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- D I S K O V E R Y : Quick Questions and Quick Answers
- by Fender Tucker
- Letters to the Editor are probably the most popular part of any
- publication. It's a chance to see what other people, just like you, have to
- say or ask. If you look at the LOADSTAR menu for this issue you'll find
- there is no FORUM -- there wasn't a lot of disk room on Side One (or Two).
- So I decided to make Diskovery into a Q&D Forum where I'll paraphrase a
- question from a reader and dash off an answer. Here goes!
- A. J. Parone of Philadelphia asks if we could update LOAN SHARK (from #4) to
- handle weekly payments rather than monthly. Check out the two financial
- programs on this issue, A. J. You can set the number of payments per year
- to 52 and get what you want.
- R. M. Einar of Wenatchee WA, and several others asked why there was no
- LIBRARY update on LS 128 #18. I felt that MASTER BASE (aka SEARCH MASTER)
- on issue #17 was a more modern way to find which LOADSTAR a program was on,
- so I proposed that it was going to take the place of LOADSTAR LIBRARY. I
- will create a master list of all of the LS 128s in LIBRARY format and put it
- on the next LS 128 that has room for it. But you know, with EDSTAR or any
- PETASCII text editor and a minimal amount of studying, it's possible for
- anyone to update their LIBRARY file in about five minutes. Look at the
- file, see what's on each line and just duplicate them for the issues I've
- skipped.
- N. A. Fulcher of Comox, British Columbia is having trouble with PEDIGREE
- (the superb family history program from #6). It insists on underlining
- everything it prints out. PEDIGREE uses the graphics mode but allows you to
- set the printer codes. N. A. has a Roland 1111 printer (Panasonic KX-P1091
- in disguise) and a Telesys Turboprint/GT interface (v1.1). If anyone has
- any ideas, please write to N. A. at 1516 Comox Avenue, Comox BC V9N 7K1. If
- anyone knows the whereabouts of Lee O. Clinton, the author of PEDIGREE and
- several other great 128 programs, please let ME know.
- Gerald P. Sthay would like to see a program that helps with laying out a
- room, furniture-wise. Programmers? Gerald would like it to work with a
- mouse. Maurice Randall's MOUSE 80 (on LS 128 #15) will take care of the
- mouse if it's an 80-column program, but since the program seems to require
- sprites, maybe 40-columns is the way to go.
- Bob Jackson, 3910 Don Julio Blvd. North Highlands CA 95660, asks if anyone
- has templates for GEOCALC 128. There are probably plenty on GEnie or QLink.
- If you want to share templates, write Bob a letter.
- Richard Forgione of Methuen MA asks if we have a golf handicapping program.
- We haven't had one on LS 128 but THE PRO SHOP by Barbara Schulak (on LS #77)
- should fill the bill. It keeps scores and does handicapping for you.
- Darryld Lowen of Las Cruces NM (my old home town) asks for a 128 mode video
- titler. Programmers? He also says he has problems copying LS to a 3 1/2
- inch disk using SHELL COPIER (#10), RUNCOPY 128 or 1581 Uni-Copy. Nothing
- on the disks should be hard to copy -- no protection schemes or tricks -- so
- the problems must be in the copiers or the equipment. I use Maverick, CMD's
- FCOPY or SUPER SNAPSHOT V5's file copier and rarely have problems. I'd
- recommend using FCOPY to copy all of the files on Side One into a 1571
- partition on the 3 1/2 inch disk. Then copy all of the files below the
- first ---------- divider line (except divider lines) from Side Two.
- Robert Cashon of Huntsville AL (my old Army post town) asks if Softdisk is
- ever going to have a used 3 1/2 inch disk sale like we did for 5 1/4 inch
- disks. Sorry, Robert, I don't think we will. We have a hard enough time
- getting the 3 1/2 inch disks ourselves.
- Joi Ball of Diggs VA asks why Rick Ferreira's TOTEM couldn't have been in
- the 40-column mode since it was all graphics. Joi, I agree; unless the
- graphics screen is spectacular in the 80-column mode, why not just do it in
- the 40-column mode where the programmer has all of those BASIC 7.0 graphics
- and sprite commands? Programmers, for most programs I think our readers
- want 80 columns, but if you've got a good graphics-intensive program in
- 40-columns, send it in.
- Kenneth Reese of Frankfort IN says he has a monochrome monitor and would
- like a "patch" program that would fix all of the programs we've published
- that use the wrong colors for monochrome. I explained in Forum on #15 how
- to fix HOUSE CAT and LOADSTAR LIBRARY and that explanation applies to any LS
- program with an invisible cursor in monochrome. The only programs that
- can't be easily fixed are those that are in ML or those that are compiled --
- unless we supply the source code, which we often do. I realize this is a
- touchy subject, but the main advantage of C-64/128 computers over IBMs is
- that you, yes you, can change programs. If you want a computer that
- requires no user study, all I can say is, maybe in twenty or thirty years
- there'll be such a thing.
- Karl Schenk, 7610 W. Nob Hill #39, Yakima WA 98908, asks if anyone has any
- clues to why IPAINT won't print on his KX-P1123 printer with Xetec Super
- Grafix JR interface. Can anyone help? He also wants to know if we will
- ever support CP/M. The rest of his letter was total gibberish, obviously
- the work of a disturbed computer genius. In other words, good reading!
- Karl, maybe one of these days I'll look into CP/M, but it'll have to wait
- until I've finished reading Norman Mailer's HARLOT'S GHOST. Maybe 1998?
- Edward Matthews or Arnold MD asks if we could modify CAR EXPENSE to handle
- tenths of a mile, HOME REFINANCER to handle home equity loans, and the
- LOADSTAR file copier to work after LS has been copied to a 1571 disk. (1)
- If we could find Lee O. Clinton, maybe we could have him modify CAR EXPENSE.
- (2) I wrote HOME REFINANCIER from specifications given to me by a person who
- knows home financing. I'll ask him if he can re-spec it. I know I can't.
- I'm fiscally illiterate and plan to stay that way. (3) Once you've got
- LOADSTAR copied to a 1571, why would you want copier to work? The 1571 is
- an orphan and almost impossible to fix when it breaks. I'm sorry, Edward,
- but the 1571 mode is doomed to non-support these days.
- There are many more people I owe letters to. For the past few months I
- have been concentrating on the LOADSTARs themselves, trying to meet
- deadlines. For information about LOADSTAR programs, by all means, write or
- call us and we'll try to help. In general, though, my recommendation for
- everyone is to join a national users' group like MEETING C64/128 USERS
- THROUGH THE MAIL, 1576B County Road 2350 E., St. Joseph IL 61873. There is
- much more wisdom and knowledge in the minds of the 300 or so members than
- will ever be found in the LOADSTAR Tower. I bet they answer their letters
- quicker, too.
- I expected to have a review of Randy Winchester's KeyDOS ROM (from
- Antigrav Toolkit, P.O. Box 1074, Cambridge MA 02142) this issue but I never
- got to it. Sorry, Randy. I have the chip installed in my second 128 at
- work and it gives me many of the capabilities that JiffyDOS does on my main
- computer, for less than half the price. If you are using a stock 128, write
- Antigrav and see about getting KeyDOS ROM. I take my JiffyDOS/KeyDOS power
- for granted these days and once you try them, you will, too.
- Next issue I plan to have a super utility from Alf Jonassen and maybe
- even e. g. bell's latest blockbuster. There are some 128 gurus out there
- and LOADSTAR will do its best to bring you their masterpieces.
- FT
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