home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 if x=0 then sys65418: poke808,234: poke45,peek(174): poke46,peek(175): poke56,160: clr
- 11 if x=0 then x=1: load"f",8,1
- 12 if x=1 then x=2: load"seq reader",8,1
- 14 poke53272,21
- 15 diml$(10,10):dimr$(8,8):dimq$(8,8):dimp(64)
- 16 :
- 18 poke53281,1:poke53280,1
- 20 gosub 9200: gosub 9950: gosub 9900
- 22 print"";
- 24 printspc(8)"(c)1988 by george decker"
- 26 printspc(14)"published by"
- 28 printspc(8)"softdisk publishing, inc."
- 30 printspc(11)"all rights reserved"
- 32 gosub 9950: gosub 9900
- 34 print"";
- 36 printspc(8)"tap (i) for instructions"
- 40 printspc(11)"tap (b) for battle"
- 42 poke198,0
- 44 get a$: if a$="" then 44
- 46 if a$="b" then 150
- 48 if a$<>"i" then 44
- 50 gosub 9900
- 52 print"";
- 54 printspc(6)"output to printer or screen?"
- 56 printspc(15)"(p) or (s)"
- 58 get a$: if a$="" then 58
- 60 if a$="p" then gosub 110: goto 150
- 62 if a$<>"s" then 58
- 64 gosub 9900
- 66 print"";
- 68 printspc(6)"sb ii's instructions will be"
- 70 printspc(7)"displayed a page at a time."
- 72 printspc(6)"tap the spacebar for next pg."
- 74 printspc(6)"tap (q) to exit at any time."
- 76 poke198,0: for t=1 to 3000
- 78 get a$: if a$<>"" then t=3000
- 80 next
- 82 print"[147]";: o=0: gosub 9530
- 83 if fl=1 then poke53280,1: goto 82
- 84 if fl=2 then gosub 9200: goto 150
- 86 poke 2,0
- 88 sys 828
- 90 if (peek(3) and 64)=64 then close 2: close 15: goto 104
- 94 poke198,0:print"[150] [211]pacebar to [195]ontinue, [209] to [209]uit";
- 96 geta$
- 98 if a$=" " then print"[147]";: goto 88
- 100 if a$="q" then close 2: close 15: gosub 9200: gosub 9900: goto 34
- 102 goto 96
- 104 poke 198,0: print spc(7)"[150][208]ress [211]pacebar to [195]ontinue";
- 106 geta$: if a$<>" " then 106
- 108 goto 18
- 110 gosub 9900: print"";
- 112 printspc(7)"please make sure that your"
- 114 printspc(8)"printer is turned on and"
- 116 printspc(7)"that the paper is lined up"
- 118 printspc(8)"press return to continue"
- 120 poke198,0
- 122 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then122
- 124 fl=0
- 126 open 4,4,1: close 4: s=st
- 128 if st<>0 then gosub 8500
- 129 if fl=1 then print"": gosub 9200: goto 126
- 130 if fl=2 then print"": gosub 9200: goto 150
- 132 gosub 9530
- 133 if fl=2 then print"": gosub 9200: goto 150
- 134 if fl=1 then print"": gosub 9200: goto 132
- 136 gosub 9900: print"";
- 138 printspc(15)"printing..."
- 140 open 4,4,7
- 142 poke 2,4
- 144 sys 828
- 146 if (peek(3) and 64)<>64 then 144
- 148 print#4: close 4: close 2: close 15: return
- 150 gosub 9900: print"";
- 151 printspc(6)"reading the captain's list..."
- 152 open15,8,15: print#15,"i0"
- 153 open 3,8,3,"0:scores,s,r"
- 154 gosub 8200: if fl=0 then 162
- 160 gosub 9200: goto 150
- 162 for a=1 to 5: for b=1 to 6
- 164 input#3,f1$(a,b): next: next: close3: close15
- 166 gosub 9900: print"";
- 168 printspc(10)"enter your last name"
- 170 printspc(13)"> ";: nu=0: ln=16: gosub 9000
- 172 z$=a8$: if z$="" then print"[145][145]";: goto 170
- 174 a=1
- 176 if z$=f1$(a,1) then 216
- 178 a=a+1: if a<6 then 176
- 180 gosub 9900: print"";
- 181 printspc(7)"i don't see your name here."
- 182 printspc(11)"are you new? (y/n)": poke198,0
- 184 geta$: if a$="n" then 166
- 186 if a$="y" then a=1: goto 190
- 188 goto 184
- 190 if f1$(a,1)="blank" then f1$(a,1)=z$: goto 216
- 192 a=a+1: if a<6 then 190
- 194 gosub 9900: print"";
- 195 printspc(6)"no room. you must eliminate"
- 196 printspc(10)"a name to continue.": a=1: gosub 9950
- 200 gosub 9900: print"";
- 202 sp=int((40-len(f1$(a,1)))/2): printspc(sp-1)chr$(34)f1$(a,1)chr$(34)
- 203 printspc(11)"eliminate this one?": poke 198,0
- 204 geta$: if a$<>"y" then 208
- 206 f1$(a,1)=z$: for b=2 to 6: f1$(a,b)="000": next: goto 216
- 208 if a$="n" then a=a+1: goto 212
- 210 goto 204
- 212 if a>5 then 166
- 214 goto 200
- 216 gp=a
- 218 a$="welcome aboard, ": b$="captain "+f1$(gp,1)+"!"
- 220 gosub 9600
- 221 gosub 9900: print"";
- 222 for i=1 to a/2
- 224 print spc(20-i);left$(a$,i);right$(a$,i)
- 225 print: print spc(20-i);left$(b$,i);right$(b$,i)
- 226 print"[145][145][145]";
- 228 for zz=1 to 25: next
- 230 next: gosub 9950
- 500 d6=4:g6=4:poke650,128
- 502 gosub 9900: print"";
- 504 printspc(8)"select skill level: 1-5": poke 198,0
- 540 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"5"then540
- 550 ifa$="1"thenpr=4:tp=10:cr=1000:mv=1:le=10:k9=2
- 560 ifa$="2"thenpr=3:tp=10:cr=1000:mv=2:le=30:k9=3
- 570 ifa$="3"thenpr=2:tp=5:cr=1000:mv=3:le=40:k9=4
- 580 ifa$="4"thenpr=1:tp=5:cr=1000:mv=4:le=50:k9=5
- 590 ifa$="5"thenpr=0:tp=0:cr=500:mv=5:le=75:k9=6
- 600 tw=rnd(ti):poke53272,19
- 605 print"[147]":poke53280,3:poke53281,1
- 610 l3=int(rnd(tw)*le)+10: le=l3: gosub 7830: print"[147]": poke 53265,11
- 620 fora=1064to1103:pokea,67:pokea+54272,6:next
- 630 fora=1504to1543:pokea,82:pokea+54272,6:next
- 640 fora=1744to1756:pokea,67:pokea+54272,6:next
- 650 fora=1557to1997step40:pokea,101:pokea+54272,6
- 655 print"[144]press 'k' to see command list
- 660 [151]a[170]14,101:[151]a[170]54272[170]14,6:[130]
- 670 [153]"for 0123456789fortorp"
- 680 [153][166]29)"ener"
- 690 [153][166]29)"crew"
- 700 [153][166]29)"rtng"
- 710 [153][166]29)"prob"
- 720 [153][166]5)"ononpokeshd"
- 730 [153][166]29)"forbase"
- 740 d[178]48:[129]a[178]1598[164]1958[169]40:[151]a,d:[151]a[170]54272,5:d[178]d[170]1:[130]:bq[178]5:ms[178]1000
- 750 en[178]5000:rt[178]50:e7$[178]"":[141]5110
- 760 [137]1900
- 770 [143] prints torp., energy, etc..
