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- Page Table of Contents
- 1 Getting Loaded
- 1 The Launch...
- 1 Set The Drive Number
- 1 Getting Our Feet Wet
- 2 The Status Line
- 2 The Logo / User Interface Line
- 3 Navigation
- 3 GRABbing Files
- 4 Now That I GRABbed it, What Can I DO With It?
- 4 Move It
- 4 Swap It
- 4 Rename It
- 4 Change File Type
- 4 Lock It
- 5 Scratch It
- 5 Unscratch It
- 5 Oops!
- 5 A Sorted Affair
- 6 Moving Scratches [ooh!]
- 6 WunderBars
- 8 Dont Forget To Write
- 8 BAM!
- 8 Partition Processing
- 8 Conquering Divides
- 10 DOS Operations
- 11 Renaming a Disk
- 12 Directory to Printer
- 12 Disk Files to Printer
- 12 And Finally...
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- *** Getting Loaded
- Magic 128 is a 1581 directory manipulator that also supports 1541 and
- 1571 format disks. The program was written in machine language for
- speed. The name was inspired by a C64 mode program that I was always
- so impressed with, called Directory Magic. It was one of my very
- favorite utilities for the C64. I wanted something that did
- everything Directory Magic did, and a lot more. I think you'll find
- Magic 128 every bit as useful, and maybe quite a bit more.
- To get started, all you have to do is type
- Ex 1: run "Magic 128*"
- or
- Ex 2: run "Magic 128*",u# Where #=Drive Number
- You can run Magic 128 from LOADSTAR by choosing Run It.
- The program will load and begin executing. The first thing it does is
- load a support file called BURST SUBS.BIN+ from the same disk drive.
- Make sure you have the two files on the same disk.
- If you aren't using drive 8 for your source drive, make sure you use a
- RUN statement like the second example above, specifying your drive
- number after the U. Magic 128 will load the support file from
- whatever drive you start out with. The BURST SUBS.BIN+ file is the
- one included on the 1581 demo disk along with a little code I added
- for Magic 128. You MUST use my version to get the extra code Magic
- 128 needs.
- *** The Launch...
- When the loading is all done, you will be facing a HELP screen of many
- of the command options of Magic 128. Press a key to get to the work
- screen. The work screen will be blank with a box pointer flashing in
- the upper left corner of the work area. The work screen is where you
- will be able to execute the functions of Magic 128. No commands work
- while in the HELP mode.
- Insert a disk. It is best to start with a backup disk first, until
- you get comfortable with Magic 128.
- *** Set The Drive Number
- The drive you load Magic 128 from is the drive that will be used for
- subsequent Magic operations. You can change this if you like, by
- pressing CTRL-d from the work screen. This will allow you to specify
- what drive you would like to use. The acceptable range is from 8 to
- 30. In this regard, if you use the Xetec Super Gold Interface for
- your printer, don't use device 14 for your drive. This is a reserved
- device number used with a burst driver for that interface.
- *** Getting Our Feet Wet
- Press r to read the disk, and the screen will blank. When it comes
- back, you will be looking at a screen formatted in up to 4 columns
- containing the filenames from the directory of the disk you have just
- Page 1
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- read. There are up to 20 files in a column, meaning up to 80
- filenames can be displayed on a screen.
- To the right of each filename is a : character followed by the first
- letter of the filetype of that directory entry. Splat files will show
- a * in this position. Locked files will show a < just before the
- colon. This is a lot of information in a little space, but you'll get
- used to it. Operation speed dictated doing things like this.
- Attributes (reverse, color, flashing, etc.) are not available in the
- main work screen.
- If there are more than 80 files on the disk, there will be 1 or more
- additional pages of the same format, up to 4 pages total. Magic 128
- will accomodate a full 1581 directory of up to 296 files, as well as
- handling 1541 and 1571 diskettes. Note! The pages are all in VDC
- memory at the same time, which means pages don't have to be repainted
- each time. Everything is quick...a twiddled bit's distance from one
- page to the next.
