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- M U L T I L I S T 1 2 8
- Program by e. g. bell Text by Fender Tucker
- ed bell never does anything in a small way, and this time he's tackled
- mass printing. If you print out one or two letters a week, your word
- processor will do that quite nicely, but if you produce even half as much
- printout as ed bell does, you can save time and hassle with MULTILIST 128.
- It will allow you to take a bunch of text or program files that are in
- different formats and print them all out...while you are away from your
- computer doing something else.
- -------------------
- MULTILIST 128 is a one-file program with 17 pages of docs. The program
- is mostly ML but it can be loaded and saved like a BASIC program. The ML
- is "tacked on" to the end of the BASIC part, which means that if you modify
- the BASIC code you MUST keep it the same number of bytes long. ed has
- added REM statements to the BASIC code that explain what you can do by
- changing certain bytes in the code. For instance, line 60 has a variable
- (rl%) defined as "00". If you have a CMD device with RTL clock (like
- RAMLink, an HD or a SmartMouse) change the "00" in line 60 to the number of
- the CMD device and MULTILIST 128 will boot up with the correct time. If
- your CMD device is numbered 8 or 9, be sure to change "00" to "08" or "09"
- rather than "8" or "9". The warning applies to any byte you change in the
- BASIC code.
- When done modifying the BASIC code, save the program before running it.
- Other parameters you can change in the BASIC code are the drive number and
- partition you want the program to return to LOADSTAR on.
- -----------------
- There is a 64 mode program on this disk that will print out the
- extensive, helpful docs that ed wrote for MULTILIST 128. It's a 190-block
- file that's been crunched down into 98 blocks (which includes code that
- prints the 17 pages of instructions). Since we don't have a good 128-mode
- cruncher, I'm afraid you must quit LS 128 and go to the 64 mode and run
- "multilist docs".
- The docs are just as ed wrote them, formatted for 78 columns and ready
- to be indexed by INDEXER (ed's index-making program on LS 128 #22), except
- they're packed. To print them, all you have to do is run the 64-mode
- program "multilist docs" and follow the prompts.
- If you want the docs in an unpacked form so you can INDEX them, read
- them off the screen with JiffyDOS' @t command, or load them into a word
- processor (a big one like THE WRITE STUFF 128), then all you have to do is
- once again change the BASIC part of a program. Here's how to print the
- docs to disk, creating a 192-block PETASCII file.
- (1) Run the program and when you see the colorfully tiled screen of the
- docs printer, press STOP to break out of the program.
- (2) Change the OPEN4,4,7 in line 150 to OPEN4,8,7,"DOCS,P,W"
- (3) Run the program with a disk in drive 8 that has at least 200 blocks
- free. If you want to use a drive other than 8, just change the 8 in line
- 10 to the number of your drive.
- If you would like to just quickly see the docs on the screen, you can
- change OPEN4,4,7 in line 150 to OPEN4,3,7 and run the program. Keep your
- finger on the CONTROL key to slow it so you can read it. You'll be looking
- at text formatted for 80 columns on a 40-column screen so every other line
- won't be wordwrapped.
- MULTILIST 128 is fairly straightforward but it's a good idea to read
- the docs. ed not only supplies some good information about printing but he
- addresses little quirks you may find as you use the program.
- ----------------
- It's essentially a one-screen program that shows you all of the
- parameters you can change before printing. "P" is the key to hit to start
- the printing so as long as you don't hit that key you can try all of the
- other options to see what they do. Here's a quick description of the hot
- keys:
- A) Here you can customize MULTILIST 128 to recognize your word processor's
- files, even if you use an oddball or unknown word processor.
- C) Issue DOS commands like Initialize, Rename or Copy.
- D) See the directory of the current drive.
- E) Set the screen colors.
- F) Set the margins, line feeds, paging and other options of the printout.
- H) Give the printout a header.
- P) Print the file(s).
- R) Reset the date.
- S) Set the printer parameters (device number, secondary address, number of
- columns, source and destination numbers and paths, etc.)
- T) Select which types of translation you want (GEOS Cvt., Screen code,
- PETASCII, pure ASCII, etc.). There's even one mode that will automatically
- select for you.
- W) Once you get MULTILIST 128 exactly set up as you want it, do this and
- it'll create a version of the program with those parameters.
- X) Exit to BASIC or LOADSTAR 128.
- Z) Send ESC and printer codes to the printer. You can make your printer
- do things like italics, underline, bold print, etc.
- That's it. You must have a printer connected and on for MULTILIST 128
- to work. Play with the parameter screen, print out some small text or
- program files, and see how it works. The initial setup may take some time
- to get every parameter tweaked just right, but like GEOS, once you have it
- set up and saved, you don't have to do it again.
- --------------
- The program that prints the docs to printer, screen or disk is a 64-
- mode program. It won't work in the 128 mode. Happy printing!
- FT
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\