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- C O S M O
- Program and Text by Tim George
- I like to call COSMO a Galaxy Generator, but my friend Denny (ever the
- minimalist) told me; "it looks like a doily maker". How about Crystal
- Widget machine? Like most things, COSMO is whatever you want it to be.
- COSMO is one of what I call math-graphics type software: programs that
- run for many iterations through a loop of mathematic algorithms and plot
- the results graphically to the screen. Fractal and landscape software are
- the two most common types, but there are many different kinds, even some
- that plot their results using audio.
- The math in COSMO that does all the work is ridiculously simple but the
- results are amazing. Very similar in look to Affine Transforms on LS #93
- to watch forming. There is a surprising amount of variety between the
- different patterns it can come up with. I found I got the best results by
- turning my monitor's contrast all the way up and the brightness down just
- below halfway.
- Sometimes it will make a small pattern that stays in the middle of the
- screen. Let these run for a while because when they finally expand they
- are usually the most beautiful. Of course, some never do. Likewise,
- although rare, sometimes a pattern will be so large the rows of dots shoot
- off the screen and only draw around the edges. These can be the most
- interesting if they come back (usually within 30 seconds). Again, though,
- some go exponential and never return.
- There isn't too much user control I could give in the loop. X/Y
- scaling and color count both have a very narrow margin of settings before
- the results turn useless. Even XOR has to be left on or the 8x2 color
- cells become too obvious in the center of the screen and look ugly. The
- following controls are available while COSMO is running.
- R will redraw the same pattern, with the same pallette and reset the
- timer if it's on.
- T will activate the timer. The pattern will pause, the screen will
- turn blue and you are in timer mode. Press 1-6 for the number of minutes a
- pattern will draw before a new one begins. Any other key turns off the
- timer. Setting the timer doesn't zero it out, so if you turn it on and
- that amount of time has already passed, a new pattern will begin.
- X will toggle the limit flag. The pattern will pause and the screen
- will turn blue. Press X again to set the flag. Any other key will clear
- it. When the flag is set, as soon as the X plot reaches 1200 in either
- direction (well off the screen) a new pattern will begin. This has the
- advantage of automatically drawing the next one, but unlike the timer, will
- allow every pattern to finish filling the screen no matter how fast or slow
- it does it. X and T are off when COSMO first starts and if neither are set
- and no key is pressed the program will just keep looping until finally
- (weeks?) the math would cause an overflow error.
- P will turn the screen dark gray and pause the pattern. Any key will
- continue. Pause does not stop the timer from counting but it will hold the
- pattern if time runs out.
- ESC will quit and return to LOADSTAR on any drive or exit to BASIC.
- Any other key will start the next pattern. When a new pattern begins,
- two 'seeds' are generated randomly. The numbers are (all approximate):
- S1: any one of 100,000 numbers between 1 and 1.001
- S2: any one of 100,000,000 numbers between -1.99 and -0.000008
- The order of the colors in the pallette are also chosen at random. All
- colors except black and dark gray are always used. Then the timer is
- restarted.
- ---------
- As written, COSMO requires 64K of VDC ram. Software Support
- International (1-800-356-1179) still carries the 64K upgrade kit if you
- have only 16K. If you have no interest in or need for it you can run
- 'cosmo 16k'. It's a stripped down but very similar monochrome version. It
- has no color step or pallette and XOR is replaced by OR (there are no color
- cells to show up).
- All the keyboard controls above are the same with a new one, C. Each
- time a new pattern begins a new single color, except black or dark gray, is
- chosen at random for the whole screen. Pressing C will cycle through the
- colors and back again, but every dot on the whole screen will turn the same
- color. Hold down C for 'psychotic episode' mode.
- Even if you have 64K check out COSMO 16K. It's not as spectacular, but
- it's still interesting since the single color gives a very different 'feel'
- to the look of the patterns.
- I love writing these types of programs, and I hope you like it. If
- you're just kicking around the house on a day off, set up your monitor in a
- corner of the living room, put on your favorite Classical (or Zep), and
- diverge.
- TG
- FENDER'S POSTMUMBLE: I like this program even more than Tim does. I've had
- to ban myself from running it here at the Tower because I can't turn it off
- and get any work done. I'll bet a lot of you out there get caught up in
- the incredible beauty of its screens, too.
- What IS the fascination of this kind of art? My theory is that there are
- two kinds of people in the world: those that are more comfortable with
- order, and those that are more comfortable with chaos. When it comes to
- art, I guess I'm one of those "orderly" guys. I can walk through an art
- gallery filled with pictures created by talented humans and get a mild
- thrill, but when I see a picture painted by a dinky little formula, I'm
- hooked -- especially when I can see the formula in action.
- Both of the BASIC source codes are on the disk so if you want to experiment
- by changing some of the parameters, feel free. For best results, after
- changing the code and finding something you think is interesting, compile
- the program for speed. We used Abacus' BASIC 128 Compiler but any compiler
- should work.
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