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- 30 poke 45,peek(174):poke 46,peek(175)
- 31 poke 56,160:clr
- 32 dim p1$(8),p2$(15),p2(15),hi$(10),hi(10),p1(8)
- 33 open5,8,5,"hiscore,p,r"
- 34 fori=1to10:input#5,hi$(i):input#5,hi(i):nexti:close5
- 40 sa=16577:cl=16635
- 42 poke 53280,6:poke 53281,6:print"[147]"chr$(8)chr$(142)
- 45 sys sa:poke54296,4
- 50 poke 53272,21:poke866,1
- 60 poke 2040,236:poke 2041,234:poke2042,235
- 70 v=53248:poke v,160:pokev+1,54
- 80 pokev+2,129:pokev+4,191:pokev+3,220:pokev+5,220
- 83 pokev+16,0
- 85 pokev+28,0:pokev+39,1:poke v+40,3:pokev+41,3
- 90 pokev+23,1:pokev+29,7:pokev+21,7
- 94 print""tab(19)"by":a$="":p=1:poke198,0:de=0
- 95 print" music composed by greg gauthier."
- 96 b$=" 1 player"
- 100 print""tab(13)"f1:"b$a$
- 101 printtab(13)"f3: best times"
- 105 printtab(13)"f7: start"
- 110 printtab(13)"f8: quit to uptime"
- 115 getz$:ifz$="[133]"thenp=p+1:de=0:b$=" player":ifp=9thenp=0:a$=" "
- 116 ifz$="[133]"andp>1thenb$=b$+"s"
- 117 de=de+1:ifp=0thenb$=" practice"
- 118 ifp>0andz$="[133]"thenb$=str$(p)+b$
- 119 ifz$="[134]"thende=500
- 120 ifde=500then1200
- 122 if z$="[140]" then 700
- 125 ifz$<>"[136]"then100
- 130 rem start here
- 135 ifp=0then1700
- 140 poke828,p:p=int(p/2+.5)*2
- 150 fori=1to15:p2$(i)="":p2(i)=96000:nexti
- 155 poke53269,0
- 156 ifpeek(828)>1then160
- 157 print"[147]what computer level do you want (1-3)? ";
- 158 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"3"then158
- 159 printa$:poke 857,val(a$)
- 160 fori=1topeek(828)
- 170 print"player #"i", enter your name."
- 180 poke198,0:n$=""
- 185 print":[164][157]";
- 190 geta$:ifa$=chr$(20)then240
- 200 ifa$=chr$(13)then260
- 205 if a$="[140]" then 700
- 210 ifa$<" "ora$>"z"then190
- 215 if a$=chr$(34) then 190
- 220 iflen(n$)=10then190
- 230 n$=n$+a$:printa$"[164][157]";:goto190
- 240 iflen(n$)=0then190
- 250 n$=left$(n$,len(n$)-1):print" [157][157][164][157]";:goto190
- 260 iflen(n$)=0then190
- 265 print" "
- 270 p1$(i)=n$:nexti
- 275 ifpeek(828)<>pthenp1$(p)="computer "+chr$(8)
- 280 fori=1top:p2$(i)=p1$(i):next:fori=1to15:p2(i)=101000:next
- 283 p1=peek(828)
- 285 fori=1to16:x1=int(rnd(1)*p1)+1:x2=int(rnd(1)*p1)+1
- 286 a$=p2$(x1):p2$(x1)=p2$(x2):p2$(x2)=a$:next
- 290 print"[147]"tab(15)"standings:"
- 291 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 295 d$=""
- 300 x=3:fori=1to8
- 305 printleft$(d$,x)p2$(i):ifp2$(i)<>""thenprint"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 310 x=x+2:ifi/2=int(i/2)thenx=x+2
- 315 nexti
- 320 x=6:fori=9to12
- 324 printleft$(d$,x)tab(10)p2$(i)
- 325 if(p>2andi=10)or(p>4andi=11)orp>6ori=9thenprinttab(10)"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 326 x=x+2:ifi/2=int(i/2)thenx=x+8
- 330 nexti
- 340 x=11:fori=13to14
- 345 printleft$(d$,x)tab(20)p2$(i)
- 350 if(p>2andi=13)orp>4thenprinttab(20)"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 355 x=x+4 :nexti
- 360 ifp>4thenprintleft$(d$,13)tab(29)p2$(15):printtab(29)"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 370 gosub900
- 380 rem choose next contestant
- 385 ifp2(1)>96000thenga=1:goto450
- 390 ifp2(3)>96000andp>2thenga=3:goto450
