home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 nc=13:nf=4
- 20 poke53281,0:poke53280,11:printchr$(8);chr$(14)
- 30 gosub3510
- 40 n=0:dima$(200,nf),fd$(nf),c$(nc)
- 50 fori=1tonf:readfd$(i):next
- 60 fori=1tonc:readc$(i):next
- 70 fori=49152to49321:reada:pokei,a:next
- 75 fori=828to859:reada:pokei,a:next
- 80 sp$=" "
- 90 print"[147][154] [212]axable [201]ncome "
- 100 printtab(10)"1: [204]oad [198]ile
- 110 [153][163]10)"2: (NULL)ave ascile
- 120 printtab(10)"3: [193]dd [210]ecord
- 130 [153][163]10)"4: lenhange (NULL)ecord
- 140 printtab(10)"5: [196]elete [210]ecord
- 150 [153][163]10)"6: str$isplay ascile
- 160 printtab(10)"7: [208]rint [198]ile
- 170 [153][163]10)"8: # (NULL)ecords
- 180 printtab(10)"9: [196]isk [198]unctions
- 185 [153][163]9)"10: right$nstructions
- 190 printtab(9)"11: [210]eturn to [213]p[212]ime
- 200 [153]" lenhoice: cmdcmdcmd";
- 210 l[178]2:ty[178]2:[141]3130
- 220 k[178][197](v$):[139]k[179]1[176]k[177]11[167][153]"onononon":[137]200
- 230 [139]k[178]11[167][158]32772
- 240 [145]k[141]270,1330,440,540,650,800,970,1260,1520,4000
- 250 [137]90
- 270 [153]"loadcont (NULL)oad ascile "
- 280 [153]" ascilename: ";
- 290 l[178]15:ty[178]4:[141]3130:[139]f3[167][142]
- 300 fl$[178]v$:[153]
- 310 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 320 [159]2,8,2,"0:"[170]fl$[170]",s,r"
- 330 [132]15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 340 [153]"defstr$isk (NULL)tatus:"e;e$;e1;e2
- 350 [139]e[167][160]2:[160]15:[153][163]12)"ascile (NULL)ot (NULL)oaded":[141]2230:[142]
- 360 [132]2,n
- 370 [129]i[178]1[164]n
- 380 [129]j[178]1[164]nf
- 390 [132]2,a$(i,j)
- 400 [130]:[130]
- 410 [160]2:[160]15
- 420 [142]
- 440 n[178]n[170]1:x[178]n
- 450 [153]"loadcont atndd (NULL)ecord "
- 460 [141]2390
- 470 [139]f3[167]n[178]n[171]1:[142]
- 480 [153][163]9)"cont(NULL)ore [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 490 [151]198,0
- 500 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]500
- 510 [139]k$[178]"y"[167]440
- 520 [142]
- 540 [153]"loadcont lenhange (NULL)ecord "
- 550 [141]3350:[139]fl[167][142]
- 560 fl[178]0:f[178]3
- 570 [153]"def (NULL)ecord # to change: ";
- 580 ty[178]2:l[178]3:[141]3130:x[178][197](v$)
- 590 [139]f3[167][142]
- 600 [141]2160:[139]fl[178]1[167][142]
- 610 [141]3330:[153]"":[141]2390
- 620 [139]f3[167][142]
- 630 [142]
- 650 [153]"loadcont str$elete (NULL)ecord "
- 660 [141]3350:[139]fl[167][142]
- 670 fl[178]0:f[178]3
- 680 [153]"def (NULL)ecord # to delete: ";
- 690 ty[178]2:l[178]3:[141]3130:x[178][197](v$)
- 700 [139]f3[167][142]
- 710 [141]2160:[139]fl[178]1[167][142]
- 720 n[178]n[171]1
- 730 [129]i[178]x[164]n
- 740 [129]j[178]1[164]nf
- 750 a$(i,j)[178]a$(i[170]1,j)
