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- T E L E P O R T E R
- For the C-64
- by Cleveland M. Blakemore
- Trained teleport specialist to monitor
- personnel arrivals on vintage era
- spacecraft. Requires keen judgment,
- high tolerance for sub-standard
- working conditions. Possibly hazardous
- side effects from unshielded fusion
- engine. Apply in uniform at spacedock
- prior to launch, Bay 47A. Captain
- Finch "Hardnose" Legree
- ***
- You walked up the boarding ramp
- with the ad clutched in your hand,
- crisp in your new cadet pressure suit.
- As you passed through the ship
- entrance, a gibbering lunatic was
- escorted out of the ship by two
- spaceport MPs. He glanced at you
- wildly from his straitjacket,
- restrained by the two large officers
- on either side.
- "Fry them all. It's the only way
- to be sure you'll keep the freeloaders
- off!" he said, giggling.
- Once inside the ship, the
- wrinkled, prunefaced captain, Finch
- Legree, explained your respons-
- ibilities while he eyeballed your
- uniform for starch creases.
- "Your job is simple, young man.
- Watch the instruments. Monitor the
- arrivals on the teleporter ramp. If
- you think we're being boarded by some
- hitchhiker, charge the tele-porter
- grid and fry him into charcoal!"
- You understood the captain's
- problem, of course. Aliens were
- notorious for sneaking on starships on
- the teleport beams just to avoid the
- price of a flight ticket. They even
- went to the trouble of sending a fake
- transmission announcing their arrival,
- complete with bioscan readings and
- images. But a good teleport
- specialist, one like you, could spot
- the inconsistencies between received
- and apparent readings and ferret out
- the imposters.
- In the game of Teleporter, you
- stand before a 3-D picture of a
- control panel and a teleporter
- pedestal. Personnel from all walks of
- life materialize slowly in front of
- you. Before they arrive, you will get
- a prior transmission that will display
- a bioscan reading (B), a body
- temperature reading (T), and a
- waveform for that alien's correct
- brainwaves (R).
- You will also see a transmitted
- image of the alien that is supposed to
- arrive on your IMAGE screen. If at any
- time during his materialization, his
- bioscan or temperature reading
- fluctuates more than (.5) from normal,
- or his received waveform (R) seems to
- fluctuate from his normal one (W),
- press the space bar or joystick button
- on Port 1. The grid will electrify and
- the alien will be disintegrated.
- Legree is also watching on his
- monitor while the alien beams onboard.
- If he seems to frown more than usual,
- it could indicate something is fishy.
- You have to get used to his
- personality to be able to judge.
- You will monitor 20 arrivals,
- after which you will receive a rating
- from Captain Legree. If you have made
- more than six mistakes, Captain Legree
- will fire you from your post.
- The first six or seven levels are
- pretty easy. Usually the alien will be
- the wrong type, or will have different
- colors on his uniform. After that it
- gets a bit more difficult. The game is
- a good test of intuition - the feeling
- of knowing something without
- understanding how you know it. Watch
- the readings and waveforms for too
- much variation. Keep an eye on Legree
- - if he frowns a lot, that's a good
- tip the alien is a fake.
- Later on, the game gets very
- tricky. The ship's computer
- malfunctions. Screens flicker and shut
- off. Transmissions are garbled.
- Captain Legree goes to lunch. The
- image on your monitor may not be the
- right one for the alien that is
- boarding. The ship itself passes
- through meteor belts and radiation
- storms, causing the teleporter room to
- shake and buckle, making it harder to
- watch the screens. Captain Legree is a
- real miser, and he may even shut off
- some of your equipment himself to save
- energy.
- At the end of 20 arrivals, you may
- be glad to resign your post. But I
- hope you will like the game - if you
- attain a perfect score, Legree will
- knight you a "Regular Ricky Rocket!"
- The game is written entirely in
- BASIC, with a little ML to copy
- character data down. It uses several
- neat graphic tricks with sprites and
- sprite priorities to create the
- "Beam-on" effect, and has some
- gimmicks in it to make the ship shake.
- My favorite is switching to an
- undefined character set to create the
- effect of "electrifying" the
- teleporter grid. The undefined set
- consists of totally random bytes in
- character memory, making the screen
- "sizzle."