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- "What Union General later wrote the
- "novel BEN HUR?
- "a
- "1...Lew Wallace
- "2...Stephen A. Douglas
- "3...George B. McClellan
- "4...David A. Selznik
- "5...James Longstreet
- "1
- "^Ben Hur; A Tale of the Christ^ was
- "written in 1880 by Lewis Wallace.
- "Besides being a general, he was also
- "for a time the governor of New Mexico
- "and the ambassador to Turkey.
- "-
- "Which Civil War battle was named after
- "a river?
- "a
- "1...Monmouth
- "2...Harper's Ferry
- "3...Five Forks
- "4...Bull Run
- "5...Island No. 10
- "4
- "The first and second battles of BULL
- "RUN were named after the Bull Run
- "River. (Southerners call these battles
- "First and Second Manassas, after
- "Manassas Junction, a nearby railroad
- "center.)
- "-
- "What Civil War general had been the
- "first Republican Party presidential
- "candidate?
- "a
- "1...Ulysses S. Grant
- "2...George C. Fremont
- "3...William T. Sherman
- "4...Braxton Bragg
- "5...Winfield Scott
- "2
- "George C. Fremont was the first
- "Republican presidential candidate. He
- "lost. Later, in the Civil War, he was
- "removed from command by Lincoln. He
- "still had the losing habit.
- "-
- "Of the following, what is General
- "Butterfield most remembered for?
- "a
- "1...Inventing Turkey Ham
- "2...Losing the Battle of Vicksburg
- "3...Saving Abraham Lincoln's life in
- " Baltimore
- "4...Writing the bugle call ^Taps^
- "5...Ordering the destruction of Atlanta
- "4
- "General Butterfield wrote the haunting
- "melody ^Taps.^
- "-
- "What Union general commanded the army
- "that finally took Vicksburg?
- "a
- "1...Jubilation T. Cornpone
- "2...A. P. Hill
- "3...Ulysses S. Grant
- "4...George Meade
- "5...Joseph Hooker
- "3
- "GRANT took Vicksburg on July 4, 1863,
- "after a long siege that had nearly
- "starved the Southern defenders.
- "-
- "Who was president of the Confederate
- "States of America?
- "a
- "1...Robert E. Lee
- "2...George Wallace
- "3...J.E.B. Stuart
- "4...Jefferson Davis
- "5...Rhett Butler
- "4
- "JEFFERSON DAVIS was the first, and so
- "far, only, president of the Confed-
- "erate States of America.
- "-
- "Who was Vice-President during Abraham
- "Lincoln's FIRST term as president?
- "a
- "1...Hannibal Hamlin
- "2...George C. Fremont
- "3...Francis Pierpont
- "4...Andrew Johnson
- "5...Ronald Reagan
- "1
- "HANNIBAL HAMLIN was Lincoln's vice
- "president in the 1860 election. He
- "was replaced by Andrew Johnson for the
- "1864 election.
- "-
- "Which battle occurred first, Gettys-
- "burg or Antietam?
- "a
- "1...Antietam
- "2...Gettysburg
- "3...Both were on the same day
- "4...Gettysburg was a speech, not a
- " battle
- "5...All of the above
- "1
- "The battle of Antietam (Antietam Creek,
- "Maryland) occurred in General Lee's
- "FIRST invasion of the North, in Sep-
- "tember of 1862. The battle of Gettys-
- "burg (Pennsylvania) occurred during
- "Lee's SECOND invasion, in July of 1863.
- "-
- "Who (supposedly) said ^Damn the
- "torpedoes! Full speed ahead!^
- "a
- "1...Captain John Ericsson (Monitor)
- "2...Captain Hunley (Housatonic)
- "3...Admiral David Porter
- "4...Captain John Paul Jones
- "5...Admiral David Farragut
- "5
- "In the Civil War era, ^torpedoes^ were
- "more like what we refer to as mines.
- "When warned ^Torpedoes ahead^ in the
- "Battle of Mobile Bay, ADMIRAL FARRAGUT
- "reportedly said ^Damn the Torpedoes!^
- "-
- "Where did the phrase ^With malice
- "towards none, and charity for all^ come
- "from?
