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- CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume.
- Rules for Stratego
- The OBJECT of the game is to
- capture your opponent's flag.
- To Start the game:
- 1. Select option 1 or 2 at the
- main menu. The caller should enter
- their name at the "player 1 name"
- prompt, the sysop is player 2.
- In game option 1 the scout cannot
- attack a piece if it moves more
- than one square for the attack. In
- option 2 the scout can attack even
- if it has moved more than 1 square
- for the attack.
- 2. Each player gets an army of
- 40 pieces, in order of rank from
- high to low, consisting of:
- Quantity Rank Key
- 1 Marshal "1"
- 1 General "2"
- 2 Colonels "3"
- 3 Majors "4"
- 4 Captains "5"
- 4 Lieutenants "6"
- 4 Sergeants "7"
- 5 Miners "8"
- 8 Scouts "9"
- 1 Spy "S"
- * 6 Bombs "B"
- * 1 Flag "F"
- * These pieces cannot be moved!
- 3. The players place one piece in
- each square of their half of the
- board. The caller occupies the top
- 4 rows of the board, the sysop the
- bottom 4 rows. The 2 middle rows
- are left unoccupied at the start of
- the game.
- To place each piece use the CURSOR
- keys to move the cursor to an
- unoccupied square. To place a
- piece in the current square press
- the rank key of the piece you
- want to place (see listing of
- pieces above). You can remove a
- piece by placing the cursor on the
- appropriate piece, then press the
- DELETE key. Since both players
- set up their pieces simultaneously
- the grid will fill in as pieces are
- entered. As a result, each time
- your opponent enters a piece the
- cursor will "dance" around the
- screen, eventually returning to the
- proper square.
- Rules for Movement
- When both players have filled
- their grid actual game play begins.
- To move a piece place the cursor
- on the piece then press RETURN.
- The square surrounding the piece is
- highlighted. You then must select
- which square to move to. Cursor to
- it, then press RETURN a second
- time. If the move was valid the
- piece will move. If after
- selecting a piece you change your
- mind you can reset by pressing
- DELETE. If an attack is
- attempted both pieces will be shown
- for approximately 3 seconds.
- Then the proper movement will take
- place.
- 1. A piece moves from square to
- square one square at a time.
- (Exception: Scout - see rule 7). A
- piece may be moved forward,
- backward, or sideways but NOT
- 2. Note that there are 2 lakes at
- the center of the board which
- contain no squares. Pieces must
- move around lakes and cannot move
- where there is no square.
- 3. Two pieces may not occupy the
- same square at the same time.
- 4. A piece may not move through a
- square occupied by a piece nor jump
- over a piece.
- 5. Only one piece may be moved in
- each turn.
- 6. The "Flag" and "Bomb" pieces
- cannot be moved. Once these pieces
- are placed at the start of the game
- they must remain in that square.
- 7. The "Scout" may move any
- number of open squares forward,
- backward, or sideways in a straight
- line if the player desires. This
- movement, of course, then reveals
- to the opponent the value of that
- piece. Therefore, the player may
- choose to move the Scout only one
- square at a time in his turn so as
- to keep the Scout's identity
- hidden. The Scout is valuable for
- probing the opponent's positions.
- The Scout MAY NOT MOVE & STRIKE in
- the same turn.
- 8. Pieces CANNOT be moved back
- and forth between the same 2
- squares in 3 consecutive turns.
- 9. A player must either move or
- strike in his turn.
- Rules for "Strike" or Attack
- 1. When a red and blue piece
- occupy adjoining squares either
- back to back, side to side, or face
- to face they are in a position to
- attack or "strike." NO DIAGONAL
- strikes can be made.
- 2. A player may move in his turn
- or STRIKE in his turn. HE CANNOT
- DO BOTH. The "strike" ends the
- turn. After pieces have finished
- the "strike" move the player who
- was struck has his turn to move or
- strike.
- 3. It is NOT required to "strike"
- when two opposing pieces are in
- position. A player may decide to
- strike whenever he desires.
- 4. Either player may strike (in
- his turn) not only the one who
- moved his piece into position.
- 5. To strike (or attack) move one
- of your pieces into a square
- occupied by an opposing piece.
- 6. The piece with the lower rank
- is lost and removed from the board.
- 7. When equal ranks are struck
- both pieces are lost and removed
- from the board.
- 8. A Marshal removes a General,
- a General removes a Colonel, a
- Colonel removes a Major and so on
- down to the Spy which is the lowest
- ranking piece.
- 9. The Spy, however, has the
- special priviledge of being able to
- remove the Marshal provided he
- strikes FIRST. That is, if the Spy
- strikes the Marshal in his turn
- the Marshal is removed. However,
- if the Marshal strikes first the
- Spy is removed. All other pieces
- remove the Spy regardless of who
- strikes first.
- 10. When any piece (except a
- Miner) strikes a Bomb (BANG!) that
- piece is lost and removed from the
- board. When a Miner strikes a Bomb
- the Bomb is lost.
- 11. A Bomb cannot strike but
- rather must wait until a movable
- piece strikes it.
- To End the Game
- Whenever a player strikes his
- opponent's Flag the game ends and
- he is the winner.
- Note: If a player cannot move a
- piece or strike in his turn he
- must give up and declare his
- opponent the winner.
- Some Suggestions for Strategy
- From the above it is clear that
- the original placement of the
- pieces can determine the outcome.
- It is therefore a good defensive
- tactic to surround your flag with
- a few bombs. However, to mislead
- your opponent it is recommended to
- place a few bombs at some distance
- from your flag.
- A few high ranking pieces in the
- front lines is a good plan but the
- player who loses high officers
- stands in a weak position.
- Scouts in the front line are useful
- to probe the strength of the
- opposing pieces.
- Miners are very important near the
- end of the game so it is good
- strategy to place some in the rear
- ranks.
- Command Summary
- Quantity Rank Key
- 1 Marshal "1"
- 1 General "2"
- 2 Colonels "3"
- 3 Majors "4"
- 4 Captains "5"
- 4 Lieutenants "6"
- 4 Sergeants "7"
- 5 Miners "8"
- 8 Scouts "9"
- 1 Spy "S"
- 6 Bombs "B"
- 1 Flag "F"
- Use the CURSOR keys to move around
- the grid. The HOME key moves the
- cursor to the center of the grid.
- The CLR key redraws the screen
- (necessary if line noise corrupts
- the screen). You can enter CHAT
- mode by pressing "c"
- It is recommended that you do not
- hold down keys when positioning the
- cursor. Press the key then wait
- for the movement. If you do hold
- down keys you will likely corrupt
- your screen (use CLR if this
- happens).