- 780 [153]""[166]36)"stop cmdcmdcmd"le
- 790 [153]"stop"g6:[153]d6
- 800 w7$[178]""
- 810 [153]"cont"w7$[196](tp)" ":[139]en[177]5000[167]en[178]5000
- 820 [153]:[153]w7$[196](en)" ":[139]rt[177]950[167]rt[178]950
- 830 [153]:[153]w7$[196](cr)" ":[139]rt[179]0[167]rt[178]0
- 840 [153]:[153]w7$[196](rt)" "
- 850 [153]:[153]w7$[196](pr)" "
- 860 [153]:[153]w7$[196](bq)" "
- 870 [139]cr[179]10[167]7750:[143] not enough crew
- 880 [139]le[179]1[167]7900:[143] all enemy ships gone
- 890 [153]"";:[142]
- 900 [151]53265,27
- 910 [143]*****
- 920 [143] main program loop
- 930 [143] *****************
- 940 [153]"stopcommand? clr ";:[151]198,0
- 950 [141]780:[161]g$:[139]g$[178]""[167]950
- 960 [139]g$[178]"t"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdt":yz[178]0:[137]2450:[143] torpedo launch
- 970 [139]g$[178]"p"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdp":[137]3000:[143] probe
- 980 [139]g$[178]"n"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdn":[137]3110:[143] navigation
- 990 [139]g$[178]"r"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdr":[137]4320:[143] repair
- 1000 [139]g$[178]"s"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmds":[137]4830:[143] shield
- 1010 [139]g$[178]"l"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdl":[137]4660:[143] lasar scan
- 1020 [139]g$[178]"m"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdm":[137]1100:[143] message read speed
- 1030 [139]g$[178]"d"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdd":[137]7450:[143] destruct
- 1040 [139]g$[178]"k"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdk":[137]6980:[143] key presses
- 1050 [139]g$[178]"b"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdb":[137]5910:[143] beam out
- 1060 [139]g$[178]"e"[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmde":[137]3920:[143] energy bolt
- 1070 [139]g$[178]" "[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdnop":[137]1200:[143] nop
- 1080 [137]950
- 1090 [141]4610:[137]900
- 1100 [141]4610:[153]e7$"message":[153]"speed":mu[178]10
- 1110 [153]e7$" cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd"mu
- 1120 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"+"[167]mu[178]mu[170]10:[139]mu[177]990[167]mu[178]10
- 1130 [139]a$[178]"-"[167]mu[178]mu[171]10:[139]mu[179]10[167]mu[178]990
- 1140 [139]a$[178]"="[167]ms[178]mu[172]3:[137]1090
- 1150 [137]1110
- 1160 [143]*****
- 1170 [143]*****
- 1180 [143] enemy ship fire and move
- 1190 [143] ************************
- 1200 [141]4610
- 1210 [129]a[178]1[164]5:[139]z3(a)[178]0[167][130]:[137]1660
- 1220 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]10):[139]x[179]mv[167]1480:[143] move
- 1230 [139]x[178]1[167]1460
- 1240 e5[178]0:e6[178]0
- 1250 [143]
- 1260 j5[178]0:j6[178]0:e5[178]0:e6[178]0:[143]
- 1270 j5[178]1:e5[178]z1(a)[171]l1:[139]e5[177]0[167]j5[178]4
- 1280 [139]e5[179]0[167]e5[178]l1[171]z1(a)
- 1290 e6[178]l2[171]z2(a):[139]e6[179]0[167]e6[178]z2(a)[171]l2
- 1300 [139]e6[179]e5[167]1320
- 1310 e5[178]e6:j5[178]2:e6[178]z2(a)[171]l2:[139]e6[177]0[167]j5[178]3
- 1320 [153]e7$"defenemy at"z2(a)z1(a):[153]" firing!!":[141]6900
- 1330 [129]r[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[141]4610:[139]e5[178]0[167]e5[178]1
- 1340 [151]53280,2
- 1350 [139]s1(j5)[177]0[167]hi[178][181](z3(a)[173]4.5[173]e5):[137]1370
- 1360 hi[178][181](z3(a)[173]3[173]e5)
- 1370 [153]e7$" side"j5:[153]" hit":[141]6840:[139]hi[179]1[167]hi[178]1
- 1380 [151]53280,3
- 1390 [153]" for"hi:[129]v[178]1[164]ms:[130]v:[139]hi[179]20[167]:[141]4610:[130]:[137]1660
- 1400 [139]s1(j5)[178]0[167]da(0)[178]hi:[137]5220
- 1410 [139]s1(j5)[171]hi[179]0[167]1440:[143] shield gone
- 1420 s1(j5)[178]s1(j5)[171]hi:[141]5110:[141]4610:[130]:[137]1660
- 1430 s1(j5)[178]s1(j5)[171]hi:[141]5110:[141]4610:[130]:[137]1660
- 1440 [153]" shield"j5:[153]" gone!!":da(0)[178]hi[171]s1(j5):[141]6730
- 1450 s1(j5)[178]0:[141]5110:[129]gg[178]1[164]ms:[130]gg:[137]5220
- 1460 [153]e7$" ship at":[153]" "z2(a)z1(a):[153]" missed!":[129]v[178]1[164]ms:[130]v
- 1470 [141]4610:[130]:[137] 1660
- 1480 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]4):[145]x[137]1540,1580,1620
- 1490 [129]y[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]4):[139]z2(a)[170]1[177]9[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1500 [139]l$(z1(a),z2(a)[170]1)[179][177]"^"[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1510 l$(z1(a),z2(a))[178]"^":l$(z1(a),z2(a)[170]1)[178]"(NULL)":z2(a)[178]z2(a)[170]1
- 1520 [141]2350:[130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1530 [139]z2(a)[171]1[179]0[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1540 [129]y[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]4):[139]z2(a)[171]1[179]0[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1550 [139]l$(z1(a),z2(a)[171]1)[179][177]"^"[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1560 l$(z1(a),z2(a))[178]"^":l$(z1(a),z2(a)[171]1)[178]"(NULL)":z2(a)[178]z2(a)[171]1
- 1570 [141]2350:[130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1580 [129]y[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]4):[139]z1(a)[170]1[177]9[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1590 [139]l$(z1(a)[170]1,z2(a))[179][177]"^"[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1600 l$(z1(a),z2(a))[178]"^":l$(z1(a)[170]1,z2(a))[178]"(NULL)":z1(a)[178]z1(a)[170]1
- 1610 [141]2350:[130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1620 [129]y[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]4):[139]z1(a)[171]1[179]0[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1630 [139]l$(z1(a)[171]1,z2(a))[179][177]"^"[167][130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1640 l$(z1(a),z2(a))[178]"^":l$(z1(a)[171]1,z2(a))[178]"(NULL)":z1(a)[178]z1(a)[171]1
- 1650 [141]2350:[130]y:[130]:[137]1660
- 1660 [141]4610:[129]a[178]1[164]5:[139]eb(a)[178]0[167][130]:[137]1090
- 1670 eb(a)[178]eb(a)[172]3:[153]e7$" ready to":[153]" fire energy":[153]" bolt!!"
