home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 ifa=0thena=1:load"0:wiz.ml",8,1
- 5 poke55,0:poke56,128:clr
- 10 rem(c)1987 uptime by softdisk publishing, inc
- 11 print"[147]":clr
- 13 sys52945
- 15 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke54273,25:poke54277,9:poke54278,9:poke54296,15
- 16 poke54280,10:poke54284,2:poke54285,0:poke54275,8
- 20 print"[147]":clr
- 60 esc=0:mt=0
- 70 dimtc(30),ts(30),tp(30),sp(30,7),dj(30)
- 75 dimsn(30,7),chg(30,7),chg$(30,7),nm$(30,7)
- 80 tc(0)=1000000: dj(0)=2000
- 90 rem
- 95 a$="[215]all [211]treet [215]iz"
- 100 cn$(1)="[203][194][205]":hp$(1)=" 14":lp$(1)=" 4"
- 105 sp(0,1)=9:ep$(1)=" .01":vg(1)=2:vb(1)=3
- 110 cn$(2)="[197][216][216][207][198][198]":hp$(2)=" 59":lp$(2)=" 43"
- 115 sp(0,2)=55:ep$(2)=" 2.50":vg(2)=2:vb(2)=4
- 120 cn$(3)="[213][194][205]":hp$(3)="150":lp$(3)=" 90":sp(0,3)=105
- 125 ep$(3)="10.00":vg(3)=2:vb(3)=5
- 130 cn$(4)="[215]izer":hp$(4)=" 70":lp$(4)=" 21"
- 135 sp(0,4)=60:ep$(4)=" 8.00":vg(4)=2:vb(4)=2.5
- 140 cn$(5)="[207]n[212]rax":hp$(5)=" 39":lp$(5)=" 14"
- 145 sp(0,5)=19:ep$(5)=" -0-":vg(5)=5:vb(5)=2.4
- 150 cn$(6)="[205]icro[195]hip":hp$(6)=" 9":lp$(6)=" 3":sp(0,6)=7
- 155 ep$(6)=" -0-":vg(6)=2:vb(6)=2
- 160 cn$(7)="[204]azer [195]orp.":hp$(7)=" 20":lp$(7)=" 2"
- 165 sp(0,7)=10:ep$(7)=" 1.00":vg(7)=2:vb(7)=2.4
- 170 rem
- 180 mt=0:gosub920
- 190 d=0:nc=7:gosub1200
- 200 poke214,14:print"[145]":print"[200]ere is a list of stocks with the"
- 202 print"year's [200]igh, [204]ow, and [195]urrent prices"
- 205 print"and [197]arnings per [211]hare:"
- 210 getsh$:ifsh$=""then210
- 220 ifsh$=chr$(13)thengoto250
- 230 ifsh$="[140]"then goto 900
- 240 poke54276,33:poke54276,32: goto 210
- 250 rem
- 260 gosub 1400: rem subr to buy stocks
- 270 rem
- 280 mt=2:gosub920
- 290 poke214,6:print"[145]":print"[212]he duration of this session of [215][193][204][204]"
- 292 print"[211][212][210][197][197][212] [215][201][218] is measured in days."
- 294 poke214,18:print"[145]":m$="[197]nter zero (0) and [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] to exit":gosub1040
- 300 poke214,10:print:print"[197]nter number of days (1 to 30) you'll"
- 302 print"be investing & press [return] -> ";:bs=1:gosub1700:dm$=wq$
- 304 dm=val(dm$+chr$(0)):ifasc(dm$+chr$(0))=48then:goto900
- 310 ifdm$=" "then290
- 320 if(dm<1)or(dm>30)thengosub1150:sl=21:nl=1:gosub1170:goto290
- 330 print"[147]":m$="[208]lease wait....."
