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- D I S K F I L E 1 2 8 / 9 8
- 64 Version by Ron Schahrer
- 128 Adaptation by Bill Crooks
- Final 128 Version by Doreen Horne
- These are the latest fine tunings to my C128 expansion of Ron
- Schahrer's DISK FILE C64. This program supersedes the 1997 version which
- was published with graphic enhancements on LOADSTAR #36.
- There is very little left in my code of the original program by Ron
- Schahrer (or the later adaption for the C128 by Bill Crooks) but I stayed
- with the original file structure for portability ease for anyone who has
- moved to a C128, enjoys its 80 column mode and wants to transfer their C64
- data files. This version still uses a 16 character file name with a four
- character ID for every name recorded.
- I have also kept the basic appearance of the original opening screen to
- provide some continuity for those who have used and were comfortable with
- the previous versions.
- I know DCMR is the database of choice for many who catalog their disk
- files but it was not designed to cope with GEOS. Whilst I know there are
- GEOS databases I doubt they could store 2100 file names. GEOS itself uses
- TRUE ASCII values for file names, which turn up in ordinary database hard
- copy as graphic characters.
- My DISK FILE programs have two options for text handling. The first
- converts all input to upper case and it may be printed eventually entirely
- in upper or lower case. The second retains lower case where it finds it but
- converts upper case GEOS to our normal ASCII. Whilst the second option
- makes for more 'true' looking GEOS files the first makes sorting and
- finding of files a lot easier. Both options, if handled correctly by the
- user, will eliminate the possiblity of graphic characters turning up in
- hard copy.
- Because of its size, DISK FILE 128 consists of three separate modules.
- For DCMR users who would like to convert their files, there is a stand
- alone BASIC program which needs to be loaded and used on its own. The
- PRINTER MODULE, which deals with the hard copy of the final catalog lists,
- can be accessed from the main program and also be used as a stand alone
- program should one wish to treat the final printing process as a separate
- exercise. Both these modules will be explained in more detail.
- DISK FILE 128/98 explains itself on screen at every input and allows an
- escape from any option before an irrevocable action is taken. However it
- may be of interest to users of the C64 version to have the extras
- explained, especially the fine tunings in the 1998 version.
- I enjoy the 'technicolor' of the C128 in 80 column mode and have made
- it possible for users to choose their own screen and text colors any time
- the database is at the Main Menu. The keys to use are recorded opposite
- Option 6.
- Once DISK FILE 128/98 is LOADed it has to be decided whether one will
- use one drive only or two. Usually, the Catalog disk is permanently in one
- drive whilst, if cataloguing disk files, a directory read of each disk is
- done in the other.
- Also, bearing in mind one's preferences for the final hard copy
- appearance of eg. a GEOS catalog, one may choose to stay with only one case
- or opt for both upper and lower cases.
- The MAIN MENU Options
- ---------------------
- 1. Create, adjust or view categories on Catalog disk.
- Although this is the first option in the Main Menu one doesn't really
- need to worry about the Catalog disk until there is something to save.
- How one uses this section depends on what one is cataloguing and also
- the number of items involved.
- I have GEOS files amongst others on a great many disks gathered from
- the public domain and decided that they needed sorting into FONTS,
- PICTURES, DRIVERS, ALBUMS, OTHERS and non-GEOS to make them findable when
- necessary. After processing all my disks with DISK FILE 128/98 I now have
- one Catalog disk solely for GEOS files divided into these separate
- categories.
- My disk boxes are labelled from A to J and each contains 100 disks,
- individually numbered A00/A99 etc. When first processing the disks with the
- DISK FILE program, the 4th ID digit for each file name was, eg. A=ART,
- B=BUSINESS, C=COPY, G=GEOS, D=DATABASE, etc. (thus J19D was a database on
- disk #19 in box J).
- All the 4th ID digit 'G' items were subsequently transferred to a
- separate file using Option (7) and this file was later edited using the
- Bulk Edit option (9) to reflect in the 4th digit F=FONT, P=PICTURE, etc.
- and option (7) was used again to establish on a separate Catalog disk my
- GEOS itemised files.