- 395 ifp2(5)>96000andp>4thenga=5:goto450
- 400 ifp2(7)>96000andp>6thenga=7:goto450
- 405 ifp2(9)>96000andp>2thenga=9:goto450
- 410 ifp2(11)>96000andp>6thenga=11:goto450
- 415 ifp2(13)>96000andp>5thenga=13:goto450
- 420 goto 1300
- 450 a$="next heat:"
- 451 poke53280,14:poke53281,14
- 452 ifp2(ga)=98000thena$=a$+"(rematch)"
- 453 print"[147]"tab(20-len(a$)/2)a$
- 454 a$=p2$(ga)+" vs "+p2$(ga+1)
- 455 print""tab(20-len(a$)/2)a$
- 456 if(peek(56320)and16)=0or(peek(56321)and16)=0then456
- 460 print"press your button "p2$(ga);
- 465 x1=0:x2=0
- 470 a=(peek(56321)and16):if(aand16)=0thenx1=1:print" blue car":goto490
- 475 ifp2$(ga+1)="computer "+chr$(8)then470
- 480 a=(peek(56320)and16):if(aand16)=0thenx1=0:print" red car":goto490
- 485 goto470
- 490 x2=1-x1:poke 856,2
- 495 p1=peek(828):ifp2$(ga+1)="computer "+chr$(8)thenpoke856,1:goto550
- 500 print"press your button "p2$(ga+1);
- 501 ifx2=1thenprint" blue car"
- 502 ifx2=0thenprint" red car"
- 505 a=(peek(56320+x2)and16):if(aand16)=16then505
- 550 rem start race
- 551 print"get ready"
- 552 fori=1to1500:next:sys cl
- 555 sys16384:sys49152:poke53280,12:poke53281,12
- 556 poke 53269,0:print"[147]"
- 557 poke53272,21
- 560 print""tab(16)"results:"
- 561 a1$="":a2$="":ifx2=0thena1$="":a2$=""
- 562 x1=(1-x1)*2:x2=(1-x2)*2
- 565 poke828,p1
- 570 t1=peek(850+x1)*1000+peek(849+x1)
- 571 ifpeek(842+x1/2)=3thent1=96000
- 575 t2=peek(850+x2)*1000+peek(849+x2)
- 576 ifpeek(842+x2/2)=3thent2=96000
- 580 printa1$p2$(ga)tab(12)":";
- 585 a=t1:gosub1000:p2(ga)=a
- 587 printa2$""p2$(ga+1)tab(12)":";
- 590 a=t2:gosub1000:p2(ga+1)=a
- 595 ift1=t2thenp2(ga)=98000:p2(ga+1)=98000:goto620
- 596 ifpeek(842)=3andpeek(843)=3thenp2(ga)=98000:p2(ga+1)=98000:goto620
- 600 rem put winner into proper place
- 605 x=9:ifga=3thenx=10
- 606 ifga=5thenx=11
- 607 ifga=7thenx=12
- 608 ifga=9thenx=13
- 609 ifga=11thenx=14
- 610 ifga=13thenx=15
- 611 ift1<t2thenp2$(x)=p2$(ga)
- 612 ift2<t1thenp2$(x)=p2$(ga+1)
- 613 ifpeek(828)=porp<3then620
- 619 ifp2$(ga+1)="computer "+chr$(8)thenp2$(x)=p2$(ga)
- 620 rem go back to chart
- 625 gosub900
- 630 goto290
- 700 clr:load"upt.reboot",8
- 899 end
- 900 if(peek(56320)and16)=0or(peek(56321)and16)=0then900
- 904 print""tab(8)"press button to continue"
- 905 if(peek(56320)and16)=16and(peek(56321)and16)=16then905
- 920 return
- 1000 rem given a, print out time
- 1005 b1=int(a/1000):b2=a-b1*1000
- 1010 ifb1=96thenprint"[158]out of race":goto1020
- 1015 b3=int(b1/16):b4=b1-b3*16:b5=int(b2/16):b6=b2-b5*16
- 1017 printchr$(b3+48)chr$(b4+48)"."chr$(b5+48)chr$(b6+48)
- 1020 return
- 1100 sys cl:forx=1to50:nextx
- 1103 poke856,0:poke857,2:sys16384:sys49152:poke53269,0:print"[147]":poke53281,12
- 1105 poke53280,12:goto40
- 1200 rem high score display
- 1205 print"[147]":poke53248+29,1
- 1206 poke53269,1:poke53249,54:poke53248,160:poke2040,236:poke53248+23,1
- 1210 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 1215 printtab(16)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 1220 printtab(8)"[164][175][185][162][184][183][163] all time [163][183][184][146][162][185][175][164]"
- 1225 fori=1to10:a$=str$(i)
- 1230 a$=""+right$(a$,2)+"."