- 332 gosub1040:print:m$="[212]he [215][193][204][204] [211][212][210][197][197][212] computer is working"
- 334 gosub1040:print:m$="on your portfolio.":gosub1040
- 340 ford=1todm:tc(d)=tc(d-1):ifdur>0then370
- 350 rn=int(1+rnd(1)*10):ifrn>4thendur=rn:goto370
- 360 dur=rn+6
- 370 dj(d)=int(dj(d-1)*(-(rn>4)*.995-(rn<5)*1.01)+10*rnd(1)-5)
- 375 dd=dj(d)-dj(d-1):dur=dur-1
- 376 forxx=1to2
- 377 rx(xx)=int(7*rnd(1)+1)
- 380 if rx(2)=rx(1)thenxx=1
- 390 next
- 400 forc=1to7:ifc=rx(1)then430
- 410 ifc=rx(2)then430
- 420 goto450
- 430 sn(d,c)=int(2*rnd(1)):ifsn(d,c)=0thengosub1310:goto450
- 440 gosub1350
- 450 ifsp(d-1,c)>=10then460
- 452 sp(d,c)=int(sp(d-1,c)*(-1.3*(dd>0)-.98*(dd<1))+(nv(c)*.5)):goto480
- 460 ifsp(d-1,c)<=50thengoto470
- 462 sp(d,c)=int(sp(d-1,c)*(-1.02*(dd>0)-.99*(dd<1))+(nv(c)*.7)):goto480
- 470 sp(d,c)=int(sp(d-1,c)*(-1.03*(dd>0)-.98*(dd<1))+(nv(c)*.6))
- 480 ifsp(d,c)<0thensp(d,c)=0
- 490 chg(d,c)=sp(d,c)-sp((d-1),c)
- 495 ifchg(d,c)<1thenchg$(d,c)=str$(chg(d,c)):goto 510
- 500 chg$(d,c)="+"+str$(chg(d,c)):goto520
- 510 if(sp((d-1),c)=0)and(chg(d,c)<0)thenchg$(d,c)="0"
- 520 next
- 530 rem
- 540 mt=1:gosub 920
- 545 print"[146]# [195]ompany [206]ame [208]/[211] [195]hg #[211]hrs [212]ot [214]al"
- 546 tv=0:forc=1to7
- 550 poke214,c+3:print"[145]":printc;tab(3);
- 555 print"[129]"cn$(c);:h=20:a=sp(d,c):gosub1060:print"[158]"a;
- 557 hx=len(chg$(d,c)):printtab(25-hx)"[159]"chg$(d,c);
- 559 ifns(c)<1then570
- 560 hx=len(ns$(c)):printtab(31-hx);
- 565 print"[156]"ns$(c);:tv(c)=ns(c)*sp(d,c):h=39:a=tv(c):gosub1060:print""a
- 567 tv=tv+tv(c)
- 570 nextc:poke214,10:print:printtab(31)"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192]":printtab(16)"[159][196]ay #";d
- 572 printtab(11)"[212]otal [211]tock [214]alue =";:h=39:a=tv
- 575 gosub1060:printa
- 580 printtab(13)"[193]vailable [195]ash =";
- 585 h=39:a=tc(d):gosub1060:printa
- 587 ifcom>0thenprinttab(11)"[211]tock commissions =";:a=com:h=39:gosub1060:printa
- 590 printtab(7)"[153][212]otal [208]ortfolio [214]alue =";
- 595 bl=tc(d)+tv:h=39:a=bl:gosub1060:printa
- 605 dj$="[196]ow-[202]ones [193]vg"+str$(dj(d))+"-":dd$="[206]o [195]hg"
- 607 print"[154]":m$="[215]all [211]t. [206]ews: ":gosub1040
- 610 ifdd>0thendd$="[213]p"+str$(dd):goto630
- 620 ifdd<0thendd$="[196]n"+str$(abs(dd))
- 630 dj$=dj$+dd$:m$=dj$:uy=19-len(m$)/2:forl=1touy:m$=m$+" ":next:gosub1130
- 640 nm$="":r=0:forn=1to7:iflen(nm$(d,n))=0thengoto680
- 650 nm$=cn$(n)+nm$(d,n):r=r+1
- 660 iflen(nm$)<38thenforw=1to38-len(nm$):nm$=nm$+".":next
- 670 m$=nm$:gosub1140
- 680 next
- 690 getqw$:ifqw$=""then 690
- 700 ifqw$=chr$(13)then800
- 710 ifqw$="[140]"then900
