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- CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume.
- Cribbage Help
- You should only enter keys when it
- is your turn!!
- There are 2 modes of play. Select
- option "1" to play the version where
- runs need not be in exact order
- during the card play phase. In this
- mode 7-5-6 is considered a run worth
- 3 points. Select option "2" to play
- the version where runs must be in
- exact order. In this mode 7-5-6 is
- not considered a run, but 5-6-7 is.
- The run must be exact.
- The caller should enter their name
- as player 1, the sysop as player 2.
- The cribbage board is then displayed
- and the deck is cut to see who deals
- first (low card wins the cut).
- Before each hand is dealt you enter
- chat mode. Press RETURN on a blank
- chat line to pass the deal to the
- other player. The cards are then
- dealt.
- You must now select 2 cards to be
- put in the dealer's crib. Use the
- manipulate the cyan highlight bar.
- When you have positioned the cyan
- bar to a card you wish to select
- press RETURN. The card is
- highlighted yellow. Select a 2nd
- card the same way. After 2 cards
- have been selected press RETURN a
- 3rd time to confirm. You can press
- DELete to de-select cards. You can
- also refresh your screen by pressing
- CLR (use if line noise corrupts your
- screen. This is the only time you
- can redraw your screen). By
- entering "c" you enable chat mode.
- This phase of the game continues
- until both players have discarded.
- After the crib is established a
- player must cut the deck. If a jack
- is cut the dealer is credited with 2
- points.
- The next phase of the game is the
- play out phase. Players take turns
- playing their cards. Each time a
- card is played the count total is
- incremented by the value of the card
- played. The count value cannot
- exceed 31. If you cannot play a
- card the computer will automatically
- end your turn. You may score points
- if any of the following conditions
- are satisfied:
- A count of 15 (2 points)
- A count of 31 (2 points)
- You play a card that matches the
- previously played card (pair)
- in the current round. Pairs
- are worth 2 points, 3 of a
- kind 6, and 4 of a kind 12.
- You play a card which results
- in a run. For example, you
- play a 6, your opponent plays
- a 7, and then you play an 8.
- Since the order of the cards
- played is 6-7-8 you formed a
- run. Runs are worth the
- length of the run, which must
- be at least 3.
- Points are given automatically.
- When neither player can play a card
- without exceeding 31, the player who
- last played a card gets a "go" which
- is worth 1 point. The count is then
- reset to zero. This continues until
- all cards have been played. When a
- card is played a number will appear
- above it. This allows you to review
- the order in which cards were
- played. An "x" above the card means
- the card was already played.
- The next phase is to count the
- points in the hands. The player
- opposite the dealer counts first,
- then the dealer, then the dealer
- counts his crib. If you enter more
- points than you have you get zero
- while your opponent gets your
- points. If you enter less than the
- correct points your opponent gets
- the points you missed. Points are
- determined as follows:
- Each different combination of
- cards that total 15 is worth
- 2 points.
- Each different combination of
- cards the result in a run of at
- least 3 cards is worth then
- length of the run. No run can
- be a subset of any other run.
- Pairs are worth 2 points.
- 3 of a kind is worth 6 points.
- 4 of a kind is worth 12 points.
- If all the cards in your hand are
- the same suit you get 4 points.
- If the cut card is also the same
- suit you get 5 points. Cribs
- must have all 5 cards the same
- suit.
- If you have a jack of the same
- suit as the cut card you get 1
- point.
- The first player to reach 121
- points, twice around the board, is
- the winner.