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- C R A I G C H A M B E R L A I N
- A Transcript of an Impromptu
- Talk Given at the 1999 Chicago EXPO
- Well, geez, thanks everybody for
- your interest. I jotted down a few
- notes, things to say. I'll try to
- make it pretty brief. There'll be a
- few controversial statements and a
- little history on how SID PLAYER came
- about. I'll let you in on the secret
- right at first: SID PLAYER was made
- by kids. At least that's how I tend
- to think of it now.
- I was a college student, a
- freshman at the University of
- Michigan, and Harry Bratt, who wrote
- the interface, was still a high
- school student. He wrote the
- software, which was tested by other
- high school students, so in a way you
- could say that SID PLAYER was made by
- kids. I'll come back to this thing
- about kids at the end of my talk.
- My interest in computer music
- came about by listening to music put
- out by Walter Carlos, Tamita and
- Synergy, the big three that I
- discovered. In fact I heard many of
- the Bach classical pieces as
- electronic versions before I ever
- heard them performed by a real
- orchestra, so I had sort of an
- unusual background. The way I first
- got introduced to electronic music
- was at Disneyland; they had something
- called the Main Street Electrical
- Parade, which used synthesizer music
- broadcast at nighttime. So for the
- SID PLAYER stuff, I consider
- Disneyland's Electrical Parade to be
- the starting point of it all.
- In fact, the last song Harry did,
- and remains unfinished, was the music
- from the Main Street Electrical
- Parade.
- When I was about 14 or so I was
- babysitting for a family and I
- noticed that in a back room the
- father had this brand new thing,
- called an Apple II. He let me use it,
- so after the kids had gone to bed, he
- and I would play with it. That's
- where I learned BASIC and the first
- things about computers. He worked for
- a company that sold them but instead
- I chose to get an Ohio Scientific
- computer, in part because it ran at 2
- MHz, which was twice as fast as the
- Commodore running at 1 MHz.
- With the money I had saved up
- from lawn-mowing, delivering
- newspapers and babysitting I was able
- to buy the computer, which ran around
- $1800 in 1980. I had to dip into
- money that I had saved for college
- but luckily my parents allowed me to
- do that. It was a good decision.
- That's where I learned BASIC. The
- BASIC that was on the Ohio Scientific
- was the very same Microsoft Version 2
- BASIC that's on the Commodore 64.
- And now for the controversy part.
- My high school bought four of these
- Ohio Scientific computers, which was
- great for me, but by then I had
- learned just about everything I
- wanted to about that machine. The new
- thing that was out there was the
- Atari home computer, and that's what
- I bought. That's where I learned
- about color and graphics and sound.
- In my opinion, the Atari home
- computer was a better-designed
- computer than the Commodore 64.
- [Nervous grumblings from the]
- [audience...]
- I knew that would get you riled
- up. But consider, when they were
- designing the Commodore 64 they
- didnt't really know what all they
- were going to be coming up with. They
- took a sound chip that had been in
- development for something else; they
- took a BASIC language which hadn't
- really been enhanced for any special
- features for the graphics. This was
- great for me because it opened up an
- opportunity for me to write a book
- that provided graphics utilities.
- But in general, they just cobbled a
- bunch of things together.
- Unfortunately the Atari company
- didn't really know what they had on
- their hands, and in my opinion, they
- didn't know how to market it. A lot
- of people bought the Commodore 64
- merely sold on the fact that it had
- 64K of RAM compared to all the other
- computers, which had less. The public
- didn't know how to evaluate one
- computer against another and they
- just went for the number, 64, that
- was in the name of the Commodore. I
- think that's what sold a lot of them,
- initially.
- The Atari had a sound chip in it
- called the POKEY chip. It was the
- POtentiometer and KEYboard
- controller. I wrote a little music
- player program for that. The whole
- purpose of it was to add Donkey Kong
- type music to game programs, so it
- would play on the interrupt. This was
- called POKEY PLAYER and was published
- in SoftSide Magazine. The download
- files for that were extremely popular
- because they were very small. I had a
- way of compressing the data so that
- there was less than two bytes needed
- per note. In the days of 300 baud
- modems the program was very popular
- on BBSes.
- Harry Bratt designed that editor
- and I designed the file format and
- did all the assembly language
- programming.
- Around this time, in the mail I
- received a disk and letter from a
- Robert Huffman and he said how much
- he enjoyed using POKEY PLAYER. On the
- disk was a song he had done called
- Bach's Brandenburg Concerto, No. 5,
- First Movement, which blew me away
- because I was using the program for
- Donkey Kong music and this guy was
- using it for Brandenburg Concerto. He
- was using a crude editor which only
- allowed you to enter one voice at a
- time. You have to save a file, load
- up another file, and put in another
- voice and hope that they all
- synchronized at the end.
