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- Space Battle II
- From the far reaches of outer space,
- you and your crew of the U.F.P. Englow
- have been called upon to defend the
- Jershan quadrant against the evil
- Kasinfens. Being nothing more than an
- exploration vessel, the Englow is
- ill-prepared for such a mission. But
- you fly forth to do battle anyway since
- your ship is the only one in the area.
- Mission Objective:
- To destroy the maximum number of
- Kasinfens you can while attaining the
- highest rating possible.
- + COMMAND? F 16 +
- +------------------------------------+
- + 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +
- +4 1 ??? ??? 001 ??? ??? 000 121 ???+
- + 2 000 000 ??? 000 000 000 000 000+
- + 3 004 030 ??? 000 003 005 ??? 111+
- + 4 ??? 303 101 ??? 000 ??? ??? ???+
- + 5 000 ??? ??? ??? 003 003 ??? ???+
- + 6 000 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???+
- + 7 002 500 100 003 ??? 000 000 000+
- + 8 ??? ??? 000 000 000 000 005 ???+
- +------------------------------------+
- +Enemy at 5 2+ 0123456789+ Torp 14 +
- + Firing!! + 0..........+ +
- + + 1......*...+ Ener 4180+
- + + 2......K...+ +
- +------------+ 3..K..*....+ Crew 1000+
- + + 4..........+ +
- + 000 + 5......E*..+ Rtng 0 +
- + 000SHD000 + 6..........+ +
- + 000 + 7..K.......+ Prob 1 +
- + + 8..........+ +
- + + 9..........+ Base 2 +
- The Playing Screen.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Upper Section:
- Top left - current command you have
- given.
- Top right - number of Kasinfens you
- need to destroy.
- Middle section:
- Upper left - the two numbers indicate
- your current column & row
- location on the quadrant
- map.
- Quadrant Map -
- Question marks (???) indicate
- unexplored regions. The three numbers
- indicate (1) the number of enemy ships;
- (2) the number, not how many, of the
- friendly base in this area (if any);
- and (3) the number of stars in the
- area.
- Lower Section:
- Upper left - message area.
- Lower left - shows current shield
- strength.
- Middle - the Sector map. Shows the
- expanded view of your
- location on the quadrant
- map.
- Right - shows the number of
- supplies, crew, etc.
- remaining.
- Torp = torpedoes Ener = energy
- Crew = crew Rtng = rating
- Prob = probe Base = base
- K = enemy ship
- E = your ship
- * = star
- # = base
- Starting the Game.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Enter your name and select a skill
- level from 1 to 5. The higher the
- number, the more difficult the game.
- At the higher levels you will do
- battle against more enemy ships and
- start your mission with fewer supplies.
- At level 5 you start with no supplies
- in the hope that you find a base before
- you get blown away.
- Playing Commands.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- All commands are entered from the
- keyboard. They are:
- B - Beams 100 of your men onto the
- enemy ship.
- D - Self-destructs your ship.
- E - Fires an energy bolt at enemy
- ships.
- L - Performs a laser scan on an enemy
- vessel to see how much damage it
- may have sustained.
- M - Sets the time for how long play
- information will be displayed in
- the message area.
- N - Permits ship navigation. Controls
- movement on both the galactic map
- and on the sector map.
- R - Check on and repair damage to ship.
- S - Permits the raising or lowering of
- the ship's protective shields,
- either in whole or in part.
- T - Launch a torpedo.
- K - Displays a help list of what the
- different keypresses will do.
- Space Bar - Lets time pass while doing
- nothing
- The Passage of Time.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Some weapons and controls take time
- to use while others don't. You will
- only notice this when there are enemy
- ships in your sector. For example,
- charging the ship's shields takes time.
- So while in the process of charging
- them, any enemy ships in your sector
- can either fire on you or move away
- from you and you will be powerless to
- do anything about it. On the other
- hand, draining your shields does not
- take time. So during this time you
- could enter another command before the
- enemy might fire on you or escape.
- The Ship's Controls & Weaponry.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Torpedoes and Energy Bolts:
- There are two types of weapons at
- your disposal: torpedoes and energy
- bolts. Only one torpedo can be fired
- per turn, but it will fire before the
- enemy has had a chance to do anything
- and will usually result in the
- destruction of the enemy ship. Before
- the torpedo is fired, you will be asked
- for the column and row of your target.
- Use the number keys to enter this
- information. Be careful when selecting
- your target, for a torpedo will explode
- on contact with any solid object...even
- one of your own bases! It does
- not have enough power to cause any
- damage to a star, though.
- Energy bolts can be used to fire at
- more then one enemy ship at a time,
- depending on the amount of energy you
- have. When an energy bolt is to be
- fired, you will be asked how much
- energy to alot for each enemy ship.
- Use the + key to increase a bolt's
- power and the - key to decrease the
- energy allotment. Press = when done.
- Energy bolts take time to charge so
- the enemy can fire or move before the
- energy bolt is launched. Energy bolts
- can pass through objects.
- Protective Shields:
- Your ship has four defensive
- shields: shield 1 is on the top,
- shield 2 is on the left, shield 3 is on
- the right, and shield 4 is on the
- bottom. When you've selected the
- shield option, you will be asked if you
- want to charge your shields or drain
- them. If you select 'drain' all the
- energy currently in your shields will
- be returned to your ship's power
- reserves. If you select 'charge' you
- will be asked how much energy to allot
- for each shield in turn. Using the +
- key increases the amount and using the
- - decreases it. Use = when you are
- done.
