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- 10 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:gosub 116:goto64
- 12 pokes1,90:pokes1+1,90:pokes1,0:pokes1+1,0:return
- 14 pokes2+4,17:pokes2,40:pokes2+1,35:forx=1to100:next:pokes2+4,0:return
- 16 pokes2+4,17:pokes2,40:pokes2+1,35:forx=1to100:next:pokeg+21,0:pokes2+4,0
- 18 return
- 20 pokeg+16,0:q=q+1:ifq=21then178
- 22 ifhhthenhh=0:xc(xx)=xc(xx)+300
- 24 xx=int(rnd(1)*37+1):ifxc(xx)>300thenxc(xx)=xc(xx)-300:pokeg+16,7:hh=1
- 26 pokeg,xc(xx):pokeg+1,yc(xx):pokeg+2,xc(xx)-1:pokeg+3,yc(xx)
- 28 pokeg+4,xc(xx):pokeg+5,yc(xx)
- 30 geta$:ifa$=l$(xx)thenpokeg+21,4:gosub16:goto20
- 32 pokeg+21,1:forx=1to50:next:gosub12
- 34 geta$:ifa$=l$(xx)thenpokeg+21,4:gosub16:goto20
- 36 pokeg+21,2:forx=1to50:next:gosub12
- 38 print"[152]"spc(17)mid$(ti$,3,2)":"right$(ti$,2):goto30
- 40 print""spc(13)sc"[157] [152]out of"q
- 42 pokeg+16,0:q=q+1:ifq=21then178
- 44 ifhhthenhh=0:xc(xx)=xc(xx)+300
- 46 xx=int(rnd(1)*37+1):ifxc(xx)>300thenxc(xx)=xc(xx)-300:pokeg+16,7:hh=1
- 48 pokeg,xc(xx):pokeg+1,yc(xx):pokeg+2,xc(xx)-1:pokeg+3,yc(xx)
- 50 pokeg+4,xc(xx):pokeg+5,yc(xx):z=0
- 52 z=z+1:ifz=skthenz=0:pokeg+21,0:goto40
- 54 geta$:ifa$=l$(xx)thenpokeg+21,4:gosub16:pokeg+21,0:sc=sc+1:goto40
- 56 pokeg+21,1:forx=1to50:next:gosub12
- 58 geta$:ifa$=l$(xx)thenpokeg+21,4:gosub16:pokeg+21,0:sc=sc+1:goto40
- 60 pokeg+21,2:forx=1to50:next:gosub12
- 62 goto52
- 64 printchr$(142)chr$(8):forx=858to1022:pokex,0:next
- 66 forx=832to857:ready:pokex,y:next:forx=896to920:ready:pokex,y:next
- 68 forx=960to986:ready:pokex,y:next
- 70 data192,192,0,255,192,0,109,128,0,204,192,0,255,192,0,63,0,0,243,0,0
- 72 data243,192,0,3,192
- 74 data192,192,0,255,192,0,109,128,0,204,192,0,255,192,0,63,0,0
- 76 data51,192,0,243,192,0,240,21,0,0,21,0,0,21,84,0,21,84,0,21,0,0
- 78 data149,128,0,136,128,0,170,128,0,162,128,0
- 80 g=53248:pokeg+39,5:pokeg+40,5:poke2040,13:poke2041,14:pokeg+29,7:pokeg+23,7
- 82 pokeg+37,14:pokeg+41,5:poke2042,15:pokeg+28,4
- 84 dimxc(37),yc(37),l$(37),m1(44),m2(44),m3(44):gosub182
- 86 forx=1to44:readm1(x),m2(x),m3(x):next
- 88 forx=1to37:readxc(x),yc(x),l$(x):next
- 90 z=0:pokeg+21,0
- 91 printtab(9)"press any key to play"
- 92 gosub196:geta$:z=z+1:ifz<44thenifa$=""then92
- 94 ifa$<>""then140
- 96 z=0:gosub224:print""tab(18)"demo":printtab(9)"[152]press any key to play[145]"
- 98 z=z+1
- 100 y=int(rnd(1)*37+1):ifxc(y)>300then100
- 102 pokeg,xc(y):pokeg+1,yc(y)
- 104 pokeg+2,xc(y):pokeg+3,yc(y):pokeg+4,xc(y):pokeg+5,yc(y)
- 106 forx=1to5:pokeg+21,1:gosub12:fort=1to70:next:pokeg+21,2:gosub12
- 108 fort=1to70:next:next
- 110 geta$:ifa$<>""thenpokeg+21,0:goto140
- 112 pokeg+21,4:gosub14:pokeg+21,0:ifz<10then98
- 114 goto90
- 116 print"[147]"chr$(142)"[169] [169][146][169][169] [146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169][169] "