- 720 ifqw$="b"orqw$="[194]"then750
- 730 ifqw$="s"orqw$="[211]"then770
- 734 ifqw$="o"orqw$="[207]"thenpoke54276,65:poke54276,64
- 735 if(qw$="o"orqw$="[207]")andsf=1thenpoke781,23:poke782,36:poke783,48
- 736 if(qw$="o"orqw$="[207]")andsf=1thensf=0:sys65520:print"[149]n [146]";:goto690
- 737 if(qw$="o"orqw$="[207]")andsf=0thenpoke781,23:poke782,36:poke783,48
- 738 if(qw$="o"orqw$="[207]")andsf=0thensf=1:sys65520:print"[149]ff[146]";:goto690
- 740 poke54276,65:poke54276,64:goto690
- 750 rem
- 760 gosub1400:goto530
- 770 rem
- 780 gosub1540:goto530
- 790 sl=16:nl=5:gosub1170:gosub4800:gosub1540:goto530
- 800 com=0:nextd
- 810 rem
- 820 mt=2:gosub920:print:m$="[159][201][206][214][197][211][212][205][197][206][212] [211][197][211][211][201][207][206] [210][197][208][207][210][212]"
- 822 gosub1040:print"[195]lient's final portfolio [153]$";
- 824 h=39:a=bl:gosub1060:printbl
- 826 print"[195]lient's initial investment [150]$";:h=39:a=1000000:gosub1060:printa
- 830 printtab(31)"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 832 print"[206]et gain or loss(-)[154]";
- 834 h=39:a=bl-1000000:gosub1060:printa
- 835 print"[158]";
- 840 if(a<-10000)or(a>10000)thengoto850
- 845 print" [217]our client expected better results!":goto890
- 850 if(a<-10000)or(a>100000)then860
- 855 print" [199][207][207][196] [202][207][194]! [217]ou get a raise of $10,000!":goto890
- 860 ifa<-10000then870
- 865 print" [211][213][208][197][210]!!! [217]ou've been promoted to [214][208]!!":goto890
- 870 ifa<-100000then880
- 875 print" [206][207][212] [212][207][207] [199][207][207][196]! [217]our boss is mad!!!!":goto890
- 880 print" [217]ou could lose your job!!!"
- 890 print"":m$="[196]o you want to invest again?":gosub1040
- 892 print" [197]nter [217] or [206] --> [166][157]";:gosub1080
- 894 poke204,255:printan$:ifan$="y"oran$="[217]"then20
- 900 rem
- 910 ifpeek(32768)=76andpeek(32769)=7andpeek(32770)=128andpeek(32771)=234then914
- 912 print"[147]":new
- 914 ifpeek(32772)<>76orpeek(32774)<>128then912
- 916 sys32772
- 920 rem
- 940 print"[147][149]$$$$$$$$$$$[146]";
- 942 printtab(11)" ";a$;" ";
- 944 printtab(29)"$$$$$$$$$$$[146]"
- 950 ifmt=1then990
- 960 ifmt=2then1010
- 970 ifmt=3then1000
- 980 poke214,24:print"[145]":print" [[198]8] to end";
- 985 print" [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] to continue[146]";:poke2023,160:poke56295,9:goto1010
- 990 sf$="n ":ifsf=1thensf$="ff"
- 992 poke214,23:print"[145]"
- 994 print " [[194]]uy [[211]]ell [211]ound [[207]]";sf$;" ";
- 996 print" [[198]8] to end [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] to [195]ontinue";:poke2023,160:poke56295,9
