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- D I S K O V E R Y : Users' Groups Update
- by Fender Tucker
- Ever since we first started publishing LOADSTAR 128 two and a half
- years ago I've had to mince words whenever someone would say, "Hey, how
- come LOADSTAR 128 is only one disk and LOADSTAR 64 is two? Yet LOADSTAR
- 128 costs more!" What can I say? At the time, programs for the 128 were
- harder to come by and more expensive, and, I admit it, we tacked on an
- extra $5 to the retail price because everyone was hurting for 128 software.
- In our defense, how many mail-intensive products have kept the same price
- since 1981, as Softdisk products have?
- But the fact remains: in the recession year 1991, coming up with $40
- for a year's subscription can be pretty tough, especially for retired
- people who must live on fixed incomes. There's got to be a less expensive
- way to keep your ol' C-128 alive and crunching -- and there is! The answer
- is to join a users' group.
- I was just given the lowdown on Softdisk's Users' Group policy.
- Here's the deal. If 10% of a groups' members (or 5 if the group numbers
- less than 50) sign up for a year's subscription to LOADSTAR 128, the cost
- is $25 per subscription. That's a hefty discount, by any standards. The
- catch is that Softdisk saves money on postage, which is one of our major
- expenses. Instead of shipping a LOADSTAR disk to every subscriber, we will
- send the group's representative two copies of a LOADSTAR 128 (one for
- backup) and the representative will be expected to make copies for each of
- the subscribers. He will also be expected to make sure that only paid
- subscribers get copies of the disk.
- It's sort of like having the group representative act as our agent.
- Everybody saves -- except Uncle Sam, I guess, who hasn't done much to
- deserve the proposed 4-cent hike in first-class postage anyway. Check with
- your local users' group and see if you can't find five or more compatriots
- to join you in extending your subscription.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Now that self-promotion of subscriptions is out of the way, let's get
- onto self-promotion of this issue! It's got some major stuff on it -- all
- programmed by three of LOADSTAR 128's finest magicians, Jon Mattson, Robert
- Rockefeller and Robert B. Cook.
- Jon is no stranger to us all, since he's the genius behind the
- 80-column presenter we're now enjoying. He contributed a couple of
- programming tools, CONTROL-80 for the 80-column mode, and GBASIC for
- 40-column graphics. There are demos of each, as well as entertaining
- programs that really show off the usefulness of these tools. ZONE 13 is my
- personal favorite. It is an addictive puzzle-game that has forty puzzles
- built-in. I realize that I promised fifty of them, but my Christmas
- vacation, during which I lost all memory of that which had gone before, cut
- into my creativity time. But that's okay, forty puzzles is a lot, and
- anyway, you can make your own with the handy construction option.
- Robert Rockefeller is a more serious sort and contributes two
- high-level utilities. One is 128 SHELL (or LOADSTAR SHELL) and it allows
- you quick access to a dozen or so utilities on disk (or in a RAM disk)
- whenever you want them. One of the utilities is so "major" that I consider
- it a separate program, even though it runs from inside of the shell. It's
- a full-featured Assembler/Editor for the 80-column C-128. Try buying one
- of these for less than $30 mail order. If you're ready to jump into
- Machine Language for the C-128, this is THE program you need.
- For the home user, Robert Cook is rapidly becoming a patron saint.
- His HOUSE CAT is a very easy to use cataloguing system for keeping track of
- your household items. We've published similar programs for the C-64 but
- Robert's straightforward use of 80-columns makes this one especially nice.
- He also supplies us with CRIBBAGE 128 which challenges you to a game
- against the savage power of your C-128.
- There's plenty of documentation on all of these programs and I
- recommend you print the text files out. If you subscribed via a users'
- group, you'd have spent $6.25 for this issue, and some of the words used in
- the docs are worth that much alone!
- But what's the deal? I usually don't talk about the current issue --
- it speaks for itself -- I usually talk about the NEXT issue. Well, it's
- going to be good, too. I'm hoping that frustrated 80-column programmers
- out there will snatch up CONTROL-80 and flood Maria (the lovely LOADSTAR
- secretary) with terrific programs for upcoming issues. Jon Mattson has
- already sent a couple of great games for it (of course), and Robert
- Rockefeller promises some more gadgets for his shell. Bob Cook sent me a
- program for anyone who saves coupons, but with all the money you can save
- by subscribing through a users' group...
- Let's just say that LOADSTAR 128 #11 will be a further adventure in
- entertainment and usefulness. See you then!
- **** End of Text ****