- *** The Status Line
- The two lines at the bottom of every Magic 128 screen are
- informational lines. They tell you the status of the disk directory
- and the file in the GRAB buffer. If you have not GRABbed a file, this
- line will only display information about the disk you have in the
- drive [you must Read the disk by pressing r first] If you have
- GRABbed a file, then the filename will be displayed, along with its
- locked/unlocked status, file type, starting track and sector, and size
- in disk blocks.
- The MODE header on this informational line tells you what mode you are
- in. If you have a file GRABbed, the MODE is DUMP, meaning that you
- cannot GRAB another file. If no file is GRABbed, the MODE is GRAB,
- meaning you can pick up a file.
- The FREE and USED columns tell you how many blocks on the disk are
- used and how many are available. The FILES column tells you how many
- active files are on the disk, and DEL tells you how many deleted files
- there are.
- The DVC column tells you what drive is in use, either 41 (1541), 71
- (1571), or 81 (1581). It could also say ?, which means the drive is
- not recognized. The information is determined using a drive reset and
- then reading the standard DOS error message returned. This
- information is pulled in at startup, and several times during
- execution of Magic 128. You can force such an inquiry by pressing
- CTRL-w.
- Note! I said this is done using a drive reset. This means that if
- you use software or a DOS command to set your device number, you are
- going to have a problem with this program. To use it, switch all of
- your other drives off, and just use drive 8. This should only even be
- a concern to 1541 users or 128D users with no switches on their
- drives.
- *** The Logo / User Interface Line
- Page 2
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- The user interface line, where Magic 128 gets most keyboard input from
- you, is the top screen line. This is also where you are informed
- about what is happening. Magic is very informative about what it is
- doing at all times.
- Magic 128 is a very friendly program. If you need HELP at any time,
- press the HELP key. [You can also press ?, CTRL-H, H, or SHIFT-
- RUN/STOP]. This will bring up a HELP screen. There are currently 8
- HELP screens, numbered 5.0 through 5.7, resident at all times. To
- advance to the next one, just press HELP again, or SHIFT-RUN/STOP. If
- you like, you can also go directly to a specific HELP screen. They
- are numbered 0 through 7. To go to a specific screen, just press the
- corresponding digit. For example, to go directly to screen 5.7, just
- press '7'. This ONLY works when you are in HELP mode. The screen
- will blank while the next HELP screen is being painted. When you have
- the HELP you need, press any other key to return to the Magic work
- screen. The last HELP screen displayed when you exit HELP mode will
- be the one you see the next time you request HELP.
- Virtually every command available in Magic 128 is listed at least once
- in one of the HELP screens. Some functions are available with more
- than one key. For instance, you can GRAB a file by pressing g or F1.
- You can DUMP a file by pressing d or F3. There are several commands
- with more than one key like that.
- *** Navigation
- Since you may have up to 4 pages of directory entries, if you want to
- GRAB a file on a page other than the current one, use the + and -
- keys, or CTRL-f, to move forward and backward through the available
- pages.
- You can use the HOME key to move to the first directory entry on the
- current page, or SHIFT-CLR/HOME to move to the first file on the first
- page. [F5/F6 perform the same functions].
- You can use the BACK ARROW to move the pointer to the last file on the
- current page, or the ^ key to move to the last file on the last page.
- [F7/F8 perform the same functions.]
- *** GRABbing Files
- Now, the only thing you need to know to get started is that, for most
- of the features in Magic 128, you must GRAB a file first, using g or
- F1 from the work screen. Then you can move it, rename it, change
- types, kill it, unscratch it, etc. There are exceptions, of course,
- like sorts, but most of the operations that operate on individual file
- entries require that you GRAB that file.
- When you have GRABbed a file, it will appear on the status line and
- Mode will switch from GRAB to DUMP. If you attempt an operation that
- requires a GRABbed file and you don't have one, you will be notified
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- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- by a message on the top screen line. The operation you requested will
- not be allowed until you GRAB a file.
- GRABbing and DUMPing files are the most basic functions of Magic 128.
- To GRAB a file, simply move the little green box pointer beside the
- file you want to GRAB using the up/down/right/left pointer keys. When
- the pointer is set, just press g or F1 and that file will be GRABbed.
- Note! If you have already GRABbed a file and you want to pick up a
- different one, you must either 1] dump the file you have, or 2] zap
- the GRAB buffer. Ill cover this shortly.
