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- Part II
- BASSEM supports all 6502
- addressing modes and instructions as
- shown in the [COMMODORE 64 Program-
- mer's Reference Guide]. In addition,
- it supports several pseudo-ops which
- tell the assembler on how to generate
- code. The following paragraphs
- summarize the pseudo-ops that you will
- need to know to start using BASSEM,
- including the ones demonstrated in the
- example above. In each description,
- optional parameters are indicated by
- pointy brackets and repeating
- parameters are represented by
- ellipses. When only one of several
- choices are allowed, the parameters
- are surrounded by parentheses and
- separated by a </>.
- BAS address
- Sets the program counter (PC) to a
- specified address. The BAS command
- is usually used to define the starting
- address for the program. The [address]
- parameter must be a value between 0
- and 65535. If you don't set a starting
- address, BASSEM assumes a default
- value of $C000 (49152).
- BUF number of bytes <,byte>...
- Reserves space for the specified
- number of bytes. The first parameter
- is required and tells BASSEM how many
- bytes of memory to reserve within the
- object code. Legal values range from 1
- to 65535. Optionally, BUF may be
- followed by byte values which
- determine how the reserved space is
- filled.
- If BUF is followed by only the
- first parameter, the number of memory
- locations specified by the value is
- filled with 0's. Otherwise, it is
- filled with the pattern established by
- the given values. For example, if you
- enter the command
- BUF 8,2,2,3 -
- BASSEM will write
- 2,2,3,2,2,3,2,2
- to the object file. Legal values for
- the fill-byte parameters are between 0
- and 255.
- BYT (number/strng)<,(number/strng)>...
- Places the specified byte(s) or
- string(s) into the object file. If you
- specify a number or numerical
- expression, BASSEM places the value
- into the object file. Legal values
- range from 0 to 255. If you specify a
- string, BASSEM places each character
- of the string into a byte. You can
- specify multiple byte values or
- strings with one BYT command by
- separating each with a comma.
- 1001 BYT"COM,X,Y",0,1,"end",0
- PASS (1/2)
- Tells the assembler where to begin
- and end assembly. Assembly begins with
- the PASS 1 command. You must place the
- PASS 1 command just before the first
- label definition or machine language
- instruction to be assembled.
- The PASS 2 command indicates the
- end of the program and must be placed
- just after the last label definition
- or machine language instruction.
- SET start label addr, end label addr
- Specifies the location of the
- label buffer. The SET command is used
- to define the buffer where BASSEM
- stores labels as it assembles. The
- first argument sets the beginning of
- the buffer, and the second argument
- sets the end. If you don't specify a
- location for the label buffer,
- BASSEM places it under BASIC ROM
- ($A000-$BFFF). When defining the label
- buffer, be sure to use an area of
- memory that won't conflict with BASIC,
- BASSEM, or your object code (if you
- are writing it to memory). In general,
- it is best to use areas above $A000.
- WRT (0/1)
- Specifies whether or not the
- object code should be written to
- memory. If WRT is 0, the assembler
- will [not] write the code to memory.
- If the parameter is 1, BASSEM writes
- the code to memory. The WRT command is
- useful when you don't want to place
- the code in memory but need to check
- the systax of your program or assemble
- it to disk.
- WOR number<,number>...
- Places the specified number(s)
- into the object code in low-byte/high-
- byte format. Legal values for numbers
- range from 0 to 65535. You can specify
- multiple values with one WOR command
- by separating them with commas.
- FLP number<,number>...
- Places the specified number(s)
- into the object file in five-byte
- floating-point format. Legal values
- for numbers range from -1E38 to 1E38.
- As with the BYT and WOR commands, you
- can specify multiple values with one
- FLP command by separating them with
- commas.
- OPZ (0/1)<,number>
- Tells the assembler how to
- assemble zero-page addressing modes
- for those instructions whih support
- it. Setting the first parameter to 1
- tells BASSEM to use zero-page
- addressing whenever possible. (This is
- the way most assemblers handle zero-
- page addressing.) Setting it to 0
- tells BASSEM to use absolute
- addressing mode.
- If, for example, you enter the
- commands:
- 250 OPZ 1: LDA #C6
- in your source file, the assembler
- generates the values
- $A5 $C6.
- If you change the zero-page command to
- OPZ 0,
- $AD $C6 $00
- will be generated.
- The first example is in zero-page
- addressing mode, and the second is in
- absolute addressing mode. Zero-page
- addressing is both shorter and faster,
- but in some applications where timing
- is critical, you may want to use
- absolute addressing instead.
- If you're not careful, setting OPZ
- incorrectly can cause errors during
- assembly. One such case occurs when
- you attempt to assemble an instruction
- which supports X- or Y-indexed, zero-
- page addressing mode but doesn't
- support its equivalent absolute
- addressing mode. If you try to
- assemble
- 250 OPZ 0:STX$61,Y
- BASSEM will stop assembling with a
- SYNTAX ERROR message. The error is
- flagged as a syntax error because the
- assembler does not expect the comma
- before the Y.
- A 6502 instruction generally has
- one of two types of arguments: address
- and data, or value. The second
- parameter of the OPZ instruction
- determines which messages BASSEM
- prints when an instruction's argument
- is 0. If OPZ's second parameter is set
- to 0, no messages are issued; if it is
- 1, BASSEM prints a warning when it
- encounters a 0 address; if the
- parameter is 2, the assembler issues a
- warning upon encountering a 0 data
- value; and if it is 3, it prints
- warning for both types of 0 arguments.
- [LOADSTAR NOTE:] Using SHELL.BC as the
- beginning template for your own
- program takes care of most of these
- controls for you.
- In SHELL.BC, line 1 you can assign the
- beginning address for assembly to
- Memory (MM= address) and Disk (DD=
- address). Line 10 SETs label memory
- for you.
- When you RUN the assembler, lines 6-7
- puts your choice of mode in Z. In
- lines 20-32, if you chose Disk, the
- name of your program is fetched, has
- ".ML" appended, is scratched, and is
- opened for writing by the assembler.
- If you chose Memory, all that is
- skipped, and the WRT 1 in line 22
- sends the assembly to memory.
- We have added two other features:
- BASSEM does not recognize immediate
- loads of lo or hi address bytes:
- So SHELL.BC includes BASIC FN
- definitions in lines 41-42 to do the
- job:
- DEF FNH(X)=INT(X/256)
- DEF FNL(X)=X-FNH(X)*256
- In the body of your code, you can then
- use
- We have also included FNI(address),
- which is very useful in debugging.
- FNI(251) returns the two byte value in
- 251/252.
- The last feature is a ready-written
- hard-copy LIST print routine at line
- 61000. Set the LIST parameters in line
- 61002, then GOTO61000. The listing is
- sent to Device 4.
- ----------------
- There's MORE! Continued with Part III