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- Part 5
- And now the exciting conclusion!
- .B$,"$:*",dv,loc,# filenames
- ----------------------------
- This will read the disk directory
- from device DV. The directory can be
- placed anywhere, even under I/O.
- MM2.1 converts the directory to an
- EDSTAR file as it's brought in. This
- allows SCROLLING MENU to use the
- information as a file requestor.
- Normally you would use "$:*" to
- get all the disk's filenames. You can
- replace "$:*" with any search pattern
- you want, up to 16 characters long.
- For example, using "$:b.*,t.*" on a
- LOADSTAR disk would bring in the
- names of all the boot and text files.
- (This works on VICE only if True Drive
- is enabled.)
- E$ will return the error message.
- T$ will contain the disk's name
- within quotes, and B$ will contain
- the "blocks free" message. Use
- VAL(B$) to extract the number of
- blocks free on the disk. N% returns
- the number of filenames loaded.
- If there was an error during the
- directory getting, T$ and B$ will
- return strings full of spaces, and E$
- will tell about the error. The one
- thing your program should do before
- disk access is check if the drive is
- actually online, like this:
- 1000 close2:open2,dv,2:close2
- 1010 if st=-128 then...
- 1020 ...continue
- Line 1010 would go and deal with
- a "device not present" situation. If
- all is well, line 1020 executes and
- disk access occurs.
- GET DIRECTORY has been greatly
- improved with the addition of one
- more parameter: how many filenames
- you have room to hold. This number
- should be calculated as:
- # files = INT((bufferspace-1)/32)
- For example, if your buffer was
- from 49152 to 53248, you could fit
- INT((4096-1)/32) = 127 names there.
- This formula takes into account the
- zero cap and the three bytes per line
- that the racking process needs.
- If the buffer space is filled up
- before all the filenames are loaded,
- B$ will return "more files on disk".
- If you don't care about buffer space,
- use 0 for the number of filenames.
- .ML,<area>,bx,ic,u,h,lc,t$,b$
- -----------------------------
- The <area> represents the x1,x2,
- y1,y2 parameters so common to
- DotBASIC. (In your code, replace
- <area> with the x1,x2,y1,y2
- parameters.)
- The x1,x2,y1,y2 parameters set the
- area the menu will occupy on the
- screen, which must be at least 7
- characters tall and 11 wide. BX -
- Color for the box around the Scrolling
- Menu. IC - Color for the "icons" --
- UP, DOWN, HOME, QUIT. U is the color
- of the unhighlighted items of the
- menu. H is the highlight bar color. If
- you don't want the text to reverse or
- un-reverse as the bar moves, add 128
- to H.
- Left-click on UP or DOWN icons to
- scroll the text. Right-click on them
- and the list jumps a page at a time.
- The user can use the CRSR keys to
- scroll or page through the text as
- well.
- Clicking on HOME icon will bring
- the list to the top. Pressing the
- HOME key will bring the highlight bar
- to the top of the page, and the next
- press brings the list to the top.
- Click on an item or press RETURN
- to select it. The entire item is
- returned in W$. F$ will return a null
- unless this is a file requestor --
- when it will contain the filename. SL%
- returns the selection number.
- Clicking on QUIT icon, pressing
- Q, or pressing the Global Escape key
- will return zero in SL% and nulls in
- W$ and F$.
- LC is the location of the EDSTAR
- file, which can be anywhere in
- memory. The file will be "racked up"
- before use, which can take up to a
- second (gasp!) on 1 MHz machines.
- When LC=0, the text file will not be
- racked up again -- like when you have
- sorted the data. This is better served
- for the multi-select menu, if you
- wanted to re-enter the menu without
- zeroing the "selected" flags. (Read
- on!)
- T$ is printed at the menu's top,
- in reverse, between HOME and UP. B$
- is printed at the bottom, between
- QUIT and DOWN. You needn't use the
- actual variables T$ and B$, but if
- this is going to be a file requestor,
- it's perfect. The user gets to see
- the disk name and blocks free without
- any extra effort from you.!
- Set X2 to 255 and the proper
- width for a file requestor will be
- assigned, but that's it. DotBASIC
- knows what filename info looks like
- and will set F$ properly when it finds
- a filename - regardless of width.
- with LC not equal to zero changes what
- the INDEX routine is cued up to read.
- That is, if LC>0 then the data is
- Racked.