- "a
- "1...Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
- "2...Gettysburg Address
- "3...Grant's surrender terms to Lee
- "4...Emancipation Proclamation
- "5...Treaty of Ghent
- "1
- "Lincoln was already foreseeing postwar
- "bitterness when he recited the above
- "line during his second inaugural
- "address.
- "-
- "Where did the Monitor and the Merrimac
- "(^CSS Virginia^) fight?
- "a
- "1...Hampton Roads
- "2...Battle of Vicksburg
- "3...Five Forks
- "4...Midway Island
- "5...Battle of Mobile Bay
- "1
- "The Monitor and the Merrimac/Merrimack
- "/Virginia squared off in Hampton Roads,
- "near Norfolk, Virginia, on March 9,
- "1862. The battle was a tactical draw,
- "but a strategic victory for the North,
- "as the Merrimac failed to break the
- "blockade.
- "-
- "Who was ^The Little Giant?^
- "a
- "1...Jefferson Davis
- "2...Stephen A. Douglas
- "3...Sydney Albert Johnston
- "4...Israel Putnam
- "5...Johnny Shiloh
- "2
- "STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, who defeated
- "Lincoln for the Senate in 1858, but
- "lost to him in the presidential
- "election of 1860.
- "-
- "Where was the ^Battle above the
- "Clouds?^
- "a
- "1...Mount Rushmore
- "2...Kennesaw Mountain
- "3...Blue Ridge Mountains
- "4...Pike's Peak
- "5...Lookout Mountain
- "5
- "The ^Battle above the Clouds^ was a
- "minor part of the Battle of Chatta-
- "nooga; LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN overlooks that
- "city.
- "-
- "What was the more well-known name for
- "the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing?
- "a
- "1...Murfreesboro
- "2...Fredericksburg
- "3...Shiloh
- "4...Seven Days
- "5...Battle of the Bulge
- "3
- "The battle of Shiloh, Tennessee (called
- "Pittsburgh Landing by Southerners) was
- "named after nearby Shiloh Church.
- "-
- "What famous Confederate ship was
- "finally fought and sunk by the USS
- "Kearsarge?
- "a
- "1...CSS Virginia
- "2...CSS Alabama
- "3...CSS Oklahoma
- "4...CSS Albemarle
- "5...CSS Genl. Jackson
- "2
- "The Confederate merchant raider
- "ALABAMA, formerly the British SS
- "ENRICA, was sunk in a battle with the
- "USS Kearsarge off the coast of France
- "in June of 1864.
- "-
- "Which of the following Civil War
- "battles did NOT take place in Virginia?
- "a
- "1...Fredericksburg
- "2...Cold Harbor
- "3...Petersburg
- "4...Pea Ridge
- "5...Chancellorsville
- "4
- "The Battle of PEA RIDGE, Arkansas
- "(March 6-8, 1862), was a major loss for
- "the South, as it led to their virtual
- "abandonment of much of the Trans-
- "Mississippi (west of the Mississippi)
- "Confederate territory.
- "-
- "Who or what was the ^Swamp Angel^?
- "a
- "1...A large Parrott gun used to bombard
- " Fort Sumter
- "2...The leader of the Confederate
- " guerilla forces in Missouri
- "3...A dedicated nurse working at the
- " Gettysburg field hospital
- "4...A Confederate ironclad used on the
- " Tennessee River
- "5...General Nathan B. Forrest
- "1
- "The Swamp Angel could throw 200-pound
- "incendiary shells. Unfortunately for
- "the Union forces, it blew up after only
- "36 rounds, causing more destruction to
- "its own gun crews than to the South!
- "-
- "Which of the following battles did the
- "Confederacy LOSE?
- "a
- "1...1st Bull Run
- "2...2nd Bull Run
- "3...Fredericksburg
- "4...Cold Harbor
- "5...Nashville
- "5
- "After the fall of Atlanta, Confederate
- "General Hood led the Army of the Tenn-
- "essee northward in a doomed effort to
- "lure Sherman away from his ravaging of
- "the south; Hood's weakened army was
- "effectively destroyed at the Battle of
- "-
- "Which of the following battles did the
- "Union Army LOSE?
