
- 780 tc=int(tb*1000)
- 790 t(zq)=tc/1000
- 800 print"";
- 810 print" it took you a total of";t(zq);"seconds"
- 820 zq=zq+1:return
- 830 print"[147]after you read this page and press the":print
- 840 print"joystick button, the screen will clear.":print
- 850 print"after the data table is organized,":print
- 860 print"a 3x3 grid will appear on the screen.":print
- 870 print"in this grid will be various letters.":print
- 880 print"your task will be; starting with the":print
- 890 print"upper left square and proceeding left":print
- 900 print"to right, to quickly recite out loud":print
- 910 print"how many letters are in each square.":print
- 920 print"after saying the number of letters in":print
- 930 print"the last square, press the button.":print
- 940 gosub 950:return
- 950 print"[158] press the joystick button to continue"
- 960 x=0
- 970 j=peek(56320)
- 980 if j=111 andx>10then return
- 990 x=x+1:goto 970
- 1000 print"[147]the next task will be almost":print
- 1010 print"identical to the first one except that":print
- 1020 print"instead of letters, there will be":print
- 1030 print"numbers in the grid. remember, it is":print
- 1040 print"your task to quickly recite out loud":print
- 1050 print"the number of digits in each square,":print
- 1060 print"not the name of the digit."
- 1070 gosub950:return
- 1080 print"[147]";
- 1090 print"the time of your 1st test was";t(1):print
- 1100 print"the time of your 3rd test was";t(3):print:print
- 1110 print"the time of your 2nd test was";t(2):print
- 1120 print"the time of your 4th test was";t(4)
- 1130 print:print"[156]the stroop effect was first reported"
- 1140 print"by j. r. stroop in 1935. these types"
- 1150 print"of tests are used today by cognitive"
- 1160 print"psychologists to demonstrate the nature"
- 1170 print"of automatic processing. even though"
- 1180 print"you might try to ignore the meaning of"
- 1190 print"of a digit or a word, your brain"
- 1200 print"automatically registers this meaning."
- 1210 print"this is why you probably did better at"
- 1220 print"the first and third tasks: there were"
- 1230 print"no conflicting stimuli for your brain"
- 1240 print"to automatically process (as there were"
- 1250 print"in the second and fourth tasks)."
- 1260 print:print"[158] would you like to play again?"
- 1270 geta$:if a$=""then 1270
- 1280 if a$="n" then 1820
- 1290 if a$="y"then clr:run
- 1300 goto 1270
- 1310 end
- 1320 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:print"[147]":forx=1to50
- 1325 print"[147]":forx=1to46
- 1330 cr(x)=int(rnd(1)*6)+1
- 1340 ifcr(x)=1thencr$(x)=""
- 1350 ifcr(x)=2thencr$(x)="[158]"
- 1360 ifcr(x)=3thencr$(x)="[156]"
- 1370 ifcr(x)=4thencr$(x)=""
- 1380 ifcr(x)=5thencr$(x)="[151]"
- 1390 ifcr(x)=6thencr$(x)=""
- 1400 ifcr(x-1)=cr(x)then1330
- 1410 next
- 1420 n$(1)="i":n$(2)="heartily":n$(3)="accept":n$(4)="the":n$(5)="motto,-"
- 1421 n$(6)="that":n$(7)="government":n$(8)="is":n$(9)="best":n$(10)="which"
- 1422 n$(11)="governs":n$(12)="least;":n$(13)="and":n$(14)="i":n$(15)="should"
- 1430 n$(16)="like":n$(17)="to":n$(18)="see":n$(19)="it":n$(20)="acted"
- 1431 n$(21)="up":n$(22)="to":n$(23)="more":n$(24)="rapidly":n$(25)="and"
- 1440 n$(26)="systematically.":n$(27)=" carried":n$(28)="out,":n$(29)="it"
- 1441 n$(30)="finally":n$(31)="amounts":n$(32)="to"
- 1442 n$(33)="this,":n$(34)="which"
- 1450 n$(35)="i":n$(36)="also":n$(37)="believe-":n$(38)="that"
- 1451 n$(39)="government":n$(40)="is":n$(41)="best":n$(42)="which"
- 1452 n$(43)="governs":n$(44)="not":n$(45)="at":n$(46)="all."
