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- u>
- 1. What is the name of Gimli's Father?
- \
- 0Durin
- 0Thorin
- 1Gloin
- 0Balin
- 0Dwalin
- >
- 2. What is the meaning of Anduril, the
- sword of Aragorn?
- \
- 0Fury of the North
- 0Sting of the South
- 0Flame of the North
- 0Fury of the South
- 1Flame of the West
- >
- 3. King Theoden is the son of...
- \
- 1Thengel
- 0Eorl
- 0Fengel
- 0Brego
- 0Deor
- >
- 4. What is the colour of the Arrow
- that Bard used to shoot down Smaug
- the Dragon?
- \
- 0Red
- 0Green
- 0White
- 1Black
- 0Blue
- >
- 5. What is the name of the giant of a
- man who aids the elves, dwarves and
- humans in the Battle of Five
- armies?
- \
- 0Beren
- 0Bombur
- 1Beorn
- 0Bain
- 0Brego
- >
- 6. What is the name of the town that
- was attacked by Smaug, but where
- Smaug was killed?
- \
- 0Edoras
- 1Esgaroth
- 0Arnor
- 0Morannon
- 0Osgiliath
- >
- 7. When Gandalf comes to speak to
- Rohan to talk to King Theoden, he
- is called "Lathspell" by
- Wormtongue. What does that mean?
- \
- 0Stormcrow
- 0Herald of Woe
- 0Bringer of bad news
- 1Ill-news
- 0Carrion-fowl
- >
- 8. What is the name of the City of
- Trees in Lothlorien?
- \
- 1Caras Galadhon
- 0Dimrill Dale
- 0Ithilien
- 0Sarn Gebir
- 0Edoras
- >
- 9. Which of the following titles was
- not given to Aragorn by Faramir as
- he asks the people of Gondor if
- Aragorn should be made king?
- \
- 0Chieftain of the Dunedain of Arnor
- 0Bearer of the Star of the North
- 0The Elfstone
- 1Wielder of the Flame of the West
- 0Captain of the Host of the West
- >
- 10. What is the name of the Lord of
- the Waters?
- \
- 0Melkor
- 1Ulmo
- 0Angainor
- 0Cirdan
- 0Maglor
- >
- 11. Which Elf lead the Fellowship
- blindfolded to meet the Lord
- Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel in
- Lorien?
- \
- 0Glorfindel
- 0Mardil
- 0Orophin
- 0Finglas
- 1Haldir
- >
- 12. What are the names of the Two
- Trees?
- \
- 0Tanharion & Laurelin
- 0Peredhil & Telperion
- 0Earendil & Peredhil
- 1Laurelin & Telperion
- 0Earendil & Laurelin
- >
- 13. Who slays the dragon Glaurung?
- \
- 0Murin
- 0Hurin
- 1Turambar
- 0Nienor
- 0Gurtholfin
- >
- 14. What is the First name of
- Tolkien's wife?
- \
- 0Nancy
- 0Anne
- 1Edith
- 0Julia
- 0Sarah
- >
- 15. What is the other name of Mount
- Doom?
- \
- 0Rauros
- 1Orodruin
- 0Minolluin
- 0Morannon
- 0Ithilien
- >
- 16. What do the elves call Saruman?
- \
- 0Cindir
- 0Mithrandir
- 1Curunir
- 0Radagast
- 0Istari
- >
- 17. What is the name that Eowyn uses
- when she disguises herself as a
- Rider of the Mark?
- \
- 0Windfola
- 0Finarfin
- 0Eomer
- 1Dernhelm
- 0Helm
- >
- 18. What is the name of Thorin
- Oakenshield's sword?
- \
- 0Glamdring
- 0Sting
- 0Anduril
- 0Gurtholfin
- 1Orcrist
- >
- 19. Gollum killed his friend to
- acquire the Ring that his friend
- had found. What is the name of
- this friend?
- \
- 0Smeagol
- 0Unteagol
- 0Trahald
- 1Deagol
- 0Kleagol
- >
- 20. What is the first thing Sam saw in
- the Mirror of Galadriel?
- \
- 1Stars
- 0The Sun
- 0The Moon
- 0Blood
- 0The One Ring
- <