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- 10 rem battleship booter/instructions
- 20 rem copyright (c) 1987 mike cooke
- 30 rem published by uptime!
- 41 poke52,56:poke56,56:clr
- 50 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 60 rem
- 70 rem *** load charset ***
- 80 rem made with
- 90 rem alpha-designer
- 100 rem
- 110 gt=14335
- 120 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 130 open1,8,2,"0:battledata1,s,r"
- 140 gosub1330:ife=1thenclose1:close15:gosub1380:run
- 150 fort=1to104*8
- 160 input#1,nu:gt=gt+1:pokegt,nu
- 170 next
- 180 close1:close15
- 185 print"[147][142][158]"tab(9)"one moment, please...
- 190 [129]t[178]1[164](256[171]104)[172]8:gt[178]gt[170]1:[151]gt,0:[130]t
- 210 gt[178]14336:[129]t[178]160[172]8[164]161[172]8[171]1:[151]gt[170]t,255:[130]
- 230 [151]53272,([194](53272)[175]240)[176]14
- 240 [156]
- 250 pp[178]831:[129]t[178]1[164]127:[135]by:[151]t[170]pp,by:[130]
- 260 v[178]53248:[151]v[170]21,3:[151]2040,13:[151]2041,14:[151]v[170]39,12:[151]v[170]40,12
- 270 [151]v[170]28,3:[151]v[170]37,11:[151]v[170]38,8
- 280 [151]v[170]2,74:[151]v[170]3,145:[151]v,255:[151]v[170]1,145
- 285 [153][199](8);[199](14)
- 290 [153]"listload "
- 300 [153]" "
- 310 [153]" "
- 320 [153]" "
- 330 [153]" "
- 340 [153]" "
- 350 [153]" "
- 360 [153]:[153][163]25)" "
- 370 [153][163]11)" "
- 380 [153][163]11)" "
- 390 [153][163]11)" "
- 400 [153][163]11)" "
- 410 [153][163]11)" "
- 420 [153][163]11)" "
- 430 [153]:[153]:[153][163]6)"opencopyright / 1987 mike cooke"
- 440 [153]:[153]" contpublished by softdisk publishing, inc.
- 450 print:print"press c to cont * f8 to return to uptime"
- 460 geta$:ifa$=""then460
- 470 ifa$="c"thenpokev+21,0:goto700
- 480 ifa$<>"[140]"then460
- 490 pokev+21,0
- 500 rem
- 510 rem *** return to uptime ***
- 520 rem
- 530 sys 8*4096+4
- 610 rem
- 620 rem *** sprite data ***
- 630 rem
- 640 data 0,32,0,0,32,0,0,168,0,0,136,0,0,136,0,1,85,0,1,85,0,61,85,0
- 650 data 10,85,64,6,169,64,5,169,64,5,169,64,169,85,168,86,154,84,85,101
- 660 data 84,21,85,80,5,85,64,5,85,64,1,85,0,1,85,0,0,84,0,0
- 670 data 0,32,0,0,32,0,0,168,0,0,136,0,0,136,0,1,85,0,1,85,0,1,85,240,5
- 680 data 86,128,5,170,64,5,169,64,5,169,64,169,85,168,86,154,84,85,101,84
- 690 data 21,85,80,5,85,64,5,85,64,1,85,0,1,85,0,0,84,0
- 700 rem
- 710 rem *** instructions ***
- 720 rem
- 730 print"[147][155] do you wish to see the instructions?"
- 735 printtab(17)"y or n?"