- 1680 [141]6400:[141]4610
- 1690 [139]l$(e1(a),e2(a))[178]"(NULL)"[167]1720
- 1700 [153]e7$" ship lock":[153]" on lost":[153]" at":[153]" "e2(a);e1(a)
- 1710 eb(a)[178]0:[129]b[178]1[164]ms:[130]b:[141]4610:[130]a:[137]1090
- 1720 [153]e7$" firing on":[153]" ship at":[153]" "e2(a);e1(a)
- 1730 l$(e1(a),e2(a))[178]"(NULL)":[141]2350:[141]4610:[141]6840
- 1740 [143] sound
- 1750 [139]eb(a)[178][177]z3(a)[167]eb(a)[178]0:[137]1790
- 1760 l$(e1(a),e2(a))[178]"(NULL)":[141]2350:z3(a)[178]z3(a)[171]eb(a)
- 1770 [153]e7$" enemy ship":[153]" hit for":[153]eb(a):eb(a)[178]0
- 1780 [141]6840:[141]4610:[130]a:[137]1090
- 1790 zq[178]1:t1[178]e1(a):t2[178]e2(a):[137]5530
- 1800 [143]
- 1810 [143]
- 1820 [143]
- 1830 [143]
- 1840 [143]
- 1850 [130]a:[137]1660
- 1860 [143]*****
- 1870 [143]*****
- 1880 [143] sets info for top map
- 1890 [143] *********************
- 1900 [129]a[178]1[164]8:[129]b[178]1[164]8:q$(a,b)[178]"???":[130]:[130]
- 1910 [129]a[178]1[164]64:p(a)[178]0:[130]
- 1920 [129]a[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]64)[170]1
- 1930 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]64)[170]1
- 1940 [139]p(x)[179][177]0[167]1930
- 1950 p(x)[178][181]([187](1)[172]5)[170]1:[130]
- 1960 [129]a[178]1[164]5
- 1970 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]64)[170]1
- 1980 [139]p(x)[177]9[167]1970
- 1990 p(x)[178]p(x)[170]a[172]10:[130]
- 2000 e5[178]le
- 2010 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]64)[170]1
- 2020 [139]p(x)[177]99[167]2010
- 2030 r[178][181]([187](1)[172]5)[170]1
- 2040 p(x)[178]p(x)[170]r[172]100:g[178]g[170]r:[139]g[179]e5[167]2010
- 2050 x[178]1:[129]a[178]1[164]8:[129]b[178]1[164]8
- 2060 [139]p(x)[178]0[167]r$(a,b)[178]"000":[137]2100
- 2070 [139]p(x)[179]10[167]y1$[178][201]([196](p(x)),1):r$(a,b)[178]"00"[170]y1$:[137]2100
- 2080 [139]p(x)[179]100[167]y1$[178][201]([196](p(x)),2):r$(a,b)[178]"0"[170]y1$:[137]2100
- 2090 y1$[178][201]([196](p(x)),3):r$(a,b)[178]y1$
- 2100 x[178]x[170]1:[130]:[130]:q$(4,4)[178]r$(4,4)
- 2110 [141]2140:[141]2350:[141]4220:[137]3550
- 2120 [143] places objects in bottom map
- 2130 [143] ****************************
- 2140 [129]a[178]0[164]9:[129]b[178]0[164]9:l$(a,b)[178]"^":[130]:[130]
- 2150 c$[178]r$(d6,g6):l$(5,5)[178]"(NULL)":l1[178]5:l2[178]5:[129]a[178]1[164]5:z1(a)[178]0:z2(a)[178]0:z3(a)[178]0:[130]
- 2160 f$[178][200](c$,1):[139]f$[178]"0"[167]2210
- 2170 [129]a[178]1[164][197](f$)
- 2180 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:y[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 2190 [139]l$(x,y)[179][177]"^"[167]2180
- 2200 l$(x,y)[178]"(NULL)":z1(a)[178]x:z2(a)[178]y:z3(a)[178]1000:[130]
- 2210 f$[178][202](c$,2,1):[139]f$[178]"0"[167]2250
- 2220 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:y[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 2230 [139]l$(x,y)[179][177]"^"[167]2220
- 2240 l$(x,y)[178]"#"
- 2250 f$[178][201](c$,1):[139]f$[178]"0"[167]2300
- 2260 [129]a[178]1[164][197](f$)
- 2270 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:y[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 2280 [139]l$(x,y)[179][177]"^"[167]2270
- 2290 l$(x,y)[178]"*":[130]
- 2300 [142]
- 2310 [143]*****
- 2320 [143]*****
- 2330 [143] draw bottom map
- 2340 [143] ***************
- 2350 [153]"stop":r$[178]""
- 2360 [153]r$;
- 2370 [129]a4[178]0[164]9:[129]b[178]0[164]9
- 2380 [153]l$(a4,b);:[130]b:[139]a4[178]9[167]r$[178]"":[137]2400
- 2390 [153]
- 2400 [153]r$;:[130]a4:[153]"":[142]
- 2410 [143]*****
- 2420 [143]*****
- 2430 [143] launch torpedo
- 2440 [143] **************
- 2450 [139]da(4)[177]499[167]6270
- 2460 [139]tp[177]0[167]2490
- 2470 [153]e7$" none left!!"
- 2480 [137]1200
- 2490 t1[178]l1:t2[178]l2:tp[178]tp[171]1
- 2500 [153]e7$"contenter column":[151]198,0
- 2510 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"0"[176]a$[177]"9"[167]2510
- 2520 r1[178][197](a$):[153]" "r1:[153]"contenter row":[151]198,0
- 2530 [161]a$:[139]a$[177]"9"[176]a$[179]"0"[167]2530
- 2540 c1[178][197](a$):[153]" "c1:[153]" fire? (y/n)":[151]198,0
- 2550 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"y"[167]2580
- 2560 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]tp[178]tp[170]1:[137]1090
- 2570 [137]2550
- 2580 [139]t1[178]c1[175]t2[178]r1[167]1090
- 2590 [143] sound
- 2600 [141]4610:[153]e7$"torpedo away!"
- 2610 p1[178]t1:p2[178]t2
- 2620 [139]t1[179]c1[167]t1[178]t1[170]1
- 2630 [139]t1[177]c1[167]t1[178]t1[171]1
- 2640 [139]t2[179]r1[167]t2[178]t2[170]1
- 2650 [139]t2[177]r1[167]t2[178]t2[171]1
- 2660 [139]l$(t1,t2)[178]"(NULL)"[167]5470:[143] hit enemy
- 2670 [139]l$(t1,t2)[178]"*"[167]5760:[143] hit star
- 2680 [139]l$(t1,t2)[178]"#"[167]5850:[143] hit base
- 2690 [139]l$(p1,p2)[178]"(NULL)"[167]l$(t1,t2)[178]"(NULL)":[137]2710
- 2700 l$(t1,t2)[178]"(NULL)":l$(p1,p2)[178]"^"
- 2710 [141]2350:[141]6600
- 2720 [139]t1[178]c1[175]t2[178]r1[167]2740
- 2730 [137]2610
- 2740 [141]6840
- 2750 [129]a3[178]1[164]3:l$(t1,t2)[178]"(NULL)":[141]2350:l$(t1,t2)[178]"^":[141]2350:[130]
- 2760 [141]810:[141]4610:[137]1200
- 2770 [143]*****
- 2780 [143]*****
- 2790 [143] dock ship
- 2800 [143] *********
- 2810 [141]4610
- 2820 [153]e7$" do you":[153]" want to":[153]" resupply":[153]" your ship?"
- 2830 [153]" openyes / openno":[151]198,0
- 2840 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"n"[167]l1[178]l3:l2[178]l4:[137]1090
- 2850 [139]a$[179][177]"y"[167]2840
- 2860 g[178]0:[129]t[178]1[164]4:g[178]g[170]s1(t):[130]t:[139]g[178]0[167]2890
- 2870 [141]4610:[153]e7$" all shields":[153]" must first":[153]" be lowered."
