home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 4 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"chr$(142);
- 5 print" ";
- 10 print"[159] [154]{$7f}[146][155] [159][169][154] [146] [155] ";
- 15 print"[159] [146][154]{$7f} [146][159][169][154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154]{$7f}[146] [159][169][154] [146] [159][160][154] [146] [159] [154][160] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146][155] ";
- 20 print"[159] [146] [146] [154][160][146] [159] [146] [159] [146][154]{$7f} [146][159][169][154][160][146] [159][160][146] [146] [159] [146] [146] [154] [146] [154][169] [146] [159] [146] [159][160][146] [146][155] ";
- 25 print"[159] [146] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [146] [154][160][146] [159][160][146] [146] [159] [154] [146][169] [154] [146] [159][169][154] [146][169] [159] [154] [146] [159][160][154] [146][169][155] ";
- 30 print"[159] [146] [154] [146] [159] [146] [159] [146] [154][160][146] [159][160][146] [146] [159] [146] [160][146] [154] [146] [159] [146][154][169] [159] [146] [159][160][146] [160][146][155] ";
- 35 print"[159] [146] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [146] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [146] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [154] [146] [159] [146] [146][155] ";
- 40 print" ";
- 45 print" ";
- 50 print"[155] [166][166][166][166] [159] [146] [159] [146] [159] [146] [159] [146] [166][166][166][166] [155] ";
- 55 print" [166][166][166][166] [154] [146] [154] [146] [154] [146] [154] [146] [166][166][166][166] ";
- 60 print"[155] [166][166][166][166] [146] [146] [146] [166][166][166][166] ";
- 65 print"[155] [166][166][166][166] [159] [146] [159] [146] [159] [146] [166][166][166][166] ";
- 70 print"[155] [166][166][166][166] [154] [146] [154] [146] [154][160][146] [166][166][166][166] ";
- 75 print" ";
- 80 rem print" ";
- 85 print"[159] a fun memory game for 1 or 2 players";
- 90 rem print" ";
- 95 printspc(10)"[155] [154](c) 1987 mike cooke[155] "
- 100 printspc(8)"one or two players? (1/2)"
- 105 printspc(6)"press f8 to return to uptime"
- 107 printspc(8)"press i for instructions"
- 110 print" ";
- 115 print" published by softdisk publishing, inc.[155]"
- 120 geta$:ifa$="[140]"thensys(8*4096)+4:rem *-* uptime *-*
- 136 if a$="i"then 2000
- 137 np=val(a$)
- 140 ifnp<>1andnp<>2then120
- 150 g$="[166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166]":u$="[145][145][145][145] "
- 151 g2$=" [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] "
- 152 g3$=" [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] "
- 155 dimd(19,3):tm$="":p1=0:p2=0
- 160 print"[147]";
- 165 fort=1to3:printtab(3);:fory=1to6:printg$;u$;:nexty:print:print:print:print:print:print
- 167 nextt
- 170 print"":fort=1to3:printtab(3):print:print:fory=1to6
- 175 print"[154]"spc(4)chr$(t+192);chr$(y+48);:nexty:print:print:print:print:nextt
- 180 print"[155] [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 181 fort=1to20:print" [221]"tab(38)"[221]":nextt
- 182 print" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 190 print"[145][145][145][208]layer 1 [208]layer 2"
- 191 print""p1tab(15)"[212]ime="tab(30)p2
- 200 print" [208]lease hold...":fort=1to18:r=0
- 203 d(t,1)=int(rnd(1)*9)+1
- 205 fory=1tot-1:ifd(t,1)=d(y,1)thenr=r+1:ifr=2thenr=0:goto203
- 207 next:next:gosub5000
- 299 ti$="000000":pp=1:poke 198,0
- 300 print"";tab(20)mid$(ti$,3,2);":";right$(ti$,2)
- 301 ifflag=1thenflag=0:return
- 302 ifpp=2thengosub5001:print"[155] [208]layer 2's turn.":print" [198]irst card:";:goto304
- 303 gosub5001:print"[155] [208]layer 1's turn.":print" [198]irst card:";
- 304 flag=1:gosub300:getl1$:ifl1$=""then304
- 306 ifl1$<"a"orl1$>"c"then304
- 307 gosub5001:printtab(16)""chr$(asc(l1$)+128);
- 309 flag=1:gosub300:getn1$:ifn1$=""then309
- 311 ifn1$<"1"orn1$>"6"then309
- 312 v=(asc(l1$)-65)*6+val(n1$)
- 313 ifd(v,2)=1thengosub5001:print""tab(16)" ";:goto304
- 314 gosub5001:printtab(17)"";n1$;:it$=l1$+n1$:c1=0:gosub3000:c1=d(y*6+x+1,1)
- 315 gosub5001:print""tab(22)"[211]econd card:";
- 317 flag=1:gosub300:getl2$:ifl2$=""then317
- 319 ifl2$<"a"orl2$>"c"then317
- 321 gosub5001:printtab(35)""chr$(asc(l2$)+128);
- 323 flag=1:gosub300:getn2$:ifn2$=""then323
- 324 ifn2$<"1"orn2$>"6"then323
- 325 ifl1$=l2$andn1$=n2$thengosub5001:print""tab(35)" ";:goto317
- 326 v=(asc(l2$)-65)*6+val(n2$):ifd(v,2)=1thengosub5001:print""tab(35)" ";:goto317
- 327 gosub5001:printtab(36)"";n2$;:it$=l2$+n2$:c2=0:gosub3000:c2=d(y*6+x+1,1)
- 329 fort=1to500:nextt
- 330 ifc1<>c2thengosub5000:printtab(14)"[159][206]o-match":goto1000
- 331 v=(asc(l1$)-65)*6+val(n1$):d(v,2)=1:v=(asc(l2$)-65)*6+val(n2$):d(v,2)=1
- 333 gosub5000:printtab(16)"[150][205]atch!"
