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- by Maurice Randall
- Written to the Homestead Maillist
- I know I've upset a lot of people
- over the past few years, but I plan to
- fix that problem and make things right
- for everyone. I plan to start over and
- make 2005 a very good year for myself
- and anyone else I can help.
- 2004 was not a very good year for
- me. Perhaps the worst part of the year
- occured on November 9. My wife and I
- had an awful experience we'll never
- forget.
- I was in my shop finishing up
- working on a customer's car and was
- ready to take it out for a road test.
- I walked over to the overhead door and
- opened it and was immediately greeted
- by two police officers pointing their
- guns at me and yelling at me to get my
- hands up! I was stunned.
- My first reaction was that they
- were chasing someone and maybe someone
- was around the corner of my building
- that they were after. But no, they
- were after me. They must have yelled
- 'get your hands up' at least 3 or 4
- times before it finally sank in. Ok,
- so up went my hands. They handcuffed
- me and then 5 or 6 more officers came
- running around the corner of the
- building. They must have had my shop
- surrounded.
- I had no idea what was going on.
- They proceeded to serve me with a
- search warrant to search my building.
- I was being accused of robbing the
- local bank. This had to be some sort
- of a joke. But no, they were dead
- serious. Bank robbery... I couldn't
- believe it.
- With all the police cars out in
- front of my building now, anyone
- driving by must have thought I had
- just been murdered or something.
- They wanted to search my shop for
- the clothes that the robber wore, the
- note he presented to the teller, and
- the marked bills that were given to
- him.
- This was a very stupid escapade.
- They thought my shop was also my
- residence. That's how poorly their
- initial investigation went. So, they
- also got a search warrant for my
- house. I've discovered just how stupid
- police can be, yet they have so much
- power to destroy people's lives.
- I've been in my current building
- for over 11 years, in my house for
- over 10 years, and have never had a
- burglary or any vandalism yet. The
- town my shop is in is quite safe and
- has a lot of decent people living in
- it. I trust the community, but no
- longer can I trust the local police.
- I'll admit my shop is quite
- disorganized, but to have a half-dozen
- police officers who don't care about
- anything go completely through it, it
- became an even bigger mess. Stuff got
- rearranged and shuffled around. They
- went through stuff in my desks. I've
- found 5.25 inch disks misplaced and
- stuff laying on top of them. They have
- no clue as to what a 5.25 disk is,
- obviously.
- They went through customers cars,
- shuffling stuff around in their trunks
- and gloveboxes. I had to explain to my
- customers what happened. Nobody can
- believe how stupid the local police
- can be.
- They dumped trash cans on the
- floor. They opened up boxes and
- emptied them. I'll be straightening
- out their mess for quite some time to
- come.
- It just isn't right.
- This all started when a bank
- customer walked into the bank and
- noticed the pictures of the robber
- hanging on the wall. He thought the
- pictures looked like me. This person
- didn't even know my name, but
- mentioned to the teller that the
- pictures looked like me. The teller
- notified the detectives and they took
- it from there.
- This bank is about 300 yards from
- my shop next door to the local
- McDonald's. The robbery happened just
- before noon. Any day of the week,
- there could be several people eating
- in McDonald's who would know me. The
- detectives are stupid enough to think
- I would come running out of the bank
- when there's so many people in this
- small town who would recognize me.
- They must think I'm stupid, but
- obviously the police are the stupid
- ones here.
- They figured out that it wasn't me
- after all, naturally, but what my wife
- and I had to go through was absolutely
- unbelievable. It will affect us for
- many years to come. No longer will I
- have any respect for the local police
- in this town.
- I've never had a loaded gun
- pointed at me, let alone two of them.
- Imagine what could have happened if I
- had been holding a wrench in my hand.
- They could have easily mistaken it for
- a gun. They could have easily shot me.
- I'm not looking for any sympathy
- from anyone. All I ask is that I be
- given a chance to make it up to those
- who I have upset. This experience has
- made me sit back and think about what
- I've worked for over the years and
- what I have and how much I should
- appreciate what I can still do, and
- how many friends I've made over the
- years.
- I'm going to finish up the
- outstanding JiffyDOS and software
- orders sitting here first since they
- are the easiest to do. Then I'm going
- to get cracking on filling all the old
- orders that have been waiting for way
- too long. There's some hardware here
- waiting to be repaired also. I'll work
- on those items one at a time in
- between other jobs and get each one
- working and shipped back to their
- owners.
- If anyone has been paying
- attention the past several days,
- you've noticed some changes to my web
- site. That alone is a big indication
- that I'm ready to get to work in a big
- way.
- I'll try not to be as quiet as I
- have been for the past year or so.
- Thanks for listening, everyone,
- and Happy New Year.
- -Maurice
- [DAVE'S NOTE:] Maurice hand-builds the
- CMD hardware he provides. A SuperCPU
- takes about a day, a feat he displayed
- at the Chicago Expo in 2003. And his
- C= work is a secondary business. He
- has a [real] job fixing cars.
- We at the Tower know how it goes.
- Orders come in and wind up (if we are
- lucky) in the In Box. And we promise
- to take care of them on Monday. So
- come Monday, some local need arises
- and we are swamped until...
- We, too, promise to be more diligent
- in taking care of you, loyal and
- patient LOADSTARites. Like our Policy
- states:
- It's easy when you leave the lawyers
- out of it. Give us some slack, and we
- will make it right.