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- S T E P T R A C E R
- Program and Text by e. g. bell
- FENDER'S PREMUMBLE: StepTracer is a programmer's utility and is not
- designed to be something you can access from LOADSTAR 128's menu. However,
- ed has provided a revised version of CONTROL80's demo, which shows you that
- StepTracer works with CONTROL80 programs -- at least on a C-128D. I
- couldn't get it to work right on a flat C-128, so I don't recommend looking
- at the demo on a flat C-128 unless you like a blank screen half way through
- the demo. My theory is that CONTROL80's VLOAD command is a little too
- weird for StepTracer. It's also hardcoded for drive 8. I don't consider
- VSAVE and VLOAD to be among CONTROL80's more useful commands so you should
- still be able to use StepTracer with your CONTROL80 programs. Even on a
- C-128D there is a spot at the end of the demo where it asks you to press a
- key while the screen scrolls horizontally. Press RESTORE instead and you
- get back to the demo's title screen where you can return to LOADSTAR 128.
- *** StepTracer
- When debugging a BASIC program, it is often necessary to follow the
- flow of logic. When you get unexpected results, is the program doing what
- you want it to do or is it just doing what you told it to do? There are
- several utilities of varying degrees of usefulness in determining this.
- *** Dump
- There are 'dump' utilities which dump the names and current values of
- all variables. Using such a utility usually requires frequent STOPs to
- check these values at various points in the program operation.
- This can be useful in determining why or where something is happening
- in a program, but a computer executes a program at an extremely high rate
- of speed. Couple that with the many twists and turns the program can take
- while getting from here to there and it can be a long, time-consuming
- process to isolate and fix some problems using only a dump utility.
- *** Follow Me
- More useful are the 'trace' utilities. Most of these trace program
- flow by printing the line number, to the screen inside brackets, of the
- BASIC statement currently being executed. For example, consider the
- following code:
- 10 print chr$(147):na$="":cnt=0:input "Enter Name ";na$
- If you used the BASIC 7.0 TRON command, it would produce the following
- screen display:
- [10][10][10][10]Enter Name ?
- If you have never tried this with your Commodore 128 BASIC programs, type
- TRON then run any BASIC program. [TROFF toggles this function off.]
- There have been many such utilities published for the C64 over the
- years also. Most, if not all of these, function exactly the same. As
- helpful as this type of utility is, as you may have noticed from the
- example, there are some serious limitations.
- *** Drawbacks
- First, using this type of trace, screen display is hopelessly disrupted
- as rows and rows of line numbers are dutifully displayed onscreen starting
- wherever the cursor happened to be resting at the time. There is much
- information presented, but it is confusing if you can use it at all. This
- is particularly true in the case of deeply nested loops or GOSUB/GOTO
- procedures. The information can be simply overwhelming.
- Second, often you know where something is happening, but cannot locate
- where the offending code is being called. This can be particularly
- troublesome to find if the code is called from several places. Which call
- is causing the problem? StepTracer will help you isolate such calls
- quickly. This capability of StepTracer will help you find and correct the
- problem areas instead of wasting a lot of time looking at the wrong place
- in your code.
- Third, the trace, like the program being traced, is operating at
- extreme speeds. It is virtually impossible to visually follow the
- execution unless frequently stopped by user input or STOP statements. This
- can be irritating and confusing. If sections of the code being traced
- clear the screen, it can be quite impossible. If you STOP the program, you
- must start it again with a GOTO, CONT, or RUN. If you merely request user
- input, the screen display problem mentioned above presents itself,
- particularly if you are trying to find out why something is being displayed
- WHERE it is being displayed.
- Finally, you learn little from only a line number unless you are
- working with a program listing in front of you, especially when a problem
- involves several lines or routines. Since you are usually the person who
- wrote the program, it is your logic. If the logic in the listing was
- working as expected, you wouldn't need to trace the flow. In addition, if
- the program flow jumps around a lot, with GOSUBs for example, it can become
- difficult to follow the logical flow from a listing alone. So a listing by
- itself is often of limited help in battling some bugs.
- *** A Solution
- There is a solution. StepTracer is a short single-step trace routine
- for the Commodore 128 in 80 column mode. It will not work in 40 column
- mode. StepTracer will lead you along the precise route your program is
- taking. But it does more!
- More than just the line numbers, the complete segment of BASIC code TO
- BE EXECUTED is displayed for you prior to its execution. You know what
- will take place and in which line it was commanded to do so just BEFORE it
- actually happens.
- If that is not enough, there is virtually no disruption of screen
- display. Using some interesting capabilities of the VDC chip in your
- Commodore 128, StepTracer gives you some extra lines at the bottom of your
- screen IN ADDITION TO the normal 25 lines. But it does still more.
