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- D I S K O V E R Y
- by Dave Moorman
- Some of you -- those who have seen
- their 50th birthday -- will probably
- remember our cover tune. You also will
- remember the Nash Rambler. This is a
- fitting song for our C= computer,
- racing up along side the Cyber
- Caddies, stuck in second gear!
- We are not stuck! The C64 DTV has
- tossed down the gaunlet. I'll bet we
- won't see a PCjr DTV! Read all about
- it in these files.
- Also, I received a request from
- Robert Bernardo to buy an ad in
- LOADSTAR for the upcoming CommVEx,
- slated for this summer in Las Vegas. I
- told him LOADSTAR doesn't sell
- advertising. Never have. Never will.
- (OK - some advertising was used in the
- never depended on commercial income
- for its viability. Which is why
- LOADSTAR continues today, long after
- the paper mags gave up the ghost.)
- But just the same, we could
- certainly come up with a way to plug
- the event.
- Then I realized that we have other
- Expos, ones renown throughout
- Commodorea, that needed attention too.
- So we whipped up a little something
- for the LUCKI Expo. Next month, we
- want to add Chicago and the World of
- Commodore shows -- and any other
- gathering or event you know about.
- And here is a place for you Demo
- Dudez. Let's see some competition
- here. I know my efforts are most
- definitely lame by any demo standards.
- Show us what you've got! We will run
- any and all Expo Demos we receive! So
- get whacking!
- And DotBASIC is back in full
- force, with stuff on sides 3 and 4.
- Complete Documentation and a Command
- Sheet are ready to help you dive into
- this programming environment.
- On a personal note, I am 55 now,
- reaching a legal speed limit. We have
- been editing and publishing eLOADSTAR
- and LOADSTAR for six years now. OK,
- it's not monthly. But the issues keep
- on coming! I can say with certainty
- that LOADSTAR will be here through
- issue 256 -- a full byte's worth.
- Maybe longer. Don't worry. We won't
- sell an issue we can't produce!