- "a
- "1...Gettysburg
- "2...Fort Donelson
- "3...Chattanooga
- "4...Chancellorsville
- "5...Atlanta
- "4
- "At CHANCELLORSVILLE (May 1863), General
- "Lee sent Stonewall Jackson on a danger-
- "ous march around the Union right flank,
- "resulting in an unexpected attack that
- "routed portions of General Hooker's
- "army, and halted yet another Federal
- "offensive aimed at Richmond.
- "-
- "Who was the Union's commanding general
- "in the First Battle of Bull Run?
- "a
- "1...Ulysses S. Grant
- "2...Ambrose Burnside
- "3...^Fighting Joe^ Hooker
- "4...Irwin McDowell
- "5...George B. McClellen
- "4
- "General McDOWELL was unfairly blamed
- "for much of the loss at the first Bull
- "Run (July 21, 1861). The troops were
- "poorly trained and led, yet political
- "pressures forced their early use. His
- "battle plan, successful early, failed
- "when fresh Southern troops arrived.
- "-
- "Who was the CSA's commanding general
- "at 1st Manassas (Bull Run)?
- "a
- "1...Pierre G.T. Beauregard
- "2...Robert. E. Lee
- "3...A. P. Hill
- "4...Thomas ^Stonewall^ Jackson
- "5...James Longstreet
- "1
- "General BEAUREGARD led the southern
- "army until reinforcements arrived under
- "Joseph E. Johnston; the latter, having
- "seniority, assumed command, but
- "essentially followed Beauregard's
- "battle plan.
- "-
- "In what battle did the famous
- "^Sheridan's Ride^ take place?
- "a
- "1...Yellow Tavern
- "2...Savage's Station
- "3...Brandy Station
- "4...Pea Ridge
- "5...Cedar Creek
- "5
- "In October 1864 in the Shenendoah
- "Valley, CSA General Jubal Early, after
- "recent defeats at Winchester and
- "Fisher's Hill, attacked and was routing
- "the Union forces at CEDAR CREEK.
- "Sheridan, just returning from Washing-
- "ton, rallied his demoralized troops as
- "he rode in, and soon crushed Early's
- "army.
- "-
- "What was the northernmost city invaded
- "by the Confederates?
- "a
- "1...Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
- "2...Hannover, Pennsylvania
- "3...St. Albans, Vermont
- "4...New Lisbon, Ohio
- "5...Mankato, Minnesota
- "3
- "On Oct. 15, 1864, Confederate soldiers
- "led by Lt. Bennet Young sneaked into
- "St. ALBANS, VERMONT from Canada, robbed
- "the bank, set fire to several
- "buildings, and forced some local digni-
- "taries to swear allegiance to the
- "Confederacy. Canada later had to pay
- "damages for the neutrality violation.
- "-
- "Which battle had part of its field
- "named the ^Hornet's Nest^?
- "a
- "1...Stones River
- "2...Shiloh
- "3...Antietam
- "4...Chickamauga
- "5...The Wilderness
- "2
- "The ^Hornet's Nest,^ near the center of
- "the Union army's lines at SHILOH, held
- "out under Union General Prentiss for
- "seven hours against 12 different Con-
- "federate attacks, until it was finally
- "taken after great casualties on both
- "sides.
- "-
- "Which President of the United States
- "had NOT been a Civil War general?
- "a
- "1...Ulysses S. Grant
- "2...James Garfield
- "3...Franklin Pierce
- "4...Benjamin Harrison
- "5...Rutherford B. Hayes
- "3
- "FRANKLIN PIERCE was president 1853
- "through 1857, before the Civil War
- "took place.
- "-
- "What battle was NOT a part of the
- "Peninsular Campaign?
- "a
- "1...Seven Pines
- "2...Gaines Mill
- "3...Sharpsburg
- "4...Mechanicsville
- "5...Malvern Hill
- "3
- "The battle of SHARPSBURG (called by the
- "Union the Battle of ANTIETAM), occurred
- "three months after McClellan's Penin-
- "sular Campaign.