- In case the reader is wondering, I also have a Catalog disk for the
- non-GEOS files in my 10 boxes and it has category files named ART,
- BUSINESS, etc.
- 15 categories are permitted on a Catalog disk and each one may have up
- to 2100 files, disk space permitting.
- 2. Create, or add to, a record file
- This is where the database is created. The original version had only
- two options - manual input of names or a YES/NO selection of files from a
- disk directory with a fixed four digit ID. These two options are still
- available but the ID and name of any file may be edited as the files are
- presented. The original allowed a directory to be accepted in toto with a
- fixed ID. This too is still available but one picks up a lot of subsidiary
- files this way, although the option is useful for GEOS disks. Unwanted
- extras can be edited out at a later stage.
- Whilst public domain disks do not as a rule have graphic characters in
- their directories, some commercial disks do. The program edits all such
- items out of the file before storing it. The only directory I found that
- gave the program any trouble was one that had its link bytes edited to have
- track 18 sector 4 read track 18 sector 4. The DISK FILE program is long
- enough without writing special code to deal with that sort of quirk! I
- labelled the disk and used option 3 of this section to get it into the
- records.
- There are two further input options. The third speeds up input by
- avoiding the 'directory read' query and is for labelled single program
- disks particularly. It was also useful when cataloguing my magazines. The
- ID 'R8CP' relates to an article about printers in RUN magazine, 1988,
- December ($C).
- The last allows the user to input an ID which can then be used for
- manual input of as many names as necessary until that ID needs to be
- changed. By using an ID of '....' one can compile a long list of anything
- sorted into alphabetical order.
- When using Option 2 all files are sorted into alphabetical order as
- accepted/input and it is for this reason that every time Option 2 is
- accessed from the Main Menu, with files already in memory, a check is made
- to ensure that the sorting is in order before further input is allowed.
- 3. Print records in memory - screen or hard copy.
- Viewing the records on screen really makes use of the C128's 80 column
- mode. Now it is possible to view 3 columns of data in one go and one may
- now also select the page from which viewing can be done, instead of always
- starting from scratch as originally provided.
- The hard copy options are available by loading the PRINTER MODULE,
- about which more later. Sufficient at this stage to say that one can move
- freely between the MAIN PROGRAM and the PRINTER MODULE with all variables
- and arrays intact. If the records in memory have not been saved to the
- Catalog disk a reminder appears before one is allowed to load the PRINTER
- MODULE. Just as a matter of interest, provided the records are not
- overwritten by loading another file in the PRINTER MODULE one can return
- eventually to the MAIN PROGRAM with the names 'unsaved' still intact.
- 4. Sort the records in memory.
- It was always possible to sort the names into alphabetical order but it
- is now also possible to sort the files into an order determined by any one
- of the 4 IDs. This is useful when using the BULK EDIT OPTION (9) and the
- partial SAVEs available at option 7.
- Records can be saved to any Category file in the order in which they
- are when the SAVE option (7) is accessed.
- 5. Search for/change ID.
- Now one has two options when selecting to CHANGE an ID. Either changing
- all 4 characters of an ID or selecting only one in a position 1 to 4 to
- change. Any changes requested will be made to all IDs that match throughout
- the records.
- Also at this section one may now SEARCH for records relating to a
- selected ID using wild cards in the ID. On screen is available a full list
- of wild card patterns acceptable, eg. '***G' will produce a list of all
- files in memory which have a 4th ID character of 'G' and J10* will produce
- a list of all names which relate to disk (or magazine) J10.
- A single column hard copy list can be produced at the same time. Should
- the user have requested the GEOS upper/lower case option a reminder will be
- given to overtype the secondary address value with a value suitable to the
- printer concerned.
- The printer commands were designed for use with the CBM 1250 printer
- but as the program is written in BASIC this can be altered to suit other
- printers. LIST 4300-4319. Once the user has substituted her/his own printer
- commands, the whole program can be reSAVEd for customized future use.
- 6. View directory/Format a disk.
- The directories of the drives in use may be viewed.