- 760 [130]:[130]
- 770 [153][163]12)">(NULL)ecord str$eleted<"
- 780 [141]2230:[142]
- 800 [153]"loadcont str$isplay ascile "
- 810 [141]3350:[139]fl[167][142]
- 820 r[178]0:f[178]0:tl[178]0:[141]2540
- 830 [139]f3[167][142]
- 840 [153]"loadcont str$isplay ascile "
- 850 [139]r[178]2[175]f$[179][177]a$(s,1)[167]930
- 860 [141]3330:[153]""
- 870 [153]" (NULL)ecord #:"s
- 880 [153]fd$(1);a$(s,1);" ";c$([197](a$(s,1)))
- 890 [129]k[178]2[164]nf:[153]fd$(k);a$(s,k):[130]
- 900 tl[178]tl[170][197](a$(s,4)):v[178]tl:[141]2780
- 910 [153]"def lenum. (NULL)otal:wait "xx$
- 920 [141]2300:[139]f3[167][142]
- 930 s[178]s[170]1:[139]s[179][178]e[167]850
- 940 [153][163]13)">valnd of ascile<"
- 950 [141]2230:[142]
- 970 [153]"loadcont (NULL)rint ascile "
- 980 [141]3350:[139]fl[167][142]
- 990 r[178]0:f[178]0:tl[178]0:[141]2540
- 1000 [139]f3[167][142]
- 1010 [153][163]10)"print(NULL)rinter (NULL)eady [(NULL)/(NULL)]
- 1020 getk$:ifk$=""then1020
- 1030 ifk$="n"thenreturn
- 1040 printtab(14)"[154][208]rinting..."
- 1050 poke780,2:poke782,7:sys828
- 1055 ifpeek(783) and 1 thenclose2:goto3800
- 1060 print""spc(5)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]
- 1070 [153]""[166]5)"(NULL) right$ncome (NULL)ecords (NULL)
- 1080 print""spc(5)"[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]
- 1090 [153]""[166]5)"(NULL) lenategory"[166]4)"str$ate"[166]4)"str$escription"[166]21)"atnmount (NULL)"
- 1100 [153]""[166]5)"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<
- 1110 fori=stoe
- 1120 ifr=2andf$<>a$(i,1)then1190
- 1130 cg=val(a$(i,1))
- 1140 print""spc(5);"[221] ";left$(c$(cg)+sp$,10);spc(2);
- 1150 printleft$(a$(i,2)+sp$,6);spc(2);
- 1160 printleft$(a$(i,3)+sp$,23);spc(2);
- 1170 printspc(12-len(a$(i,4)))"$"a$(i,4);" [221]"
- 1180 tl=tl+val(a$(i,4))
- 1190 next
- 1200 v=tl:gosub2780
- 1210 print""spc(5)"[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]
- 1220 [153]""[166]5)"(NULL)";[166]24)"(NULL)otal: $"xx$;[166]30[171][195](xx$));"(NULL)"
- 1230 [153]""[166]5)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp
- 1240 print#2:close2:return
- 1260 print"[147][154] # [210]ecords "
- 1270 print" # [210]ecords:";n
- 1280 fm=peek(51)+256*peek(52)-peek(49)-peek(50)*256
- 1290 print" [198]ree [205]emory:";fm
- 1300 gosub2230
- 1310 return
- 1330 print"[147][154] [211]ave [198]ile "
- 1340 gosub3350:ifflthenreturn
- 1350 print" [195]urrent [198]ilename: "fl$
- 1360 print" [198]ilename: ";
- 1370 l=15:ty=4:gosub3130:iff3thenreturn
- 1380 fl$=v$:print
- 1390 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 1400 open2,8,2,"@0:"+fl$+",s,w"
- 1410 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 1420 print"[150] [196]isk [211]tatus:"e;e$;e1;e2
