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- T H E D R . P H I L T E S T
- Program and Docs
- by Dave Moorman
- This test was sent to me by one of
- my esteemed email "goodie" suppliers.
- Of course, I took it immediately, and
- was blown away by it's accuracy.
- This HAD to become a LOADSTAR
- quiz. I thought of putting it in Quiz
- Meister, but the calculation of the
- resulting personality profile was a
- tad beyond that excellent program.
- This only goes to show that even
- though the "wheel" has been invented
- and good application programs do exist
- for most every need, one should be
- ready and able to whip together a
- mostly-BASIC program to do exactly
- what is wanted.
- PHIL depends on Mr.Mouse 3.0 for
- its good looks and easy design. The
- test, as received on the internet, was
- converted to Edstar format and marked
- up so the computer could easily read
- the various lines as needed.
- Now this is where Mr.Mouse is so
- dramatically useful: I have edited
- dozens of programs that read external
- data into the body of the program by
- opening the file and INPUT#8,A$(X). I
- have no problem with this if a few
- small pieces of data are needed. But
- when a lot of text is being used --
- get out Mr.Mouse!
- With Mr.Mouse, you can bload the
- entire Edstar file into any available
- chunk of memory -- even under ROM --
- then "rack" it with a Mr.Mouse
- command. This goes through the file in
- memory and appends string pointers for
- each line of text. Once racked, the
- program can call each line by its
- index number.
- With this feature alone, Mr.Mouse
- 3.0 pays for its 4K or 5K overhead!
- You have created a string array of any
- size -- without using BASIC string
- memory and in a fraction of the time
- required by INPUT#ing each line into
- the program.
- For this quiz, I marked the
- sections using single characters on
- lines immediately after the desired
- text. These characters can be trapped
- by an IF-THEN to stop the process. For
- the Personality Reports, I put a "*"
- on the line before each paragraph,
- then scanned the text for the marks
- and created an index array pointing to
- the next line.
- The Menu command of Mr.Mouse does
- most of the rest -- turning a printed
- list of options into an easy-to-use
- menu with just one command. In a
- matter of a couple of hours, PHIL was
- ready to go! The last tweak was to
- turn on the mouse arrow.
- To save space, I then Linked and
- Packed the whole thing using LINKER
- and PACKER, by Mr.Mouse creator Lee
- Novak. The beauty of his programs is
- that not only does the program take
- less space, but Lee's DISSOLVER can
- unpack the compilation into the
- orginal files -- extremely useful when
- one needs to fix something.
- Programming is just a matter of
- lining up commands in the right order
- to accomplish whatever you want. With
- Mr.Mouse 3.0 (or more extensive 2.1),
- you have the commands to do most of
- the work.