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- -------------------------------
- [768/$0300] (errmes) = error message.
- [770/$0302] (wrmrst) = warm start or
- reset. basic's main program
- loop
- [772/$0304] (crunch) = crunch basic
- ascii keywords to tokens.
- [774/$0306] (pnttok) = print basic
- tokens.
- [776/$0308] (snbins) = start new
- basic instruction link.
- [778/$030a] (arith) = get math
- element link.
- [788/$0314] (hrdint) = hardware
- interrupt (irq).
- [790/$0316] (brkint) = brk interrupt
- vector. (warm reset).
- [792/$0318] (nmi) = nmi interrupt.
- [794/$031a] (open) = open a file.
- [796/$031c] (close) = close a file.
- [798/$031e] (chkin) = set file to
- read.
- [800/$0320] (chkout) = set file to
- write.
- [802/$0322] (clrchn) = clear
- channels.
- [804/$0324] (chrin) = input routine.
- [806/$0326] (chrout) = print a
- character.
- [808/$0328] (stop) = test for stop
- key.
- [810/$032a] (getin) = get routine.
- [812/$032c] (clall) = clear all
- files. (abort i/o).
- [816/$0330] (lodlnk) = load link.
- [818/$0332] (savlnk) = save link.
- ------------
- 65409 $ff81 (cint):
- initialize screen editor and
- the 6567 vic ii.
- 65412 $ff84 (ioinit):
- initialize all i/o devices.
- 65415 $ff87 (ramtes):
- tests ram. sets top & bottom
- pointers.
- 65418 $ff8a (restor):
- restore system & irq vectors.
- 65421 $ff8d (vector :
- get or set system ram vectors.
- 65424 $ff90 (setmsg):
- controls system messages.
- 65427 $ff93 (second):
- send secondary addr. for
- listen routine.
- 65430 $ff96 (tksa):
- send secondary addr. for talk
- routine.
- 65433 $ff99 (memtop):
- get or set memory top.
- 65436 $ff9c (membot):
- get or set memory end.
- 65439 $ff9f (scnkey):
- scan the keyboard.
- 65442 $ffa2 (settmo):
- set ieee buss card time out
- flag.
- 65445 $ffa5 (acptr):
- get data from serial port.
- 65448 $ffa8 (ciout):
- send a byte over serial buss.
- 65451 $ffab (untalk):
- stop sending data to a serial
- buss device.
- 65454 $ffae (unlsn):
- stop getting data from a
- serial bus device
- 65457 $ffb1 (listen):
- set a device on serial buss to
- read.
- 65460 $ffb4 (talk):
- set a device on serial buss to
- send.
- 65463 $ffb7 (readst):
- read status byte.
- 65466 $ffba (setlfs):
- set logical files.
- 65469 $ffbd (setnam):
- set file name.
- 65493 $ffd5 (load):
- load ml.
- 65496 $ffd8 (save):
- save ml.
- 65499 $ffdb (settim):
- set system clock.
- 65502 $ffde (rdtim):
- read system clock.
- 65514 $ffea (udtim):
- update system clock.
- 65517 $ffed (screen):
- return screen format.
- 65520 $fff0 (plot):
- get or set crsr on screen.
- 65523 $fff3 (iobase):
- get addresses of devices.