- 1235 printtab(8)a$" [159]"hi$(i)tab(27)"[158]";
- 1240 a=hi(i):gosub1000
- 1245 nexti
- 1246 printtab(8)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 1250 printtab(9)"[163][183][184][162][185][175][164] best [164][175][185][162][146][184][183][163]"
- 1251 printtab(3)"[152]press a key to return to the menu."
- 1255 poke198,0
- 1260 ifpeek(198)<>0then40
- 1270 de=de+1:ifde<1200then1260
- 1280 goto1100
- 1300 rem high score update
- 1301 print" "
- 1305 z=0:fori=1to15
- 1310 ifp2(i)<hi(10)thengosub1400:z=z+1
- 1315 nexti:ifzthengosub1450
- 1320 de=300:goto1500
- 1400 ifp2$(i)="computer "+chr$(8)thenz=z-1:return
- 1402 hi$(10)=p2$(i):hi(10)=p2(i)
- 1404 x=9
- 1405 ifhi(x)<=hi(x+1)thenreturn
- 1410 a=hi(x):hi(x)=hi(x+1):hi(x+1)=a:a$=hi$(x):hi$(x)=hi$(x+1):hi$(x+1)=a$
- 1415 x=x-1:ifx>0then1405
- 1420 return
- 1450 rem rewrite highscores
- 1455 print"[147]":sys cl:open15,8,15,"s0:hiscore":close15
- 1460 open5,8,5,"hiscore,p,w"
- 1465 fori=1to10:print#5,hi$(i):print#5,hi(i):nexti:close5
- 1466 open15,8,15:input#15,a,b$,c,d:close15:ifa=0thenreturn
- 1470 print"[147]disk error:"b$
- 1471 a=peek(56320)and16:b=peek(56321)and16:ifa=0orb=0then1471
- 1475 print"press either button to try again."
- 1476 a=peek(56320)and16:b=peek(56321)and16:ifa=16andb=16then1476
- 1480 goto1450
- 1500 rem display each player best time
- 1501 wi$=""
- 1505 fori=1top:p1(i)=96000:next
- 1510 fori=1to15:a$=p2$(i):forx=1top:ifa$<>p1$(x)thennextx:goto1520
- 1513 wi$=p2$(i)
- 1515 ifp2(i)<p1(x)thenp1(x)=p2(i)
- 1520 nexti
- 1525 print"[147]"tab(15)"best times"
- 1530 print""
- 1535 fori=1top
- 1540 ifp1$(i)="computer "+chr$(8)thengoto1560
- 1550 print""p1$(i)tab(11)":";:a=p1(i):gosub1000
- 1560 nexti
- 1562 ifwi$="computer "+chr$(8)thenwi$="computer"
- 1565 print"";:a$="winner:[158]"+wi$
- 1567 printtab(21-len(a$)/2)a$
- 1568 if(peek(56320)and16)=0or(peek(56321)and16)=0then1568
- 1570 print""tab(6)"press <return> to go to menu"
- 1575 print" press button to play with same names"
- 1580 poke198,0
- 1581 fori=1to15:p2$(i)="":next
- 1585 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then1200
- 1590 if(peek(56320)and16)=16and(peek(56321)and16)=16then1585
- 1595 goto280
- 1600 rem practice
- 1700 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 1701 poke53269,0
- 1702 poke53272,21
- 1705 print"[147]"tab(16)"[158]practice"
- 1710 print"you will be the blue car."
- 1715 print"press the firebutton to start."
- 1720 print"press <return> to return to menu."
- 1730 poke198,0
- 1740 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then40
- 1745 if(peek(56321)and16)=16then1740
- 1750 poke857,0:poke 866,0
- 1760 poke 856,3:sys cl:sys16384:sys49152:sys cl:poke866,1:goto1700