- *** Now That I GRABbed it, What Can I DO With It?
- What can I do with a file once I GRAB it?
- *** Move It
- You can move it to another position in the directory. Just move the
- pointer, the same way you did to GRAB a file. Position it where you
- want the GRABbed file to be inserted and press d or F3. It will be
- inserted BEFORE the entry the pointer is beside. For this reason, you
- can't DUMP it into the last slot in the directory with this function.
- For that, see SWAP IT, immediately below. [See also
- *** Swap It
- You can swap it with a different file. Move the pointer to the one
- you want to swap, and press CTRL-s. The GRABbed file will be inserted
- at this point, and the file at this point will be inserted where the
- GRABbed file was. Use this to move a file to the last position in a
- directory. Just GRAB the last file, move the pointer to the next to
- the last file, and press CTRL-s. Neat!
- *** Rename It
- You can rename it. Just press CTRL-r, then enter the new name. This
- change only occurs to the GRAB buffer. If you are satisfied, when the
- name in the status line at the bottom is correct, press i or ctrl-m to
- implement the change.
- *** Change File Type
- Press CTRL-c if you want to change file types. Again, this change is
- to the GRAB buffer only. If you are satisfied with it, just press i
- or CTRL-m. If you want to change all files of a specific type in a
- directory to another type, for example, change all SEQ files to PRG
- files, press CTRL-t. You will be asked for the from/to parameters.
- If you pick the same type for both, nothing will be done. Any valid
- choice will be processed immediately. [See also BLOCK OPERATIONS]
- *** Lock It
- Press CTRL-l if you want to lock the file, then i or CTRL-m to
- implement the change. This will prevent the file from being
- accidentally scratched. Locked files are identified by the <
- Page 4
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- character somewhere in the directory display after the filename. [See
- *** Unlock It
- Press CTRL-u to unlock a locked file, then i or CTRL-m to implement
- the change. Unlocking a file reverses the LOCK status, opening the
- file to be scratched, opened for writes, etc. [See also BLOCK
- *** Scratch It
- Press the INST/DEL key to delete the GRABbed file, and then i or CTRL-
- m to implement the change. Use this feature to batch scratch a bunch
- of files quickly. The changes will only be effective when you write
- the directory back to disk. It does save time. [See also BLOCK
- *** Unscratch It
- Press SHIFT-INST/DEL if the GRABbed file is a scratched file and you
- want to unscratch it. Checks will be made to assure the file hasn't
- been overwritten, and then it will automatically be restored. The
- last step in the unscratch process requires you to enter the file type
- of this file.
- -> NOTE <-
- When you scratch or unscratch files as described above, the disk is
- automatically flagged for validation after a write of the directory.
- This is necessary to update the BAM concerning your changes. ** Moral
- of the story ** I don't know if Magic 128 will work on a GEOS disk.
- If you try, DON'T scratch any files.
- Pssst! A 1541 CAN'T unscratch files on the back of double-sided
- disks!
- You should NOT use Magic 128 on a GEOS disk!
- *** Oops!
- Most Magic file operations work like this, changing the GRABbed file
- only. If you GRAB the wrong file or change your mind about the
- change, press z to zap the GRABbed buffer. This is an Ooops function
- affecting only the GRAB buffer. This doesn't hurt the original entry
- in the directory buffer. It only clears out the GRAB buffer.
- If, after you have made a lot of changes, you decide you want to start
- over, you can read the directory again or just press CTRL-o, which is
- an Ooops! function. It will restore the directory as it appeared when
- you first read the disk.
- If you try to perform an operation that needs a file, and you haven't
- GRABbed one, you will be notified. No harm done!
- *** A Sorted Affair
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- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- You can sort files on the disk by either filename or filetype. Since
- this is done at machine language speed, it is very quick. Choosing a
- sort by filename, by pressing CTRL-n or n, involves no more input from
- you. It is simply done. VERY QUICKLY! If you choose to sort by
- filetype, by pressing t, you will also be able to specify the order in
- which you want the types to appear. Just follow the onscreen
- instructions. You simply have to enter a string of numbers from 0 to
- 5 which correspond to the different file types. The sort will then
- use this string to determine the sort order for the respective file
- types. [See also BLOCK OPERATIONS]
- *** Moving Scratches [ooh!]
