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- Overcoming the blues in this
- season of high expectations.
- By Elizabeth Lesser
- [DAVE'S FORWARD:] I found this great
- article just after issue 242 shipped.
- But it is great advice -- and not just
- for the holiday season.
- It's that time of year again, when
- into the dark little month of December
- we squeeze Hanukkah, Christmas,
- Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, and a myriad
- of other celebrations... and all the
- school plays, office parties, and
- community gatherings that go with
- them. Throw into the mix a generous
- dose of unrealistic expectations,
- budget-busting shopping, dysfunctional
- family feasts, airplane flights,
- darker days, colder weather, excess
- eating and drinking, and no wonder
- that along with "peace on earth,
- goodwill toward men," come anxiety,
- exhaustion, and depression.
- But this year you can do something
- to spin your stress into the gold that
- is the promise of the season.
- Understanding and relinquishing your
- unrealistic expectations are the best
- ways I know to beat the blues. Here
- are three truths about the holidays
- that may help.
- There is no such thing as a normal
- holiday...
- "The first thing you can do to
- reduce holiday angst is to delete the
- word "normal" from your vocabulary. I
- once saw a bumper sticker that read,
- "Normal is someone you don't know very
- well." This is always a good thing to
- keep in mind, especially now, when we
- assume that the normal people are all
- having happier, healthier, and more
- harmonious holidays than we are. We
- imagine their mailboxes stuffed with
- Christmas cards and party invitations,
- their homes decorated in Martha
- Stewart splendor, their intact and
- idyllic families primed for weeks of
- good cheer.
- I don't know these people -- do
- you? In my work at Omega Institute, I
- have met thousands of people from all
- walks of life. I have yet to meet a
- "normal" one, if normal means
- consistently sane, contented, and
- capable. And yet most of us hold
- ourselves up to an unattainable
- standard of human perfection.
- The 12th-century Sufi poet Rumi
- called this phenomenon the "Open
- Secret". He said each one of us is
- trying to hide the same secret from
- each other -- not some racy or evil
- secret, but the mere fact of our
- flawed humanness. We expend so much
- energy trying to conceal our ordinary
- bewilderment at being human, or our
- loneliness in the crowd, or that
- nagging sense that everyone else has
- it more together than we do, that we
- miss out on the chance to really
- connect, which is what we ultimately
- long for.
- Especially during the holidays.
- Even those people who may seem to be
- living out our idealized vision of the
- season have an Open Secret.
- This holiday season, open up your
- Open Secret. Overcome your
- embarrassment at being human.
- Tell a friend that you didn't get
- one party invitation. Maybe she will
- reveal the same thing, or she'll bring
- you to the one party on her list, or
- together you'll go to your local
- homeless shelter and help the kids
- decorate the tree.
- Tell your brother that you are
- worried about how much your mother
- drinks at Christmas dinner; ask him to
- support you in dealing more honestly
- with her this year.
- Don't just say "Fine!" when a
- colleague asks how you are at the
- office party. Say, "Sometimes all this
- ho-ho-ho makes me feel lonely."
- You'll be surprised by the
- response. Suddenly a mere acquaintance
- will open up to you, and soon you'll
- feel more connected, not only to him,
- but to the real meaning of the
- holidays. And talking about meaning...
- The holidays are about joy, but
- also about struggle...
- All of the religious parables at
- the heart of the holidays are about
- awakening joy in times of darkness.
- They are about hope and hopelessness;
- home and exile; celebration and grief.
- They are never just about joy. Joy is
- the gold we mine on the spiritual
- path, but that path traverses all
- sorts of uncertain and difficult
- terrain.
- So when you feel the darkness of
- the season settle in your heart, you
- can connect with a whole lineage of
- spiritual seekers who have wrestled
- with the human condition throughout
- history.
- Turn to the spiritual teachings of
- Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, winter
- solstice, and the lesser-known
- December holidays.
- You probably didn't know that
- December 8 is Rohatsu, which
- commemorates the day in 566 BC when
- the Buddha attained enlightenment.
- Like Mary and Joseph who found no
- welcome at the inn and birthed the
- baby Jesus in a manger, and like the
- Maccabees who reclaimed the desecrated
- Temple and lit the miraculous light
- celebrated on Hanukkah, the Buddha
- awakened his joy after a long
- struggle, under a tree, alone and
- hungry.
- Richard Rohr, a Franciscan Father
- writes, "Truth and goodness are not
- always found at the top, but often on
- the edge and at the bottom... Not in
- the center of empire, but in the
- backwaters of Bethlehem. Not among the
- established, but clearly among those
- who are dis-established."
- Christmas is the ultimate story of
- outsiders finding sanctuary, creating
- family, and bringing forth joy against
- all odds. If you are feeling
- alienated, or anxious, or full of
- grief-or if the despair of the world
- is weighing heavily in your heart-you
- need look no further than the stories
- of the season to help you find light
- in the darkest month of the year.
- Imperfect holidays can be happy
- holidays...
- M. Scott Peck started his famous
- book, "The Road Less Traveled," with
- these lines: "Life is difficult...
- Once we truly know that life is
- difficult-once we truly understand and
- accept it -- then life is no longer
- difficult." The same can be said for
- the holidays.
- Once we get with the program that
- no one skates through December, we can
- get on with having an imperfectly
- wonderful holiday season. We can let
- go of wanting a different family, and
- try to enjoy the wacky one we already
- have. If we cherish our childhood
- memories, we can be grateful for those
- we can duplicate in our adult worlds,
- and realistic about those we can't.
- Or, if our memories are meager and
- mean, we can hitch our wagon to new
- rituals that we create from scratch.
- If we feel lonely, or exhausted,
- or misanthropic, or angry, or
- overwhelmed, or just a little sad,
- there are all sorts of tricks in
- Santa's bag for climbing out of a blue
- mood. But don't try too hard: forcing
- any kind of mood usually backfires and
- turns into its opposite. Try too hard
- to be jolly, and you'll end up down in
- the dumps.
- Instead, let yourself be exactly
- as you are. Slow down, breathe deeply,
- and invite the sacred into your heart
- each time your mind races or your
- emotions sink.
- Perhaps down at the bottom of the
- quiet well of your heart, you will
- discover some questions brewing in the
- fertile darkness: Am I harboring an
- old resentment? Is there someone I
- need to forgive? Is there something I
- must say to a family member or a
- friend? Am I longing for more
- spiritual nourishment? Is my full
- aliveness being dulled by a
- relationship, a substance, work,
- weight, whatever?
- In the true spirit of the
- holidays, let the darkness of your
- moods lead you back up to the light,
- and when the New Year rolls around,
- your resolutions will be infused with
- new authenticity and power.
- EL
- [DAVE'S AFTER-THOUGHT:] People ask me
- why we have to have Christmas during
- the coldest time of the year, when
- storms threaten journeys to see
- families with long layovers at O'Hare.
- The answer is that we [NEED] a holiday
- of light in the darkness. It gets us
- through the long winter nights.