- 1430 ifethenclose2:close15:printtab(12)"[198]ile [206]ot [211]aved.":gosub2230:return
- 1440 print#2,n
- 1450 fori=1ton
- 1460 forj=1tonf
- 1470 print#2,a$(i,j)
- 1480 next:next
- 1490 close2:iff1=0thenclose15
- 1500 return
- 1520 print"[147][154] [196]isk [198]unctions "
- 1530 printtab(10)"1: [214]iew [196]irectory
- 1540 [153][163]10)"2: (NULL)cratch ascile
- 1550 printtab(10)"3: [210]ename [198]ile
- 1560 [153][163]10)"4: valrror (NULL)tatus
- 1570 printtab(10)"5: [198]ormat [196]isk
- 1580 [153][163]10)"6: (NULL)alidate str$isk
- 1590 printtab(10)"7: [210]eturn to program
- 1600 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]1600
- 1610 k[178][197](k$):[139]k[179]1[176]k[177]7[167]1600
- 1620 [139]k[178]7[167][142]
- 1630 [145]k[141]1660,1710,1810,1890,1960,2080
- 1640 [137]1520
- 1660 [153]"load (NULL)iew str$irectory "
- 1670 [158]49152:[141]2230:[142]
- 1710 [153]"load (NULL)cratch ascile "
- 1720 [153]" ascilename: ";
- 1730 ty[178]4:l[178]15:[141]3130
- 1740 [139]v$[178][199](0)[167][142]
- 1750 [153]:[153][163]10)"atnre you sure? [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 1760 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]1760
- 1770 [139]k$[179][177]"y"[167][142]
- 1780 [159]15,8,15,"s0:"[170]v$:[160]15
- 1790 [142]
- 1810 [153]"load (NULL)ename ascile "
- 1820 [153]" (NULL)ld ascilename: ";:ty[178]4:l[178]15:[141]3130:f1$[178]v$
- 1830 [139]v$[178][199](0)[167][142]
- 1840 [153]:[153]" (NULL)ew ascilename: ";:ty[178]4:l[178]15:[141]3130:f2$[178]v$
- 1850 [139]v$[178][199](0)[167][142]
- 1860 [159]15,8,15,"r0:"[170]f2$[170]"=0:"[170]f1$:[160]15
- 1870 [142]
- 1890 [153]"load str$isk (NULL)tatus "
- 1900 [159]15,8,15
- 1910 [132]15,e$,em$,e1$,e2$:[160]15
- 1920 [153]" str$isk (NULL)tatus: "e$", "em$","e1$","e2$
- 1930 [141]2230
- 1940 [142]
- 1960 [153]"load ascormat str$isk "
- 1970 [153]"def right$nsert disk to be formatted."
- 1980 [153]" str$isk name: ";:ty[178]4:l[178]15:[141]3130:dn$[178]v$
- 1990 [139]v$[178][199](0)[167][142]
- 2000 [153]:[153]" str$isk right$str$: ";:ty[178]3:l[178]2:[141]3130:di$[178]v$
- 2010 [139]v$[178][199](0)[167][142]
- 2020 [153]:[153][163]10)"atnre you sure? [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 2030 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2030
- 2040 [139]k$[179][177]"y"[167][142]
- 2050 [159]15,8,15,"n0:"[170]dn$[170]","[170]di$:[160]15
- 2060 [142]
- 2080 [153]"load (NULL)alidate str$isk "
- 2090 [153]" (NULL)ress printasc7 to validate, any key to exit"
- 2100 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2100
- 2110 [139]k$[179][177][199](136)[167][142]
- 2120 [153][163]13)"cont(NULL)alidating..."