- You can bump the scratched files to the top of the directory or the
- bottom of the directory. You might want them at the top to make sure
- the next file/s saved will be in the first positions of the directory.
- When you bump them to the bottom of the directory, you will also be
- offered the opportunity to snip them from the directory. This is a
- great feature to clean your disks of old, long deleted files.
- ** NOTE ** If you snip scratched files from your disks, you will have
- an extremely hard time if you ever have to recover them. Still, it is
- a very useful feature if you decide to use it.
- *** WunderBars
- A very nice feature of Magic 128 allows you to insert separator bars
- at points where you choose. These appear as 16 shift-* characters.
- In other words, a bar, but the bar filenames will each be unique so
- that file copiers will not burp on them. You can have more variations
- of such bars than you can have files on a disk. In this regard, when
- created, these BARS point to a single directory block on the disk.
- When copied, most copiers will probably create a unique file for each
- one. You may want to take this into consideration if you have a lot
- of bars on a disk with very little room left.
- Magic 128 will make sure there are no duplicate separators on the
- disk. When you GRAB one, you will see sections of pink and red in the
- filename characters. (All other filenames in the status line are
- white) These colors graphically display how the filenames are
- different.
- Separator bars show up as using 1 block in the directory. Their
- track/sector will always be track 18 sector 18 on 1541/71 diskettes
- and track 40 sector 2 on 1581 diskettes. This was just to make sure
- they cause no bam problems. If you delete them, you will deallocate
- nothing. Note! This also requires that some editing of the 1541/71
- sector be done, writing a chr$(255) into the second byte to make it
- look like the last sector in a file. Again, this will be totally
- transparent to you in any situation.
- If you ever want to get rid of all such files on a disk, use the k
- function. You will have to verify this selection, but it will scratch
- all the bars from the disk. You can then read the directory, if you
- want, bump the DEL files to the bottom of the directory, and snip them
- right off the disk.
- Page 6
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- *** Block Operations
- Occasionally, you will want to perform an operation on a group of
- files instead of the whole buffer. For example, when you have saved a
- new group of files that are at the end of a large directory, and you
- want to move them to the top, doing this one file at a time is
- extremely tedious. Perhaps you have a directory in which you want to
- sort just a particular set of files on a disk by name or type. (The
- TXT files in the CS-DOS archives would be a good example.) Magic 128
- gives you the ability to sort (by name or type), kill, lock, or unlock
- the whole buffer or groups of files in the buffer.
- To perform any of these functions on a block of files, first GRAB a
- file normally. Then move the pointer to the file entry at the end of
- the desired range of files and press CMDR-<letter>, where <letter> is
- a letter from the menu displayed below. If your entries are valid,
- the operation will be performed on the specified range. You will see
- the start and end files in the range displayed on the status line at
- the bottom of the screen. For sorts, lock/unlocks, and deletions, the
- operation requires no more of you. After a very brief pause, your
- instructions are implemented.
- To move blocks of files, simply point to the first file, as before,
- and press g or F1 to GRAB the file. So far, nothing is different.
- Now, move the pointer to the second file, the end of the desired
- range, and press CMDR-G. Finally, move the pointer to the position at
- which you want the range inserted and press 'd'. If valid, the whole
- block will be moved.
- For these block type operations, it doesn't matter in which order you
- GRAB the start and end files. They will be corrected before
- execution. *Note!* For block moves, you will not be allowed to
- insert the block into itself or at the same position either. But
- then, why would you? The options are as follows:
- The Currently Available BLOCK Commands
- --------------------------------------
- CMDR G Grab Second File in Block Move
- - Set Pointer and press 'g' to GRAB 1st file
- - Set Pointer and press CMDR-'g' to grab 2nd file
- - Set Pointer to destination and press 'd' to DUMP
- K Kill (Scratch) All Files In Block/Buffer. BE CAREFUL!
