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- S O N O F C L I P A R T I S T
- by Dick Heckert
- If you wanted to use CLIP ARTIST, my drawing program on LOADSTAR 128
- #13, but did not have the 64k VDC chip or the mouse, then this program was
- written for you. You control the program with the CRSR keys instead of the
- mouse and the RETURN and SPACE keys instead of the mouse buttons.
- The work screen is a BASIC 8 monochrome screen with a draw window, a
- command window, and 36 rectangles that can be thought of as icons. The draw
- window, where your image will appear is a little to the left of the center
- of the screen. It changes sizes to accommodate the different formats SON OF
- CLIP ARTIST supports. The command window is to the right of the draw
- window. Keep an eye on this big rectangle for messages and prompts.
- Each of the 36 icons is part of one of the following five columns.
- DRAW commands allow you to draw shapes, lines and other objects in the
- draw window.
- BRUSH commands allow you to manipulate parts of the draw screen as a
- single block.
- DISK commands allow you to load, save, choose a drive and see the
- directory of a chosen drive.
- MOVE commands allow you to manipulate the whole drawing area, including
- expanding, shrinking, rotating and size correcting.
- FORMAT commands allow you to choose between four different formats of
- graphics - Print Shop 2-block, Print Shop 3-block, PrintMaster and BASIC 8
- brushes.
- By using the CRSR keys you can move an arrow around anywhere on the
- screen, until it's on an icon. When you press RETURN, that function will be
- chosen. Each of the icons are described below.
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- The draw menu includes all the tools you will need to make your own
- small graphics. When in the draw window, you can press (F) for fast cursor
- movement or (S) for slow. The current speed is shown in reverse below the
- draw window. Use the slow mode for fine drawing and the fast mode for
- moving the pinpoint cursor all the way across the draw window.
- LINE - This allows you to draw from point to point until you press the
- SPACE bar. Set the pointer to the first point with RETURN and then CURSOR
- to the second point and press RETURN. That line will be drawn. If you want
- to continue, just move to another point and press RETURN. To abort at any
- time, press the SPACE bar. To get out of line mode and back to the menu,
- press the SPACE bar again. This releases the pointer from the draw window
- and allows you to select from the menu boxes again.
- RAYS - With this tool you can set the original point with RETURN and then
- CURSOR out and draw a series of lines from the same point. Press the SPACE
- bar to abort a series and press it again to return to the menu or start a
- new series of rays with RETURN.
- BOX - This will help you draw a rectangle by pressing RETURN for the first
- corner, stretching out the box until it looks right and then pressing RETURN
- again to draw the box. Press the SPACE bar to abort if the box doesn't
- look right.
- OFFSET BOXES - Vertical or horizontal offset boxes are drawn by pressing
- RETURN for the first corner, pressing RETURN to set the opposite corner and
- then stretching the box image right/left or up/down for the offset. The
- images in the menu box show how the finished box will look.
- CIRCLE - This tool will draw a round circle on the screen after you set the
- center with RETURN and set the radius by moving the pointer to the right or
- left. When you have the correct radius, press RETURN to draw the circle.
- Only that portion of the circle in the draw window will be drawn. When
- finished with circles, press the SPACE BAR to abort to the menu. Only slow
- cursor speed is available for CIRCLES.
- ELLIPSE - This mode works a little differently. The first RETURN sets the
- upper left corner of a box which will define the limits of the ellipse.
- Then stretch out the box and RETURN again to draw the ellipse within the
- limits.
- FREEHAND - In this mode the little pointer (shown in the menu box) can be
- used to draw any shape you like by pressing RETURN to start and SPACE to end
- as you cursor around in the draw window.
- ERASER - This turns off pixels in the same manner the FREEHAND mode turns
- them on. Locate the eraser pointer and press RETURN. Pixels under the
- pointer are turned off. You can move the pointer and press RETURN again to
- erase another spot. SPACE returns you to the menu.
- PAINT - Move the pointer to an area completely surrounded by lines and then
- press RETURN. The enclosed area will be filled. Be careful! If your area
- is not completely enclosed the paint will leak out and fill the window.
- CLEAR - This will erase everything in the active draw window, whether it's
- a large brush window or a small 2-block image window.
- Remember, in general, RETURN initiates an action and the SPACE bar
- returns you to the previous mode or to the menu. If the pointer will not
- move out of the draw window and you want the menu, press the SPACE bar.
- -------
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- The brush tools allow you to use the Basic 8 commands to manipulate the
- image in the draw window.
- CLIP - This copies that portion of the draw window defined by pressing
- RETURN and then moving to the lower right corner and pressing RETURN again.
- This area is saved to a buffer to be PASTED to the draw window later.
- PASTE - Choose PASTE and a floating image of the clipped buffer will appear
- in the draw window. Use the CRSR keys to position the image and press
- RETURN to paste it.
- MIRROR - This option flips whatever is in the draw window right to left.
- FLIP - This flips the image upside down.
- REVERSE - This turns all on-pixels off and all off-pixels on.
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- These commands cover any disk access and drive setup.