- *** Single Step
- Even displaying a segment of code would be of minimal value if it
- happened at extreme speed, so StepTracer is an adjustable speed trace
- utility AND a single-stepper. You may slog through your code at various
- speeds OR step through your program one segment at a time if you like.
- In single-step mode, after the program segment is displayed, you must
- press a SHIFT Key to continue. (In single-step mode, a '*' is displayed
- after the line number and before the program text to flag that user input
- is expected before the program can continue) When you do, the segment of
- code you are looking at is executed and the next segment is displayed. If,
- for example, the current segment says GOTO 50 the next thing you will see
- in the trace window is the first code segment of line 50. This feature
- could also be helpful to novice computer programmers wondering what
- different segments of someone else's code do.
- In single-step mode, if you want to stop the program for editing, you
- must press the STOP key and then press the SHIFT key to resume execution.
- The program will then stop normally.
- Note that I refer to code 'segments' above rather than just 'lines'.
- This is because BASIC evaluates lines of code in this manner when there are
- multiple commands on a single line. In cases like this, StepTracer lists
- each such command individually, just as BASIC will execute it. The line
- number remains onscreen though, so regardless of which segment is being
- displayed, the appropriate line number is always evident.
- *** Tron
- Using StepTracer is very simple and will interfere with no BASIC
- programs. First, you must install it using the BLOAD command:
- bload "StepTracer"
- Next, you simply activate it:
- sys 2816,a,b
- a = 0-Trace Disabled 1-Trace Enabled
- b = 0-6 Speed of trace display 0-fastest 6-slowest
- or b = 128 Requires pressing SHIFT after each segment displayed
- So, to turn the trace on with a speed factor of 3, the command would be:
- sys 2816,1,3
- To turn the trace on with a speed factor of 0, the fastest possible, the
- command would be:
- sys 2816,1,0
- To turn the trace on and specify that you must press the SHIFT key after
- each segment is displayed, the command would be:
- sys 2816,1,128
- If you just want to toggle trace mode on with the current speed setting
- unchanged, you may use the BASIC 7.0 'TRON' command in your BASIC program.
- StepTracer recognizes this command as its own and resumes the trace. For
- this reason, the normal function of TRON is disabled if used in program
- mode. If you use TRON in immediate mode, simply typing it and pressing
- RETURN, it will function normally until StepTracer is activated.
- *** Troff
- To turn the trace off, disabling StepTracer, the command would be:
- sys 2816,0
- or sys 2819
- If you just want to toggle trace mode off with the current speed setting
- unchanged and StepTracer enabled, you may use the BASIC 7.0 'TROFF' command
- in your BASIC program. StepTracer recognizes this command as its own and
- stops tracing. The last command executed before the TROFF command will
- remain on display on the trace line, but line by line tracing will stop.
- For this reason, the normal function of TROFF is disabled if used in
- program mode.
- *** Tweaking
- You can adjust StepTracer trace speed from within your program without
- using the SYS command if you like. To do this, POKE the appropriate value,
- from 0 through 6 (or 128 for prompted mode), into address 2822. This POKE
- does the same thing as the 'sys 2816,1,#' command. This is useful when you
- want a loop to proceed at full speed and then slow the trace down again
- afterward. For example:
- 100 poke 2822,.
- 110 for x=1 to 1000:read a:poke b+z,a:z=z+1:next
- 120 poke 2822,1
- This example is the same as the one above using the SYS call with the speed
- factor set to zero. The two methods may be used interchangeably.
- You can also do some dynamic temporary tweaking to the trace speed.
- This technique is primarily for programmers who write structured code using
- subroutines. You may want to zip through a section of code that you are
- tracing. You can do this in one of several ways.
- o As mentioned above, you can POKE a zero into 2822, and a 1 or
- other value after the routine is complete.
- o You can use the TROFF and TRON commands before and after the
- routine.
- o You can also tap the RESTORE key.
- The RESTORE key will drop the speed setting of the trace to zero until the
- next RETURN statement is encountered in the BASIC code. At that point, the
- original speed setting is restored. Using this feature, if your programs
- are very structured, you can set the trace speed once and interactively
- 'hurry' through areas that are repetitive and unnecessarily slow down
- StepTracer. An example of this situation would be a READ/POKE routine that
- installs sprite data or machine language routines.
- *** Caveat
- There are some situations that StepTracer cannot handle, or which will
- cause StepTracer to fail. One of them is to try to bload StepTracer while
- it is already active. This will cause a lockup. The recommended procedure
- is to bload StepTracer prior to running the program you want to trace.
- You may activate StepTracer with the SYS 2816,1,# command in immediate
- mode before running the program or from within the program itself. You may
- even use this to change the speed of the trace during the program
- execution. It is only reloading of StepTracer over itself that causes the
- problem.