- An alternate use of LC=0 is, for
- example, in a puzzle game. You could
- BLOAD WITH ZERO the instructions,
- RACK it up right away, and then just
- use 0 for LC in the scrolling menu.
- The HELP text would pop up quickly,
- every time the user needed it.
- -------------------------------
- X1+128 is a powerful new
- feature. If you do not like the
- generic look of the scrolling menu,
- you can now do something about it!
- Several things DON'T happen when
- x1+128 is used. The bx,ic,t$, and b$
- parameters are IGNORED. The scrolling
- menu box is NOT drawn. The previouse
- CAGE remains the same. The x1,x2,y1,
- y2 parameters now represent the area
- for the ACTUAL scrolling text alone.
- "Manual Icons" is just that.
- MR.MOUSE is trusting YOU to create,
- label, and enable (as regions) the
- icons for your scrolling menu. They
- can be any size and at any location.
- Since you may not always label
- the EXIT icon as "Quit", MV+16 exists
- so you can assign an appropriate key
- to the exit function. The CRSR keys
- still scroll and page, and HOME still
- goes home. ESCAPE cancels, just like
- EXIT (in the regular scrolling menu).
- For SCROLLING MENU to work, you
- must have a RACKED EDSTAR file in
- memory, and it must end with a zero
- byte. If STAR LINKER is used to place
- prepared lists into memory, you will
- need to append a zero to each text
- file with an ML monitor. (Or use
- Mr.Edstar -- which includes the 0 at
- the end of the file.)
- -------------------
- When a file is RACKed up by
- yourself or a scrolling menu,
- MV+24/25 reveal the location of the
- text's newly generated pointers. The
- number of items in the current
- INDEXable file is at MV+26/27. These
- two variables, which used to be kept
- internally, are now at the disposal
- of the advanced programmer.
- By preserving and later restoring
- MV+24-27, it is possible to have two
- or more INDEXable files in memory at
- once, without having to RACK them
- (taking almost a second) just so you
- can switch between them.
- RACKing also would wipe out all
- the "selected" flags stored as bit 7
- of each item's LENGTH value. You may
- want to preseve MV+24-27 before
- calling another scrolling menu so you
- do not lose these flags. POKE the
- saved values back into MV+24-27 when
- it's time to INDEX SELECTED ITEMs.
- [NOTE:] Remember, with DotBASIC, you
- can Get and Put two-byte values in
- memory with single commands. If you
- want to preserve the above locations
- in I1 and I2, then
- .G2,MV+24,I1:.G2,MV+26,I2
- To replace the values
- .P2,MV+24,I1:.P2,MV+26,I2
- Simple, eh? DMM
- Yes sir. We have multi-selectable
- scrolling menus now! But first, let's
- examine the regular SCROLLING MENU:
- .MV,area,b,i,u,h,s,w,l,t$,b$
- ----------------------------
- area - use x1,x2,y1,y2 in your code
- b - box color
- i - icon collor
- u - unhighlighted color
- h - highlighted color
- s - selected color
- w - selected With bar
- l - location of file
- t$ - top string
- b$ - bottom string
- It's always easy to spot the
- selected items, even when they are
- under the highlight bar. Which of the
- u,h,s,w items are REVERSED is set
- from bits 3-0 to MV+15. By default,
- the highlight bar and all selected
- items are reversed. Each reverse bit
- can be temporarily disobeyed by
- adding 128 to the u,h,s,w parameters.
- Selecting items is as easy as
- hitting RETURN or clicking on them.
- The item is toggled and the mouse and
- highlight bar are moved down to the
- next item, scrolling when necessary -
- even when selecting with the mouse!
- The additional keys A, N, and T
- function within multi-select menus to
- select ALL, NONE, and to TOGGLE ALL
- items (respectively). The mouse user
- cannot access these special features
- unless YOU enable manual icons!
- Exiting a multi-select menu is the
- confusing part. If you press the EXIT
- key (MV+16), SL% will return the
- number of items selected. If ESCAPE is
- pressed, the menu is cancelled and
- zero is returned in SL%. The selected
- items still exist, and still can be
- indexed, but you are just told that
- there weren't any selected items.
- Once you have a selected item or
- items, use:
- -------------------------------
- This puts the ITEM(Number) into
- W$ and (if a Directory) F$. A quick
- look at Selected Items could be
- accomplished with
- FOR X=1 TO SL%
- .SP,x,y,number
- -------------------
- Does a PRINT AT of the item text,
- without affecting W$.