- His song made me realize that all
- this was going to go off in a new
- direction. At the end of my Freshman
- year at the University of Michigan I
- got a call from one Scott Card, who
- was the book editor at Compute!
- Publications. Later on he went on to
- gain fame as the science fiction
- author, Orson Scott Card. He wrote
- [Ender's Game] and other books and is
- still actively writing today.
- He called me up and asked me if I
- might write POKEY PLAYER in an
- enhanced version to be included in a
- book, and at that time Sheldon Leemon
- was telling me about the Commodore 64
- as being the hot new computer. The
- Atari was sort of going down the
- tubes. So I talked Orson Scott Card
- into doing two books, which became
- All About the Commodore 64, Volume 1
- and 2. Volume 1 was the tutorial
- BASIC and the intention for Volume 2
- was to include the graphics and music
- tools I had created for the Atari,
- converted for the Commodore. POKEY
- PLAYER was to become SID PLAYER.
- I had written what is called
- "player missile graphics" on the
- Atari; what is called sprites on the
- C-64. So that's what Volume 2 was all
- about -- conversions of the utilities
- from the Atari for the C-64. It took
- about a year to do all of that so I
- took a year off from college to
- finish that work.
- When I did the music system for
- the Commodore the working name of it
- was SID PLAYER. I fully intended to
- come up with a better name for it,
- but never did...which was a problem
- since people call songs created for
- SID PLAYER "SID songs", which is what
- they also called songs made for other
- players.
- I noticed an intersting thing
- that happened around this time. In
- All About the Commodore 64 Volume 2
- there were two programs: one was a
- sprite control system and the other
- was some bitmap graphics routines for
- doing fills and other stuff. These
- provided statements you would put
- into a program you were writing. And
- then there was SID EDITOR, where you
- didn't have to do any programming;
- you just had to put in the music.
- Right around this time is when we
- saw a transition in the Commodore
- community from one of being
- hobbyists, to one of being users.
- Hobbyists would like to write
- programs and get the magazines and
- type in the programs, learning how to
- program. Users would not be
- interested in programming, but would
- just want to load a program and use
- it. SID EDITOR was one of the first
- "user" programs.
- I think the whole computing world
- made this transition from being
- mainly hobbyists to being users at
- this time. Obviously, today most
- people are not interested in
- programming, but only interested in
- using computers.
- Because the SID PLAYER took off
- so well, I did a new version called
- ENHANCED SID PLAYER, which was in
- part my opportunity to get rid of
- some frustrations with the editor
- written in BASIC. Harry had done a
- great job but it was in BASIC and
- very slow. So I rewrote the whole
- thing in 35K of assembly language,
- which I'm glad to have done.
- The new SID PLAYER was sold as a
- book and disk combination and
- Compute! tried to sell it in its
- regular channels, the bookstores,
- and at that time the bookstores
- didn't know what to do with a book
- that had a disk with it! It was one
- of the first to do that, so they
- chose not to carry it. I maintain
- that if Compute! had sold it in a box
- to be sold in computer stores, it
- would have sold much, much better.
- But as it was, the final book and SID
- PLAYER really didn't sell.
- You've all heard about the SID
- SYMPHONY Stereo Cartridge. I received
- a letter from one Kent Sullivan who's
- a student at Purdue University,
- looking to add SID PLAYER music to an
- adventure system. He had the idea of
- taking a second SID chip and putting
- it in a cartridge. He had a friend
- build the circuit board from his
- design. I got together with them and
- with the help of a couple of other
- friends we made the first run of SID
- Stereo Cartridges.
- There was another one of Kent's
- friends, a tall guy with blond hair
- who like to go by the name of Dr.
- Evil. That's where we got the name
- Dr. Evil Laboratories, a name which
- probably scared off a few people
- purchasing through mail order. But I
- hear the cartridges are still working
- and that's good.
- The next big thing that happened
- for SID music was QuantumLink. I had
- been active on the Delphi service
- initially -- that's where the very
- first SID songs were posted. They
- were also posted on CompuServe by
- other people. Delphi never knew how
- to promote their service apparently
- so they never caught on, although I
- did try to give it my best shot with
- the SID PLAYER support.
- But QuantumLink is what really
- took off and they went on to develop
- a feature where you could play SID
- music while you were online. So you
- could be in a chat room and a DJ
- could call up and start playing a
- song. It did bother me that, although
- to their credit, Sysops would tell
- you if you asked them how you
- could go on and make that music,
- QLink never themselves, and in their
- monthly magazine that they sent out,
- never mentioned which music system it
- was and where you could go to get
- that great music. They just presented
- it as a great feature of QuantumLink.
