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/ Loadstar 242 / 242.d81 / star (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2004-01-01  |  1.7 KB  |  64 lines

  1. 1 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
  2. 5 poke32767,13:poke53371,0
  3. 6 poke65534,1:rem s-key on
  4. 10 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147][159]":ifpeek(653)=0thenpoke53265,11:gosub100
  5. 11 poke53265,27: tq=ti:poke198,0:ifpeek(653)=0thengosub1000:goto13
  6. 12 poke53280,11:poke53281,11:goto50
  7. 13 rem
  8. 15 sys57812"multi ls spr",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
  9. 16 load"cover.pkd",dv:
  10. 18 poke53280,01:print"[147]":sys51456:sys51459
  11. 19 l$="12345678":v=53248:fori=0to9
  12. 20 x1(i)=134+26*i:y2(i)=55
  13. 21 x2(i,0)=x1(i)-8:x2(i,1)=134+26*i
  14. 22 next:pokev+21,0:fori=0to7:poke53240+i,i:pokev+39+i,0:next
  15. 23 pokev+29,0:pokev+23,0:pokev+27,0:pokev+28,255:pokev+37,2
  16. 24 fori=0to10:z(i)=val(mid$(l$,i+1,1)):next
  17. 25 pokev+16,224:fori=0to10:ifz(i)=0then27
  18. 26 pokev+(z(i)-1)*2,(x2(i,-(n>5))and255):pokev+1+(z(i)-1)*2,y2(i)
  19. 27 next:pokev+21,000:rem sprite on
  20. 28 tq=ti+300::poke198,0:j=0:poke53370,0
  21. 29 cv=7
  22. 30 ifpeek(v+1)<40orti>tqorpeek(198)>0then40
  23. 31 forq9=0to7:poke53287+q9,cw
  24. 32 next:kv=abs(kv-5):cv=kv+2:poke53285,cv:cw=abs(cw-1)
  25. 39 goto30
  26. 40 poke198,0:pokev+21,0
  27. 50 rem
  28. 98 poke198,0
  29. 99 poke157,0:load"p241.pkd",dv
  30. 100 print"[158][147]        [215]elcome to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] 242
  31. 105 [129]i[178]0[164]9:[135]b$(i):[130]
  32. 110 [151]214,1:[153]
  33. 120 [129]i[178]0[164]9:[153]
  34. 130 [153][163]20[171](([195](b$(i))[173]2)))b$(i)
  35. 140 [130]:[143]:print"":stop
  36. 150 [142]
  37. 300 [131]"
  38. 301 data" [199]oin' [200]og [215]ild at [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]
  39. 302 [131]" listor (NULL)ilgrims str$on't str$o (NULL)uaus
  40. 303 data" [155]from the [215]eb
  41. 305 [131]"  listchr$odoted by str$ave (NULL)oorman
  42. 306 data"
  43. 307 [131]" list(NULL)he music is"
  44. 308 [131]" right$t lename (NULL)pon a (NULL)idnight lenlear
  45. 309 data"  [155]by [210]. [215]illis & [197].[200].[211]ears
  46. 310 [131]"  list(NULL)right$str$ by str$on (NULL)onson
  47. 1000 goto2000
  48. 1001 c0=peek(151):c1=peek(253)
  49. 1002 sys57812"play",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
  50. 1003 sys49155"welcome.vox",dv
  51. 1010 poke151,0:poke253,12
  52. 1020 poke214,22:print"[129]":reada1$,b1$
  53. 1030 printtab(19-len(a1$)/2)a1$
  54. 1040 printtab(19-len(b1$)/2)b1$;
  55. 1050 sys49152
  56. 1051 poke151,c0:poke253,c1
  57. 1055 return
  58. 1060 data"[215]elcome to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]!"
  59. 1061 data"[212]his is [196]ave [205]oorman"
  60. 2000 t=ti+240:forx=-1to0:x=ti<t:next:return
  61. 9999 end
  62. 10000 dv=peek(186):open15,dv,15,"s0:star":close15:save"star",dv:end
  63. 60000 goto10000