- 118 print"[169][146][169] [169][146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169][164][169][146][169][169][146][169] "
- 120 print"[169][146][169][163] [169][146][169][169][146][169][163][163][163][169][146][169][163][169][146][169][169][146][169][163] "
- 122 print"[169][146][169] [169][146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169][169][146][169] "
- 124 print"[163][163][163][163]"
- 126 print"[154] [223][169] [223] [223] [223] [223]"
- 128 print" "
- 130 print" [146][169] [146][169] "
- 132 print" "
- 134 print" [146][169][223] [146][169] "
- 135 print"[151]by steve elder"
- 138 return
- 140 poke 198,0:print"[147] [207]ptions:"
- 142 print"[152] 0. [201]nstructions":print"[152] 1. [211]tandard [193]lpha[194]opper"
- 144 print" 2. [211]peed [193]lpha[194]opper":printtab(9)"[208]ress '0', '1' or '2'"
- 145 print"[152] ([208]ress '[198]8' to return to [213]p[212]ime)"
- 146 getx$:ifx$=""then146
- 148 ifx$="1"thengosub224:ti$="000000":goto20
- 150 ifx$="2"then154
- 151 ifx$="0"then300
- 152 ifx$="[140]"thensys(8*4096)+4
- 153 goto146
- 154 print"[147]"tab(11)"[211]peed [193]lpha[194]opper"
- 156 print"[152] 1. [211]lowest"
- 158 print" 2.":print" 3.":print" 4.":print" 5. [198]astest"
- 160 printtab(7)"[197]nter your speed (1 to 5)
- 162 [161]x$:[139]x$[178]""[167]162
- 164 [139]x$[178]"1"[167]sk[178]15:[137]176
- 166 [139]x$[178]"2"[167]sk[178]12:[137]176
- 168 [139]x$[178]"3"[167]sk[178]9:[137]176
- 170 [139]x$[178]"4"[167]sk[178]7:[137]176
- 172 [139]x$[178]"5"[167]sk[178]5:[137]176
- 174 [137]162
- 176 [141]224:[137]42
- 178 [153]""[166]15)"finished!":[153][163]8)"press return to continue"
- 179 [151]198,0
- 180 [161] a$:[139] a$[179][177][199](13) [167] 180
- 181 [138]
- 182 [129]x[178]54272[164]54296:[151]x,.:[130]
- 184 [151]54277,192:[151]54278,255
- 186 [151]54276,129:[151]54296,15
- 188 s1[178]54272:s2[178]54279:s3[178]54286:k[178]1
- 190 [151]54284,192:[151]54285,255
- 192 [151]54283,17
- 194 [142]
- 196 [151]s2[170]5,9:[151]s2[170]6,0:[151]s2[170]3,255:[151]s2[170]4,0
- 198 [151]s2,m1(k):[151]s2[170]1,m2(k):[151]s2[170]4,65
- 200 [129]x[178]1[164]m3(k):[130]:[151]s2[170]4,0
- 202 k[178]k[170]1:[139]k[178]45[167]k[178]1
- 204 [142]
- 206 [131]195,16,256,195,16,256,30,25,256,30,25,256,49,28,256
- 208 [131]49,28,256,30,25,512,96,22,256,96,22,256,31,21,256
- 210 [131]31,21,256,209,18,112,209,18,112,209,18,112,209,18,112
- 212 [131]195,16,640,30,25,256,30,25,256,96,22,256,96,22,256
- 214 [131]31,21,256,31,21,256,209,18,512,30,25,256,30,25,256
- 216 [131]96,22,256,96,22,256,31,21,256,31,21,256,209,18,512
- 218 [131]195,16,256,195,16,256,30,25,256,30,25,256,49,28,256
- 220 [131]49,28,256,30,25,512,96,22,256,96,22,256,31,21,256
- 222 [131]31,21,256,209,18,256,209,18,256,195,16,512
- 224 [153]"load"[199](142);
- 225 [153]"sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)";