- 740 geta$:ifa$=""then740
- 741 ifa$="n"then1280
- 750 ifa$<>"y"then740
- 760 print"[147] "
- 770 print" [146] [155]instructions [146]"
- 780 print" [155]"
- 790 a$=" you are the commander of a fleet":gosub1210
- 800 a$="in the pacific that has encountered an":gosub1210
- 810 a$="enemy fleet. your job is to destroy":gosub1210
- 820 a$="the enemy. quickly. efficiently. and":gosub1210
- 830 a$="of course, before they destroy you.":gosub1210
- 840 a$=" you have narrowed down the area":gosub1210
- 850 a$="that the enemy is in into a 15 by 10":gosub1210
- 860 a$="grid on your radar.":gosub1210:gosub1220
- 870 a$="[147] now you must strategically place":gosub1210
- 880 a$="all of your ships in an area of equal":gosub1210
- 890 a$="size. to do this, simply tell the":gosub1210
- 900 a$="master computer where you want to":gosub1210
- 910 a$="start each ship and in which direction":gosub1210
- 920 a$="it should point. for example:":gosub1210
- 930 printtab(10)" abcdef":printtab(10)"1[154][167][167][167][167][167][167]":printtab(10)"[155]2[154][167][167][167][167][167][167]"
- 940 printtab(10)"[155]3[154][167][167][167][167][167][167]":printtab(10)"[155]4[154][167][167][167][167][167][167]":printtab(10)"[155]5[154][167][167][167][167][167][167]"
- 950 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]":printtab(20)"[155]carrier:"
- 960 printtab(21)"start on a1[155]"
- 970 printtab(21)"point right[155]"
- 980 fory=1to500:nexty:print"[145][145][145][145]":printtab(11)"[210][211][212][213][214]"
- 990 print"":gosub1220:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":printtab(20)"battleship:"
- 1000 printtab(21)"start on c2[155]":printtab(21)"point down[155] ":fory=1to500:nexty
- 1010 print"[145][145][145]":printtab(13)"[198][157][199][157][200][157][201]":gosub1220
- 1020 a$="[147] once your ships are positioned,":gosub1210
- 1030 a$="including 1 carrier, 1 battleship, 2":gosub1210
- 1040 a$="destroyers, 2 subs, and 2 pt boats,":gosub1210
- 1050 a$="it is time to do battle. simply tell":gosub1210
- 1060 a$="the computer which sector to attack,":gosub1210
- 1070 a$="such as a1, g5, o3, etc. but do not":gosub1210
- 1080 a$="expect the enemy to sit back and watch,":gosub1210
- 1090 a$="they will be attacking, too.":gosub1210:gosub1220
- 1091 a$="[147] when you miss, a blue [164][155] will":gosub1210
- 1092 a$="appear and when you hit, a red [164][155] will":gosub1210
- 1093 a$="appear. the computer keeps track of":gosub1210
- 1094 a$="hits, sunk ships, and will tell you":gosub1210
- 1095 a$="when a fleet is defeated.":gosub1210
- 1096 a$=" at the side of each grid is a row":gosub1210
- 1097 a$="of eight pegs. as each ship gets":gosub1210
- 1098 a$="sunk, a peg will be replaced with an":gosub1210
- 1099 a$="red x.":gosub1210:gosub1220
- 1100 a$="[147] when playing with two players,":gosub1210
- 1110 a$="player 1 is the allies fleet and player":gosub1210
- 1120 a$="2 is the enemies fleet. when choosing":gosub1210
- 1130 a$="your ship locations, the other player":gosub1210
- 1140 a$="will be instructed to look away. after":gosub1210
- 1150 a$="the locations are in the computer, the":gosub1210
- 1160 a$="grid will clear and the other player":gosub1210
- 1170 a$="can enter their locals.":gosub1210:fort=1to500:nextt
- 1180 a$=" can you win?":gosub1210:fort=1to500:next
- 1190 a$=" maybe...":gosub1210:gosub1220
- 1200 goto1280
- 1210 fort=1tolen(a$):printmid$(a$,t,1);:fory=1to30:next:next:print:print:return
- 1220 print"press s to skip or spacebar to continue[155]"
- 1230 getz$
- 1232 if z$="[140]" then 490
- 1234 if z$="s" then 1280
- 1236 if z$<>" " then 1230
- 1240 return
- 1250 rem
- 1260 rem *** load battleship ***
- 1270 rem
- 1280 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 1290 print"[147] loading [\]]^_!#$% &'(":print
- 1300 open1,8,2,"0:battleship.exe":gosub1330
- 1305 ife=1thene=0:gosub1380:close1:close15:goto1280
- 1310 close1:close15
- 1311 print"[144]load"+chr$(34)+"battleship.exe"+chr$(34)+",8"
- 1312 print"run:run:
- 1314 [151]198,3:[151]631,19:[151]632,13:[151]633,13:[162]
- 1320 [143]
- 1330 [143] disk error trap
- 1340 [143]
- 1350 [132]15,a$,b$:[139][197](a$)[177]19[167]e[178]1
- 1360 [142]
- 1370 [143]
- 1380 [143] error message
- 1390 [143]
- 1400 [153]"load"[163]15)"listdisk error"
- 1405 [153]" please make sure all of the following"
- 1410 [153][163]15)"are okay:"
- 1420 [153]:[153]" disk drive is on"
- 1430 [153]" door is closed"
- 1440 [153]" cable is secure"
- 1470 [153][163]10)"press space to retry"
- 1471 [153][163]12)"or f8 for uptimestop"
- 1472 [161]a$
- 1473 [139] a$[178]"restore" [167] [158] 8[172]4096[170]4
- 1474 [139]a$[179][177][199](32)[167]1472
- 1480 [142]