- "-
- "Who was the Secretary of the Navy
- "(Union) during the Civil War?
- "a
- "1...Hannibal Hamlin
- "2...Gideon Welles
- "3...James Buchanan
- "4...Raphael Semmes
- "5...David Farragut
- "2
- "GIDEON WELLES rebuilt the tiny U.S.
- "Navy into a powerful, modern force that
- "was able to enforce the Lincoln's
- "difficult blockade of the southern
- "ports that effectively strangled the
- "Confederacy.
- "-
- "Who commanded the Union Army of the
- "Potomac at the Battle of Gettysburg?
- "a
- "1...Ulysses S. Grant
- "2...George A. Custer
- "3...George B. McClellan
- "4...James Longstreet
- "5...George G. Meade
- "5
- "GENERAL MEADE took over the Army of the
- "Potomac from General Joe Hooker two
- "days before the Gettysburg battle, and
- "remained its commander to the end of
- "the war (although Grant, as general-in-
- "chief of ALL the armies, accompanied
- "him constantly after Gettysburg).
- "-
- "What does the ^E^ in ^Robert E. Lee^
- "stand for?
- "a
- "1...Edward
- "2...Egbert
- "3...Elwood
- "4...Edgecliff
- "5...Endicott
- "1
- "ROBERT EDWARD LEE (1807-1870),
- "commander of the Confederate Army of
- "Northern Virginia, was belatedly named
- "general-in-chief of all the Confederate
- "armies in February of 1865, when the
- "South was but a few weeks from the
- "final collapse.
- "-
- "What did Robert E. Lee do after the war
- "was over?
- "a
- "1...Ran a steamship company in New
- " England
- "2...Was a college president
- "3...Was Governor of Virginia and
- " Ambassador to Mexico
- "4...Fled to England to escape prosecu-
- " tion for treason
- "5...Nothing; Lee died in battle at
- " Appomattox
- "2
- "Robert E. Lee became the president of
- "the small, financially strapped Wash-
- "ington College, and remained so until
- "his death in 1870 at the age of 63.
- "The college was later renamed Washing-
- "ton and Lee University in his honor.
- "-
- "What CSA general, rather than surren-
- "dering after the war, led his men to
- "Mexico?
- "a
- "1...P. R. T. Beauregard
- "2...Jo Shelby
- "3...Jubal Early
- "4...Longstreet
- "5...George Patton Sr.
- "2
- "Refusing to surrender to the Union,
- "General Jo Shelby led 1000 men to
- "Mexico after the war, and offered them
- "to Emperor Maximilian as a ^foreign
- "legion.^ He was turned down, but Max-
- "imilian let those who wished settle in
- "Mexico near Vera Cruz.
- "-
- "What state was admitted to the Union
- "during the Civil War?
- "a
- "1...Minnesota
- "2...Kansas
- "3...West Virginia
- "4...North Dakota
- "5...California
- "3
- "Generally pro-Union WEST VIRGINIA
- "seceded from Virginia, and was admitted
- "to the Union as a separate state on
- "June 20, 1863.
- "-
- "What ^war criminal^ did the victorious
- "Union hang after the war?
- "a
- "1...General Nathan B. Forrest
- "2...Captain Henry Wirz
- "3...General James Longstreet
- "4...Sergeant Vincent Carter
- "5...General J.E.B. Stuart
- "2
- "Captain HENRY WIRZ was executed for his
- "treatment of Union prisoners at the
- "infamous Andersonville Prison. There
- "is still controversy over this; the
- "South was hard pressed to feed even its
- "own soldiers, and some say that Confed-
- "erate prisoners were treated much worse
- "in the Northern prisons.
- "-
- "What irregular unit wreaked havoc with
- "Union supply lines in the Shenendoah
- "Valley?
- "a
- "1...Mosby's Rangers
- "2...Stuart's Interdictors
- "3...Custer's 5th Cavalry
- "4...Sherman's Bummers
- "5...Light Horse Harry's Brigade
- "1
- "MOSBY'S RANGERS, a relatively small
- "group of irregular cavalry, kept a far
- "greater number of Federal troops busy
- "trying to stop their raids on Union
- "supplies going to Grant. They were
- "never completely run to earth, and
- "surrendered after the war only when
- "they were guaranteed fair treatment.