- 2130 [159]15,8,15,"v0":[160]15:[142]
- 2160 [153]:[153][163]5)fd$(1);" ";a$(x,1);" ";c$([197](a$(x,1)))
- 2170 [129]i[178]2[164]nf:[153][163]5)fd$(i);" ";a$(x,i):[130]
- 2180 [153][163]8)"defright$s this the record [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 2190 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2190
- 2200 [139]k$[178]"y"[167][142]
- 2210 [153][163]11)">(NULL)ecord not ascound<":[141]2230:fl[178]1:[142]
- 2230 [153][163]8)"ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 2240 [153][163]8)"(NULL) cont(NULL)ress printasc7 contto continue (NULL)"
- 2250 [153][163]8)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 2260 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2260
- 2270 [139]k$[179][177][199](136)[167]2260
- 2280 [142]
- 2300 f3[178]0
- 2310 [153]" ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 2320 [153][163]1)"(NULL) print(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) contto continue. printasc7 cont to exit. (NULL)"
- 2330 [153]" /tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 2340 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2340
- 2350 [139]k$[179][177][199](136)[175]k$[179][177][199](13)[167]2340
- 2360 [139]k$[178][199](136)[167]f3[178]1
- 2370 [142]
- 2390 [141]3380:[153]" (NULL)ecord #:"x
- 2400 [129]i[178]1[164]nf:[153]fd$(i):[130]:[153]"ononononon"
- 2410 [153][163]15);:ty[178]2:l[178]2:[141]3130:a$(x,1)[178]v$:[139]f3[167][142]
- 2420 v[178][197](v$):[139]v[179]1[176] v[177]nc[167][153]"load":[137]2390
- 2430 [153][163]15);:ty[178]4:l[178]6:[141]3130:a$(x,2)[178]v$:[139]f3[167][142]
- 2440 [153][163]15);:ty[178]4:l[178]23:[141]3130:a$(x,3)[178]v$:[139]f3[167][142]
- 2450 [153][163]15);:ty[178]2:l[178]11:[141]3130:a$(x,4)[178]v$:[139]f3[167][142]
- 2460 [153]"def lenorrect [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 2470 [151]198,0
- 2480 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2480
- 2490 [139]k$[178]"n"[167][153]"load":[137]2390
- 2500 [139]k$[178][199](13)[167]f3[178]1:[142]
- 2510 v[178][197](a$(x,4)):[141]2780:a$(x,4)[178]xx$
- 2520 [142]
- 2540 [153]"":s[178]1:e[178]n:f3[178]0
- 2550 [153][163]5)"1: atnll records
- 2560 printtab(5)"2: [194]y category
- 2570 [161]r$:[139]r$[178]""[167]2570
- 2580 [139]r$[178][199](13)[167]f3[178]1:[142]
- 2590 r[178][197](r$):[139]r[179]1[176]r[177]2[167]2570
- 2600 [139]r[178]1[167]2690
- 2610 [141]3330:[153]""
- 2620 [141]3380
- 2630 [153][163]5)"lenategory: ";
- 2640 l[178]2:ty[178]2:[141]3130
- 2650 [139]f3[167]f3[178]1:[142]
- 2660 f[178][197](v$):[139]f[179]1[176]f[177]nc[167][153]"cmdcmd cmdcmdcmdon";:[153]:[137]2630
- 2670 f$[178]v$:[142]
- 2690 [153]" (NULL)here are"n"records in this file."