- 2880 l1[178]l3:l2[178]l4:[129]t[178]1[164]ms:[130]t:[137]1090
- 2890 [141]4610:[153]e7$" resupply":[153]" underway...":[141]6350:[129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]
- 2900 tp[178]5:en[178]5000:pr[178]2:[141]780:[141]4610:bq[178]bq[171]1
- 2910 [153]e7$" ship":[153]" resupplied":l$(l1,l2)[178]"(NULL)":[141]6570
- 2920 l$(l3,l4)[178]"^":[141]2350
- 2930 r$(d6,g6)[178][200](r$(d6,g6),1)[170]"0"[170][201](r$(d6,g6),1)
- 2940 q$(d6,g6)[178]r$(d6,g6)
- 2950 [141]4220:[137]1090
- 2960 [143]*****
- 2970 [143]*****
- 2980 [143] launch probe
- 2990 [143] ************
- 3000 [139]pr[178]0[167][153]e7$" no probes":[153]" left!":[129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]:[137]1200
- 3010 pr[178]pr[171]1:rt[178]rt[171]5:[139]rt[178]0[167]rt[178]0
- 3020 [139]en[171]50[179]100[167][153]e7$" not enough"
- 3030 [139]en[171]50[179]100[167][153]" energy!!":[129]a[178]1[164]8000:[130]:[137]1200
- 3040 en[178]en[171]50:[141]6790:[129]a[178]1[164][181]([187](1)[172]6)[170]1
- 3050 x[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:y[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 3060 q$(x,y)[178]r$(x,y):[130]:[141]4220:[137]1200
- 3070 [143]*****
- 3080 [143]*****
- 3090 [143] navigation
- 3100 [143] **********
- 3110 [141]4610:[153]e7$"gstopalactic jump":[153]" sstopector move"
- 3115 [153]" cstopancel"
- 3120 q5[178]0:[153]" gstop/sstop/c":[151]198,0
- 3130 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"g"[167]3170
- 3140 [139]a$[178]"s"[167]3610
- 3150 [139]a$[178]"c"[167]1090
- 3160 [137]3130
- 3170 [139]da(1)[177]499[167]6270
- 3180 [141]4610:[153]e7$"enter column":[151]198,0
- 3190 [161]b$:[139]b$[179]"0"[176]b$[177]"9"[167]3190
- 3200 [153]" "b$:[153]"enter row":[151]198,0
- 3210 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"0"[176]a$[177]"9"[167]3210
- 3220 [153]" "a$:[139][197](a$)[178]d6[175][197](b$)[178]g6[167]3110
- 3230 [139][197](a$)[177]d6[167]q3[178][197](a$)[171]d6:[137]3250
- 3240 q3[178]d6[171][197](a$)
- 3250 [139][197](b$)[177]g6[167]q4[178][197](b$)[171]g6:[137]3270
- 3260 q4[178]g6[171][197](b$)
- 3270 q8[178]0:[129]dw[178]1[164]5:[139]z3(dw)[177]0[167]q8[178]q8[170]1
- 3280 [130]dw:rt[178]rt[171]q8[172]3
- 3290 q5[178]q4:[139]q3[177]q4[167]q5[178]q3
- 3300 l3[178]0:[139]q5[177]4[167]3330
- 3310 [139]q5[177]2[167]l3[178]1
- 3320 [137]3380
- 3330 [141]4610:[153]e7$" galactic":[153]" overcharge":[153]" destination"
- 3340 [153]" unknown!!!":[129]tt[178]1[164]5:[141]6730:[130]tt:[129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]
- 3350 [141]4610:d8[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:g8[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 3360 q5[178]q5[170]1
- 3370 a$[178][196](d8):b$[178][196](g8)
- 3380 l6[178]s1(1)[170]s1(2)[170]s1(3)[170]s1(4)
- 3390 [139]l6[177]3000[167]l6[178]300:[137]3430
- 3400 [139]l6[177]2000[167]l6[178]200:[137]3430
- 3410 [139]l6[177]1000[167]l6[178]100:[137]3430
- 3420 [139]l6[177]0[167]l6[178]50:[137]3430
- 3430 q5[178]q5[172]50[170]20[170]l6:[139]en[171]q5[177]100[167]3470
- 3440 [141]4610
- 3450 [153]e7$" not enough":[153]" energy!!":[129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]:[141]4610
- 3460 [137]1200
- 3470 en[178]en[171]q5:d6[178][197](a$):g6[178][197](b$):[129]gg[178]19[164]58:[141]6700:[130]gg
- 3480 q$(d6,g6)[178]r$(d6,g6):[141]4220:[141]2140:[141]2350:[141]6570
- 3490 [139]l3[178]0[167]3550
- 3500 [141]4610:[153]e7$" galactic":[153]" jump":[153]" damaged"
- 3510 [153]" navigation":[129]a[178]1[164]5:[141]6730:[130]:[141]4610
- 3520 ww[178][181]([187](1)[172]3)[170]1:ww[178]ww[172]q5:da(1)[178]da(1)[170]ww
- 3530 [141]4610
- 3540 [139]da(1)[177]999[167]7420
- 3550 q[178]0:[129]a[178]1[164]5:q[178]q[170]z3(a):[130]:[139]q[178]0[167]1090
- 3560 [143] red alert
- 3570 [141]4610:[153]e7$" red alert!!":[153]" red alert!!"
- 3580 [141]6450
- 3590 [141]4610
- 3600 [137]1090
- 3610 [141]4610:[153]e7$"forenter column":[151]198,0
- 3620 [161]b$:[139]b$[179]"0"[176]b$[177]"9"[167]3620
- 3630 [153]" "b$:[153]"forenter row":[151]198,0
- 3640 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"0"[176]a$[177]"9"[167]3640
- 3650 [153]" "a$
- 3660 [139][197](a$)[178]l1[175][197](b$)[178]l2[167]3110
- 3670 [139][197](a$)[177]l1[167]q3[178][197](a$)[171]d1:[137]3690
- 3680 q3[178]l1[171][197](a$)
- 3690 [139][197](b$)[177]l2[167]q4[178][197](b$)[171]l1:[137]3710
- 3700 q4[178]l2[171][197](b$)
- 3710 q5[178]q4:[139]q3[177]q4[167]q5[178]q3
- 3720 q5[178]q5[172]2[170]5:[139]en[171]q5[179]100[167]3450
- 3730 q3[178][197](a$):q4[178][197](b$):en[178]en[171]q5:gg[178]15:[141]6700
- 3740 l3[178]l1:l4[178]l2:[139]q3[177]l1[167]l1[178]l1[170]1
- 3750 [139]l1[177]q3[167]l1[178]l1[171]1
- 3760 [139]q4[177]l2[167]l2[178]l2[170]1
- 3770 [139]q4[179]l2[167]l2[178]l2[171]1
- 3780 [139]l$(l1,l2)[178]"#"[167][151]54276,0:[137]2810:[143] base
- 3790 [139]l$(l1,l2)[178]"(NULL)"[167][151]54276,0:[137]3840:[143] hit
- 3800 [139]l$(l1,l2)[178]"*"[167][151]54276,0:[137]3840:[143] hit
- 3810 l$(l1,l2)[178]"(NULL)":l$(l3,l4)[178]"^":[141]2350
- 3820 [139]q3[178]l1[175]q4[178]l2[167][151]54276,0:[137]1200
- 3830 [137]3740
- 3840 [141]4610:[153]e7$" emergency":[153]" stop!!"