- 226 [153]"sys 1 verify sys 2 verify sys 3 verify sys 4 verify sys 5 verify sys 6 verify sys 7 verify sys 8 verify sys 9 verify sys 0 verify ";
- 228 [153]"wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)";
- 230 [153]"sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)";
- 232 [153]"sys q verify sys w verify sys e verify sys r verify sys t verify sys y verify sys u verify sys i verify sys o verify sys p verify ";
- 234 [153]"verifywait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)";
- 236 [153]"sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)"
- 238 [153]"sys a verify sys s verify sys d verify sys f verify sys g verify sys h verify sys j verify sys k verify sys l verify "
- 240 [153]"wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)"
- 242 [153]"sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)sys verify(NULL)"
- 244 [153]"sys z verify sys x verify sys c verify sys v verify sys b verify sys n verify sys m verify "
- 246 [153]"(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)wait(NULL) (NULL)"
- 248 [153]"sys verify(NULL)"
- 250 [153]"sys space verify "
- 252 [153]"verifywait(NULL) (NULL)"
- 254 [129]x[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[142]
- 256 [131]26,80,1,58,80,2,90,80,3,122,80,4,154,80,5,186,80,6,218,80,7
- 258 [131]250,80,8,326,80,9,358,80,0,26,104,q,58,104,w,90,104,e,122,104,r
- 260 [131]154,104,t,186,104,y,218,104,u,250,104,i,326,104,o,358,104,p
- 262 [131]42,128,a,74,128,s,106,128,d,138,128,f,170,128,g,202,128,h,234,128,j
- 264 [131]310,128,k,342,128,l,58,152,z,90,152,x,122,152,c,154,152,v
- 266 [131]186,152,b,218,152,n,250,152,m,186,176," "
- 300 [153]"loadprint#(NULL)he (NULL)eystomps have right$nvaded your (NULL)eyboard";
- 302 [153]"----------------------------------------";
- 305 [153]"list (NULL)hey're tromping around on your keys.";
- 310 [153]"(NULL)hat's no good! right$t's not that bad,"
- 315 [153]"though, 'cause you have a big hammer."
- 320 [153]"print# (NULL)o 'peek(NULL)(NULL)' a keystomp, simply press"
- 325 [153]"the key on your (real) keyboard that"
- 330 [153]"the little mutant is jumping on."
- 335 [153]"list (NULL)hen you've bopped 20 of them, the"
- 340 [153]"game is over. (NULL)our score appears at the";
- 345 [153]"bottom of the screen."
- 350 [153]"print# right$n '(NULL)tandard atnlphapeekopper' the"
- 355 [153]"keystomps stay on a key 'til you hit"
- 360 [153]"them. (NULL)our score is the number of"
- 365 [153]"seconds required to get all 20."
- 370 [153]"list right$n '(NULL)peed atnlphapeekopper' they only stay";
- 375 [153]"on the key a short time before moving."
- 380 [153]"(NULL)our score is how many you bop out of the 20 that appear."
- 385 [153]"(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) to lenontinue";
- 390 [161]x$:[139]x$[179][177][199](13)[167]390
- 395 [137]140
- 400 [137]400