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- H U R R I C A N E T R A C K E R 1 9 9 9
- Program and Text by Dick Heckert
- FENDER'S PREMUMBLE: It's hurricane season once again on the East and Gulf
- Coasts so I've resurrected Dick Heckert's excellent tracking program, last
- published on LS 128 #15. I gathered some information about infamous
- hurricanes of recent years (from the internet) and entered them into the
- program. While doing so I noticed a couple of glitches in the editing and
- correcting routines so I tweaked them a little. If you have BASIC 8, the
- 80-column bitmap toolbox by WalruSoft, feel free to tweak some more if you
- want. Now here's Dick to tell you about his program.
- In order to be prepared for a hurricane, most of us track the path of
- these storms from the time they start out in the Atlantic until they go far
- away. These weather patterns usually begin as a tropical disturbance with a
- rotary circulation but no strong winds. The next stage is a tropical
- depression with sustained wind speed of 39 mph or less. A tropical storm is
- named when the low pressure area has a distinct rotary circulation and
- sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph. When the wind reaches 74 mph, the storm
- has become a hurricane and must be watched carefully.
- HURRICANE TRACKER is a BASIC 8 program that helps you maintain data and
- plot the path of the storm on hurricane tracking charts. The charts and
- data can then be printed and used to predict future storm motion.
- NOTE: 64K of video RAM is NOT required by this program. It will work on
- any C-128.
- ----
- If this is the first entry for a storm you would like to track, press E
- to enter new storm data. You will be asked for the name and the year of the
- storm. The name is needed because the file on the disk will have the storm
- name. Next, a series of inputs will collect the latitude, longitude, month,
- date, time and status of the storm. The latitude and longitude will be used
- to plot positions on the tracking chart. You may enter latitude and
- longitude to the nearest tenth of a degree (25.6). Continue entering data
- points as they are given on TV or radio. When finished, press X to return
- to the menu and S to save the data to your disk.
- To add data to an existing file, load the file and then press E for
- Edit. The last data line in the file is shown and you can add the new data
- as noted above. You are limited to 49 total lines of data.
- ----
- Load an existing storm file by pressing L and entering the name of the
- storm. Use the correct upper/lower case and spelling or you will receive a
- cheer and be asked to try again. You may use wildcards such as b* for bob.
- You do not have to enter the H. file identifier. If you enter $ for the
- file name you will be shown a directory of the storm files on the disk. Use
- the cursor to highlight the storm name and RETURN to load the file.
- To clear the screen for a new storm, just press L for load, press
- RETURN and you'll get a "file not found" error, then press E and you're
- ready to start entering new data for a new storm.
- -------
- If you make a mistake entering data, just press C with the file loaded.
- The data will be displayed and you can move the cursor to the entry that
- needs revision. Press RETURN and the line chosen will be shown. Move the
- cursor to the data that needs revision and press RETURN. Then enter the
- revised data. The date should be entered in the mm/dd format to keep your
- print-out neat. You can then correct more data items by pressing C or
- return to the menu by pressing X. You can delete a whole line of data with
- the DEL key or insert a blank line with INST. Then choose the blank line
- and enter the new data.
- ----
- You can look over the data at any time by pressing D. If you want a
- print-out press P after the data is shown on the screen. Any other key will
- return you to the menu.
- ----
- To view your storm file on the current tracking chart, press V and the
- data in the file will be used to plot the storm track. If you want a print-
- out of the tracking chart with the storm plotted, press P while the chart
- is on the screen. Any other key returns you to the menu. If the data falls
- outside the current chart to the east the correct latitude is shown along
- the right edge of the screen.
- ---------
- Press N to toggle between the two tracking charts. The program begins
- with North Atlantic which has the widest field of view. The first time you
- press N it changes to Caribbean. The next time you will get the North
- Atlantic. Any data that can be shown on the current chart will be plotted
- when you press V.
- ----------------
- There may be times when you would like to compare several storms on a
- chart at the same time. Press M and you will be prompted for the names of
- the storm files. You may use wildcards such as "b*" for "bob". Press X to
- exit the entry mode and the program will load and plot the listed files.
- This multiple chart can be printed by pressing P after plotting is
- complete.
- If you get a "file not found" the message will be printed near the top
- of the graphic screen. To erase the message, just press M again at the menu
- and enter the storm names again.
- ----
- When you are through with HURRICANE TRACKER, press Q to reset your
- computer to the default settings. Otherwise, the next program will probably
- crash when loaded at the BASIC 8 location.
- FT'S NOTE: Side Two of the 1541 version of LS 128 #40 has the autoboot
- sector set up to boot "star" so HURRICANE TRACKER does seem to return to
- LOADSTAR. Once you copy all of the HT files to another disk (which you
- should definitely do) it will probably just quit to BASIC when you quit the
- program.
- --------
- The BASIC 8 printer file "p.hc-epson" is loaded by default. If you need
- a different printer program, press P for the printer configuration. Cursor
- to the line where the printer driver name shown and press RETURN. The
- directory of printer drivers on disk will be displayed. Then enter the new
- printer file. Density, secondary address, height, and rotation can also be
- revised here. When finished, cursor to DONE and press RETURN. If you want
- the revised printer information to load as the default each time you run
- the program press Y when asked if you want to save the configuration to
- disk. Any other key returns you to the menu.
- FENDER'S NOTE: I tried the Citizen and Epson drivers with my Star NX-1000C
- and they both worked nicely, AFTER I switched the #1 DIP switch to turn
- auto linefeed off. The #5 DIP switch was also "on" to switch the printer
- into Epson mode. There are four drivers on this issue of LOADSTAR. If you
- have BASIC 8, there are many more printer driver files on it.
- Check your printer manual for the available density settings for your
- printer. A 640 dot wide screen will fill 8 inches at 80 dots per inch. A
- height of 2 will give a graphic 5 1/2 inches high. Experiment until you get
- the graphic you like and then save that configuration to the disk.
- ------
- Enter notes such as the wind speed in mph or the category at the time.
- The categories are as follows:
- 1 Minimal - wind 74 to 95 mph
- - storm surge 4 to 5 feet
- 2 Moderate - wind 96 to 110 mph
- - storm surge 6 to 8 feet
- 3 Extensive - wind 111 to 130 mph
- - storm surge 9 to 12 feet
- 4 Extreme - wind 131 to 155 mph
- - storm surge 13 to 18 feet
- 5 Catastrophic - wind above 156 mph
- - storm surge above 18 feet
- To make your data line up best, be consistent with your data entry.
- FT: For the storms I entered I listed the type of storm (Tropical
- Depression, Tropical Storm, Hiurricane, etc.) followed by the wind speed.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\