- "-
- "Who was Abraham Lincoln's first wife?
- "a
- "1...Molly Brown
- "2...Nancy Hanks
- "3...Mary Todd
- "4...Molly Pitcher
- "5...Doris Day
- "3
- "MARY TODD LINCOLN was Abraham Lincoln's
- "first (and only!) wife. Nancy Hanks
- "was the maiden name of Abe's mother.
- "-
- "On what battlefield was ^Burnside's
- "Bridge^?
- "a
- "1...Chickamauga
- "2...Harper's Ferry
- "3...Mobile Bay
- "4...Antietam
- "5...Stones River
- "4
- "General Ambrose Burnside wasted several
- "precious hours in the Battle of
- "ANTIETAM taking a stone bridge crossing
- "Antietam Creek, which had two nearby
- "fords, and was only waist-deep. It is
- "still called ^Burnside's Bridge^ in his
- "honor. (^Sideburns^ are also named
- "after him!)
- "-
- "In which battle did Confederate general
- "Thomas ^Stonewall^ Jackson die?
- "a
- "1...Chancellorsville
- "2...2nd Bull Run
- "3...Fredericksburg
- "4...Appomattox
- "5...Spotsylvania Court House
- "1
- "JACKSON was accidentally shot by one of
- "his own soldiers soon after completing
- "his now-famous flanking maneuver in the
- "-
- "Which battlefield had the ^Devil's Den^?
- "a
- "1...The Wilderness
- "2...Gettysburg
- "3...Cold Harbor
- "4...Shiloh
- "5...Chickamauga
- "2
- "The Devil's Den, a deadly pile of
- "boulders near the Union army's left
- "flank at GETTYSBURG, changed hands
- "several times during the battle.
- "-
- "Who commanded the Union forces in the
- "Battle of Chickamauga?
- "a
- "1...Joseph Hooker
- "2...George Thomas
- "3...William Sherman
- "4...William Rosecrans
- "5...Ambrose Burnside
- "4
- "ROSECRANS (^Old Rosy^) was leading an
- "offensive into Georgia when he blun-
- "dered into Braxton Bragg's Army of
- "Tennessee. The Confederates forced
- "Rosecrans back into Chattanooga with
- "huge losses to both sides; U. S. Grant
- "later took over the Union forces there.
- "-
- "Who was the ^Rock of Chickamauga^?
- "a
- "1...General William Rosecrans
- "2...General Braxton Bragg
- "3...General Thomas Crittendon
- "4...General Winfield S. Hancock
- "5...General George H. Thomas
- "5
- "GENERAL THOMAS saved the day for Rose-
- "crans and the Army of the Cumberland at
- "Chickamauga by holding off attack after
- "attack, and by providing a stout rear
- "guard when Longstreet's assault routed
- "the rest of the Union forces, leaving
- "Thomas's XIV Corps nearly cut off.
- "-
- "In which battle was the famous southern
- "cavalry leader JEB Stuart killed?
- "a
- "1...Yellow Tavern
- "2...Five Forks
- "3...Little Big Horn
- "4...Petersburg
- "5...Sedan
- "1
- "J.E.B. Stuart was mortally wounded on
- "May 11, 1864, in the battle at YELLOW
- "TAVERN (in part of the Wilderness /
- "Spotsylvania Court House campaign), in
- "a fight with the Union cavalry under
- "Sheridan.
- "-
- "Where was the ^Crater^?
- "a
- "1...Petersburg
- "2...Sharpsburg
- "3...Fredericksburg
- "4...Gettysburg
- "5...Iceberg
- "1
- "The ^Crater^ was the result of a huge
- "explosion caused by Union miners who
- "dug underneath the Rebel defenses at
- "the siege of PETERSBURG. However,
- "drunken Union officers and poorly-
- "trained men caused the assault to turn
- "into a deadly fiasco after the Confed-
- "erates recovered.
- "-
- "What Navy officer achieved fame for
- "sinking the Confederate ironclad
- "Albemarle?