- 3845 [141]6730:[129]ff[178]1[164]ms:[130]
- 3850 [141]4610:[153]e7$" navigation":[153]" damaged!":[129]ff[178]1[164]ms:[130]
- 3860 [141]4610:ff[178][181]([187](1)[172]100)[170]50:da(1)[178]da(1)[170]ff
- 3870 l1[178]l3:l2[178]l4:[139]da(1)[177]999[167]7420
- 3880 [137]1200
- 3890 [143]*****
- 3900 [143] energy bolt
- 3910 [143] ***********
- 3920 b[178]0:[129]a[178]1[164]5:b[178]b[170]z3(a):[130]:[139]b[177]0[167]3950
- 3930 [153]e7$"def no enemy":[153]" ships in":[153]"this sector."
- 3940 [129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]:[137]1090
- 3950 [129]a[178]1[164]5:eb(a)[178]0:e1(a)[178]0:e2(a)[178]0:[139]z3(a)[178]0[167]4020
- 3960 f[178]0:[153]e7$" ship"z2(a)z1(a):[153]" energy":[153]
- 3970 [153]e7$" cmdcmdcmdcmd"f
- 3980 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"+"[167]f[178]f[170]10:[139]f[177]990[167]f[178]990
- 3990 [139]a$[178]"-"[167]f[178]f[171]10:[139]f[179]0[167]f[178]0
- 4000 [139]a$[178]"="[167]eb(a)[178]f:e1(a)[178]z1(a):e2(a)[178]z2(a):[137]4020
- 4010 [137]3970
- 4020 [130]
- 4030 e[178]0:[129]a[178]1[164]5:e[178]e[170]eb(a):[130]:[139]e[170]100[179]en[167]4050
- 4040 [141]4610:[153]e7$" not enough":[153]" energy!":[129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]
- 4045 [129] a[178]1 [164] 5: eb(a)[178]0: [130]: [137] 1200
- 4050 [141]4610:[153]e7$" energy":[153]" transfer": [153]" underway."
- 4055 [141] 6400: en[178]en[171]e: [141] 780
- 4060 [153] e7$" charging..."
- 4070 [141]6350:[137]1200
- 4080 [143]*****
- 4090 [143]*****
- 4100 [143] print top map
- 4110 [143] *************
- 4120 [139]g$[178]"k"[167]4130
- 4122 [139]g$[178]"d"[167]4130
- 4125 [153]" "
- 4130 [153]" "
- 4140 [153]" "
- 4150 [153]" "
- 4160 [153]" "
- 4170 [153]" "
- 4180 [153]" "
- 4190 [153]" "
- 4200 [153]" "
- 4210 [153]" ":[142]
- 4220 [153]"stop"g6:[153]d6
- 4225 [153]"clr12345678"
- 4230 d[178]49:[129]a[178]1190[164]1470[169]40:[151]a,d:[151]a[170]54272,4:d[178]d[170]1:[130]
- 4240 d$[178]"":[153]"print#"d$;
- 4250 [129]a[178]1[164]8:[129]b[178]1[164]8
- 4260 [153]q$(a,b)" ";:[130]:[153]d$;:[130]
- 4270 [142]
- 4280 [143]*****
- 4290 [143]*****
- 4300 [143] repair system
- 4310 [143] *************
- 4320 [129]a[178]1[164]5
- 4330 [139]a[178]1[167]w$[178]" navigation"
- 4340 [139]a[178]2[167]w$[178]"life support"
- 4350 [139]a[178]3[167]w$[178]" shields"
- 4360 [139]a[178]4[167]w$[178]" torpedoes"
- 4370 [139]a[178]5[167]w$[178]" energy bolt"
- 4380 [139]da(a)[179][177]0[167]4410
- 4390 [153]e7$w$:[153]" o.k.":[141]6570:[129]b[178]1[164]1000:[130]b
- 4400 [141]4610:[130]a:[137]1200
- 4410 [153]e7$w$:[153]"damage level":[153]" at"da(a):[151]198,0:p[178]0
- 4420 [141]6730
- 4430 [153]e7$" cmdcmdcmdcmd"p
- 4440 [161]a$
- 4450 [139]a$[178]"+"[167]p[178]p[170]10:[139]p[177]990[167]p[178]0
- 4460 [139]a$[178]"-"[167]p[178]p[171]10:[139]p[179]0[167]p[178]990
- 4470 [139]a$[178]"="[167]4490
- 4480 [137]4430
- 4490 [139]p[170]100[179]en[167]4520
- 4500 [141]4610:[153]e7$" not enough":[153]" energy"
- 4510 [137]1200
- 4520 [141]4610:en[178]en[171]p:p[178]p[172]2:[139]p[179]da(a)[167]4550
- 4530 [153]e7$w$:[153]" totally":[153]" repaired"
- 4540 da(a)[178]0:[129]b[178]1[164]ms:[130]b:[141]4610:[130]a:[137]1200
- 4550 [153]e7$w$:[153]" damage":[153]" now at":da(a)[178]da(a)[171]p:[153][163]4)da(a)
- 4560 [129]b[178]1[164]ms:[130]b:[141]4610:[130]a:[137]1200
- 4570 [143]*****
- 4580 [143]*****
- 4590 [143] clear text
- 4600 [143] **********
- 4610 [153]e7$;:[129]t[178]1[164]5:[153]" ":[130]t:[142]
- 4620 [143]*****
- 4630 [143]*****
- 4640 [143] lasar scan
- 4650 [143] **********
- 4660 cb[178]0:[153]e7$" scanning..":[141]6400
- 4670 [129]a[178]1[164]5:cb[178]cb[170]z3(a):[130]
- 4680 [139]cb[179][177]0[167]4710
- 4690 [153]"stopno ships in":[153]"this sector"
- 4700 [129]a[178]1[164]ms:[130]:[137]1200
- 4710 [139]en[171]50[179]100[167]4780
- 4720 en[178]en[171]50:[129]c[178]1[164]5:[139]z3(c)[178]0[167][141]4610:[130]:[137]1200
- 4730 [153]e7$" ship at":[153]" "z2(c)z1(c)
- 4740 [153]"energy level":[153]" is"z3(c)
- 4750 [153]" press space":[151]198,0
- 4760 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]4760
- 4770 [141]4610:[141]780:[130]:[137]1200
- 4780 [141]4610:[153]" not enough":[153]" energy!!":[129]a[178]1[164]1000:[130]
- 4790 [137]1200
- 4800 [143]*****
- 4810 [143]*****
- 4820 [143] shields
- 4830 [137]4980
- 4840 [129]e[178]1[164]4
- 4850 [141]4610:[153]e7$"openenter energy":[153]"for shield"e
- 4855 [153]" (+ or -)
- 4860 print" and hit =[144]"
- 4870 printe7$" "s1(e)
- 4880 geta$:ifa$="+"thens1(e)=s1(e)+10
- 4890 ifa$="-"thens1(e)=s1(e)-10
- 4900 ifa$="="thengosub4610:next:goto4940
- 4910 ifs1(e)>999thens1(e)=0
- 4920 ifs1(e)<0thens1(e)=0
- 4930 printe7$" ":goto4870
- 4940 b=0:fore=1to5:b=b+s1(e):next:ifb=0thengoto1090
- 4950 ifb+150>enthen4970
- 4960 gosub6660:gosub5110:en=en-50-b:gosub780:goto1200
- 4970 printe7$" not enough":print" energy!!":fora=1to1000:next:goto1200
- 4975 fore=1to4: s1(e)=val(g1$(e)):next:gosub6660:gosub5110:goto1200
- 4980 printe7$" [156]c[159]harge":print" or":print" [156]d[159]rain":poke198,0
- 4990 print" [156]c[159]/[156]d"
- 5000 geta$:ifa$="c"thenio=1:goto5030
- 5010 ifa$="d"then5030
- 5020 goto5000
- 5030 sh=0:ey=0:fora=1to4:ey=ey+s1(a):s1(a)=0:next:ifey=<0then5050
- 5040 ey=ey/1.02:ey=int(ey):gosub6570
- 5050 sh=sh+ey:en=en+sh:gosub5110:ifio=1thenio=0:gosub780:goto4840
- 5060 goto1090
- 5070 rem*****
- 5080 rem*****
- 5090 rem print shield info
- 5100 rem *****************
- 5110 foru=1to4:ifs1(u)>9theng1$(u)="0"+right$(str$(s1(u)),2)
- 5120 ifs1(u)<10theng1$(u)="00"+right$(str$(s1(u)),1)
- 5130 ifs1(u)>99theng1$(u)=right$(str$(s1(u)),3)
- 5140 next:printe7$"[129] [157][157][157]"g1$(1)
- 5150 print" [157][157][157]"g1$(2):print"[145] [157][157][157]"g1$(3)
- 5160 print" [157][157][157]"g1$(4)
- 5170 return
- 5180 rem*****
- 5190 rem*****
- 5200 rem ship damage info
- 5210 rem ****************
- 5220 gosub4610
- 5230 rr=da(0):ee=int(rnd(1)*rr)+20:ifee>rrthenee=rr
- 5240 da(0)=ee
- 5250 printe7$" ship":print" sustained":printda(0)"points":print" worth of"
- 5260 print" damage!!":forq=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 5270 x=int(rnd(1)*(da(0)*1.1))+1:ifcr-x<1thenx=cr
- 5280 cr=cr-x:printe7$" "x"crew":print" members":print" killed!"