- L Lock All Files In Block/Buffer
- N Sort All Files In Block/Buffer By Name
- T Sort All Files In Block/Buffer By File Type
- U Unlock All Files In Block/Buffer
- For selections other than CMDR-g, simply move the pointer to the first
- file and press g to GRAB it. Then move the pointer to the second file
- and press CMDR-<key>. To act on the whole buffer, just press the
- Page 7
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- correct key combination with NO FILES GRABBED.
- ** NOTE ** All of these functions EXCEPT CMDR-K can be undone easily.
- The only way to undo a CMDR-K, if you write it to disk, is to read it
- back in and unscratch each program. Magic 128 can do it, but a little
- caution can make it unnecessary. (If you change your mind before
- writing the directory back to disk, just press CTRL-o, the BIG OOPS!
- *** Dont Forget To Write
- When you have made all desired changes, press w to write the directory
- back to disk. You must verify this selection. If you do, the
- directory you created/edited will be written to the disk. The
- information will be wiped from memory to prevent being written to
- another disk. Remember! Most of the editing functions in Magic 128
- are done only in memory, and are not valid unless you write them to
- disk by pressing w.
- You CANNOT write a directory if you haven't READ a directory!
- You SHOULDN'T write a directory to a disk you didn't read!
- *Note* If you have scratched or unscratched any files, the disk will
- automatically be validated after the edited directory is written.
- *** BAM!
- You can see the Block Allocation Map if you press CTRL-a after reading
- a disk. This allows you to see what sectors are used on each track.
- For the 1581, you might find this very useful if you want to create
- partitions on previously used disks. Magic 128 doesn't make
- partitions in this version. Well see what the future holds.
- You CANNOT see a BAM map of a directory you haven't READ!
- *** Partition Processing
- All of the operations available in Magic 128 can be used in
- partitions. Magic 128 doesn't atually have to go into a partition.
- To edit the directory of a partion, you must GRAB a CBM type file from
- the directory. Then you can read it. When you do this, a P will
- flash beside the 81 on the status line at the bottom of the screen.
- Magic 128 sees partitions simply as another directory. All writes are
- done to tracks and sectors, and not to directories per se. Thus
- partitions are seen like any other directory, and can be edited at
- will.
- *** Conquering Divides
- You can also create partitions using Magic 128. This should prove to
- be one of the easier utilities available for this operation, because
- you have quick access to the BAM, telling you what areas of the disk
- are available. Magic 128 creates partitions only in the format
- acceptable for sub-directories. Basically, this means they start on
- sector 0 of the first track in the partition and the included sectors
- are an even multiple of 40. This makes things very simple for you.
- Think in terms of tracks. Partitions will include only empty tracks.
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- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- The procedure to create one is very simple.
- You should have some idea of how many sectors you want for your
- partition. REMEMBER! This number must be evenly divisible by 40.
- Divide your number by 40 and add 1 (to account for the directory you
- will be creating) and that is how many consecutive empty tracks you
- will need. For instance, if you want 320 sectors in your partition,
- you would divide that by 40, giving 8 tracks for your partition. You
- would add 1 for the partition directory, giving 9 tracks total for a
- 320 block partition. Now you will need to find out where there is a
- space on your disk 9 consecutive empty tracks long for your partition.
- Insert the disk into your 1581 and press r to read it. It will be
- read whether there are any files on the disk or not. Now, press CTRL-
- a to display the BAM map for this disk. You will see a display line
- for the tracks which maps the sectors. The display starts out on
- track 40, the directory track. (Use the + and - keys to scroll
- forward and backward through the track displays) Unused sectors are
- displayed as white 'o' characters and used sectors are displayed as
- pink '*' characters. An empty track will appear as a row of 40 white
- 'o' characters. If there are any pink '*' characters on a display
- line, that many sectors are being used on this track and it is thus
- unavailable for use in a partition. For our example above of a 320
- block partition, we must find 9 consecutive empty tracks. These must
- not include track 40, but track 40 will never be empty anyway, since
- it is the main disk directory track. All 9 tracks must either be
- lower than track 40 (1-39) or higher than 40 (41-80).
- Let us say, for our example, that you find 9 consecutive empty tracks
- starting at track 41. (If you are starting this demo out with a
- blank, formatted disk, this is a good place to start) That means
- tracks 41 through 49 have NO PINK '*' characters in the displays. Now
- we have all the information we need to create our partition. From the
- BAM screen, just press <RETURN> to exit to the main work screen. At
- the main work screen, press CMDR-p to begin creating your partition.