- 998 goto 1020
- 1000 poke214,23:print"[145]"
- 1002 print" [esc] to end ";
- 1010 rem
- 1020 mt=o:return
- 1030 rem
- 1040 rem
- 1050 printtab(20-len(m$)/2)m$: return
- 1060 rem
- 1070 hx=len(str$(a)):printtab(h-hx-1);:return
- 1080 rem
- 1090 poke204,0
- 1095 getan$:ifan$=""then1095
- 1100 ifan$="y"oran$="[217]"thenpoke2040,1:return
- 1102 ifan$="n"oran$="[206]"thenpoke2040,1:return
- 1104 poke54276,65:poke54276,64:goto1090
- 1110 ifasc(an$)=27thenesc=1
- 1130 rem
- 1140 forzz=1tolen(m$):printtab(38)mid$(m$,zz,1):print"[145] ";:ifsf=1thennext:print:return
- 1141 poke54283,129:poke54283,128:forl=1to20:nextl,zz:print:return
- 1150 rem
- 1160 poke214,19:print:print"[150][201][204][204][197][199][193][204] [197][206][212][210][217] - [212][210][217] [193][199][193][201][206]!";
- 1165 poke54276,33:poke54276,32:fort=1to1000:next:return
- 1170 rem
- 1180 rem
- 1190 forl=0tonl:poke214,sl-1:print"[145]":sys49152:nextl:return
- 1200 rem
- 1210 rem
- 1220 print"# [195]ompany [206]ame [200]igh [204]ow [195]urr [197]r/sh"
- 1230 forc=1tonc
- 1231 poke214,3+c:print""c;
- 1232 printtab(4)"[129]"cn$(c);
- 1233 printtab(21)"[153]"hp$(c);
- 1234 printtab(25)"[150]"lp$(c);:hx=len(str$(sp(d,c)))
- 1235 printtab(33-hx)"[158]"sp(d,c);
- 1236 printtab(34)"[154]"ep$(c)
- 1240 next:return
- 1250 rem
- 1260 iftv(c)>10000thencr=.009:goto1280
- 1270 cr=.10-.025*(tv(c))^.14
- 1280 com(c)=int(cr*tv(c))
- 1290 ifcom(c)>0andcom(c)<30thencom(c)=30
- 1300 return
- 1310 rem
- 1320 sel=int(1+10*rnd(1)/vb(c))
- 1330 sm$(1)=" reports drop in earnings"
- 1332 sm$(2)=" loses major customer"
- 1334 sm$(3)=" loses $1.5 million"
- 1336 sm$(4)=" fires the [208]resident"
- 1338 sm$(5)=" filed for [194]ankruptcy !!!"
- 1340 v(1)=-1:v(2)=-1.5:v(3)=-2:v(4)=.5:v(5)=-3
- 1342 nv(c)=v(sel):nm$(d,c)=sm$(sel):return
- 1350 rem
- 1360 sel=int(1+10*rnd(1)/vg(c))
- 1370 sm$(1)=" reports earnings increase"
- 1371 sm$(2)=" reports earnings double"
- 1372 sm$(3)=" reports sales increase"
- 1373 sm$(4)=" acquires major customers"
- 1380 sm$(5)=" cuts costs by $10,000,000"
- 1390 v(1)=2:v(2)=5:v(3)=3:v(4)=2.5:v(5)=2
- 1392 nv(c)=v(sel): nm$(d,c)=sm$(sel): return
- 1400 rem
- 1410 mt=2:gosub 920
- 1412 print"# [195]ompany [206]ame [208]/[211] x #[211]hrs = [212]ot [214]al"
- 1420 forc=1to7:
- 1422 poke214,(3+c):print"[154]"c;
- 1424 printtab(5)"[129]"cn$(c);
- 1426 h=22:a=sp(0,c):gosub1060:print"[158]"a
- 1430 next:poke214,14:print"[145]":print "[197]nter number of shares you wish to buy"
- 1432 print"or enter zero (0) not to buy a stock"
- 1434 print"and press [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] after each entry."
