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- .org $2f00
- .dvo 10
- .obj "mgen128d.obj"
- .dis "mgen128d.lis"
- ;-------------------------------------------
- ; mazegen128 - 80 col machine language maze generator
- ;
- ;-------------------------------------------
- ; define variables
- ;
- chrout = $ffd2
- ;------------------------------------------
- ; start of code
- ;
- init lda #$00
- beq start
- ;-------------------------------------------
- ; working storage
- table .byte 1 0 176 255 255 255 80 0
- ;-------------------------------------------
- start lda #$a1
- sta $fb
- lda #$50
- sta $fd
- lda #$30
- sta $fc
- sta $fe
- lda #$93
- jsr chrout
- ldx #$00
- ;------------------------------------------
- fill ldy #$00
- lda #$a0
- ;------------------------------------------
- doline sta ($fd),y
- iny
- cpy #$4f
- bne doline
- clc
- lda $fd
- adc #$50
- sta $fd
- bcc nxtlin
- inc $fe
- ;------------------------------------------
- nxtlin inx
- cpx #$17
- bne fill
- ldy #$00
- lda #$04
- sta ($fb),y
- ;------------------------------------------
- rndgen lda #$ff
- sta $d40f
- lda #$80
- sta $d412
- lda $d41b
- and #$03
- sta $ad
- ;------------------------------------------
- token1 tax
- asl
- tay
- clc
- lda table,y
- adc $fb
- sta $aa
- lda table+1,y
- adc $fc
- sta $ab
- clc
- lda table,y
- adc $aa
- sta $fd
- lda table+1,y
- adc $ab
- sta $fe
- ldy #$00
- lda ($fd),y
- cmp #$a0
- bne token2
- txa
- sta ($fd),y
- lda #$20
- sta ($aa),y
- lda $fd
- sta $fb
- lda $fe
- sta $fc
- jmp rndgen
- ;------------------------------------------
- token2 inx
- txa
- and #$03
- cmp $ad
- bne token1
- lda ($fb),y
- tax
- lda #$20
- sta ($fb),y
- cpx #$04
- beq end
- txa
- asl
- tay
- ldx #$02
- ;-----------------------------------------
- nxtpos sec
- lda $fb
- sbc table,y
- sta $fb
- lda $fc
- sbc table+1,y
- sta $fc
- dex
- bne nxtpos
- jmp rndgen
- ;-----------------------------------------
- end ldx #$18
- lda #$00
- - sta $d400,x
- dex
- bpl -
- rts