- First, you will be asked for a name for your partition. This is the
- name of the file that will show up on your directory as type CBM.
- Name it following the same guidelines you would for any filename. For
- our demonstration, let's call it 'Partition Demo'. Type that at the
- prompt and press <RETURN>.
- Next, you will be asked for the starting track of the partition.
- Enter the number we found earlier, track 41. Finally, you will be
- asked for the number of sectors in your partition. You wanted 320
- available sectors, so enter that. At this point, don't concern
- yourself with the 40 sectors for the directory. Magic 128 will take
- care of it. You did all you had to do when you found the 9
- consecutive tracks.
- Now, and also during entry of this data, the information will be
- checked for validity. If it is invalid, you will be notified, and
- will have to start over again. Magic will make sure that what you
- chose is valid. If you have followed the steps outlined so far, there
- should be no problem.
- Page 9
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- After all of this is done, and checked, the partition will be created
- on the disk. There is now only one step needed before we can use it.
- We must format it. BE CAREFUL HERE! Press 9 to request a directory.
- Just press <RETURN> when asked for a pattern. You will see the files
- on the disk, including the newly created partition. Now we must
- 'enter' that partition so we can format it.
- From the work screen, press the @ key so that you can enter a
- DOS command. When the cursor is on the top screen line, enter the
- command:
- /0:Partition Demo
- You should see a message at the top of the screen saying something
- like:
- 02, selected partition, 41,49
- You can consult your 1581 User's Guide (page 78) for the description
- of the information on this line. The important thing is, we are where
- we must be now. If you don't see a message like this, stop and try
- the '/0:...' command again.
- There is one other test we will try to make SURE we are in the
- partition and not in the main directory of our disk. Press 9 to ask
- for a directory, and press <RETURN> when asked for a pattern. You
- should NOT see ANY FILES or ANY DISK NAME display. You should only
- see the flashing prompt at the top of the screen telling you to press
- a key to continue. If you see this, you can continue.
- Press @ to enter DOS commands, and when the cursor is on the top
- screen line, enter the following FORMAT command:
- n0:Demo,p1
- and press <RETURN>. This will cause a 'long format' of the partition.
- When done, you can check the directory, and you will see you have a
- partition directory named 'Demo' that has 320 blocks available. To
- return to the main directory, just press the @ key again, and enter i
- to 'initialize' the drive. A directory now should show you the main
- disk directory. Try this on a few disks. I think you'll find it very
- quick, and a world easier than the 'partition.aid' program on the 1581
- demo disk.
- *** DOS Operations
- You can enter DOS commands in one of several ways from Magic 128. If
- you press @, 0 or CTRL-g, the box pointer will appear on the user
- interface line at the top of the screen. Just enter any valid DOS
- command.
- Valid DOS Commands
- @ or @: or @0: Read Error Channel
- i or i: or i0: Initialize Drive
- Page 10
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- u or u; or u9 Reset Drive
- v or v: or v0: Validate Diskette
- s0:file1 [,file2,...] Scratch specified files from Disk
- r0:newname=oldname Rename oldname to newname
- c0:filex=file1 [,file2,...] Make copy of file1 called filex
- - or Concatenate file1 and file2
- etc. into filex. [Must be SEQ]
- n0:disk name Short Format
- n0:disk name,id Long Format
- The number keys 1-9 have been predefined to perform certain common DOS
- functions also.
- 1 Initialize Drive 6 Rename [On Disk]
- 2 Identify Drive 7 Copy [Same Drive]
- 3 Reset Drive 8 Format Disk
- 4 Validate Disk 9 Disk Directory
- 5 Scratch [From Disk] 0 DOS Command
- For example, press 1 to initialize the drive, or 4 to validate the
- disk. Press 5 to scratch the GRABbed file. Press 6 to rename the
- GRABbed file. These options all are performed ON THE DISK, not in
- memory, so use caution.
- If you press 9, you can get a display of the directory from the drive.
- To get a full directory, just press RETURN when asked for a pattern.