- Formatting a disk requires the full string 'yes' to be input if one
- wishes to format a disk whilst using the program. This could become
- necessary if one's file is too long to save on the Catalog disk in the
- drive and one needs to create a new Catalog disk to continue file
- processing.
- 7. Save file (whole or partial).
- Here there are two major sub-sections. Firstly, saving ALL the records
- in memory to:
- (a) a new, unopened file (even one not yet included in the prepared
- Category file (Option 1).
- (b) Replacing data in the originating file with the data in memory (it
- may have been added to or edited).
- (c) A new option - appending the data to an existing file (the user can
- recall the whole file later for resorting). When using this sub-section to
- append data to an already lengthy file the program appears to stall but it
- is actually the drive which needs time to find the end of the file
- requested before it can add to it.
- The second sub-section is saving selected records only. This ability
- proved a real boon once included. A full explanation of the possibilities
- here are explained on screen within the program. Sufficient to say that up
- to 1000 records at a time can be selected by name or ID to save to a new
- file or append to an existing one.
- When using any part of Option 7 a check of blocks free on the
- destination disk is made to ensure that there is sufficient space to carry
- out the designated operation. Also when adding to an existing file the
- program checks the probable file total to ensure that 2100 names are not
- exceeded.
- 8. Load file/Clear records in memory/Change file format.
- If there are already records in memory, the user is asked whether these
- are to be cleared or whether the file to be LOADed should be added to those
- in memory.
- If the file is cleared one may request a change in the file format
- (upper case, or upper/lower case). This change in file format may be
- requested only when there are no records in memory.
- To proceed with LOADing the Catalog disk is accessed and one may then
- select any one of the categories listed. The names of active files (those
- which already contain data) may be requested. The actual number of records
- in the file selected is read and added to anything already in memory.
- LOADing proceeds if the total is below 2100.
- Files on Catalog disks created by DISK FILE C64 and the Bill Crooks
- version for the C128 will be LOADed by this program but the user is advised
- that they are in an 'old format' and cannot be used when the files need to
- be reSAVEd. It is a bit tedious but if a user wants to make a Catalog disk
- compatible with this DISK FILE 128/98 in one go, it would be necessary to
- use Options (8) then (7) to transfer the files from one format to another.
- The observant user will note that there are no '.c' files in the old
- format and that category files could be of any length. The '.c' files keep
- a record of the number of names in the related category files and are
- necessary for the various procedures now possible under Option (7).
- 9. Bulk edit/quick delete, find or edit record details.
- (a) Quick delete using the ID. The same wild cards as before can be
- used to find file names and the user may then decide when the name is
- presented whether it is to be removed or not.
- (b) Find/edit using NAME. A name can be searched for and when presented
- either it or the ID can be edited or the whole item removed.
- (c) A new option - Bulk edit file in memory. For this option on screen
- information is available. Basically one may select a name or ID from which
- the records are to be presented on screen and any name may then be edited
- or removed. When on screen editing is requested a '?' appears to the left
- of the first item on the screen. Only typing RETURN progresses down the
- screen. Make such alterations as are required, type RETURN and then repeat
- it until the last item on the screen has been 'done'. One can then page
- further into the file, page backwards (no further than the original name/ID
- specified) or quit.
- A note is kept of editing or files removed whilst using any of the sub-
- sections of this Option. Before one may again use Options (2) or (7), the
- file has to have deleted items removed by using Option (4) to tidy up the
- records whilst they are resorted.
- 0. Exit To BASIC.
- Using this Option to quit the program ensures that all files are closed
- and that the user is made aware of any records in memory which have not
- been saved to a Catalog disk. Also it clears the memory location which
- records the transfer of the main program to the PRINTER MODULE and vice
- versa.
- There are very few bytes left in memory after the main BASIC program
- before what is left of BANK 0 is used for other purposes so there just is
- no room to add a return to LOADSTAR. If it is wished to do so from either
- the main program or either of the two special purpose modules then insert
- Side 1 of the LOADSTAR disk into the preferred drive and type:
- LOAD "HELLO CONNECT",(drive number)
- --------------
- Like the main program the printer commands were programmed with a CBM
- 1250 in mind. LISTing line 0 of this module provides information about the
- line numbers within the module where the commands can be found. They can be
- altered to suit the user's printer and the module can then be reSAVEd for
- further use.