- 2700 [153]" (NULL)tart record #: cmdcmdcmd";:ty[178]4:l[178]3:[141]3130:s[178][197](v$)
- 2710 [139]f3[167]f3[178]1:[142]
- 2720 [139]s[179]1[176]s[177]n[167][153]"ononon":[137]2690
- 2730 [153]" valnd record #: cmdcmdcmd"; :ty[178]4:l[178]3:[141]3130:e[178][197](v$)
- 2740 [139]f3[167]f3[178]1:[142]
- 2750 [139]e[179]s[176]e[177]n[167][153]"onon":[137]2730
- 2760 [142]
- 2780 x$[178]"":xx$[178]""
- 2790 vv[178][181](v[172]10[174](3)):x$[178][196](vv)
- 2800 [139][197]([201](x$,1))[177]4[167]vv[178]vv[170]10
- 2810 x$[178][196](vv):l[178][195](x$):[139]l[177]4[167]2850
- 2820 xx$[178]"0.":[139]l[178]4[167]2840
- 2830 [129]j[178]1[164](4[171]l):xx$[178]xx$[170]"0":[130]
- 2840 xx$[178]xx$[170][202](x$,2,l[171]2):[137]2860
- 2850 xx$[178]xx$[170][202](x$,2,l[171]4)[170]"."[170][202](x$,l[171]2,2)
- 2860 [142]
- 2880 [131] " lenategory #: "," str$ate: "," str$escription: "
- 2890 [131] " atnmount: "
- 2900 [131] "(NULL)ages","right$nterest","str$ividends","(NULL)efunds","atnlimony","peekusiness"
- 2910 [131] "lenapital chr$ains","(NULL)ensions","(NULL)ents/(NULL)oyalties","ascarm","(NULL)nemployment"
- 2920 [131] "(NULL)ocial (NULL)ecurity","(NULL)ther"
- 2940 [131] 32, 204,255,32, 108,192
- 2950 [131] 176, 93, 169, 2, 162,8
- 2960 [131] 160, 0, 32, 186, 255, 169
- 2970 [131] 2, 162,102,160,192,32
- 2980 [131] 189,255,32, 192,255
- 2990 [131] 162, 2, 32, 198,255, 32
- 3000 [131] 207,255,32,207,255, 32,207
- 3010 [131] 255,32,207,255,165,144
- 3020 [131] 201,64,240,40,32,207
- 3030 [131] 255,141,106,192,32,207
- 3040 [131] 255,141,107,192,173,107
- 3050 [131] 192,174,106,192,32,205
- 3060 [131] 189,32,207,255,208,8
- 3070 [131] 169,13,32,210,255,76
- 3080 [131] 40,192,32,210,255,76
- 3090 [131] 73,192,169,2,32,195
- 3100 [131] 255,32,204,255,24,96
- 3110 [131] 36,48,73,48,0,0,169,15
- 3112 [131] 162,8,168,32,186,255,169
- 3114 [131] 2,162,104,160,192,32,189
- 3116 [131] 255,32,192,255,162,15,32
- 3117 [131] 198,255,160,255,200,32,165
- 3118 [131] 255,153,170,192,32,183
- 3119 [131] 255,41,64,240,242,169
- 3120 [131] 15,32,195,255,32,204
- 3121 [131] 255,24,173,170,192,13
- 3122 [131] 171,192,41,15,240,1,56,96
- 3125 [143] lptr rtn
- 3126 [131] 72,152,72,173,12,3,32,195,255
- 3127 [131] 104,168,104,162,4,32,186,255
- 3128 [131] 169,0,32,189,255,32,192,255
- 3129 [131] 174,12,3,32,201,255,96
- 3130 v$[178]"":k$[178]"":ct[178]0:[153]"tocmd";:f3[178]0
- 3140 [151]198,0
- 3150 k$[178]"":[161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]3150
- 3160 [139]k$[178][199](13)[167]3290:[143] return
- 3170 [139]k$[178][199](20)[175]ct[179][177]0[167][153]" cmdcmdtocmd";:ct[178]ct[171]1:v$[178][200](v$,ct):[137]3150
- 3180 [139]k$[178]" "[167]3260
- 3190 [139]ty[178]1[176] ty[177]2[167][139](k$[177]"@")[175](k$[179]"[")[167]3260:[143] alpha
- 3200 [139]ty[177]1[167][139](k$[177]"/")[175](k$[179]":")[167]3260
- 3210 [139]ty[178]2[167][139]k$[178]"."[167]3260
- 3220 [139]ty[178]1[176]ty[177]2[167][139](k$[177]"tan")[175](k$[179]"(NULL)")[167]3260
- 3230 [139]ty[178]4[167][139](k$[177]" ")[175](k$[179]"0")[167]3260
- 3240 [139]ty[178]4[167][139](k$[177]"9")[175](k$[179]"@")[167]3260
- 3250 [137]3150
- 3260 [139]ct[177][178]l[167]3150
- 3270 ct[178]ct[170]1:v$[178]v$[170]k$:[153]k$;:[151]212,0:[153]"tocmd";
- 3280 [137]3150