- Otherwise, enter the pattern after Pattern :$ on the user interface
- line. Wildcards are allowed. Directories are done in 2 columns per
- page of display. To terminate the listing just press the STOP key,
- then any key to exit to the main Magic 128 screen.
- Some of the DOS options are also available from the Magic work screen.
- For example: CTRL-j Reset Drive
- CTRL-i Initialize Drive
- CTRL-v Validate Disk
- *** Renaming a Disk
- One other DOS type option you have is renaming the diskette. You
- never actually see the disk name in Magic, except when you display the
- directory by pressing 9. However, if you press CTRL-x, you will be
- asked for a new disk name. Enter what you want. The change is *not*
- made, however, until you write the directory to disk.
- You CANNOT rename a disk whose directory you haven't read!
- *** Set Printer Device Number
- Magic 128 supports some printer functions. For instance, you can get
- a DUMP of directory specifics. You can also get a DUMP of SEQuential
- Page 11
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- or BASIC program files. The default printer number is 4, which you
- should never have to change, but if you need to change it to 5, the
- only other allowable setting, press CTRL-p, and enter that. You can
- change this setting at any time you want.
- *** Directory to Printer
- You can get a detailed printer DUMP of the directory in memory if you
- press CTRL-q. The output is in the same basic format as that of the
- status line at the bottom of the screen.
- *** Disk Files to Printer
- There are file readers in Magic 128 that allow you to DUMP sequential
- or BASIC files to disk or printer. Simply GRAB the file you want to
- examine, then press CTRL-e. You will have to make a couple of
- decisions then.... screen or printer, BASIC/True/Screen/Pet ASCII...
- Magic 128 does the DUMPs from BANK 1 RAM. The size allowed is just
- under 63K, or about 250 disk blocks. When you make all your
- specifications, the file will be loaded into bank 1, then DUMPed from
- RAM to wherever you requested. If to the screen, youll get a page at
- a time, and press a key to advance each page. Printer output is
- continuous.
- In either case, to quit before the display is complete, just press
- STOP. If you view the file all the way through, you have the option
- to process the file again, starting at the top of all the options.
- However, it will not have to be reloaded. This just makes things a
- little quicker.
- *Note!* You cannot read CBM, REL, or DEL type files.
- *** And Finally...
- There are some protections in Magic 128, and some conveniences. For
- instance, as noted above, you must verify certain operations like
- writes to make sure you really meant to press those keys. If you
- change your mind after a lot of changes and/or want to start over
- again, you may press CTRL-o, for Ooops! and the original directory
- will be restored.
- Magic 128 will protect a boot sector if there is one on the disk. It
- preserves the correct BAM bit setting, and if necessary, reallocates
- it following a VALIDATE command.
- From the main Magic 128 screen, you can always exit to BASIC by
- pressing the ESC key, x, or CTRL-x.
- There are many features and functions in Magic 128 that I didn't
- cover, or didn't cover as thoroughly. However, the program is menu
- driven, and HELP is a keypress away. You have enough to use the
- program. Hope you like it! egb.
- Page 12
- Magic 128 V1.16
- by e.g.bell
- Topic Page
- Block Allocation Map .......... 8
- Block Commands ................ 7
- Block Operations .............. 4,6
- Boot Sector ................... 12
- BURST SUBS.BIN ................ 1
- Change File Type .............. 4
- Device Number ................. 1,2
- DOS Commands .................. 10
- Drive Number .................. 1
- Drive Reset ................... 2
- GEOS .......................... 5
- Lock .......................... 2,4-10,12
- Move .......................... 3,4,7
- Oops .......................... 5,8,12
- Partition ..................... 8-10
- Printer ....................... 1,12
- Rename A Disk ................. 11
- Rename ........................ 3,4,11
- Scratch ....................... 3-8,11
- Separator Bars ................ 6
- Sort Files .................... 5
- Splat Files ................... 1
- Status Line ................... 3,4,6-8,12
- Swap .......................... 4
- Unlock ........................ 2,5,7
- Unscratch ..................... 3,5,8
- User Interface Line ........... 2
- Validation .................... 5
- Work Screen ................... 1,2,3,9-11
- Page 13