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- D A V E ' S T E R M Part 3
- Program by David Jansen
- Text by Fender Tucker
- DAVE'S TERM is truly an incredible "system" for your C-128. Once you
- get into it, you'll find that you probably never need to leave it. Read
- what Don Graham, a relative newcomer to the C-128, has to say about it in
- the text file on this issue called ANOTHER WORLD -- he's more caught up in
- the DT than anyone.
- Since Don provides an overview of the complete DT program, of which
- this is the third installment, I will just reiterate a few things about how
- to get the previous installments and how to read the docs for this part.
- DAVE'S TERM: Parts 1 and 2
- --------------------------
- The terminal part of the program was small enough for us to present on
- LS 128 #26. It had the "mods" and "docs" for the terminal program, the
- phone directory, the buffer utilities, uploading, the ML monitor, RS-232
- capability and ZIP. "Mods" are the actual ML modules that do all of the
- work when loaded by the main program. "Docs" is simply a short name for
- "documentation", or instruction files.
- On LS 128 #27 we gave you mods and docs for all of the many copiers,
- the calculator, scripts (macros), directory editor, sector editor and
- printing. If you get the 1581 version of LOADSTAR 128, both Part 1 and
- Part 2 were presented on LS 128 #27.
- DAVE'S TERM: Part 3
- -------------------
- On this issue we give you just about all of the rest of DAVE'S TERM.
- Not found on this issue are the spell checker and some online games. We're
- saving those for a later, special deal for LOADSTAR 128 subscribers. But
- on this disk are a bunch of mods that might be considered "advanced" tools
- for telecommunicators: archivers and graphics utilities.
- DAVE'S TERM supports ARK, ZIP and LZH compaction. You probably know as
- much about these things as I do. LOADSTAR uses text compression on the 64
- magazine, but now that I've seen LZH in action, I'm amazed. It's possible
- to pack a file down into another file about one third the original's size.
- Online this can save you a lot of money. Time is money online, which is
- one of the reasons why I'm not an online person.
- The mods on this issue are not compressed. They should be copied with
- a file copier over to your DAVE'S TERM disk. If you only have a 1541
- drive, you'll have to have some mods on your main DT128 disk and have some
- more mods on another disk. Then you'll have to swap disks to load and use
- a mod, unless the mod happens to be on the disk you have in the drive.
- DAVE'S TERM is one of those programs that are much better on a 1581 disk.
- ---------------
- NOTE: The docs are only packed on the 5.25 inch version of LS 128 #28. If
- you get the 3.5 inch version, you can ignore the following.
- I've tried to keep the docs in a consistent, logical format so you can
- print them out with our LS 128 menu system. Chapters 1 through 4 (called
- "dt128 docs x") were on LS 128 #26 and chapters 5 through 10 were on LS 128
- #27. Chapters 11 through 17 are on this disk, but if you look at the
- directory you won't find them. These seven "t." files added up to 339
- blocks worth of instructive prose. How was I going to cram 339 blocks of
- text onto a side that already had 400 blocks of mods?
- DAVE'S TERM to the rescue! I tried LZH packing and it came through
- like a champ. All 339 blocks (seven files) pack down into one 128-block
- file called "dt128 docs.lzh". Fantastic! Here's how you can "un-LZH" the
- file and end up with the seven "t." files, numbered 11 through 17 for
- adding to your DT128 docs disk.
- (1) Copy the file "dt128 docs.lzh" over to a disk with plenty of blocks
- free -- at least 500.
- (2) Boot DAVE'S TERM from LS 128 #26 (or LS 128 #27 if you have the 3.5
- inch version).
- (3) Select ARCHIVE MODULES from the main menu. If you get a "module not
- found" message, insert Side Two of LS 128 #28 which has the LZH mod on it.
- (4) Select LZH from the Dissolve Modules menu. If you have a 1541, select
- 1541 LZH.
- (5) Set the source and destination drives appropriately but leave the
- other options as they are: Force lower case = no; File type = p; Dissolve =
- yes.
- (6) Select Dissolve LZH.
- (7) At the LZH Name prompt, enter "dt128 docs" without the quotes.
- (8) At the pattern prompt, enter an asterisk (*).
- (9) Sit back and watch the magic.
- You'll end up with seven files that are identical to the "t." files
- found on LOADSTAR 128. They are PetASCII files in a PRG format. To print
- them, run LOADSTAR 128 #28 and stick in the disk with the "t." files before
- you select one of the docs file from the LS 128 menu.
- NOTE: Before you un-LZH the 128-block file that's on LS 128 you will get a
- "file not found" message if you try to read or print them from the LS 128
- menu. I purposely made the docs files part of the LS 128 menu so that
- after you un-LZH them you can use our presenter to print them out. Of
- course you can always use a word processor, too.
- That's about it for this issue. Read Don Graham's article if you
- haven't tried DAVE'S TERM yet. Print out all of the docs. The seventeen
- chapters will take up many, many sheets of paper, but you'll never find
- that much useful information about the C-128 and its capabilities in one
- place. Since the docs for DT128 are so gargantuan, I've made up a text
- file which you can print out from LS 128 that can be used as a "Table of
- Contents".
- \\\\\ RETURN - Menu \\\\\