- 3290 [139]ct[178]0[167]v$[178][199](0):f3[178]1
- 3310 [153]" ":[142]
- 3330 [129]j[178]1[164]10:[151]781,j:[158]59903:[130]:[142]
- 3350 fl[178]0:[139]n[179]1[167]fl[178]1
- 3360 [139]fl[167][153][163]11)"(NULL)o file in memory.":[141]2230
- 3370 [142]
- 3380 [153][163]3)"printortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 3390 [153][163]3)"(NULL) contlenategoriesprint (NULL)"
- 3400 [153][163]3)"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<"
- 3410 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 1 (NULL)ages 2 right$nterest print(NULL)"
- 3420 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 3 str$ividends 4 (NULL)efunds print(NULL)"
- 3430 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 5 atnlimony 6 peekusiness print(NULL)"
- 3440 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 7 lenapital chr$ains 8 (NULL)ensions print(NULL)"
- 3450 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 9 (NULL)ents/(NULL)oyal 10 ascarm print(NULL)"
- 3460 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 11 (NULL)nemployment 12 (NULL)ocial (NULL)ec. print(NULL)"
- 3470 [153][163]3)"(NULL) 13 (NULL)ther print(NULL)"
- 3480 [153][163]3)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexpcont"
- 3490 [142]
- 3510 [153]"load"
- 3520 [153][163]4)"ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 3530 [153][163]4)"(NULL) 1040 19andand (NULL)"
- 3540 [153][163]4)"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<"
- 3550 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3560 [153][163]4)"(NULL) cont(NULL)atn(NULL)atnpeek(NULL)val right$(NULL)len(NULL)(NULL)val (NULL)"
- 3570 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3580 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3590 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3600 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3610 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3620 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3630 [153][163]4)"(NULL) print(len) 1987 peekarbara left$. (NULL)chulak (NULL)"
- 3640 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3650 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3660 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3670 [153][163]4)"(NULL) def(NULL)ublished by (NULL)"
- 3680 [153][163]4)"(NULL) def(NULL)oftdisk (NULL)ublishing, right$nc. (NULL)"
- 3690 [153][163]4)"(NULL) (NULL)"
- 3700 [153][163]4)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 3720 [142]
- 3800 [153]"load"[163]13)"(NULL)rinter error!"
- 3810 [137]2230
- 4000 fl[178]0:[141]5000:[139]fl[178]2[167][142]
- 4005 [153]"loaddef right$nstructions "
- 4007 [139] fl [167][152]4," right$nstructions "
- 4010 [153]"(NULL)his program was designed to keep track"
- 4015 [139] fl [167][152]4,"(NULL)his program was designed to keep track"
- 4020 [153]"of one's taxable income for each
- 4025 if fl thenprint#4,"of one's taxable income for each
- 4030 [153]"calendar year for tax purposes. (NULL)he"
- 4035 [139] fl [167][152]4,"calendar year for tax purposes. (NULL)he"
- 4040 [153]"categories found in the program are the"
- 4045 [139] fl [167][152]4,"categories found in the program are the"
- 4050 [153]"same as those found on the 1040."
- 4055 [139] fl [167][152]4,"same as those found on the 1040."