- 5290 w=int(x/5.5):rt=rt-w:gosub780
- 5300 forq=1toms:next:x=int(rnd(1)*5)+1
- 5310 ifx=1thenw$=" navigation"
- 5320 ifx=2thenw$="life support"
- 5330 ifx=3thenw$=" shields"
- 5340 ifx=4thenw$=" torpedoes"
- 5350 ifx=5thenw$=" energy bolt"
- 5360 gosub4610:printe7$w$:print" system":print" damaged"
- 5370 forv=1toms:nextv:gosub4610:printe7$"total damage"
- 5380 da(0)=da(0)*2
- 5390 da(x)=da(x)+da(0):print" to":printw$:print" is"da(x)
- 5400 forq=1toms:nextq:q=1
- 5410 gosub4610:ifda(q)=>1000then7420
- 5420 q=q+1:ifq<6then5410
- 5430 next:goto1660
- 5440 rem*****
- 5450 rem*****
- 5460 rem *****************
- 5470 rem torpedo hit enemy
- 5480 a=1
- 5490 ift1=z1(a)andt2=z2(a)then5520
- 5500 a=a+1
- 5510 goto5490
- 5520 ifint(rnd(1)*10)>7then5640
- 5530 rt=rt+10:ifl$(p1,p2)="[218]"thenl$(p1,p2)="^":gosub2350
- 5540 le=le-1:gosub6840
- 5550 z3(a)=0:gosub4610:printe7$" ship at":print" "t2;t1:print" destroyed!!"
- 5560 gosub6840:gosub780
- 5570 l$(t1,t2)="[218]":gosub2350:l$(t1,t2)="^":gosub2350
- 5580 q=val(q$(d6,g6))-100:ifq=0thenq$(d6,g6)="000":goto5620
- 5590 ifq>99thenq$(d6,g6)=right$(str$(q),3):goto5620
- 5600 ifq>9thenq$(d6,g6)="0"+right$(str$(q),2):goto5620
- 5610 q$(d6,g6)="00"+right$(str$(q),1)
- 5620 r$(d6,g6)=q$(d6,g6):gosub4220:gosub2350:ifzq=1thenzq=0:goto1850
- 5630 goto1200
- 5640 ifl$(p1,p2)="[218]"thenl$(p1,p2)="^":gosub2350
- 5650 gosub4610:printe7$" ship at":print" "t2;t1:print" damaged!":gosub6840
- 5660 forv=1toms:next
- 5670 z3(a)=z3(a)-(int(rnd(1)*400)+100):ifz3(a)=<0thenz3(a)=0:goto5690
- 5680 goto1200
- 5690 gosub4610:printe7$" update on":print" damaged":print" enemy ship."
- 5700 foru=1toms:next:goto5530
- 5710 goto1200
- 5720 rem*****
- 5730 rem*****
- 5740 rem torpedo hit star
- 5750 rem ****************
- 5760 f=1:rt=rt-3:ifrt<0thenrt=0:
- 5770 ifl$(p1,p2)="[218]"thenl$(p1,p2)="^"
- 5780 gosub6840
- 5790 l$(t1,t2)="[218]":gosub2350:l$(t1,t2)="*":gosub2350:f=f+1:iff<3then5790
- 5800 goto1200
- 5810 rem*****
- 5820 rem*****
- 5830 rem torpedo hit base
- 5840 rem ****************
- 5850 f=1:rt=rt-5:ifrt<0thenrt=0
- 5860 ifl$(p1,p2)="[218]"thenl$(p1,p2)="^"
- 5870 gosub6840:bq=bq-1
- 5880 l$(t1,t2)="#":gosub2350:l$(t1,t2)="^":gosub2350:f=f+1:iff<3then5880
- 5890 r$(d6,g6)=left$(r$(d6,g6),1)+"0"+right$(r$(d6,g6),1)
- 5900 q$(d6,g6)=r$(d6,g6):gosub4220:gosub2350:goto1200
- 5910 rem beam out
- 5920 ifcr>101then5950
- 5930 gosub4610:printe7$" [154]not enough":print" crew left":forb=1toms:next
- 5940 goto1090
- 5950 printe7$"[144]troops going":print" to":print"transporters"
- 5960 forb=1toms:next:gosub4610:printe7$" prepairing"
- 5970 print" transport":forb=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 5980 ifen-125>0then6010
- 5990 printe7$" not enough":print" energy..":forb=1toms:next
- 6000 goto1090
- 6010 printe7$" energizing":gosub6400:forb=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 6020 printe7$" [144]troops":print" away!!":forb=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 6030 ifs1(1)=0then6090
- 6040 printe7$" you forgot":print" to lower":print" your":print" shields!!"
- 6050 gosub6730:forb=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 6060 printe7$" 100 of":print" your best":print" men have":print" just been"
- 6070 print" fried!!":forb=1toms:next
- 6080 cr=cr-100:rt=rt-10:gosub780:gosub4610:goto1200
- 6090 ifl1=0then6100
- 6095 ifl$(l1-1,l2)="[223]"then6120
- 6100 printe7$" you just":print" beamed 100":print" men into"
- 6110 gosub6730:print"deep space!!":forb=1toms:next:gosub6730:goto6080
- 6120 printe7$" troops now":print" on enemy":print" ship..":forb=1toms:next
- 6130 gosub4610:printe7$" battle":print" underway!!":gosub6510
- 6140 a=1
- 6150 ifz1(a)=l1-1andz2(a)=l2then6170
- 6160 a=a+1:goto6150
- 6170 ifint(rnd(1)*z3(a))<50then6200
- 6180 gosub4610:printe7$" attempt":print" failed":print" 100 men":print" lost!!"
