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- S H I S E N - S H O
- Program and Text by K&R Slaminko
- SHISEN-SHO is a variation on Mah-
- Jonng (or Shanghai). 144 tiles are
- arranged in a 16x9 grid. There are
- four copies of each of 36 designs,
- and the goal is to remove pairs of
- matching tiles until the gameboard is
- empty.
- You can't just remove any old
- pair, however. The tiles must either
- be adjacent horizontally or
- vertically, or it must be possible to
- connect the tiles using no more than
- three horizontal and/or vertical line
- segments that don't pass through any
- other tiles.
- There's no space between the
- rows and columns (though it might
- look like there is), but there is a
- border around the grid you can use
- for mentally drawing the lines. So
- any matching tiles along the same
- edge can be removed.
- SHISEN-SHO utilizes the Mr. Mouse
- toolkit, so you can use a 1351 mouse,
- joystick in port 2, or the keyboard
- to manipulate tiles. The little BASIC
- routine I use to make tiles flash
- sometimes causes Mr.Mouse to miss a
- button push. Just hold the button
- down until it registers to overcome
- this little problem.
- Click on a tile (it will start
- flashing) then click on its mate. If
- a legal path exists between the
- tiles, they will be removed. Or click
- the first tile again and it will be
- de-selected.
- Enter your name at the start of
- the program and it will be used to
- keep your personal play statistics
- separate from anyone else's.
- There are 32,767 unique,
- repeatable layouts. One will be
- randomly selected when you start
- SHISEN-SHO and its number will be
- shown at the top of the screen.
- Clicking on [GAME] will give you
- a choice of NEW (another game chosen
- at random), SELECT (enter the game
- number), RESTART (the current layout)
- or CANCEL (go back to playing the
- game).
- Other options along the top of the
- screen are [STAT], [HELP], and [QUIT].
- STAT displays your statistics (games
- won and lost and your best and worst
- streaks). These stats are kept in
- the file "sss.<yourname>" so if you
- want to clear the stats, just delete
- that file. Click when done looking.
- [HELP] will display a quickie set
- of instructions, and give you an
- option to have the computer seek out
- a match, or just continue with the
- game. Unless you have a SuperCPU,
- use the seek option only when you
- have to as it could take several
- minutes to find a match.
- [QUIT] gives you the option to
- either leave SHISEN-SHO or to change
- your mind and keep playing.
- Since there are 4 of each tile,
- they can be paired up in different
- ways. Try to look ahead and see which
- pairing provides the most help in
- freeing blocked tiles. Of course the
- best situation is when you can remove
- all four copies of a given tile.
- I've found that nipping away at
- the corners generally works best, so
- anytime I have a choice, I take a
- corner tile. And since paths can go
- through open spaces in the middle, I
- like to take out interior adjacent
- pairs early to open up these new
- pathways.
- This is a tough game to win, but
- oh so satisfying when you do. It's
- highly likely that some layouts can't
- be won, but maybe if you'd done
- things differently early on that dang
- flower tile wouldn't be trapped now.
- Write down the number of "unsolvable"
- layouts - maybe someone else can
- figure a way through. Game 17428 is
- fairly easy: I solved it first try.
- For a tougher but winnable challenge,
- try game number 23829 - took me about
- 12 tries to find a way through that
- one.
- Lastly, I want to thank James King
- for suggesting this game. It's been
- great fun developing.
- [FENDER'S POSTMUMBLE:] It took me a
- couple of games to learn to recognize
- the various configurations that
- constitute a "path". I'd go to HELP
- and have it show me a pair and sure
- enough, the ones it found were
- legitimate, even though I couldn't
- see them at first. I am very
- impressed with Ron and Kate's
- algorithm for determining if there is
- a path. I'm even more impressed with
- their algorithm for looking for
- pairs. This was a real programming
- challenge, the kind that caused many
- old dog programmers from the early
- days to lose their hair -- and minds.
- What's really amazing is that a game
- of this caliber takes up 47 blocks of
- disk space. That's less than 12K. On
- the PC 12K would represent a picture
- maybe an inch on a side or one or two
- notes of a song in the popular MP3
- format.
- I haven't played SHISEN-SHO without
- the SuperCPU but at 20 MHz it is very
- addictive. I use HELP way too much
- but I still find the game satisfying.
- James King said that he didn't know
- of a version of this for the Windows
- environment yet. When Dave Moorman
- sees this game I'll bet he'll want to
- rectify that on the first eLOADSTAR
- issue he can get it on. Then you can
- play it on both of your computers.
- FT
- [DAVE'S CONFESSION] Hi! My name is
- Dave and I'm a Shosen-Shi addict.
- Hi, Dave!
- As I waded through the emotional
- sludge left by the tornado, I spent
- many hours with Shamrocks and Shosen-
- Shi. If I could make one revision to
- the game, I would set "scoring" to
- reflect how many times [Help] was
- used. That way, the fact that the game
- could not be completely cleared would
- not spoil the player's day.
- But I am really not up to taking apart
- someone else's program.