- 335 ifpp=1thenp1=p1+1
- 337 ifpp=2thenp2=p2+1
- 339 ifp1+p2<9then1000
- 341 tm$=ti$:fort=1to1000:next
- 342 ifnp=1then365
- 343 print"[147][155] [208]layer one has"p1"points and"
- 345 printtab(7)"[208]layer two has"p2"points."
- 347 print"[150] ";
- 349 ifp1>p2thenprinttab(12)"[208]layer one wins!"
- 350 ifp1=p2thenprinttab(18)"[212][201][197]!"
- 351 ifp1<p2thenprinttab(12)"[208]layer two wins!"
- 353 goto 400
- 365 print"[147][155] [217]ou collected"p1"pairs in":a$=""
- 367 ifval(tm$)<1000thena$=mid$(tm$,4,1)+" minute":ifval(tm$)>199then a$=a$+"s"
- 368 ifval(tm$)<1000thena$=a$+" "+right$(tm$,2)+" seconds."
- 369 ifval(tm$)>=1000thena$=a$+mid$(tm$,3,2)+" minutes "+right$(tm$,2)+" seconds."
- 370 printtab(20-(len(a$)/2))""a$:print"[150]":tm=val(tm$)
- 380 iftm>300thenprinttab(10)"[212]hat's embarrassing!":goto400
- 382 iftm>230thenprint" [217]ou need a brain transplant for sure!":goto400
- 384 iftm>200thenprinttab(11)"[212]hat's tolerable.":goto400
- 386 iftm>130thenprinttab(7)"[206]ot bad, keep practicing!":goto400
- 388 iftm>100thenprinttab(14)"[208]retty good!":goto400
- 390 iftm>45thenprinttab(14)"[207]utstanding!":goto400
- 392 printtab(13)"[211]uperbulous!!!"
- 400 printtab(8)"[208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] to [195]ontinue"
- 410 get a$:if a$<>chr$(13) then 410
- 420 run
- 1000 rem player change
- 1004 ifpp=1andnp=2thenpp=2:goto1010
- 1005 pp=1
- 1010 it$=l1$+n1$:flag=1:gosub3000
- 1015 ifc1=c2thenprinttab(t)"[152]"g3$
- 1020 ifc1<>c2thenprinttab(t)g$:printtab(t+1)"[154][145][145][145]"chr$(asc(l1$)+128)n1$
- 1030 it$=l2$+n2$:flag=1:gosub3000
- 1035 ifc1=c2thenprinttab(t)"[152]"g3$
- 1040 ifc1<>c2thenprinttab(t)g$:printtab(t+1)"[154][145][145][145]"chr$(asc(l2$)+128)n2$
- 1045 gosub5001:print"[145][145][155]"p1tab(30)p2:goto302
- 2000 rem instructions
- 2010 print"[147][155] [205]emorizer 64 is a card-matching"
- 2015 print" game played much like the card game"
- 2020 print" [195]oncentration. [201]nstead of matching"
- 2025 print" card pairs by suit and weight, though,"
- 2030 print" [205]emorizer 64 uses patterns. [211]ome of"
- 2033 print" the patterns are mirror-images of"
- 2035 print" others, further adding to the diffi-"
- 2037 print" culty of play. [201]n a two player game,"
- 2039 print" whoever finishes the game with the"
- 2040 print" most pairs is the winner. [215]ith one"
- 2042 print" player, you will be racing the clock."
- 2045 print"[159] [200]ow fast are you?"
- 2999 goto 400
- 3000 rem look at card
- 3002 x=val(right$(it$,1))-1:y=asc(left$(it$,1))-65
- 3004 print"";:ify<>0thenprint
- 3005 fort=1to6*y:print:nextt
- 3006 t=3+x*6
- 3007 printtab(t)g2$:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 3008 ifflag=1thenflag=0:return
- 3009 printtab(t)"[154]"g3$:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][155]"
- 3010 ond(y*6+x+1,1)goto3015,3020,3025,3030,3035,3040,3045,3050,3055
- 3015 printtab(t)" "
- 3016 printtab(t)" "
- 3017 printtab(t)" "
- 3018 printtab(t)" "
- 3019 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3020 printtab(t)" "
- 3021 printtab(t)" "
- 3022 printtab(t)" "
- 3023 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3025 printtab(t)" "
- 3027 printtab(t)" "
- 3028 printtab(t)" "
- 3029 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3030 printtab(t)" "
- 3032 printtab(t)" "
- 3033 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3035 printtab(t)" "
- 3036 printtab(t)" "
- 3037 printtab(t)" "
- 3038 printtab(t)" "
- 3039 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3040 printtab(t)" "
- 3041 printtab(t)" "
- 3042 printtab(t)" "
- 3043 printtab(t)" "
- 3044 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3045 printtab(t)" "
- 3046 printtab(t)" "
- 3047 printtab(t)" "
- 3048 printtab(t)" "
- 3049 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3050 printtab(t)" "
- 3051 printtab(t)" "
- 3052 printtab(t)" "
- 3053 printtab(t)" "
- 3054 printtab(t)" ":return
- 3055 printtab(t)" "
- 3056 printtab(t)" "
- 3057 printtab(t)" "
- 3058 printtab(t)" "
- 3059 printtab(t)" ":return
- 4999 end
- 5000 gosub5001:fort=1to3:print" ";:nextt
- 5001 print"":return