- DISK 8, DISK 9 - The program supports two disk drives (8 and 9) so you can
- load from one drive and save to another. Just RETURN on the drive number
- box and all subsequent drive activity will be from that drive.
- LOAD - Press RETURN when the arrow is on this box and you'll be asked for a
- filename. You may want to use DIRECTORY first. If you're in the B8 BRUSH
- mode, the prefix "brus." will be entered and displayed for you.
- SAVE - You'll be asked for a filename. If you're in the B8 BRUSH mode you
- don't need to enter the "brus." prefix.
- DIRECTORY - If you want to see the directory of the active disk drive,
- select DIRECTORY. All files are shown unless you are in B8 brush format
- where only brush files are shown. If the drive selected is a 1581, you will
- be asked if you want to open a partition. If the answer is no, then the
- root directory will be active. If yes, just enter the name of the partition
- (wildcards are okay). The name of the active disk or partition is shown
- below the command window. When the directory is shown, you may press P with
- your printer turned on for a hardcopy of the active directory (root or
- partition).
- NOTE: The Printmaster filenames contain a non-standard mixture of ASCII
- upper/lower case. The hardcopy makes more sense than the Basic 8 directory
- shown on the screen so you might want to print out a PrintMaster directory
- to aid you in entering filenames. The program corrects for the lower-upper
- case PrintMaster filenames when entering a filename for LOAD.
- If you LOAD a graphic without clearing the draw window, the second
- image will be added to the first. If you want to abort a load or save,
- enter "x" for the filename. Images can be saved in 2-block or 3-block Print
- Shop format or in a Basic 8 brush file. Sorry, no saves to Printmaster
- format. If you load a Basic 8 brush file larger than the draw window, it
- will not be restricted to the window, but will sprawl out over part of the
- menu. To clean up the screen, just go to the directory and back.
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- UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT - The image in the draw window can be moved up, down,
- left or right by selecting your choice. If you move part of the image out
- of the current window, that part will be erased. It doesn't wrap around. A
- portion of the image can be moved by clipping, erasing and then pasting in
- the new location.
- NOTE: The following four commands must scan the image line by line. This
- can take a minute or two.
- CORRECT - This expands a 40-column graphic to the right to correct the
- aspect ratio for the 80-column screen. Print Shop basketballs will then be
- round on your monitor. Most images do not require this correction, but it
- is handy when you need it. After correction you will be in the Basic 8
- brush format.
- EXPAND - You can enlarge your image by 2 or 3 in the horizontal, vertical
- or both directions. If the resulting image is small enough, it will be
- returned to the draw window. Otherwise you will be asked if you would like
- to save the large, expanded image as a brush file. This file will be the
- expanded image; NOT the original in the draw window.
- SHRINK - If you need a smaller version of a graphic image, select SHRINK
- and then enter the x and y size ratios you would like (.5 for half size or
- .8 for 20% reduction). The original pixel location will be multiplied by
- this number and then redrawn. This smaller image can then be clipped and
- added to another graphic or saved "as is" in any format.
- ROTATE - This command will redraw the image in the draw window at any angle
- from 0 to 180 degrees. The original image angle is 90 degrees. If you want
- it to be tilted to the right enter a number between 0 (horizontal right) to
- 89 degrees (slight right). Horizontal to the left would be 180 degrees.
- Some distortion results from the equal scale in the x and y directions in
- the new image. Just touch it up in ZOOM edit mode (in the next section).
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- This section allows you to select which of the four formats you're
- going to work with. Since you can load in one format and save in another,
- this is also a conversion section. The size of the draw window will change
- to the correct size for the active format. ZOOM, which should probably be
- under the DRAW section, is here only because there was no room for the icon
- in that column.
- Note: if you have a three-block image and change to two-block and decide to
- return to three-block, there will be a thin line erased through the image.
- Before you switch to the two-block mode, save the image if there's one
- showing.
- RETURN when the arrow is on one of these icons and you'll be in that mode
- until you change modes or load a graphic that's too large to fit in the
- current draw window.
- QUIT - Here you can exit the program. If there's an autoboot disk in the
- drive it will be autobooted. If it's LOADSTAR 128, it will autoboot.
- ZOOM - This puts you in the pixel edit mode where pressing RETURN on the
- expanded image reverses a single pixel. You will use this mode a lot,
- getting the fine details just right on your image. Press the SPACE bar to
- return to the menu screen.
- When I wrote CLIP ARTIST I wanted to take advantage of the 64K of video
- RAM I had installed in my "flat-top" C-128, as well as my new 1351 mouse.
- If you're good with a mouse and have 64K of video RAM you will probably want
- to use CLIP ARTIST on LOADSTAR 128 #13. But if you don't have a mouse or
- the expanded C-128, try creating or modifying images with SON OF CLIP ARTIST
- and you'll find it's SO much easier than struggling with the editors that
- come with Print Shop or PrintMaster. Have fun!
- DH
- Commodore 128 is a trademark of Commodore Business Machines.
- Print Shop is a trademark of Broderbund Software.
- PrintMaster is a trademark of Unison World Inc.
- **** End of Text ****