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- L O A D S T A R # 242
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Nickel Games].................Side 1
- We still have a great Holiday Gift
- idea!
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Lots of NEW in the works.
- [Credits]......................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [Label 242]....................Side 1
- One of our more stick-to-ative
- features.
- [Job Application]..............Side 1
- A resume that tells it like it
- is.
- [B O O K W A R E]
- [On the Edge]..................Side 1
- by Brian Bagnall
- Exerpts from the new history of
- Commodore.
- [D E M O W A R E]
- [Flyaway]......................Side 1
- by Leon of SGR
- A pretty and impressive bit of
- prestodigitalization.
- [Cosine Demo]..................Side 2
- by Cosine
- One of the Elitest of Scene Groups
- shows its stuff.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Letter Drop]..................Side 2
- by Robert Markland
- Lots of new quotes, many from [On]
- [the Edge].
- [Letter Drop Writer]...........Side 2
- by Robert Markland
- Create your own puzzles for your
- friends and family.
- [Rock Run].....................Side 2
- by Cosine
- A nice little flight through an
- nasty asteroid belt.
- [Card Shark]...................Side 2
- by Dave Moorman
- An amazing demostration of psychic
- playing card manipulation. Or should
- that be "psychotic?"
- [Veil of Tiers]................Side 2
- by Fender Tucker
- Trade ikons with the immortals --
- for fun and profit.
- [Towers of LOADSTAR]...........Side 2
- by Knees Calhoon
- Twice the head-scratching as Towers
- of Hanoi.
- [U T I L I T Y W A R E]
- [BASSEM].......................Side 3
- by Fernando Buelna Sanchez
- A BASIC-environment assembler from
- Computer! Gazette -- with full
- documentation.
- [Linker 1.2]...................Side 3
- by Lee Novak
- Put all the files for your program
- together in one file.
- [Packer 1.2]...................Side 3
- by Lee Novak
- Squeeze all the air out of a BASIC
- or Linked program.
- [Dissolver 1.2]................Side 3
- by Lee Novak
- Unpacks and Unlinks files made with
- Linker 1.2 and Packer 1.2, and
- saves all the various files.
- [S I G H T A N D S O U N D]
- [Isham's Holidays].............Side 4
- by Glen Isham
- Three beautiful graphics for your
- holiday pleasure.
- [Real Sounds]..................Side 4
- by William O. Nelson
- Some common sounds in BASIC routines
- to add zest to your programs.
- [Ralph Construction Set].......Side 4
- by HCA
- Sounds not normally welcomed at
- Holiday dinners.
- [O T H E R S T U F F]
- [Deadline].....................Side 4
- by Nelson, Lightfoot, & Jacobsson
- A teeth-gritting, knuckle-busting
- shoot-em-up that can become
- addictive.
- [Numm].........................Side 4
- by IMAIC
- Slide blocks and match them up.
- Don't let the heart-pumping music
- and relentless timer bother you!