- "a
- "1...David Farragut
- "2...David Porter
- "3...William Cushing
- "4...James Worton
- "5...^Bull^ Halsey
- "3
- "Lieutenant WILLIAM B. CUSHING destroyed
- "the Albemarle on the Roanoke River on
- "October 27, 1864, by attacking it in a
- "launch with a ^torpedo^ attached to a
- "long spar. The launch was also sunk,
- "and only Cushing escaped capture.
- "-
- "Where was the geographical feature
- "called MARYE'S HEIGHTS?
- "a
- "1...Vicksburg
- "2...Lookout Mountain
- "3...Missionary Ridge
- "4...Shenendoah Mountains
- "5...Fredericksburg
- "5
- "The heavily-fortified Mayre's Heights
- "were futilely assaulted time after
- "time, with appalling losses, by Burn-
- "side's Army of the Potomac in the
- "bloody Battle of FREDERICKSBURG. Said
- "Lee of his victory, ^It is well that
- "war is so terrible, else we should grow
- "too fond of it.^
- "-
- "After Sherman took and burned Atlanta,
- "what city was his target in his ^March
- "to the Sea^?
- "a
- "1...Mobile, Alabama
- "2...Savannah, Georgia
- "3...Richmond, Virginia
- "4...Charleston, South Carolina
- "5...New Orleans, Lousianna
- "2
- "Sherman took SAVANNAH on December 22,
- "1864, and sent Lincoln a telegram:
- "^His Excellency President Lincoln: I
- "beg to present to you as a Christmas
- "gift the city of Savannah, with 150
- "heavy guns and plenty of ammunition,
- "and also about 25,000 bales of cotton.
- " W. T. Sherman^
- "-
- "Where was Island No. Ten?
- "a
- "1...Mobile Bay
- "2...New Orleans
- "3...Tennessee River
- "4...Mississippi River
- "5...Rappanannock River
- "4
- "Island No. Ten was in the MISSISSIPPI
- "RIVER south of New Madrid, Missouri.
- "It was fortified by the Confederacy as
- "part of their defense of the river, and
- "was taken in April 1862 by the Union
- "after a canal was dug to bypass it,
- "and the ironclad Carondelet silenced
- "nearby Confederate artillery.
- "-
- "In which campaign did the attack on
- "Fort Stedman take place?
- "a
- "1...Shiloh
- "2...Vicksburg
- "3...Petersburg
- "4...Nashville
- "5...Sharpsburg
- "3
- "In the waning weeks of the war, CSA
- "General Gordon attacked Fort Stedman,
- "part of the Union siege works at
- "PETERSBURG. Lee hoped to force Grant
- "to pull in part of his left flank so
- "that Lee's army could escape into N.
- "Carolina, but the Federal lines weren't
- "affected, and Lee had to abandon the
- "city.
- "-
- "What settlement was Lee's first goal
- "on fleeing Petersburg and Richmond?
- "a
- "1...Chattanooga
- "2...Appomattox Court House
- "3...City Point
- "4...Amelia Court House
- "5...Bermuda Hundred
- "4
- "Lee marched his dwindling army to
- "AMELIA COURT HOUSE (west of Peters-
- "burg), where he had ordered supplies
- "to be delivered. There were none, and
- "he was forced to continue moving west-
- "ward, ultimately to Appomattox.
- "-
- "What Confederate general was killed at
- "Petersburg?
- "a
- "1...D. H. Hill
- "2...Johnston
- "3...Ewell
- "4...Early
- "5...A. P. Hill
- "5
- "Popular general Ambrose ^Little Powell^
- "Hill was killed by a Union sharpshooter
- "during the retreat from Petersburg.
- "-
- "Where was Jefferson Davis finally
- "captured?
- "a
- "1...Richmond, Virginia
- "2...Irwinville, Georgia
- "3...Columbia, South Carolina
- "4...Huntsville, Alabama
- "5...Appomattox Court House, Virginia
- "2
- "Confederate President Jefferson Davis
- "was captured by Union cavalry near
- "IRWINVILLE, Georgia on May 10, 1865,
- "while he was still vainly trying to
- "keep a government together. He had
- "refused to try and escape the country.
- "-