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- 5 if ld=1 thenprint"[147]"chr$(142):sys 49152
- 10 p=p+1:if p>1 then 255
- 200 rem b$="title"
- 250 rem loadb$,8,1
- 255 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"";
- 300 rem poke 53265,11
- 320 rem poke 53272,peek(53272) or 8
- 331 rem poke 53265,11
- 340 poke 53270,peek(53270) or 16
- 414 rem
- 420 d=1024:s=16192:u=55296:v=17208
- 430 remfori=0to999:poked+i,peek(s+i):pokeu+i,peek(v+i):next
- 505 rem follows after the colour data.
- 506 rem
- 550 rem poke 53280,peek(17192)
- 560 rem poke 53281,peek(17193)
- 565 rempoke 53265,59
- 566 ti$="000000"
- 650 rem get a$
- 655 remif a$<>chr$(13) and ti$<"000030" then 650
- 660 rempoke 53265,peek(53265) and (255-32)
- 670 rempoke 53272,peek(53272) and (255-8)
- 680 rempoke 53270,peek(53270) and (255-16)
- 690 print"[159][147] [196]o you want instructions?":poke198,0
- 695 printtab(17)"([217]/[206])"
- 700 geta$:ifa$="n"then17000
- 710 ifa$<>"y"then700
- 740 print"[147] [212]he object of the game is to rescue the scientists who are ";
- 750 print"being held prisoner by the [197]vil [203]loseyukmson on allthe";
- 760 print" planets in the [202]ershan galaxy."
- 770 print"[194]ecause of violent atmospheric conditions, you cannot bring";
- 775 print" your ship too close to the planets surface but must instead ";
- 780 print"drop rocket packs to the scientists so they can fly up to";
- 790 print" meet you."
- 800 print" [217]ou gain points by rescuing the scientists. ";
- 810 print"[217]ou lose reserve ships by having your ship or rocket ";
- 820 print"pack destroyed, or if a scientist is killed."
- 830 print" [215]ith your joystick plugged into port 2 you will guide your ship";
- 840 print" through 5 different screens of nonstop action."
- 850 print"[212]he screens are........"
- 855 print"[158] [208]ress [210]eturn to [195]ontinue":poke198,0
- 860 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then860
- 870 print"[147][211]creen 1: [196]escend through space mines tothe planet's surface. ";
- 880 print" [208]ress the joystick button ";
- 885 print"to start then guide yourship left or";
- 890 print" right to avoid the mines."
- 900 print"[211]creen 2: [210]escue scientists on the planet's surface by dropping";
- 910 print" rocket packs to them that they will use to fly up to your";
- 920 print" ship. [212]hey must catch the pack to use it. [193]void the enemy";
- 930 print" ships fire. [208]ress joystick button to drop thepack."
- 940 print"[211]creen 3: [204]ike screen 1 except now you are going up."
- 950 print"[211]creen 4: [198]ly through space avoiding enemy missiles. [194]ecause";
- 960 print" of cosmic interference you will not always be ableto see the";
- 970 print" missiles."
- 980 print"[211]creen 5: [198]ly through the small, moving break in the enemy force";
- 990 print" field."
- 1000 print"[158] [208]ress [210]eturn to [195]ontinue";:poke198,0
- 1010 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then1010
- 1020 print"[147]"tab(12)"[204]oading [210]escue!
- 1030 [153][163]11)"(NULL)ne moment please."
- 17000 ld[178]1:[153]"stop":[147]"rescue.exe",8,1