- 1440 tt=0:com=0
- 1442 forc=1to7
- 1444 poke214,3+c:print"[145]":printtab(24)"[156]";:bs=7:gosub1700:xs$(c)=wq$
- 1446 xs(c)=val(xs$(c))
- 1448 if(xs(c)>-1)and(xs(c)<1000000)thengoto1460
- 1450 gosub1150:sl=21:nl=1:gosub1170:c=c-1:goto1500
- 1460 tv(c)=xs(c)*sp(d,c):
- 1462 poke214,3+c:print"[145]":h=40:a=tv(c):gosub1060:print""a
- 1464 gosub1250:tt=tt+tv(c)
- 1470 sl=13:nl=1:gosub 1170
- 1472 poke214,12:print"[145]":printtab(13)"[149][212]otal transaction:[159]";
- 1474 h=40:a=tt:gosub1060:print a
- 1476 tc(d)=tc(d)-tv(c)-com(c):com=com+com(c)
- 1480 if tc(d)>0 then goto 1510
- 1490 print""
- 1491 print"[150][217][207][213] [200][193][214][197] [197][216][195][197][197][196][197][196] [217][207][213][210] [195][193][211][200] [204][201][205][201][212]!";:poke54276,17:poke54276,16
- 1492 fort=1to2000:next
- 1493 sl=21:nl=1:gosub1170
- 1494 tt=tt-tv(c):tc(d)=tc(d)+tv(c)+com(c):com=com-com(c):c=c-1
- 1500 poke214,3+c:print:printtab(22);:sys49152:goto1530
- 1510 ifd=0thenns(c)=0
- 1520 ns(c)=ns(c)+xs(c):ns$(c)=str$(ns(c)):xs(c)=0
- 1530 next:print""tab(15)"[208]lease wait..."
- 1532 fort=1to1000:next
- 1534 return
- 1540 rem
- 1550 mt=2:gosub920
- 1552 print"# [195]ompany [206]ame [208]/[211] x #[211]hrs = [212]ot [214]al"
- 1560 forc=1to7
- 1561 print""c;
- 1562 printtab(4)"[129]"cn$(c);:h=22:a=sp(0,c):gosub1060:print"[158]"a
- 1570 next:poke214,13:print:print"[197]nter number of shares you wish to sell"
- 1572 print"or enter zero (0) not to sell a stock"
- 1574 print"and press [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] after each entry."
- 1580 tt=0:com=0
- 1582 forc=1to7
- 1583 poke214,3+c:print"[145]":printtab(23)"[156] ";:bs=7:gosub1700:xs$(c)=wq$
- 1584 xs(c)=val(xs$(c)):if(xs(c)>-1)and(xs(c)<1000000)thengoto1600
- 1590 gosub1150:sl=21:nl=1:gosub 1170:c=c-1:goto1640
- 1600 tv(c)=xs(c)*sp(d,c)
- 1602 poke214,3+c:print"[145]":h=40:a=tv(c):gosub1060:print""a
- 1604 gosub1250:tt=tt+tv(c)
- 1610 sl=13:nl=1:gosub1170
- 1612 poke214,12:print"[145]":printtab(12)"[149][212]otal transaction:";
- 1614 h=40:a=tt:gosub 1060
- 1615 print"[159]"a: tc(d)=tc(d)+tv(c)-com(c): com=com+com(c)
- 1620 if xs(c)<=ns(c) then goto 1650
- 1630 poke214,20:print:print"[150][217][207][213]'[210][197] [211][197][204][204][201][206][199] [205][207][210][197] [211][200][193][210][197][211] [212][200][193][206] [217][207][213] [207][215][206][146]"
- 1632 poke54276,17:poke54276,16
- 1634 fort=1to2000:next
- 1636 sl=22:nl=1:gosub1170:tt=tt-tv(c)
- 1638 tc(d)=tc(d)-tv(c)+com(c):com=com-com(c):c=c-1
- 1640 poke214,4+c:print"[145]":printtab(23);:sys49152:goto1660
- 1650 ns(c)=ns(c)-xs(c):ns$(c)=str$(ns(c)):xs(c)=0
- 1660 next:poke214,20:print"[145]":m$="[208]lease wait...[146]":gosub1040
- 1662 fort=1to1000:next
- 1664 return
- 1700 wq$="":poke204,0
- 1705 print"[166][157]";
- 1710 getqw$:if(qw$="")or qw$=chr$(34) then1710
- 1720 ifqw$=chr$(13)thenpoke204,255:print" ":return
- 1730 ifqw$=chr$(20)andwq$<>""thenprintqw$;:wq$=left$(wq$,len(wq$)-1):goto1705
- 1740 ifqw$<" "then1710
- 1750 iflen(wq$)>bsthen1705
- 1760 ifqw$>chr$(127)andqw$<chr$(160)then1705
- 1765 printqw$;:wq$=wq$+qw$:goto1705
- 1780 poke54273,50:poke54276,65:poke54276,64:forl=1to100:nextl:poke54273,25:return