- -----------------------------------
- Does that same as
- P@,x,y,F$
- (without affecting F$!
- If you are using manual icons, the
- mouse usually can move anywhere on the
- screen. Nothing happens if the user
- clicks outside the menu. Even clicking
- on an active region has no effect IF
- the region number isn't one that I've
- assigned a function to.
- Here are the REGION NUMBERS and
- the functions they would have for a
- regular scrolling menu:
- 1. home
- 2. scroll up
- 3. scroll down
- 4. exit
- 5. page up
- 6. page down
- Regions 5 and 6 aren't
- necessary, so don't feel obligated to
- use them. Nothing bad will happen if
- you don't have 6 active regions.
- Right-clicking on regions 2 and 3
- also PAGE, too.
- obey up to four extra regions, if you
- take the time to define them.
- 7. select all
- 8. select none
- 9. toggle all
- 10. cancel
- Pressing EXIT or clicking on
- region 4 will return the number of
- selected items in SL%. Region 10
- behaves just like ESCAPE, returning a
- grand total of zero selected items.
- Remember: When regions overlap,
- the higher number has priority. So, if
- you don't want regions 5 and 6 in your
- multi-select menu, just be sure to
- define regions 7 and 8 so they
- perfectly overlap the previous two on
- the screen!
- However, joystick users with a
- repeating fire button may appreciate
- regions 5 and 6. No matter what you
- decide, be sure to include regions
- 1-4: the same ones that are present
- using the generic "standard" icons.
- .S#,current,total,selected
- --------------------------
- You can add that finishing touch
- to a scrolling menu with SCROLL
- NUMBER. Like the LOADSTAR Presenter's
- Text Reader, you can make a message
- like "Line 172 of 308" that is updated
- each time the infomation changes.
- Multi-select menus also show the total
- number of SELECTED items.
- The parameters are locations in
- memory where the numbers will be POKEd
- by this routine. So, to put the
- Current line number at the top of the
- default screen, the Total just below
- it, and ignore Selected, use:
- SYS ML+228,1024,1064,0
- One reason this is a separate
- command is because it is RISKY. The
- numbers are POKEd to the location you
- specify, whether it be the screen or
- somewhere it can wreak havoc! So, be
- careful when entering these values.
- It takes some time to figure out
- the screen location to place each
- 4-digit number at, but it is worth the
- effort. Assign 0 to the numbers that
- you choose not to enable.
- [NOTE:] Use the PP% variable in a
- short program line to let the mouse
- find the location!
- .DO:.MA:.UN L2%:?PP%
- -------------------
- Four variables help to give the
- joystick and CRSR keys several degrees
- of motion. The minimum and maximum
- speeds are measured in "pixels per
- interrupt". The acceleration and
- deceleration values are more relative.
- But don't bother yourself with these
- settings: the defaults work quite well
- for most applications.
- Sprite Update, the variable at
- MV+5, could be set to zero to prevent
- the interrupt routine from moving any
- sprites at all. It still would keep
- track of the "phantom" pointer. I
- doubt that this command is of any use.
- NOTE: Actually, it DOES have a use.
- When you really, really need all 8
- sprites during a program and can live
- without the mouse -- or can code to
- use a character as a mouse, you will
- be glad Lee included this varialbe!
- On boot, DotBASIC uses the EASY
- SPRITE function to produce a simple
- arrow pointer. The upper-leftmost
- pixel of that sprite is what is called
- the "pointing pixel". As far as
- DotBASIC is concerned, that IS the
- pointer! All feedback data returned by
- the ASK routine is true for that one
- pixel only.
- What if you want to design a
- mouse-driven shooting game whose
- pointer looks like a targeting box?
- Related variables: (& defaults)
- MV+3 Pointing Pixel-X (0)
- MV+4 Pointing Pixel-Y (0)
- Use these variables to define the
- pointing pixel within your sprite,
- where x=0-23 and y=0-20. Expanded
- sprites mean you should double the
- proper value(s) here, too.
- LN
- NOTE: These docs have been edited
- with the assumption that you will be
- doing purely DotBASIC programming.
- Mr.Mouse is fully available in
- DotBASIC, with a beginning address of
- 9216. ML coders can also use many of
- these commands to great advantage. For
- Mr.Mouse address offsets, see issue
- 177.
- Even as I edit this massive
- documentation, I realize that DotBASIC
- -- at least the Mr. Mouse portion --
- is incredibly powerful. I am still
- learning. And you can to!