- *** REU and RAMDOS
- StepTracer will work with any BASIC program that does not use the 4
- memory pages $0b00 through $0eff. If you are using a Ram Expansion Unit
- and RAMDOS, you should not use any of these for the interface page. Select
- page 15 ($0f00) instead and you will have no problems. A good workaround
- for this is to simply disable those parts of your program that use RAMDOS
- until the other parts are debugged if you absolutely must have RAMDOS
- installed in this area.
- Also note that if you are using RAMDOS, you should install StepTracer
- BEFORE you install RAMDOS. The first time StepTracer is loaded and
- installed, a help screen is displayed. This screen is disabled after the
- first display, but most of it lives in page $0f00, where RAMDOS must be
- installed. Therefore, StepTracer MUST be BLOADed and installed before
- *** VDC Considerations
- It is the VDC chip that gives the Commodore 128 its 80 column
- capabilities. One of these is the ability to display more than 25 lines on
- the screen. StepTracer mines this treasure, and this is the reason it only
- works in 80 column mode.
- StepTracer makes some adjustments to the VDC attribute settings in
- order to tweak several extra lines onto your screen. It is here that the
- trace display appears. Some programs that use other buffers in the VDC for
- storage, etc. may have some problems with StepTracer enabled. These
- problems are not fatal to StepTracer. They might affect, for example,
- programs that use RAM in the VDC chip to store and recall program screens.
- They also may affect the status line display of StepTracer. Some of the
- effects in the Control80 demo cause the display of StepTracer to be
- momentarily off the screen or unreadable. Again, simply use StepTracer to
- debug the other parts of your program first, disabling these spots in your
- code. When the other problems are removed, complete your debugging without
- StepTracer. I suspect that most BASIC programmers will never find this to
- be a problem.
- *** The Getaway
- When you are finished debugging your program, you should make sure that
- StepTracer is disabled using one of the two methods described above.
- (Either 'sys 2819' or 'sys 2816,0') This will assure that your VDC is
- properly reset. You can't hurt anything if you don't reset the VDC, but it
- may cause display problems for subsequent programs.
- More important than the VDC is the BASIC execution vector which MUST be
- restored to its default state. This is very important and can cause some
- very weird things if you don't reset the vector.
- *** Harmony
- StepTracer can exist quite peacefully with Control80 and programs that
- use it. There are no memory contentions and I added the code to recognize
- and trace the Control80 commands. (The lone exception to this MIGHT be the
- 'MINE' command. Control80 is flexible in that add-on routines can be
- written to execute anywhere in memory, requiring only a POKE to the main
- code to direct Control80 to the new code. Any such add-ons that were
- written to load and execute where StepTracer lives are obviously going to
- cause a serious burp if used with StepTracer.)
- mEGaBasic is another matter. If you are using my mEGaBasic utility,
- make sure you disable StepTracer (sys 2816,0 or sys 2819) before enabling
- mEGaBasic. All of mEGaBasic's command functions use the same memory as
- StepTracer. The problem this will cause relates back to the restoration of
- the BASIC execution vector. This vector under StepTracer points to a new
- section of code. mEGaBasic is going to change the code. The problem will
- show up immediately when you try to press RESTORE, RUN/STOP RESTORE, or run
- your program. The simple solution is to make sure StepTracer is disabled
- before you enable mEGaBasic. This also means, obviously, that StepTracer
- will have to be reloaded and reinstalled the next time it is needed.
- If you make a mistake and activate something that causes a problem,
- there is something you may be able to do to make a spot correction to at
- least allow you to save your work and do a RESET. If you are using
- mEGaBasic, you can do a reset then use the OLD command (or the '@o'
- command if you have JiffyDos). If you don't have either of these at your
- disposal, try this:
- First, type 'MONITOR' and press RETURN to enter the machine language
- monitor of your Commodore 128.
- Next, type the command 'm 0308'. This will bring up a dump of memory
- starting at address $0308.
- Now, move your cursor up to the start of the hex code after address
- $0308. Replace the first two values with the values 'a2 4a'. This will
- repair the BASIC execution vector.
- Next, move your cursor to the line starting with address $0318.
- Replace the first two values in that line with the values '40 fa'.
- This will restore the NMI vector to normal.
- From here you should be back in business. Save whatever you were
- working on (using a new name so as to protect your disk backup) and reset
- the computer. Now reload the new version and start again.
- *** A Perfect World
- In a perfect world, there would be no need for trace utilities. We
- would write things that worked perfectly the first time out. That is not
- yet the case. In the meantime, though, there is StepTracer.
- \\\\\ RETURN - Menu R - Run \\\\\