- I had just signed on to Quantum
- Link and one of the programmers who
- had added SID PLAYER was a bit
- impatient in wanting to know what I
- thought of it. I was being bombarded
- with messages from all sorts of people
- and apparently I didn't respond to him
- quite quickly enough. So the next
- thing I get is an instant message with
- all sorts of expletives, all about
- "this Craig guy -- who does he think
- he is..." and all sorts of haughty
- stuff. He had mistyped the TO person
- and directed it to me instead of
- somebody else.
- I realized I didn't need to put
- up with this kind of abuse, and with
- all the other things going on, I sort
- of turned my back on the whole
- computer scene and went back to
- college. I am very pleased that
- people are still using the SID PLAYER
- and are getting some enjoyment from
- it.
- I'm a little perplexed that the
- Europeans [hate] SID PLAYER. They are
- championing Rob Hubbard's music. I
- [like] the music of Rob Hubbard. It's
- great stuff. I love to listen to that
- music. I harbor no ill well toward
- the European crowd at all, but many
- of them are very much against the SID
- PLAYER. They see it as an American
- thing and apparently a lot of the
- songs they heard weren't of very good
- quality.
- Well, when you consider that Rob
- Hubbard's system was never released
- so you had people who were being paid
- by companies to make game music, and
- of course that's going to sound very
- good. It's professionally composed.
- Whereas all the SID music was being
- composed by just hobbyists! Some of
- it great; some of it not so great.
- You have to look for the gems.
- I see it as a apples and oranges
- thing. It's unfortunate that so many
- Europeans take this attitude because
- there is a lot of good SID music out
- there.
- One other thing I'm pleased with
- is that, to my knowledge, with the
- Enhanced SID EDITOR, there is only
- one bug. On the screen which displays
- the correct values for all your
- different settings, there's one place
- where, instead of showing a signed
- integer, it displays it as unsigned.
- So instead of showing negative 1, it
- shows 255. That's the only bug, to my
- knowledge.
- I'm glad it got out there with
- just one bug; it's too bad that
- software that's put out today, by
- Microsoft and others, cannot make a
- similar claim.
- [Grunts of agreement from the]
- [audience.]
- Someone who recently visited the
- web page I made for SID PLAYER made
- an interesting point: making music
- with the PC and MIDI is just not the
- same as what they can do with SID
- EDITOR. What they miss is the ability
- to control the sounds, to shape their
- own individual sounds. With MIDI
- they're stuck with the basic piano,
- or gong or whatever. They like
- getting in there with that control.
- I designed the file formats on the
- Atari and 64, having notes with
- commands to change the sound
- interspersed between them, with this
- feature in mind and I'm glad that
- people appreciate that.
- These days I'm doing Unix system
- programming and I play around with
- Visual BASIC and stuff. I am not
- active in the Commodore community and
- I don't intend to do any more
- versions. People have asked me about
- that, and if I didn't have to work
- for a living, there are features I'd
- love to go back and put in.
- I mentioned at the beginning that
- SID PLAYER was made by kids. When I
- was a teenager and was learning
- BASIC, there were programs that were
- traded around user groups and
- published in magazine, and they were
- written in BASIC. These were good
- enough programs to use so you used
- them, but because they were written
- in BASIC, the source code came with
- them. You could understand how the
- program worked and this was your
- gateway into becoming a programmer.
- BASIC was a simple enough
- language to learn so a person who was
- new to computers could do it. But an
- article I recently read in WIRED made
- me realize that today it's quite a
- bit harder for kids, or for anyone
- really, to get into programming. You
- don't have the programs being
- circulated where you have the source
- code in a simple enough language that
- you can understand by reading it.
- So although we've had incredible
- technological advances, in the
- process we have lost something. I
- wonder how people are learning
- programming today? One of the best
- ways to learn is by doing a lot of it
- -- that's how I learned when I was in
- high school -- and I see it being
- harder today. C language is a pretty
- tough language for some to start out
- on. You have to understand too many
- things about memory. Even Visual
- BASIC is not as easy as typing in
- 10 print"something"
- 20 goto10
- and typing RUN, and saying "Oh yes,
- that's a loop. Now how do I make it
- stop."
- I care a lot about education and
- I wish we didn't have to give up this
- easier way we had in the past to
- learn programming.
- [NOTE:] To see Craig's SID PLAYER web
- site, go to Yahoo and search for
- "sidplayer".
- [DAVE'S AFTERTHOUGHT:] Craig is right
- about the loss of an easy way to learn
- programming. One has to go to school,
- grapple with C or C++, get various
- Certifications, etc, etc. Making
- computers do their stuff has become a
- "priesthood!"
- Which is why LOADSTAR is still here!
- I believe computers are the greatest
- [toy] ever created, and programming
- them is the best [game] ever invented.
- Anyone who is rather logical [and]
- creative should have access to this
- unique, whole-brain hobby.