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- L O A D S T A R # 246
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Doing television without TV.
- [Credits]......................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [Label 246]....................Side 1
- One of our more stick-to-ative
- features.
- [Retro Phenom].................Side 1
- by Terril Jones
- A reporter actually looks at
- Commodoria.
- [Behind QLINK/AOL].............Side 1
- by Randell Jesup
- Some of the pioneering technology
- that made QLink and AOL.
- [Remember When]................Side 1
- from the Web
- Recalling the wonders of life
- and love.
- [Now That I am Old]............Side 1
- from the Web
- Becoming the person we always
- wanted to be.
- [Imponderables]................Side 1
- from the Web
- A few things you may have never
- thought about.
- [Space Battle Review]..........Side 1
- by Shaun Bebbington
- A look at a new game from
- Protovision of Germany.
- [Carnation Milk Poem]..........Side 1
- from the Web
- A jingle that jangles with truth
- of a bygone era.
- [G R A P H I C S W A R E]
- [Zoetrope].....................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- The amazing illusion of motion
- from a 19th Century parlor toy.
- [Pathe's Train]................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Motion Pictures in Europe coming
- right at you.
- [Magic Picture]................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Like the moving photos of Harry
- Potter's wizarding world.
- [SID & VIC's First]............Side 1
- by JCB and STE'86
- The dynamic duo in their very
- own demo.
- [B R A I N W A R E]
- [Sudoku].......................Side 2
- by Dave Moorman
- Back by popular demand with one
- corrected puzzle and four new
- ones.
- [Letter Drop]..................Side 2
- by Robert Markland
- More meaningful quotes to
- unscramble and ponder.
- [Return of Sammy Marlo]........Side 2
- by Richard Derocher
- Sammy's back in a revised text
- adventure.
- [L O A D S T A R W A R E]
- [Library Update]...............Side 2
- by Dave Moorman
- Bring your Super LOADSTAR Library
- up to issue 245 with this easy
- to use copy program.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [One Man and his Droid]........Side 3
- by Clive Brooker and
- Adrian Sheppard
- Do androids dream of electronic
- sheep? You droid has to herd
- them to safety.
- [Fire Bug].....................Side 3
- by Gus Vakalis
- Save the lives of desparate
- victims before the raging
- inferno overcomes them.
- [Illusions]....................Side 3
- submitted by Mad Jack Barnes
- Optical illusions to trick the
- eye and mystify the mind.
- [U S E F U L W A R E]
- [C64 Lists]....................Side 3
- by Clinton O'Neill & Jeff Jones
- Print out those important locations
- and routines that make the C-64
- the greatest hobbyist programming
- machine ever.
- [G E O S W A R E]
- [Orchid Art]...................Side 4
- by Jane Voskap-Jones
- More beautiful flowers to use
- with GEOS.
- [Herbology]....................Side 4
- by Jane Voskap-Jones
- GEOS clip-art and a slide show
- for the rest of us.
- [L A G N I A P P E W A R E]
- [Risers & Sliders].............Side 4
- by Daniel Lightner
- A classic "little guy" joystick
- puzzle that once cost $20 at
- Babbages.