- 6190 forb=1toms:next:cr=cr-100:rt=rt-2:gosub780:gosub4610:goto1200
- 6200 printe7$" attempt":print" succeeded!":forb=1toms:next:gosub4610:rt=rt+5
- 6210 r=int(rnd(1)*25)+1:printe7$r"men":print" killed..":cr=cr-r
- 6220 forb=1toms:next:gosub4610
- 6230 printe7$;z3(a)*3"units":print" of energy":print" taken!"
- 6240 forb=1toms:next:en=en+z3(a)*3:ifen>5000thenen=5000
- 6250 le=le-1:gosub780
- 6260 t1=l1-1:t2=z2(a):rt=rt+10:goto5550
- 6270 gosub4610:printe7$" [156]that system":print" is too":print" damaged to"
- 6280 print" operate.":gosub6730:forl=1toms:next:goto1090
- 6290 print"7 - 500 to 510":print"8 - 540 to 550":
- 6300 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6310 poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,23:forz=1to10:f1=2:fory=1to3:f2=8
- 6320 poke54273,f1:forx=1to5:poke54287,f2:f2=f2*1.4:nextx:f1=f1*1.5:nexty
- 6330 forw=1to10:poke54287,f2:f2=f2*1.05:nextw:nextz:poke54278,15
- 6340 return
- 6350 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6360 poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,17:f1=20:fory=1to15:f2=100
- 6370 poke54273,f1:forx=1to3:poke54287,f2:f1=f1*1.05:f2=f2*.1:nextx:nexty
- 6380 poke54278,15:poke54276,0
- 6390 return
- 6400 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6410 poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,21:f2=255:forz=1to25:poke54287,f2
- 6420 forf1=255to0step-60:poke54273,f1:f2=f2-.4:nextf1:nextz:poke54278,15
- 6430 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:nextl
- 6440 return
- 6450 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6460 poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,23:poke54287,40:forz=1to4
- 6470 poke53280,2:poke53280,3
- 6480 forf1=255to0step-7:poke54273,f1:nextf1:forf1=0to255step25
- 6490 poke54273,f1:nextf1:nextz:poke54278,15:poke54276,0
- 6500 return
- 6510 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6520 poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,21:poke54287,40:forz=1to5
- 6530 forf1=255to0step-6:poke54273,f1:nextf1:forf1=0to155step20:poke54273,f1
- 6540 nextf1:nextz:poke54278,15
- 6550 return
- 6560 rem
- 6570 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6580 s=54272:pokes+24,15:pokes+1,110:pokes+5,9:pokes+6,9:pokes+4,17:pokes+4,16
- 6590 return
- 6600 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6610 s=54272:pokes+14,111:pokes+18,16:pokes+3,1
- 6620 pokes+24,143:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,33:fr=5389:fort=1to2
- 6630 pokes+0,192:pokes+1,199
- 6640 next:pokes+24,0
- 6650 return
- 6660 s=54272:forl=0to24:pokes+l,0:next:pokes+1,100:pokes+5,219:pokes+15,28
- 6670 pokes+24,15:pokes+4,19:fort=1to3700:next:pokes+4,18:fort=1to600:next
- 6680 pokes+24,0
- 6690 return
- 6700 poke54296,15:poke54272,255:poke54273,gg:poke54277,000:poke54278,255
- 6710 poke54272,1:poke54276,33:gg=gg+1
- 6720 return
- 6730 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next
- 6740 s=54272:pokes+14,111:pokes+18,16:pokes+3,1
- 6750 pokes+24,143:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,65:fr=5389:fort=1to50
- 6760 pokes+0,9:pokes+1,5
- 6770 next:pokes+24,0
- 6780 return
- 6790 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next
- 6800 s=54272:pokes+1,200:pokes,11:pokes+5,12:pokes+15,12
- 6810 pokes+24,15:pokes+4,129:fort=1to1000:next:pokes+4,128:fort=1to250:next
- 6820 pokes+24,0
- 6830 return
- 6840 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6850 poke54277,2:poke54278,250:poke54276,129
- 6860 forxx=1to32
- 6870 poke54273,4:poke54272,227:nextxx
- 6880 poke54276,128
- 6890 return
- 6900 forl=54272to54295:pokel,0:next:poke54296,15
- 6910 poke54277,0:poke54278,255:poke54276,129:forz=1to5:f1=10:fory=1to2:f2=3
- 6920 poke54273,f1:forx=1to2:poke54287,f2:f2=f2/1.2:nextx:f1=f1*1.5:nexty
- 6930 forw=1to8:poke54273,f1:poke54287,5:forv=1to2:nextv:f1=f1/1.5
- 6940 nextw:nextz:poke54278,15:poke54276,128
- 6950 return
- 6960 rem********************************
- 6970 rem
- 6980 gosub4120:print"[144] press 'g' to continue game "
- 6988 gosub4120:print"[159] b=beam 100 men out"
- 6990 print" d=self destruct ship (exit to uptime)"
- 7000 print"[159][145] e=energy bolt":print" l=laser scan"
- 7010 print"[159][145] n=navigation"
- 7020 print" p=probe launch":print"[159][145] r=repair systems"
- 7030 print" s=shields"
- 7040 print"[159][145] t=torpedo launch":poke198,0
- 7050 geta$:ifa$="g"then7058
- 7052 goto7050
- 7058 print"[144]press 'k' to see command list"
- 7059 gosub4120:gosub4220:goto1090
- 7075 :
- 7076 rem ******************
- 7077 rem return to uptime
- 7078 rem ******************
- 7079 :
- 7080 open15,8,15
- 7082 open2,8,2,"0:upt.reboot,p,r"
- 7084 close2
- 7086 input#15,en,em$,et,es
- 7088 close15
- 7090 if en<>0 then print"[147]": sys64738
- 7100 clr:load"upt.reboot",8
- 7110 end
- 7200 :
- 7400 geta$:ifa$=""then4290
- 7410 ifa$="y"then4230
- 7420 gosub4610:printe7$"ship":print"sustained":print"too much":print"damage!"
- 7430 gosub6840:fort=1to500:next:gosub4610:rt=rt+20
- 7440 printe7$"ship going to":print" explode!!":fort=1to1000:nextt:goto7500
- 7450 gosub4120:print"[150] are you sure want to self destruct?!?"
- 7455 poke198,0
- 7460 geta$:ifa$="y"then7490
- 7470 ifa$=""then7460
- 7480 print" i thought not!":gosub4120:gosub4220:goto1090
- 7490 print" so be it!":g$=""
- 7500 fory=1to5:poke53281,2:poke53280,2:gosub6840
- 7510 poke53280,0:nexty:poke53281,1:gosub4120
- 7520 print"message to captain "f1$(gp,1)"'s":print"next of kin:"
- 7530 print"[159]it is with deep regret that i inform youthat captain "f1$(gp,1)"
- 7540 [153]"and his crew have been killed in action."
- 7550 rt[178]rt[171]20:[139]rt[179]0[167]rt[178]0
- 7560 [153]"oncaptain "f1$(gp,1)" received":[153]"a final rating of"rt
- 7570 [153]"stop signed..admiral decker":[129]y[178]1[164]4000:[130]
- 7580 [153]"load":[139]rt[179][197](f1$(gp,k9))[167]7630
- 7590 [139]rt[177]999[167]rt[178]999
- 7600 a$[178][196](rt):b[178][195](a$):a$[178][201](a$,b[171]1):[139]b[178]3[167]a$[178]"0"[170]a$
- 7610 [139]b[178]2[167]a$[178]"00"[170]a$
- 7620 f1$(gp,k9)[178]a$
- 7630 [153]"final standings:"
- 7640 [153]"captain "f1$(gp,1):[153]"stop":[129]s[178]2[164]6
- 7650 [153]"level"s[171]1;:[153]f1$(gp,s):[130]
- 7660 [159] 15,8,15: [152]15,"i0"
- 7665 [152]15,"s0:scores"
- 7670 [159]3,8,3,"0:scores,s,w"
- 7680 [141] 8200:[139] fl[178]1 [167] 7660
- 7685 [139] fl[178]2 [167] 7710
- 7690 [129]a[178]1[164]5:[129]b[178]1[164]6
- 7700 [152]3,f1$(a,b):[130]:[130]:[160]3:[160] 15
- 7710 [153][166]12)"play again (y/n)":[151]198,0
- 7720 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"y"[167][151]832,0:[138]
- 7730 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]7080
- 7740 [137]7720
- 7750 [141]4120:[153]"message to captain "f1$(gp,1)
- 7760 [153]"stopby now you should be aware that you"
- 7770 [153]"no longer have enough crew left to man"
- 7780 [153]"your ship."