- 4060 [153]
- 4065 [139] fl [167][152]4
- 4070 [153]"(NULL)he program is divided into four main"
- 4075 [139] fl [167][152]4,"(NULL)he program is divided into four main"
- 4080 [153]"modules:"
- 4085 [139] fl [167][152]4,"modules:"
- 4090 [153]
- 4095 [139] fl [167][152]4
- 4100 [153][163]5)"1: (NULL)oad/(NULL)ave file
- 4105 if fl thenprint#4,""spc(5)"1: [204]oad/[211]ave file
- 4110 [153][163]5)"2: atndd/lenhange/str$elete data"
- 4115 [139] fl [167][152]4,""[166]5)"2: atndd/lenhange/str$elete data"
- 4120 [153][163]5)"3: str$isplay/(NULL)rint data
- 4125 if fl thenprint#4,""spc(5)"3: [196]isplay/[208]rint data
- 4130 [153][163]5)"4: str$isk functions/# (NULL)ecords
- 4135 if fl thenprint#4,""spc(5)"4: [196]isk functions/# [210]ecords
- 4140 [141]2230
- 4150 [153]"loaddef (NULL)oad/(NULL)ave "
- 4155 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4:[152]4,""[166]15)"(NULL)oad/(NULL)ave"
- 4160 [153]"(NULL)o load or save your file, choose the
- 4165 if fl thenprint#4,"[212]o load or save your file, choose the
- 4170 [153]"appropriate selection from the main"
- 4175 [139] fl [167][152]4,"appropriate selection from the main"
- 4180 [153]"menu and enter the name of your file."
- 4185 [139] fl [167][152]4,"menu and enter the name of your file."
- 4190 [153]"right$ would suggest something like printright$(NULL)len/1987.
- 4195 if fl thenprint#4,"[201] would suggest something like [201][206][195]/1987.
- 4200 [153]"(NULL)ou must always first load a file when
- 4205 if fl thenprint#4:print#4,"[217]ou must always first load a file when
- 4210 [153]"you want to use it and you must"
- 4215 [139] fl [167][152]4,"you want to use it and you must"
- 4220 [153]"remember to save it if you have made
- 4225 if fl thenprint#4,"remember to save it if you have made
- 4230 [153]"any changes to it.
- 4235 if fl thenprint#4,"any changes to it.
- 4240 [153]:[153]"(NULL)hen creating a file for the first time
- 4245 if fl thenprint#4:print#4,"[215]hen creating a file for the first time
- 4250 [153]"there is nothing to load.
- 4255 if fl thenprint#4,"there is nothing to load.
- 4260 [141]2230
- 4270 [153]"loaddef atndd/lenhange/str$elete "
- 4275 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4:[152]4,""[166]12)"atndd/lenhange/str$elete
- 4280 print"[215]hen adding a record, the program will
- 4285 [139] fl [167][152]4,"(NULL)hen adding a record, the program will
- 4290 print"prompt you for category number, date,"
- 4295 if fl thenprint#4,"prompt you for category number, date,"
- 4300 print"description and amount."
- 4305 if fl thenprint#4,"description and amount."
- 4310 print:print"[212]here are 13 different categories
- 4315 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4,"(NULL)here are 13 different categories
- 4320 print"from which to choose. [212]hey are printed
- 4325 [139] fl [167][152]4,"from which to choose. (NULL)hey are printed
- 4340 print"on the screen. [196]ate may be entered
- 4345 [139] fl [167][152]4,"on the screen. str$ate may be entered
- 4350 print"as [153][205]ar 06 or as [153]03/06. [215]hen entering
- 4355 [139] fl [167][152]4,"as (NULL)ar 06 or as 03/06. (NULL)hen entering
- 4360 print"amounts, do not use dollar signs or
- 4365 [139] fl [167][152]4,"amounts, do not use dollar signs or
- 4370 print"commas. [217]ou do not have to enter the
- 4375 [139] fl [167][152]4,"commas. (NULL)ou do not have to enter the
- 4380 print"zeroes after a decimal. [212]he program
- 4385 [139] fl [167][152]4,"zeroes after a decimal. (NULL)he program
- 4390 print"will do this for you.