- 1460 for x=1to46
- 1470 if pos(1)>=30 then print:print
- 1480 printcr$(x);:printn$(x);" ";
- 1490 next
- 1500 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 1510 gosub 700:gosub 950:return
- 1520 print"[147]in this task, after you have read the":print
- 1530 print"instructions and pressed the button, ":print
- 1540 print"the screen will clear. when the message"
- 1550 print"appears, you must quickly say out loud":print
- 1560 print"the color that each word is printed in.":print
- 1570 print"when you have recited the color of all":print
- 1580 print"of the words, press the joystick button.":gosub 950:return
- 1590 print"[147]this task will be almost identical to":print
- 1600 print"the second task. the difference is,":print
- 1610 print"however, that instead of a paragraph,":print
- 1620 print"color words will appear. remember, you":print
- 1630 print"must quickly recite out loud the color":print
- 1640 print"that the word is printed in, not the":print
- 1650 print"word itself.":gosub950:return
- 1660 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:print"[147]":forx=1to46
- 1670 cr(x)=int(rnd(1)*6)+1
- 1680 if cr(x)=cr(x-1) then 1670
- 1690 if cr(x)=1 then cw$(x)="green"
- 1700 if cr(x)=2 then cw$(x)="blue"
- 1710 if cr(x)=3 then cw$(x)="yellow"
- 1720 if cr(x)=4 then cw$(x)="gray"
- 1730 if cr(x)=5 then cw$(x)="red"
- 1740 if cr(x)=6 then cw$(x)="purple"
- 1750 next
- 1760 for x=1to46
- 1770 if pos(1)>=33 then print:print
- 1780 printcr$(x);cw$(x);" ";
- 1790 next
- 1800 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 1810 gosub 700:gosub 950:return
- 1820 f=20:no=1:nt=10:nn=1
- 1830 v=53248:i=249:rem video & image #
- 1840 poke 53280,0
- 1850 poke53281,14:poke 53265,peek(53265) and 239
- 1860 s=54272:forsd=stos+24:pokes,0:next
- 1870 pokes+24,15:pokes+2,0:pokes+5,129:pokes+6,65
- 1880 pokes+7,85:pokes+8,36:pokes+12,136:pokes+13,129
- 1890 sys 907:pokev+21,0:poke 53265,peek(53265) and 239
- 1900 poke v,100:poke v+1,120:rem posit
- 1910 poke v+39,11:rem color
- 1920 poke v+29,0 :rem place vert
- 1930 poke v+23,0 :rem expan hori
- 1940 poke 53265,peek(53265) or 16
- 1945 poke v+21,1:xl=0:rem turn on
- 1950 j=peek (56320):vv=peek(v+1):vh=peek(v):vo=peek(v+16)
- 1960 hp=sgn(jand4)-sgn(jand8)
- 1970 ifhd<>hpthenifhp=1theni=249
- 1980 ifhd<>hpthenifhp=-1theni=253
- 1990 ifi=252theni=249:no=2:nt=10
- 2000 ifi=256theni=253:no=2:nt=10
- 2010 ifvo=1andvh=>59andhp=1then1950
- 2020 ifvo=0andvh<=20andhp=-1then1950
- 2030 vp=sgn(jand1)-sgn(jand2):ifwk=1andzz<65thenvp=.5
- 2040 ok=(f>51)
- 2050 ifvp=1andvv=>156then1950
- 2060 ifvp=-1andvv<=94then1950
- 2070 pokev+1,vv+vp*2
- 2080 pokev+16,ok*(-1)
- 2090 pokev,f*5+(ok*256)
- 2100 poke2040,i:ifhp=0andvp=0then2140
- 2110 nt=nt+26
- 2120 ifnt>88thennt=10
- 2130 pokes+4,129:pokes+1,no:pokes,nt:i=i+1:forgg=1to1:next:pokes+4,128
- 2140 ifj=111andxl>10thengosub2170
- 2150 hd=hp:f=f+hd:xl=xl+1:ifwk=1 then return
- 2160 hd=hp:f=f+hd:xl=xl+1:goto1950
- 2170 xl=0:ifvo=0andvv=94andvh>=35andvh<=50thenmm=1:a$="grid locked":goto2220
- 2180 ifvo=0andvv=94andvh>=115andvh<=130thenmm=2:a$="one more time":goto2220
- 2190 ifvo=0andvv=94andvh>=195andvh<=210thenrun
- 2200 ifvo=1andvv=94andvh>=19andvh<=34thenmm=4:gosub2270:if z=2 thenreturn
- 2210 return
- 2220 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:pokev+21,0
- 2230 print"[147][156] one moment, please, while file loads[144]"
- 2240 poke 43,1:poke44,16:poke4096,0
- 2250 load a$,8
- 2270 print"[158] are you sure you want to quit?"
- 2280 get a$:if a$="" then 2280
- 2290 ifa$="n"thenz=2
- 2295 ifz=2thenprint"[144] softdisk publishing, inc. ";
- 2300 if z=2 thenprint" ";:z=0:return
- 2310 if a$="y" then 2330
- 2320 goto 2280
- 2330 clr:load"0:upt.reboot",8
- 2340 rem **** return to uptime ****