- 7790 [153]"to keep it from falling into enemy hands"
- 7800 [153]"it is about to be self destroyed."
- 7810 [153]"signed stopadmiral decker"
- 7820 [129]h[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[137]7500
- 7830 [153]"loadstop message to captain "f1$(gp,1):[153]" of the u.f.p. englowclr"
- 7840 [153]" enemy ships have been reported in"
- 7845 [153]"the jershan space quadrant. since you"
- 7850 [153]"are already in this area, you are"
- 7860 [153]"hereby ordered to engage and destroy"
- 7870 [153]"at least"le"of these ships."
- 7880 [153]" signed":[153]" admiral decker"
- 7890 lq[178]le:[153][163]13)"stoppress spacebar
- 7895 get a$:if a$<>" " then 7895
- 7897 return
- 7900 gosub4120:print" message to captain "f1$(gp,1)
- 7910 ifbq>3thenrt=rt+20:goto7940
- 7920 ifbq>1thenrt=rt+10:goto7940
- 7930 rt=rt+5
- 7940 print"[144] congratulations on a job well done!"
- 7950 print"you have destroyed"lq"enemy ships."
- 7960 print"your final rating is"rt
- 7970 print" signed [144]admiral decker"
- 7980 forh=1to7000:next:goto7580
- 8200 input#15,en,em$,et,es
- 8204 if en=0 then fl=0: return
- 8206 :
- 8210 poke 53280,2
- 8220 x=peek(53272)
- 8230 poke53272,21:print"[147]"spc(14)"[150][196]isk error!"
- 8250 sp=int((40-len(em$))/2):printspc(sp)em$
- 8255 close 2:close3:close 15
- 8260 printspc(9)"([210])etry or ([195])ontinue"
- 8270 get a$:if a$="r" then fl=1:print"[147]";:poke53272,x:return
- 8280 if a$="c" then fl=2:print"[147]";:poke53272,x:return
- 8290 goto 8270
- 8500 poke53280,2
- 8505 print"[147][150]"spc(13)"printer error!"
- 8510 printspc(7)"please check your printer"
- 8515 printspc(13)"and interface."
- 8520 printspc(9)"(r)etry or (c)ontinue"
- 8530 get a$:if a$="r" then fl=1:return
- 8540 if a$="c" then fl=2:return
- 8550 goto 8530
- 9000 poke198,0:k8$="": cr$="[164][157]": printcr$;
- 9010 geta8$:ifa8$=""then9010
- 9015 if a8$="[140]" then 7080
- 9020 ls=len(k8$)
- 9030 ifa8$=chr$(13)thena8$=k8$:print" ": return
- 9040 ifa8$=chr$(20)andlsthenprint" [157][157] [157]"cr$;:k8$=left$(k8$,ls-1):goto9010
- 9045 if a8$=chr$(34) then 9010
- 9050 ifnu=0thenif(a8$<" "ora8$>"_")and(a8$<"a"ora8$>"z")then9010
- 9060 ifnu=1thenif(a8$<"a"ora8$>"z"and(a8$<"a"ora8$>"z"then9010
- 9070 ifnu=2thenifa8$<"0"ora8$>"9"then9010
- 9080 ifls>=lnthen9010
- 9090 printa8$cr$;:k8$=k8$+a8$
- 9100 goto9010
- 9200 poke53280,1: poke53281,1: print"[147][150]"chr$(142)chr$(8)
- 9210 rem print"";
- 9220 printspc(8)"[169] [223][146] [169] [223][146] [169] [223][146] [169] [146][169][169] [146][169]
- 9230 [153][166]7)"stepwaitstep"[166]5)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstepstepwaitstep stepwaitstepstepwaitstep"[166]3)"stepwaitstep
- 9240 printspc(7)"[223] [223]"spc(1)"[169] [146][169][169] [146][169][169][146][169]"spc(3)"[169] [146][169]
- 9250 [153][166]10)"stepwaitstepstepwaitstep"[166]4)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstepstepwaitstep"[166]3)"stepwaitstep
- 9260 printspc(5)"[169] [146][169][169][146][169]"spc(4)"[169][146][169] [169][146][169][169] [146][169][169] [146][169]
- 9300 [153][166]5)"step (NULL)wait step (NULL)wait step waitstepstep waitstepstepwaitstep step waitstep"
- 9310 [153][166]4)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstepstepwaitstep stepwaitstep"[166]2)"stepwaitstep"[166]4)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstep stepwaitstep"
- 9320 [153][166]3)"step waitstepstep waitstep"[166]2)"stepwaitstep"[166]4)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstep step waitstep"
- 9330 [153][166]2)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstepstepwaitstep stepwaitstep"[166]2)"stepwaitstep"[166]4)"stepwaitstep stepwaitstep stepwaitstep"
- 9340 [153][166]1)"step waitstepstepwaitstep stepwaitstep"[166]2)"stepwaitstep"[166]4)"stepwaitstep step waitstepstep waitstep"
- 9400 [153][166]11)"liststepstop "
- 9410 [153][166]10)"liststep stop "
- 9420 [153][166]10)"list stop list stop list waitstep"
- 9430 [153][166]10)"list stop list stop list waitstep"
- 9440 [153][166]13)"list stop wait list stop "
- 9450 [153][166]13)"list stop wait list stop "
- 9460 [153][166]13)"list stop wait list stop "
- 9470 [153][166]13)"list stop wait list stop "
- 9480 [153][166]11)"liststepstop "
- 9490 [153][166]10)"liststep stop "
- 9500 [153][166]10)"list waitstep"
- 9510 [153][166]10)"list waitstep"
- 9520 [142]
- 9530 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 9540 [159]2,8,2,"0:inst,s,r"
- 9550 [141] 8200
- 9560 [142]
- 9600 b[178][195](b$):[139] b[173]2[179][177][181](b[173]2) [167] b$[178]b$[170]" ": [137] 9600
- 9610 a[178][195](a$): [139] a[178]b [167] 9670
- 9620 t1$[178]a$: t2$[178]b$: sw[178]0
- 9630 [139] a[177]b [167] t1$[178]b$: t2$[178]a$: sw[178]1
- 9640 t1$[178]" "[170]t1$[170]" ": [139] [195](t1$)[179][177][195](t2$) [167] 9640
- 9650 [139]sw[178]1 [167] t3$[178]t1$: t1$[178]t2$: t2$[178]t3$
- 9660 a$[178]t1$: b$[178]t2$: a[178][195](a$)
- 9670 [142]
- 9900 [153]"";
- 9910 [153][166]3)"contortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 9912 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9914 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9916 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9918 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9920 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9922 [153][166]3)"cont(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 9930 [153][166]3)"cont/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 9940 [142]
- 9950 [129]t[178]1[164]2000:[130]:[142]
- 9999 [128]