- The PRINTER MODULE can be accessed from Option (3) of the main program
- or it can be LOADed from BASIC in the first instance. Coming from the main
- program there may already be records in memory for which hard copy is
- required (these files are noted at Option (4) and may be seen at (3).
- This module is simple to use. Any file LOADed via Option (4) overwrites
- anything already in memory, so be sure that if any names are brought from
- the main program for printing before they are SAVEd to a Catalog disk that
- a return is made via Option (6) or they will not be available to update the
- Catalog disk (unless some retyping is done!) A warning is given before
- leaving the main program but the user has the option to proceed to
- printing.
- Options 1 and 2 enable the printing of the files in memory in either 3
- columns or 5 (condensed print). When using these options the files in
- memory are checked for lower case characters. If any are found the user is
- reminded to furnish a secondary address for printer output. Failure to do
- so will cause the upper/lower case GEOS file to be printed in upper case
- and graphics.
- If no lower case characters are found the user may have the file
- printed entirely in upper or lower case. Here again if lower case is
- selected the user will be reminded to furnish a secondary address, but
- failure to do so just causes all output to be printed in upper case.
- Depending upon the user's requirements a return can be made to the main
- program with all files in memory, variables and arrays intact - or an exit
- can be made to BASIC.
- --------------
- This is for those who wish to convert their data files from DCMR format
- to that used by DISK FILE 128/98.
- The conversions may be made using two drives. If only one is available
- then it will be necessary to swop source and destination disks when
- prompted as the files in both formats will have the same names.
- It should be noted that one DCMR data disk will produce one DISK FILE
- data disk (or even need a second one if the DCMR source disk has few free
- blocks. DISK FILE data use more disk space than do DCMR data.)
- To start, the directory of the DCMR data disk is presented, file by
- file, and the user can select which files are to be converted and
- transferred. As the DISK FILE Catalog disk limits categories to 15, this is
- the maximum that will be accepted for transfer at one time. Any more will
- need to be done as a separate exercise when the first batch has been dealt
- with and they will need a destination disk which has not already been used
- by the DISK FILE 128/98 program as a Catalog disk.
- Before any conversions are transferred the destination disk is checked
- to ensure that it does not already contain a CATEGORIES file. If it does a
- new disk will have to be placed in the destination drive before the
- conversions continue.
- Before converted files are transferred the destination disk is also
- checked to ensure that it has sufficient blocks free to record the file
- concerned.
- After the successful transfer of all nominated files, or as many as
- there is space for, a CATEGORIES file is written on the DISK FILE data disk
- and it is then ready for use with the DISK FILE 128/98 program.
- Eventually when all transfers are done the LOAD and SAVE options in the
- DISK FILE 128/98 program can be used to organise the new data according to
- the user's requirements.
- Due to the lack of any identifying information in the DCMR files the
- conversion program will endeavour to convert any PRG file nominated when
- the disk directory is presented. If a user is not certain about the
- identity of any file, insert the disk containing this file into the drive
- then type:
- GOTO 7000
- After answering the prompts, the file will be read and displayed on
- screen. The user can then decide whether it is suitable for conversion or
- not,
- ------------
- The DISK FILE 128/98 program and its modules are as user friendly as I
- have been able to make them. It is a complex program but will I hope prove
- a useful application for those who like to organise their collections, be
- they disks, magazines, tapes, books or whatever, into catalog lists in
- which they are easily locatable.
- The original DISK FILE C64 was released as freeware by its programmer.
- Despite all the hours I have put into expanding it to use the many
- interesting features of the C128 in 80 column mode and all that extra
- memory, I have decided to consign my endeavours to the public domain.
- However should anyone have any suggestions for other useful functions that
- could be included, I would be very happy to hear them.
- Doreen Horne
- 70 Fursden Road
- CARINA, Q. 4152
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\