- 4400 [139] fl [167][152]4,"will do this for you.
- 4420 print:print"[212]o change or delete a record from the
- 4425 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4,"(NULL)o change or delete a record from the
- 4430 print"file, you must know the record #. [212]o
- 4435 [139] fl [167][152]4,"file, you must know the record #. (NULL)o
- 4440 print"find this information, you may use the
- 4445 [139] fl [167][152]4,"find this information, you may use the
- 4450 print"display option.
- 4455 [139] fl [167][152]4,"display option.
- 4460 gosub2230
- 4470 print"[147][150] [196]isplay/[208]rint "
- 4475 if fl thenprint#4:print#4:print#4,""spc(14)"[196]isplay/[208]rint
- 4480 [153]"(NULL)he file may be displayed or printed in
- 4485 if fl thenprint#4,"[212]he file may be displayed or printed in
- 4490 [153]"two different ways. (NULL)ou may display
- 4495 if fl thenprint#4,"two different ways. [217]ou may display
- 4500 [153]"all of the file (or sections of it) or
- 4505 if fl thenprint#4,"all of the file (or sections of it) or
- 4510 [153]"you may display the file by category."
- 4515 [139] fl [167][152]4,"you may display the file by category."
- 4520 [153]"(NULL)imply follow the prompts on the screen."
- 4525 [139] fl [167][152]4,"(NULL)imply follow the prompts on the screen.
- 4530 gosub2230
- 4540 print"[147][150] [205]iscellaneous "
- 4545 if fl thenprint#4:print#4:print#4,""spc(13)"[205]iscellaneous
- 4550 [153]"(NULL)ption 8 (# of records) will display
- 4555 if fl thenprint#4,"[207]ption 8 (# of records) will display
- 4560 [153]"the number of records that you have in
- 4565 if fl thenprint#4,"the number of records that you have in
- 4570 [153]"your file and will also tell you how
- 4575 if fl thenprint#4,"your file and will also tell you how
- 4580 [153]"much free memory is left. (NULL)here is
- 4585 if fl thenprint#4,"much free memory is left. [212]here is
- 4590 [153]"room for 200 records in the file.
- 4595 if fl thenprint#4,"room for 200 records in the file.
- 4600 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ption 11 will return you to (NULL)p(NULL)ime."
- 4605 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4,"(NULL)ption 11 will return you to (NULL)p(NULL)ime.
- 4610 print:print"[207]ption 10, disk functions, will allow
- 4615 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4,"(NULL)ption 10, disk functions, will allow
- 4620 print"you to view a disk directory, to
- 4625 [139] fl [167][152]4,"you to view a disk directory, to
- 4630 print"scratch or rename a file, to validate
- 4635 [139] fl [167][152]4,"scratch or rename a file, to validate
- 4640 print"or format a disk and to check the error
- 4645 [139] fl [167][152]4,"or format a disk and to check the error
- 4650 print"status.
- 4655 [139] fl [167][152]4,"status.
- 4660 print:print"[208]ressing [153][210][197][212][213][210][206] at any prompt in the
- 4665 [139] fl [167][152]4:[152]4,"(NULL)ressing (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) at any prompt in the
- 4670 print"program will return you to the main
- 4675 [139] fl [167][152]4,"program will return you to the main
- 4680 print"menu.
- 4685 [139] fl [167][152]4,"menu.":[152]4
- 4690 [141]2230:[160]4:fl[178]0:[142]
- 5000 [153]"load"[163]8)"(NULL)utput to printer? [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 5010 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]5010
- 5020 [139]a$[178]"n"[167][142]
- 5030 fl[178]1
- 5040 [151]780,4:[151]782,7
- 5050 [158]828:[139][194](783)[175]1[167][160]4:fl[178]2:[137]3800
- 5060 [160]4:[158]65511
- 5070 [159]4,4,7:[142]