- Ship Repairs:
- When you select ship repairs you
- will be told the condition of each of
- the ships main units in turn and be
- given the opportunity to repair any
- that are damaged. Use the +, -, and =
- keys to transfer and use energy for
- repairing any damage.
- Ship Navigation:
- Ship navigation is performed as
- either a galactic jump or a sector
- move. A galactic jump can be made
- safely up to two spaces away. Jumping
- distances from between two and four
- spaces will damage your navigation
- system. Anything beyond four spaces
- will put you on a random spot on the
- map.
- A sector move can be made to any
- place on the sector map. Plus, since
- you use star light power to power your
- ship when in sector mode, no energy is
- needed for the move. You may not move
- through any solid objects, and any
- attempt to do so will result in an
- emergency engine shutdown that will
- damage your navigation system. The
- only exception to this is when you are
- docking at a base (see docking).
- Since objects are constantly in motion
- in outer space, don't expect a star or
- base to remain in the same place in a
- sector if you should leave and then
- return to it later.
- Exploration Probes:
- Exploration probes are used to
- explore distant sectors in the galactic
- void, returning information on the
- state of previously unexplored sectors,
- as well as any changes that may have
- taken place in sectors you've already
- been in. This information is returned
- to you by changing the question marks
- to numbers. You have no control over
- where a probe will go or how many areas
- it will explore.
- The Transport Beam:
- The transport beam is used to send
- 100 of your men to the area of space
- directly in front of your ship on the
- sector map. If there is an enemy ship
- in this space, your men will do battle
- with the enemy soldiers they encounter.
- The more damage the enemy ship has
- sustained from earlier battles, the
- better your odds are of winning the
- battle. If you lose, all 100 of your
- men will die. If you win, all of the
- energy contained in the enemy ship is
- transfered to your ship, and the enemy
- ship will explode.
- Please note that you cannot beam
- your men through the ship's defensive
- shields, and that shield one must be
- lowered before using this command.
- Also, the only thing your men can beam
- onto is an enemy ship. Everything else
- registers as empty space.
- Self Destruction:
- Should you ever find yourself in
- danger of being overrun by the enemy
- and you do not have enough energy left
- in your vessel to navigate it, then
- this would be the time to use this
- command. Because of the grave
- consequences of such an act, this
- procedure is to be performed as a
- matter of last resort. It is better to
- destroy your own ship then to leave it
- adrift in space for the enemy to
- capture.
- Laser Scan:
- By using the laser scan you will be
- able to determine the condition of the
- enemy ships in your sector. The scale
- of the value returned runs from 1 to
- 1000, with 1000 representing a ship
- with no damage. The lower the number
- the more damage a ship has sustained.
- Docking with a Base:
- From time to time you will find the
- need to replenish your ship's supplies.
- This is done by docking with one of
- your bases. To maneuver your ship into
- docking position with a base you must
- first enter in the base's column and
- row. When your ship has positioned
- itself next to the base, you will be
- asked to confirm that you want to dock.
- If you answer yes, your ship's stores
- will then be restocked. You can only
- dock once at each base, and after you
- are done the base will dissolve.
- Please keep in mind that your ship can
- only hold so much in the way of
- supplies. It is the wise captain who
- will wait until almost all his supplies
- are gone before docking.
- Skill levels 1 and 2 are considered
- training levels and as such you will
- begin the game with more supplies than
- you would normally receive. In light
- of this fact, you should be made aware
- that if you dock at a base while still
- holding an ample stock of supplies, you
- could end up with less supplies upon
- your departure.
- How to Calculate Energy Needs.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Your ship has a capacity of 5000
- energy units. Everything that you
- do, with the exception of sector moves,
- will require some of this energy. For
- example, raising your shields will use
- more energy than you will put into them
- because it takes energy to raise them.
- Also, a galactic jump with shields up
- will use more energy than one made with
- the shields down.
- Not all energy usage is calculated
- on a 1-to-1 basis. For instance, in
- the vacuum of space any energy bolts
- that you fire at an enemy vessel will
- have an intensity ratio of 3-to-1.
- This means that if an enemy ship is at
- a damage level of 300, you would only
- need to fire an energy bolt charged to
- 100 units to destroy it. You will also
- notice this effect when repairing any
- damage to your ship. Less energy is
- required to perform repairs than the
- damage level will indicate.
- Performance Rating.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Your performance rating reflects
- your competence as the ship's commander
- and reflects the consequences of your
- actions. It is constantly being both
- upgraded and downgraded based upon the
- results of your command decisions. You
- want to achieve the highest rating
- possible by the end of the game.
- You may increase your rating by
- destroying enemy ships (a higher
- performance rating is awarded if this
- is done by beaming men over) and by
- simply being alive at the end of the
- game. A bonus is given if you have
- unused bases at the end.
- There are a lot of things that will
- decrease your rating, such as leaving a
- sector that still has enemy ships in
- it, having some of your crew die, and
- having your ship destroyed. Launching
- probes also lowers your rating. This
- is because any information that you
- receive from a probe is also available
- to the enemy. So make sure that you
- really need to use a probe before
- launching one.
- Saving Your Score.
- {$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}{$e3}
- Up to five players' high scores can
- be saved to the disk. There is a
- separate score recorded for each level.
- Should ever want to erase the high
- scores and begin again, simply scratch
- the file called 'scores' from the disk.
- The next time you begin the game, the
- program won't find this file and will
- ask if one should be created for you.
- Signed
- Admiral Decker