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- Article by Dave Moorman
- Miracles by Jim Brain and Others
- Just before mastering this issue,
- I sent an email to Jim Brain
- concerning QLINK RELOADED, the
- greatest C= retro project so far this
- millennium. Here's how the
- conversation went:
- >Jim --
- >
- >I still have not had time to get
- >hooked up, but I am exceedingly
- >excited about QLink being back. I
- >would like to run an article or two
- >in LOADSTAR -- and need some
- >authoritative information:
- >
- >Exactly what does a person need
- (hardware wise) to get on QLink?
- >
- Either:
- A) a real 64/128, RS232 user port
- adapter (there is a patch for the
- SL/T232, but it has a few bugs yet),
- a null modem cable, and a
- PC/Mac/Linux box
- B) Win32 or Linux machine to run VICE
- (Or Mac with VirtualPC, or... you
- get the idea.)
- >What software?
- >
- The original QLink client disk :-)
- >Can LOADSTAR make some of it
- >available on our disk? All of it?
- >
- The disk was freely distributed by
- many user groups, and there is a copy
- of it that LOADSTAR put on one of
- their issues.
- >Is there a charge?
- >
- No, donations are accepted, though.
- >I have tried (not hard enough) to
- >use the VICE package. It really needs
- >to be "one button" easy, for people
- >like me.
- >
- www.quantum-link.org has a unzip and
- double-click on .bat file version.
- Can't get much easier than that.
- ------------------------------------
- <I did. It WAS that easy. QLINK is >
- <alive and running. Not everything is>
- <functional yet, but the foundation >
- <is there. If you use a PC, try it >
- <out! >
- ------------------------------------
- >I really want LOADSTAR to be a
- >presence on QLink -- and will donate
- >a number of software titles to the
- >download area as soon as I can.
- >
- Well, we're here for you.
- >A great big thanks for taking on
- >this project. The C= world just keeps
- >on getting better because of people
- >like you!
- >
- :-)
- ------------------
- So here is what you need for a real
- C-64 set-up:
- Software required: TCPSER4j-rc6.0
- Requires JAVA
- (Available from www.quantumlink.org)
- You can also use: TCPSER
- Use the follow line to start the PC
- side:
- tcpser -d /dev/ttyS0 -s 1200
- -i"e0&k0&c0" -n"5551212=server:port
- -tsS
- (Available on www.quantumlink.org)
- Software required: Quantumlink.d64
- Convert this .d64 to a real disk, and
- use the following settings:
- Modem:Hayes or Hayes-compatible
- Speed:1200 Baud
- Dial: Automatic
- Phone: Tone
- Number: +5551212
- Next month, we will put
- Quantumlink.d64
- on LOADSTAR -- sort of like in the old
- days when a QLink disk was bundled
- with LS! We will probably mash it all
- together in a Wraptor file.
- So, telecomputing just got simple,
- even for the C-64. The TPCSER software
- makes the internet accessable to even
- slow-modemed C-64s. I also like the
- way a PC is enslaved for the needs of
- the C-64 -- and older PCs are now
- available for $25-$50, or even free!